(edited by Tuluum.9638)
I have been using the pig family as pets exclusively recently. Their stat numbers seem to be deceiving (much like the birds), so I did some testing. Their F2 skill seems dependent on the player more, which I really like. And they are oddly survivable, despite their numbers.
Using their F2 skill, along with them just auto attacking, they did better than any other pet against the mobs I tested against. This was in Frostgorge Sound against Dolyaks, Moose (Meese?), and Longhorn rams. Pet/me was level 71 and NPCs were 74-75.
Scale /11
Gunk /7
Venom Sac /6
Venom Sac poison field duration is 10 seconds.
Egg /13
Elixir of Heroes /7
Seed Pod /4
Notes: Egg has initiative regen. Seed pod has 190 healing (on my char, not sure if it changes as it didnt scale with level) and remains for ~6 seconds resulting in ~12 seconds of regen.
Feathers /8
Tuft of Hair /7
Plasma /10
Skull /9
Rock /6
Bone /10
Notes: Amount of fear from skull depends on distance, the closer the better.
After a bit of exploring, it seems that the skills are exactly (or close enough) to what a thief gets when they steal from “x” creature. It seems the info is HUGELY lacking when it comes to Pig Family foraged weapons. In fact, it says it only finds four and its the same across the board, but they each have three of their own things they find.
I only tested ~25-30 times for each (as you can see), but it seems some are more consistent than others. Boar seems to forage up everything pretty equally. Siamoth as well, with perhaps a bit more Plasma. Pig really likes to find eggs, sadly. And an interesting note is that the Elixir of heroes they find do NOT seem to despawn like every other forage found weapon. Warthog gets the scale the most. With such a small sample, it could all even out after more iterations but I found what I wanted so Im good :P
Try them out, you might be surprised at how effective they are. It takes some getting used to in using the improvised weapons, but they are VERY effective. Siamoth, for example, has Feathers and Tuft of Hair which do the same thing. 3 seconds of blindness and three seconds of stealth. Plasma gives all boons for 10 seconds (some, like stability, are less).
Also, you do the Ring of Earth attack when you pick up the foraged weapon, as well as when you activate it (at least in appearance). However, there needs to be a delay between the two that seems to be ~5 seconds. In some situations, like the stealth, it can be handy to wait. Though, most of the time its better to just activate it to get access to your normal skills quickly.
I apologize if this has already been posted. Searched, but didnt find anything other than mentioning them as useful in passing!
(edited by Tuluum.9638)
Pigs F2 ability needs to hack like Steal from Thieves, were it replaces the F2 with whatever they picked up.
Think about how much utility is present in what the Pigs currently have, and realize no one uses it because the awful nature at which Pigs f2 is designed currently around.
This is one of the main problems with Rangers currently, we have a lot of Stuff that should be on our class shoved onto our pets in a kitten manner with no thought to usability, and people wonder why we’re not as good as other classes.
Pigs F2 ability needs to hack like Steal from Thieves, were it replaces the F2 with whatever they picked up.
Think about how much utility is present in what the Pigs currently have, and realize no one uses it because the awful nature at which Pigs f2 is designed currently around.
This is one of the main problems with Rangers currently, we have a lot of Stuff that should be on our class shoved onto our pets in a kitten manner with no thought to usability, and people wonder why we’re not as good as other classes.
My problem with the pigs f2 isn’t that they aren’t built in. It’s cool because an ally can use it. Problem is in terms of the RNG itself and forage to a lesser extent.
Boar isn’t bad, I think it’s cool and works pretty well.
Pigs are cool except for Egg, think that needs a buff in all seriousness, lackluster.
Don’t know what I think of warthog…
Siamoth is alright.
But yeah, Egg and Warthog don’t rub me the right way.
Pigs F2 ability needs to hack like Steal from Thieves, were it replaces the F2 with whatever they picked up.
Think about how much utility is present in what the Pigs currently have, and realize no one uses it because the awful nature at which Pigs f2 is designed currently around.
This is one of the main problems with Rangers currently, we have a lot of Stuff that should be on our class shoved onto our pets in a kitten manner with no thought to usability, and people wonder why we’re not as good as other classes.
I am not entirely unhappy with the way they are now. I think the ranger needs a bit of work, but honestly, running pigs (heh) has been a force multiplier for me. I also love the ring of earth that casts around me, which might be taken away if its tied to the pet (since it still allows us all of our skills). I wouldnt be opposed to it though if everything remained the same and it just transformed the F2 skill. Of course, this would also prevent dropping tons of Elixirs of Heroes for everybody as they remain in the world. The ones I foraged yesterday are still there when I checked it out today.
Though, I think its pretty obvious they were thrown in since even the egg we find regenerates initiative. It might be handy if running with a thief.. maybe.
Other than that though, its more effective than running other pets for me and my playstyle. It takes more involvement (probably more than any other class) though, and I think it should reflect that a bit better.
Pigs F2 ability needs to hack like Steal from Thieves, were it replaces the F2 with whatever they picked up.
Think about how much utility is present in what the Pigs currently have, and realize no one uses it because the awful nature at which Pigs f2 is designed currently around.
This is one of the main problems with Rangers currently, we have a lot of Stuff that should be on our class shoved onto our pets in a kitten manner with no thought to usability, and people wonder why we’re not as good as other classes.
My problem with the pigs f2 isn’t that they aren’t built in. It’s cool because an ally can use it. Problem is in terms of the RNG itself and forage to a lesser extent.
Boar isn’t bad, I think it’s cool and works pretty well.
Pigs are cool except for Egg, think that needs a buff in all seriousness, lackluster.
Don’t know what I think of warthog…
Siamoth is alright.
But yeah, Egg and Warthog don’t rub me the right way.
I find siamoth to be the most reliable. It IS a RNG based system, but they are all pretty close in terms of what they find. And it will only ever be one of three things. All of the boars forages do damage and CC. The siamoth has two skills that are exactly the same (3s stealth/blind) and then a gain all boons for 10 sec skill (more if you have boon duration %). The pig is pretty much support/healing, though it would be a lot more effective if the egg was AoE. The warthog gives access to LONG durations of conditions (great for condi ranger and 12s of weakness is great) and two combo fields (poison and ethereal). They are all pretty handy in their way, and they seem to find things grouped in the same approximate category.
Its a lot like many mesmer skills, where it is a bit random but still of the same “flavor” so it can be useful beyond solely dumb luck.
Basically, I dont find them any more unwieldy/unreliable than other pets. Which is definitely an area I think needs a bit of work if they are going to cap the players damage with the expectation of the pet making up the difference. Completely different discussion though.
(edited by Tuluum.9638)
Why would egg need a buff? It heals for ~2k and scales AMAZINGLY with healing power… at ~1k healing power it increases the healing to about 2.8k.
Really powerful heal right there.
Why would egg need a buff? It heals for ~2k and scales AMAZINGLY with healing power… at ~1k healing power it increases the healing to about 2.8k.
Really powerful heal right there.
Wasnt aware of the scaling with healing power, since I dont have any on my current build. Thanks for bringing the info in!
For the amount of time it takes though, I would personally rather have other skills to increase survivability. A 2k heal on a 40 second cooldown, with an activation time of
2 seconds (not including the time to run to it and pick it up) isnt too impressive to me. Then again, I came from an ele main, so maybe my perspective is skewed :P If it had another effect besides initiative regen (maybe even a water field), I might change my tune though.
I still would like it to be an AoE.
Edit: I was also mistaken about this not being on the wiki, so a bit of wasted time on my part. It is just listed oddly. Oh well!
(edited by Tuluum.9638)
Pigs F2 ability needs to hack like Steal from Thieves, were it replaces the F2 with whatever they picked up.
Think about how much utility is present in what the Pigs currently have, and realize no one uses it because the awful nature at which Pigs f2 is designed currently around.
This is one of the main problems with Rangers currently, we have a lot of Stuff that should be on our class shoved onto our pets in a kitten manner with no thought to usability, and people wonder why we’re not as good as other classes.
I couldn’t agree more Xsorsus.
Also, you do the Ring of Earth attack when you pick up the foraged weapon, as well as when you activate it (at least in appearance).
The fact that “on weapon swap” effects happen when you pick up and use environmental weapons is something I reported as an exploitable issue a couple weeks ago because so much bad can come from it. I won’t go into detail.
I like Siamoth for doing reckless things… with 50% boon duration the plasma is awesome, and stealth is great (but is getting nerfed).
Also, you do the Ring of Earth attack when you pick up the foraged weapon, as well as when you activate it (at least in appearance).
The fact that “on weapon swap” effects happen when you pick up and use environmental weapons is something I reported as an exploitable issue a couple weeks ago because so much bad can come from it. I won’t go into detail.
I like Siamoth for doing reckless things… with 50% boon duration the plasma is awesome, and stealth is great (but is getting nerfed).
Interesting, do you have more info on where it says this is a weapon swap effect? Obviously, an ele also has this skill on their bar (sans weapon swap) and it seems that the skills foraged are exactly like a thieves, so it appears to be in line with the general idea of it. I had no runes on me at the time of testing.
How will the revealed change impact the stealth? Culling removal will, but I have yet to be able to use two of the stealth skills in less than 4 seconds from each other. They de-spawn rather quickly. Didnt test with the camo on disable trait either, so that might be affected. Cant remember if it is considered a “stealth” though.
(edited by Tuluum.9638)
I have never had it do the ring of earth attack, but I don’t have the AoE bleeding on weapon swap sigil equipped. I noticed… other things.
I was talking about the culling changes making stealth actually end when it is supposed to end.
I have never had it do the ring of earth attack, but I don’t have the AoE bleeding on weapon swap sigil equipped. I noticed… other things.
Yeah, I can see the game recognizing it as a weapon swap. I had no sigils on my weapons, so if its still activating a weapon swap skill it might not be WAI. The internal CDs would also line up with weapon swap sigils, iirc. That said, this specifically does not seem game breaking at all and pretty in line with how the skills work (kind of taking skills from other classes, mainly thief). It also might not be the weapon swap skill as Ring of Earth is a dagger main hand ele skill. Ill test it later if I get bored. Forgive me if I dont just take your word for it! This is the internet after all. It should be noted that I dont remember this happening when picking up random environmental weapons, but then again, I can count the number of times I have picked them up with one hand (before this little test). Pun intended?
I see what you are getting at though. The amount of information on the skill/mechanic is lacking, so its hard for me to determine what exactly is intended or not. Clarification by a dev wouldnt be a bad thing! Has anyone from Anet commented on it by any chance?
I was talking about the culling changes making stealth actually end when it is supposed to end.
Well, you are talking to someone who deleted their level 80 thief in full exotics because of how exploitative the class felt. I couldnt be happier about the culling change in every way. We’ll see how my hardware does when it gets implemented though.
(edited by Tuluum.9638)
There were some topics about pigs, one included full list of F2 items and what pig gives what items. I tested pigs as WvW pets, my results: F2 is not realiable enough (need to pick it up and it’s too random) and their KD is missing too much compared to wolves.
There were some topics about pigs, one included full list of F2 items and what pig gives what items. I tested pigs as WvW pets, my results: F2 is not realiable enough (need to pick it up and it’s too random) and their KD is missing too much compared to wolves.
Didnt find anything in my searches, but admitedly, I didnt try very hard.
Either way, its just another post with a full list, which as I mentioned is even stated on the wiki! I guess I just added some small drop rate tests.
I constantly use the siamoth and warthog in WvW though to great effect. Might have a lot to do with playstyle. I only have about 10k kills, but I feel like I can figure out what makes me more effective or not. I find very little randomness, tbh. With the siamoth, its either going to be a stealth or gaining all boons (in the situations that call for it, either one will serve the purpose). The warthog just gives me more conditions so I can apply them more consistently. I basically use it to keep condi pressure as strong as possible. The combo fields it lays down are great too. Love projectile finisher through an ethereal field (I play an Asura and run Pain Inverter as well). Then again though, my playstyle is very, very combo heavy since the class I was playing before ranger was an elementalist.
edit: Their KD really could use some work, but I still seem more effective overall than when running a canine. The amount of times I have seen the pig literally run through its target is dissapointing. Hopefully it will be fixed eventually.
(edited by Tuluum.9638)
I have never had it do the ring of earth attack, but I don’t have the AoE bleeding on weapon swap sigil equipped. I noticed… other things..
Just wanted to say I went into game and tested a bit. I agree with you that it isnt WAI. Now, I cant get it to activate at all, haha. I then equipped a sigil of geomancy, and it still wasnt proccing. Whether or not the effect is intended, it seems bugged. Weird too, since there are so few bugs in this game..
I thought it was a really great thing to have on this specific skill though (forage found weapons). Oh well!
Pigs F2 ability needs to hack like Steal from Thieves, were it replaces the F2 with whatever they picked up.
Think about how much utility is present in what the Pigs currently have, and realize no one uses it because the awful nature at which Pigs f2 is designed currently around.
This is one of the main problems with Rangers currently, we have a lot of Stuff that should be on our class shoved onto our pets in a kitten manner with no thought to usability, and people wonder why we’re not as good as other classes.
Pretty much this. F2 is absolutely worthless for bow users.
I never used the pigs except when I farmed TA. For some reason, the downscaled pig had same stats as the bear. So when you use it in lowbie dungeons like TA, it’s like having a bear that could CC.
The amount of auto attack damage you lose while picking it up and using it just doesn’t seem worth the benefit.
The amount of auto attack damage you lose while picking it up and using it just doesn’t seem worth the benefit.
I think it depends on what you’re auto attacking with. Using a greatsword, it’s rather easy to pick up the item and then pop it.
Still, I tried using the boar against the souped up golem boss in CoE. Since all of the golem’s attacks can be interrupted, I figured an extra stun/daze/fear would be incredibly useful. It wasn’t useful in the slightest. Even in melee range the skill is just too clunky to pull off an interrupt with, even if you leave the item on the ground until you think you might need it. The warthog’s AoE condition/combo field items are nice though.
Yeah, there’s already a thread about this
It’s weird though, it doesn’t show up when you search for it :-S
My personal Fav are Warthog and Boar. Both are really good in WvW. Boar is kitten good at defence, especially if you get the skull (pick up skull, run to door, break siege for 3 seconds+)
The amount of auto attack damage you lose while picking it up and using it just doesn’t seem worth the benefit.
like previously mentioned, depends what you attack.
trying to spam down a pro thief with SB wont work… pick up bone and smash him over the head then stun him with bow… TADA, dead thief.
only downside to pigs is the over-the-top CD on Forage… it should be closer to 30 seconds, not 40.
Also, the items you pick up barely lasts 15 seconds at best, so you gotta use them almost right away. Which is kinda annoying… should last atleast as long as CD
Also, the items you pick up barely lasts 15 seconds at best, so you gotta use them almost right away. Which is kinda annoying… should last atleast as long as CD
I tested it, and both stealth items stayed in my hands for 30 sec.
did you test the others too?
i mainly use Boar and Warthog myself, so i only know about those items “lifetime”
Yeah, there’s already a thread about this
Yeah… Not only that, but the info is on the wiki, lmao. I actually put decent time into it as well, thinking others could benefit. Like I said before though; Oh well! In my defense, I did put semi-relevant drop rates than can be built upon for further testing as well as some additional info on field times. So, I am still awesome. I refuse to check that thread you link in case it also lists those things and steals my awesomeness! My precious..
Ok, now onto losing damage from auto attack. As others have said, that depends on a lot of things. I really, really dont like dungeons though so I have no opinion there. I do feel the range of 900 is a bit strange, since I use sword/dagger and shortbow. If I used axe, it might fit in perfectly though. And maybe its just because I also have the highest damage classes in the game, but telling me that a ranger loses a bit in their auto attack isnt too relevant to me. With the damage cap, it isnt all that great anyway. For my specific build though, having the ability to apply constant conditions has massive benefit since they constantly get cleanses in WvW (where I spend most of my time). I tend to win by attrition on my ranger, so it works into that very, very well. The stealth from siamoth can allow me to get behind/flank people with the shortbow as well, which all works towards just applying conditions and staying alive while they tick!
While I use the siamoth quite a bit, I also find great utility with the boar. Especially since the forage found weapons all do roughly the same thing, with the exception of the skull. But.. that gives 3+ seconds of fear (condition duration seems to apply to it). All are extremely, extremely handy for CC sensitive classes like the thief. Not to mention that bone and rock seem to do more damage than any of our real skills, sans condition.
As for cooldowns, I will test it a bit later but I found that the weapon will stay in hand for roughly half the cooldown of the forage ability, or 20 seconds. It stays on the ground for longer, but still not the entire cooldown.. so maybe 30/35 seconds. The elixir of heroes, as previously stated, stays until it is consumed (at least 24 hours).
One of my favorites is getting a plasma while I am trying to get into a tower/keep to defend it. Instead of popping rampage as one for the stability, can just get it from my pet!
I agree on the cooldown. 30 seconds would be about perfect since that seems to be roughly how long the previously foraged weapon stays on the ground. Kind of like with spirits, by the time one is “gone,” it is off cooldown and ready to be used. I dont feel that would be game breaking at all. Though, honestly, I would rather them fix the general pet problems we have before approaching individual issues.
(edited by Tuluum.9638)
Yeah, there’s already a thread about this
Yeah… Not only that, but the info is on the wiki, lmao. I actually put decent time into it as well, thinking others could benefit. Like I said before though; Oh well! In my defense, I did put semi-relevant drop rates than can be built upon for further testing as well as some additional info on field times. So, I am still awesome.
I refuse to check that thread you link in case it also lists those things and steals my awesomeness! My precious..
Ohw-kay… Firstly, that’s very insecure of you :/ Sorry, but I have to say it. If you’re joking or sarcastic, I completely missed it.
Secondly, we talked about different things. You listed the frequency of items when I didn’t. What I wrote about is the themes of the pigs, what the forage items used for how to use the pig pets in a group context.
Lastly, you should give it a read. The only similar thing we wrote about are the links to the wiki.
Ohw-kay… Firstly, that’s very insecure of you :/ Sorry, but I have to say it. If you’re joking or sarcastic, I completely missed it.
Secondly, we talked about different things. You listed the frequency of items when I didn’t. What I wrote about is the themes of the pigs, what the forage items used for how to use the pig pets in a group context.
Lastly, you should give it a read. The only similar thing we wrote about are the links to the wiki.
It sure was joking and sarcastic, hahaha. Smeagol reference included. Unless, of course, YOU were joking with me about whether or not I was joking with you. If I think about it too much, my brain will explode.
I already read it, and you did a great job on it! Someone should put some of the info on the wiki though, including field times, etc. It seems all of the pets are pretty straight forward, with the exception of the Pig Family. Might not be bad to include the amount of time the foraged weapon stays in the environment, as well as how long it will stay in hand. I am not sure if it is the same with normal environmental weapons and foraged weapons.
Ohw-kay… Firstly, that’s very insecure of you :/ Sorry, but I have to say it. If you’re joking or sarcastic, I completely missed it.
Secondly, we talked about different things. You listed the frequency of items when I didn’t. What I wrote about is the themes of the pigs, what the forage items used for how to use the pig pets in a group context.
Lastly, you should give it a read. The only similar thing we wrote about are the links to the wiki.
It sure was joking and sarcastic, hahaha. Smeagol reference included.
Unless, of course, YOU were joking with me about whether or not I was joking with you. If I think about it too much, my brain will explode.
I already read it, and you did a great job on it! Someone should put some of the info on the wiki though, including field times, etc. It seems all of the pets are pretty straight forward, with the exception of the Pig Family. Might not be bad to include the amount of time the foraged weapon stays in the environment, as well as how long it will stay in hand. I am not sure if it is the same with normal environmental weapons and foraged weapons.
Unfortunately, I was serious :O Went over my head completely >_< I feel so bad now.. ._.
Anyway, yeah the wiki could use updating. I never really notice the duration of the items since I only forage when I need an item and I don’t stack them up.
Oh and I’m glad someone else took an interest to pigs Pigs got indirectly buffed when the pickup-a-bundle bug was fixed
Now if only people can accept that Forage is not Steal and the Forage Item won’t appear in your character’s hand…
So, after some testing last night i can 100% confirm that the KD on the pet (which lasts 3s) is an aoe cleave, which is pretty amazing!!
So, after some testing last night i can 100% confirm that the KD on the pet (which lasts 3s) is an aoe cleave, which is pretty amazing!!
Got any idea how wide it is? This is worth a wiki update!
So, after some testing last night i can 100% confirm that the KD on the pet (which lasts 3s) is an aoe cleave, which is pretty amazing!!
Got any idea how wide it is?
This is worth a wiki update!
I only tested it on my friend on his ranger with his spirits, it seems to be a cleave, and was able to hit at almost a 180 degree cone, it -may- be 180 degree but it always knocked him and his pet down plus an additional spirit.
Added it to the wiki and linked it to your post.
Hope we can fully test this out as it makes the pig pet have an edge over Canines
Added it to the wiki and linked it to your post.
Hope we can fully test this out as it makes the pig pet have an edge over Canines
Well it had an edge to begin with because the canine one is only a 2s KD, and the pigs is a 3s KD, but now that we know it’s an AoE… that long charge up before he uses it now makes sense xD.
Unfortunately, I was serious :O Went over my head completely >< I feel so bad now.. ..
Pshh, dont feel bad at all. Text is deceiving. In the future though, if you see my name, you can be pretty sure I am joking 99% of the time. So, if you wonder “is this guy actually serious?” Well, probably not!
Oh and I’m glad someone else took an interest to pigs
Pigs got indirectly buffed when the pickup-a-bundle bug was fixed
Now if only people can accept that Forage is not Steal and the Forage Item won’t appear in your character’s hand…
Yes, I agree. I actually think it might start to verge on OP for it to act like Steal. Of course, I also feel rangers need a bit of buffing almost solely due to the expectation of the pet doing the damage. I just dont want it like that. Maybe just an adjustment of our damage proportion to our pet.
Thanks for keeping the wiki updated, btw. For whatever reason, I just dont like doing that sort of thing despite being an electrical engineer, website dev, and custom computer builder. I guess some things in life just dont make sense!
As for supporting Pigs.. I bumped your thread as well, and am part of a just-now created group (consisting of me and me, for now) of self-appointed pig advocates. Partially joking with it, but I really do find them fantastically effective for my playstyle.
So, after some testing last night i can 100% confirm that the KD on the pet (which lasts 3s) is an aoe cleave, which is pretty amazing!!
That is an absolutely FANTASTIC find! I had been only testing against single enemies, so it would have never showed up and it certainly never crossed my mind it would have cleave attributes in the first place. And, as you say, it makes a lot of the design decisions around the skill make a whole lot more sense. Now, if it would only hit more consistently! But really, that seems to be a pet issue across the board. See this thread. I never thought of it that way, and that OP opened my eyes as to how the pets really do probably work.
Great job on that Durzlla.
There is something you can do with a boon build that’s amusing…
one sec, i’ll make a video of it for fun.
but now that we know it’s an AoE… that long charge up before he uses it now makes sense xD.
Actually, that’s not new info at all?
I tried using the fact it’s aoe agaist enemy zergs… didn’t go as planned. I’d -love- to use pigs, but I wolves seems just so much better :/
Quality will improve in a bit, but yea…
That was with no Boon Duration by the way.
Quality will improve in a bit, but yea…
That was with no Boon Duration by the way.
Im just going to take a stab in the dark and guess that is not WAI. Unless I am missing something.
I went into the game to test it as well, and sure enough, you can just keep spawning the foraged weapons even when the skill is on CD. If rangers ever get much attention from Anet, I have no doubt they will fix things like that before properly balancing the class!
but now that we know it’s an AoE… that long charge up before he uses it now makes sense xD.
Actually, that’s not new info at all?
Its fine that something which didnt help you at all inspired you to post to tell everyone you already knew.. but the info was new to me. I appreciated it as well.
Obviously its not technically “new” since it was programmed into the game.
Thanks again Durzlla!
I tried using the fact it’s aoe agaist enemy zergs… didn’t go as planned. I’d -love- to use pigs, but I wolves seems just so much better :/
Just out of curiosity, how exactly were you using them? Meaning, what strategies, skill executions, etc.
Since I actually find wolves to be less useful than pigs (with the exception of fearing opponents in downed state), I have no doubt our playstyles are different. That just means I could probably learn some things from ya!
but now that we know it’s an AoE… that long charge up before he uses it now makes sense xD.
Actually, that’s not new info at all?
Well that’s great that you knew this and didn’t bother letting anyone on the forums know or updating the wiki, but thank god you decided to tell us you knew it -now-.
but now that we know it’s an AoE… that long charge up before he uses it now makes sense xD.
Actually, that’s not new info at all?
Well that’s great that you knew this and didn’t bother letting anyone on the forums know or updating the wiki, but thank god you decided to tell us you knew it -now-.
Through the mysteries of the universe, I actually already knew that OG knew about this prior to him letting us all know he knew. So, in fact, him knowing was already known and thus was not new information at all either.
Ok, ok. Back on topic :P Do those who use pigs find it more useful to have them on passive or aggressive? I use passive, so I can select specific targets as well as having foraged items ideally spawn right next to me. If anyone uses it on aggressive, would you mind sharing some of your strategies and techniques? Always enjoy how differently people will approach the same thing. So, so much to learn from it!
Quality will improve in a bit, but yea…
That was with no Boon Duration by the way.
Im just going to take a stab in the dark and guess that is not WAI. Unless I am missing something.
I went into the game to test it as well, and sure enough, you can just keep spawning the foraged weapons even when the skill is on CD. If rangers ever get much attention from Anet, I have no doubt they will fix things like that before properly balancing the class!
The f2’s will display the cooldown when swapping, but it resets like always..
You can actually be a real kitten in PvP with this, since out of combat swapping is 1 second cooldown..and since having your pet attack someone actually doesn’t put you in combat, I can send my pet at you over and over again and swap them out all day long before you can kill it.
Little tip for bow users: Use F2 first, then send in pig and attack. Pick up the item at your feet and use it at range. Apparently Elixir of Heroes doesn’t despawn so you’ll have plenty of time to use that one. Works best with offensive items, since things like regen & stealth are defensive and situational and might despawn before you need em (or you’ve moved away). Also, AFAIK in WvWvW they can be used by enemy players…which is ridiculous.
but now that we know it’s an AoE… that long charge up before he uses it now makes sense xD.
Actually, that’s not new info at all?
Well that’s great that you knew this and didn’t bother letting anyone on the forums know or updating the wiki, but thank god you decided to tell us you knew it -now-.
Oh come on. The fact that pigs knockdown attack is an aoe attack has been know AND posted on this very forum plenty of times before.
If you happened to miss it, tough luck, but don’t try to be such a smartass about it.
Seriously wtf is wrong with you guys. You get to have bacon with 4 legs at pets. Every class wishes they could have such savory pork within their grasp.
To da pigs!
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