The Power of Drakes (video)
I really hope if any Anet employee that watches the video realizes most of the big hits and one-shots are with OS and the active SotW. Otherwise, I expect a nerf before HoT ships due to ignorance.
Nice vids by the way. I’m going to steal some of those moves and pretend I knew how to do them all along. x)
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
Maybe I should make a video of failed burst attempts too, i have enough footage ^^
The main problem are not even the used cooldowns, but the unreliability of tail swipe. It can be avoided easily by moving (cripple and chill does not help much and the build lacks immob) and sometimes the pet wastes all those nice dmg modifiers on autoattacks.
If somebody rly thinks, this build is op – just try it youself :p
Hot kitten , those damage numbers. I’m definitely going to have to try something like this. thanks for sharing!
That was beautiful, thank you. If only we had control of when tail swipe was used we could be so much stronger as a profession.
The child of thief backstab and warrior arcing slice.
sniff so beautiful. Thank you.
My favorite was the “inc” after your drake had already murdered everyone faster than you could react.
" lol dat hilt bash " i bet some players looked at you and thought what is he doing hitting Air , then Bam some one got brown trousers.
hits replay for the 3rd time
Some truly magical moments.
I had no idea drake could wreck face like this.
“Sic-em!”: 40% increase
Opening Strike: 25% Increase
Signet of the Wild: 25% Increase
Attack of Opportunity: 50% increase
1.4 × 1.5 × 1.25 x 1.25 = 3.28
More than triple damage in a single hit.
Been doing this a while now…mostly in PVP (many tears) that moment it lands…….so beautiful.
Nice vid, glad someone took the time to compile and post. =D
I don’t use guard in my build (pet stealth) and I still land over 50% on the first attack.
Vol I –
Vol II –