The F2 pet skills...

The F2 pet skills...

in Ranger

Posted by: Jns.1059


Why do they fail when the pet is moving? The game is all about using skills on the move.

It’s very annoying to wait for the pet to use one simple skill.

The F2 pet skills...

in Ranger

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


Because the animation requirements they have to stop to use the F2… Not to mention JP, lead game designer, said they don’t work as intended, they cannot fix them right now, and don’t know when they are going to.

Of course, that’s why I think it’s the best time to try to get something put in the place of the broken pets.

RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.

The F2 pet skills...

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


A-net has consistently told us that pet F2’s will not be fixed because they do not know how to without apparently “breaking” tons of game mechanics. In the game that they made, they are unable to fix a simple responsiveness problem.

Stormbluff Isle

The F2 pet skills...

in Ranger

Posted by: Krypto.2069


The game will be dead and buried before the Ranger F2 skills work properly. It’s comical really… and pathetic.

Moonlight [THRU]

The F2 pet skills...

in Ranger

Posted by: Rivebise.2354


and one of the first big bug with F2 of the pet is to push him 3 times in combat to be “understand” by the pet. Seriously, i hit a button and it doesn’t even understand it, oki so why give a F2 skill ?
And maybe one day Anet will correct the bug on ranger pet attack tooltip (dmg, condition duration, buff duration) => 6 X 40 pet => 240 bug in description, after more than1 year, it’s not a good work from developper (and i’m one so…).

All is vain

The F2 pet skills...

in Ranger

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


A-net has consistently told us that pet F2’s will not be fixed because they do not know how to without apparently “breaking” tons of game mechanics. In the game that they made, they are unable to fix a simple responsiveness problem.

And then they wonder why most Rangers don’t even bother using their pets or taking care of them…they’re nothing more than worthless in anything but PvE, and even there they’re worthless (most of the time).

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

The F2 pet skills...

in Ranger

Posted by: Mardermann.7468


Actually thats why I stopped playing the game alltogether….
Not knowing how to fix your own effing code?

Well that and the ascended kitten….
Grindy as hell this game and – for me – no fun at all anymore …

just keep skimming the forums from time to time to see if they do anything interesting with the Ranger….
But after the last patch I lost hope completely that someone competent is doing something with this class…

The F2 pet skills...

in Ranger

Posted by: Supreme.4051


When I switch pets and use f2 it immediatly goes on 3s cooldown. Even when waiting for 2-3 secs after switch is still does the cooldown. After 10 seconds or more the pet finally attempts to use f2 skill – then he dies or gets knocked back and the fun starts again

The F2 pet skills...

in Ranger

Posted by: Pyrite.9641


When I switch pets and use f2 it immediatly goes on 3s cooldown. Even when waiting for 2-3 secs after switch is still does the cooldown. After 10 seconds or more the pet finally attempts to use f2 skill – then he dies or gets knocked back and the fun starts again

I’ve never had any trouble using pet skills. But then I typically use the Jungle stalker prior to combat for the might buff. I don’t typically use the pet skills in combat.

The F2 pet skills...

in Ranger

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


It is a pain but you start to learn how to use the F2 skills and how to avoid getting them on cooldown. The biggest problem is that they tend to work if you prepare to use them but less so in an immediate reaction time.

Stupid things like only hitting F2 once versus more than once make a lot of difference or stopping for a second so the pet isn’t moving and then buffing (e.g. stalker might) versus trying to buff while running.

The F2 pet skills...

in Ranger

Posted by: Supreme.4051


I’m talking about pets like wolf and hyena, who you wanna swap and let them use f2 right away.

The funny thing is I cannot recall having such problems with it some time ago. I haven’t played my ranger very much in the past few months, but it used to be a lot ‘better’ (They would only go on cd if you spammed f2 after switching, and it would work in over 50% of cases). Now it even goes on cd when you wait for 3s after switch and you hit f2 only once :/

^yeah let’s all stand still in a wvw zerg or spvp match to get our pet skills to work… kinda defeats the purpose because you’ll die

The F2 pet skills...

in Ranger

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


Well, that was only for the buff pets. The cc pets, it is about the timing of the cast after you swap. A lot of times, I find that if I am running a pet and it is on guard mode and attacking or pathing to attack, it’s F2 won’t fire. If I swap the pet and quickly F2, it tends to work well (I guess because it has no other commands yet to screw it up).

I short, there are workarounds which are a pain in the kitten but work more often than not to get those F2s working.

The F2 pet skills...

in Ranger

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


Well, that explains quite a few things. Kept thinking, because my pet was stealthed, it wasn’t going off. Now I know it was because . . . he was moving?


Again, fury bug fixed in less than two days. This? Bet money it’ll be late into next year before it’s addressed and fixed . . . if ever.

Gone to Reddit.

(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)

The F2 pet skills...

in Ranger

Posted by: atheria.2837


Why do they fail when the pet is moving? The game is all about using skills on the move.

It’s very annoying to wait for the pet to use one simple skill.

I find it unfair how many times my “pet” has not been able to save me even though his skills SAY he will.

It’s unfair to tell a player that a skill “will do this” but it really doesn’t.

That is not truth in gaming – gaming needs to be fair – and if the f2 key doesn’t work, it should be removed or replaced with a skill that DOES work, like now.

If this were any other kind of business and an “error” this “large” on a product was seen, it would be recalled.

As it is, I can’t even 1v1 a single player unless they are just really bad players or are dying anyway.

My world is WvW and without the skills to survive in there, the game is flat and humorless since dying all the time isn’t fun for anyone.

Not keeping all IT jobs here is a major reason IT is so bad HERE. 33y IT 10y IT Security

The F2 pet skills...

in Ranger

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

f2 skills shouldn’t be an issue, even with delayed responsiveness.

Jaguar and Raven f2 skills are an example of good skills. They require LITTLE animation, and they simply work.

The key term here is LITTLE animation. For something as unresponsive as pet f2, there is no reason why we should be having things like a 2s wolf howl.

The F2 pet skills...

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


they could at least lower the CD on some f2 skills . Jungle stalker 3 second cast time is hillarious

The F2 pet skills...

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenith.7301


F2 skills are terrible in general. A moa with a 4 sec prot on a huge cooldown and a cast time, and that’s the case for most pet F2 — marginal skills with large cooldowns.

The F2 pet skills...

in Ranger

Posted by: Ariete.6509


In what concerns the so-called “F2 sickness after swap”, meaning the pet’s active ability going on a short cooldown without being used, after a pet swap, i was able to get a decent improvement by adding a command in between the swap and F2:
So it goes like this:
F4 for the swap,
F1 a split second after / or F3 if the pet i’m choosing to has a buff on its F2 (stalker, moa, fernhound, bear),
F2 imediatly after.

I found that by issuing an attack or retreat command between the swap and the active ability greatly improves the F2 responsiveness.

Try it and let me know some feedback.

The F2 pet skills...

in Ranger

Posted by: Brett.4305


This is how to use pet’s F2 :
Jungle Stalker and Red Moa set passive (for the buffs only.)

Only use pets to fight in Queensdale.

In 2018, when the devs figure how to fix pets, they will shine in Cursed Shore.

Oh, the red button there kid, don’t ever, ever touch the red button.

The F2 pet skills...

in Ranger

Posted by: Jamoke.1523


Well, lets compare our F1-4 buttons to a guardians.
Ranger F1 (Pet chases enemy and probably won’t catches him)
Guardian F1(Burns foes every 4 hits passive and burns more on active use)
Ranger F2( Apparently pets don’t know how to use their skills and this skill fails)
Guardian F2 ( Passive healing, and heals if active)

I could go on but you get my point, we need to get rid of the pet and have another set of better F1-4 skills.

The F2 pet skills...

in Ranger

Posted by: Ariete.6509


Well i’d argue that the virtues are simply 3 more “signet-like” abilities that a Guardian has, out of all the classes, Rangers followed by a distant second Necro, are the absolute most creative class mechanics in the game. The honorable mention goes to Elementalists that are nothing more than different “pages” of skills and the engineer being granted simply extra buttons to push.

Bottom line, a Mechanic, like trully in the sense of the word as in an integrated system that relies on the correlaction of cause and effect to spawn different options and functions, Ranger’s win hands down.