Twitch – Aussie Streamer
TPvP - Ranger's Only Guild
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Put me on the roster. I’ll definitely join your tPvP at night. I’m mostly on after 9:30pm PST.
The Never Ending Repertoire of Ranger Builds
Salt of the Earth {SALT} Crystal Desert© ~~Dragon Rank~~
Rangers collaborating as a team to get the absolute most out of our class? Sounds fun, and I’m always solo Q anyhow, sign me up. For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
I’m interested, please let me know when/where. Happy to adapt to any build/playstyle.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
Sign me up, i’m on normally at night
I will be contacting everyone over the next 24hr’s,
There are some really good ranger team builds out there for TPvP and few of them shine best in a all ranger team.
Really looking forward to making a big impact on the TPvP, I’m also sick of Solo Que when my normal team isn’t online.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Put me on the roster. I’ll definitely join your tPvP at night. I’m mostly on after 9:30pm PST.
Watching your duelling video, think we have faced each other fare few times and I think we duelled once as I remember talking to someone who ran 0/10/30/15/15 and did same combo as you, and it was on the same map you duelled Stunningstyles which is one of my mates lol.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
5 rangers is OP. Message me. Not sure If I will join but maybe guest star or something.
Am I good?… I’m good.
Very interested.
Great idea
Put me on the roster. I’ll definitely join your tPvP at night. I’m mostly on after 9:30pm PST.
Watching your duelling video, think we have faced each other fare few times and I think we duelled once as I remember talking to someone who ran 0/10/30/15/15 and did same combo as you, and it was on the same map you duelled Stunningstyles which is one of my mates lol.
Stunningstyles, was he a Thief? If so, I think I remember chatting with him about builds. We dueled a few times. I thought he was a cool guy. It will be great to get a team put together. The more people the better as some will be offline or at work, etc.
Edit: I just went back and watched my dueling video and noticed he was the Mesmer.
The Never Ending Repertoire of Ranger Builds
Salt of the Earth {SALT} Crystal Desert© ~~Dragon Rank~~
(edited by ItIsFinished.9462)
I would sign up but i am EU
Bump need a few more good rangers to join up.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
I’m not that great but I’d love to join and I’d be willing to learn and try new stuff, and hopefully end up being a help.
i’m in.
here are your other 15 characters plus some more for good measure
Picture it, Wolf/Hyena combo. Run in everyone proc’s Hyena F2 and now its 15 vs 5 lol…….
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Lol. If I had more free-time, I’d join you. Alas I don’t :-/
Please make some videos though ;-)
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
Picture it, Wolf/Hyena combo. Run in everyone proc’s Hyena F2 and now its 15 vs 5 lol…….
A bunch of friends and I did this, and just to mind kitten the other team some more, we all named the pets after one another so we all had doubles of ourselves.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
Picture it, Wolf/Hyena combo. Run in everyone proc’s Hyena F2 and now its 15 vs 5 lol…….
A bunch of friends and I did this, and just to mind kitten the other team some more, we all named the pets after one another so we all had doubles of ourselves.
Then all create a toon with the exactly same look and get very similar, long names.
Well, once you guys get rolling, could you give us Euros some vids, if possible?
I’m especially interested in whether you try to get a roaming LB/GS glass ranger into the mix.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.
If any rangers on ehmry bay (feel free to come here if you’re US) want to, I’m always looking for other Rangers to run with. Back when Guard let you put Rangers on walls, I had 4 guildies on their Rangers and we had a blast on open field and sieges. Now that that got nerfed, they are either gone entirely (tired of being nerfed) or playing different classes.
I’ve found that Rangers do well in groups. More healing spring up-time. More might/fury/swiftness from horn (if any rangers use it … i usually don’t). More pets on the called target making them hate life a little bit.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
Hmm, Drakehound/Immobilize + Reef Drake/Confusion + River Drake/Lightning Breath = a nasty hold point fight. Also, if one Ranger lays down Healing Spring, the Blast Finishers from the two Drakes could keep the group fully healed.
It will be fun setting up builds and testing strategy’s.
Wanted to mention that last night before bed I think their was seven Rangers in the guild with one waiting for acceptance. Hopefully we can get a few more for rotation purposes or when players are at work/real life stuff etc.
The Never Ending Repertoire of Ranger Builds
Salt of the Earth {SALT} Crystal Desert© ~~Dragon Rank~~
(edited by ItIsFinished.9462)
I get off school in less than 2 weeks. I’d be down then. Go rangers! Add me as Not David.
Here’s an interesting concept, you know how thieves can stack stealth through leaps? I wonder if the 5 man ranger team can stack 5 healing springs at the beginning and thereby potentially 75s of regen and, if traited, vigor. That’s without and trait or rune duration enhancements…
2-5 warhorns as well?
I’m not sure what does and doesn’t stack, but a 5 man ranger team does have the potential to stack up nice long durations of boons if things like this stack. For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
Regen, Fury, and Swiftness are trivial for many other classes to stack alone. These are what you’d be able to stack with Horn + Healing Spring. The might stacks in quantity instead of duration, but, again, others do that better.
The advantage a Ranger brings to the table is the fact that they can be put on the defensive, even running for their life, and still be doing 30% to 40% of their damage to you (yes, that’s my pet biting your backside)
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
Spirits will be viable in a all ranger team. Burning on all our arrows we will be one big condition bomb, we don’t really need focus on being bursty. We can focus so hard on conditions and the arrows on one target its doom for that target.
Do maths 4 rangers shooting one target all with spirits its op.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Until the spirits die ;-)
Here’s to hoping the next patch makes spirits awesome … or at least good.
<edit>Also, wouldn’t the spirits share the same internal CD since I assume it’s on the buff they provide and not on them
</edit>Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
(edited by Sebrent.3625)
Regen, Fury, and Swiftness are trivial for many other classes to stack alone. These are what you’d be able to stack with Horn + Healing Spring. The might stacks in quantity instead of duration, but, again, others do that better.
The advantage a Ranger brings to the table is the fact that they can be put on the defensive, even running for their life, and still be doing 30% to 40% of their damage to you (yes, that’s my pet biting your backside
The fury is the most important one though. It would mean that points wouldn’t necessarily have to be dedicated to precision, if a team as organized enough to get the people with warhorns to roam well and maintain on the necessary group members. With the base of 4% crit damage, fury is about a 10% increase in damage output. That, coupled with sigil procs, could have a fairly significant effect.
75s regen on a ranger in the group that could have a bunker setup with dwayna runes, for instance, is going to get 75s*63% duration = 122s of regen (if it isn’t stripped, but there aren’t many classes that can strip boons). For that bunker, that would equal (estimated) 400-500 regen per second? That sounds pretty powerful to me For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
Null field, corrupt boon, boon removal on shatter, arcane thievery. Time to stack up again ;-)
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
So to whom haven’t messaged me, if you want to join the TPvP guild send me in-game message or forum message so I can send out invites.
I am still after people who know there ranger I don’t want to be training PvE’ers they can goto SPvP and learn lol.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Null field, corrupt boon, boon removal on shatter, arcane thievery. Time to stack up again ;-)
That’s one mesmer, there’s 5 rangers, how do you know which ranger you need to strip at the beginning of a match? What if there’s more than 1 BM?
Somebody on some node is going to retain that regen advantage for the first minute of the match. Unless there is a team comp of all mesmers/necros, or they add more boon stripping across all classes (nerfing certain classes the the community is calling OP, without nerfing the classes themselves? No, it’s probably too much to have to think through that cause and effect logic for such great balancers) lol. For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
Still, you have to stack up to get that. Other classes can do that alone without stacking up. I don’t see the advantage over others.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
Still, you have to stack up to get that. Other classes can do that alone without stacking up. I don’t see the advantage over others.
I’m actually curious since I don’t spend time with many other classes, which other classes can get perma regen (besides ele?).
I mean, I guess mesmers can too in certain builds, but I don’t think necros or engineers could do it. I’m not entirely sure about other classes (Guardian can probably do it). For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
Still, you have to stack up to get that. Other classes can do that alone without stacking up. I don’t see the advantage over others.
I’m actually curious since I don’t spend time with many other classes, which other classes can get perma regen (besides ele?).
I mean, I guess mesmers can too in certain builds, but I don’t think necros or engineers could do it. I’m not entirely sure about other classes (Guardian can probably do it).
Engineers can and your shortbow can fuel it when their back is turned to you and they have the condition to boon conversion trait. Warriors can easily get perma regen (and give it to all party members within range) with banners and 30 points into tactics. Of course, a banner regen warrior is about as rare as a post saying “LF1M Fractals Lv 40 — Need Ranger!”
Few builds I’ve found viable in TPvP.
Trapper build running 0/30/30/10/0, Wolf/Hyena SB Sword/Horn with different way of looking at what runes and jewel and conmen sigils to run it proved to very nice.
Bunker build there are many viable types but one so far has shined for me I rarely lose to anyone using it extremely good at killing and holding points against several targets while backup gets there.
Spirit build is viable in TPvP, people just don’t target the spirits. But in saying that the player using the spirits needs to be mindful of there location on the map.
There are other builds sure but 3 most viable are mods of current builds I’ve seen and tested.
Really looking forward to getting a solid team running.
I will be recording match’s and uploading also hope few others can record as well so we can make solid video showing ranger team wiping the meta.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Few builds I’ve found viable in TPvP.
Trapper build running 0/30/30/10/0, Wolf/Hyena SB Sword/Horn with different way of looking at what runes and jewel and conmen sigils to run it proved to very nice.
Bunker build there are many viable types but one so far has shined for me I rarely lose to anyone using it extremely good at killing and holding points against several targets while backup gets there.
Spirit build is viable in TPvP, people just don’t target the spirits. But in saying that the player using the spirits needs to be mindful of there location on the map.
There are other builds sure but 3 most viable are mods of current builds I’ve seen and tested.
Really looking forward to getting a solid team running.
I will be recording match’s and uploading also hope few others can record as well so we can make solid video showing ranger team wiping the meta.
Roaming Glasscanon Ranger.
You basically drive opponents off the points, while they are engaged by your bunker.
At 1500 Range, you are pretty much free to do so anyway and the greatsword ensures enough mobility to run from point to point within seconds.
Basically, the opponents bunker will suddenly have 20 stacks of vulnerability and be under heavy fire. Your bunker can then just deliver the finishing strike.
Not much of a point holder but it was never meant to be. Just roam between points and shoot the opponents from range.
The build needs a good team composition tho. Nothing half-hearted.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.
I want to join, but I’m at Deso (an EU server). Hope to see some vids from you guys!
I’ll add this to the to the compilation thread!
Doing It With Style
We will be recording, I want to try and setup a stream for when we are doing TPvP, I will also be setting up a channel for the guild to upload games and highlights to.
Once we get things kicked off and everyone in guild is happy I will start putting together tuts on builds we are running and combo chains.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Sign me up, Cap’n. I’m admittedly no expert on pvp, but ranger is literally the only thing I play. I have 5 of them…
And Sebrent, I’ll run with you sometime. Tekks and I will usually roam together in WvW.
Of course you’ll run with me … you’ve seen my avatar … I’m “fabulous on tap”
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
We are up to 12 Members in the Ranger TPvP guild, so I’m closing the doors for bit and start putting the guild to action.
Twitch – Aussie Streamer