The QoL List 2.0

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


Since the last patch, there were a fair amount of Quality of Life updates on the Ranger done. We had some reductions (Search & Rescue), but overall, job well done, Irenio & gang!

Now, comes the 2nd entry of the QoL list. Much shorter than the 1st one I made since a lot of those were implemented! Not completely altering the purpose of a skill or trait, but (more or less) improving it within its current form.

If you have one to add, post it below! Irenio and crew seem to be reading up and taking notes. Let’s begin:

Tail Wind, Furious Grip, and Quick Draw cooldown reduced from 9s to 8s.

To be friendly with Rune of the Warrior. There is probably that one Ranger out there that uses Rune of the Warrior, and that’s fine. This is just to make the weapon swap cooldowns, on a whole, uniformed. Even Primal Echoes has an 8s cooldown.

This request also goes beyond the Ranger’s weapon swap traits and should also be applied to weapon swap sigils that currently have a 9s cooldown on them.

“Search & Rescue!” changed to have ground-target casting. (Land version only)

Since the reduction to make this shout equal to the usual 600 range, it’s been a bit more difficult to use. You (Anet) can keep it at 600 range if you like, but let the skill be a ground-target cast from the Player’s position.

Any ally within the target-zone will be teleported to you and the pet will shadow-step to your position and start reviving a downed ally. This will also make it much friendlier with ranged pets, as all of them are 900 range and above.

Hornet’s Sting (Sword 2) reduced cast time and Crippling Thrust (Sword 1b) to cleave.

A long-time request to have the cast time reduced so the evade can be accessed earlier and be more reactive and less clunky. Currently, the cast time is ½s. A small reduction down to a ¼s would be the sweet-spot. This would allow an opponent some time to react to the attack, as well as the player to use the evade.

As for Crippling Thrust, after the update it has since not been updated itself to cleave multiple targets. Yes, the cripple could be an issue, however, since the update, the sword chain has a bit more after-casts on it than before. Allow the entire chain to cleave so it can match all of the existing professions that use a main-hand sword (which cleave on all strikes).

Sharing is Caring: More Traits Pets Can Use.
-Hunter’s Tactics: Allow the critical hit chance increase when attacking from behind or the side to affect the pet when it strikes targets from the flank.
-Poison Master: Allow the increased poison damage to affect poison applied by the pet.
-Hidden Barbs: Allow the increased bleeding damage to affect bleeding applied by the pet.
-Oakheart Salve: Allow the damage reduction when the pet has regeneration.

Pets are the Ranger’s core mechanics. As with the update to Sharpened Edges trait, our pets should be able to benefit from more of our traits. In fact, if there is ever another trait revamp done in the future, more traits should incorporate a bond shared between the pet and its master.

Allowing the listed above traits (Steady Focus was omitted but could be considered) can give that small edge that players’ feel pets currently lack. It would not completely address many of the issues with pets, but it would be a small step in the right direction.

Note: Before anyone calls foul, I tested Poison Master and Hidden Barbs before placing these on the list. Currently, they do not affect their respective conditions when applied by the pet.

Astral Wisp & Vine Surge velocity increase.

Both these moves suffer in various ways. Not only do these skills have a decent cast time, but they are often slow to reach their target or destination. There have been many great suggestions to reworking these two skills, but for the sake of simplicity, a small start would be increasing the velocity of these Staff skills to be able to hit targets more reliably.

Astral Wisp to pulse its effect instead of passing through allies.

Currently, having the Wisp pass through allies can be awkward. Rather than increase the velocity of the orbiting speed or duration of its boon, have it be more straight-forward and pulse its heal to allies with in the radius.

As of right now, for allies to benefit the most from it is to have them move opposite of the Wisp’s orbiting direction while staying within melee range of the target. The reward is lacking to the risk and the manner to obtain maximum benefits are clunky. It also behaves oddly when attached to enemies with very large hit-boxes.

Altering the way it delivers its heals for allies into a pulsing area of effect that follows the target it is attached to will allow this skill to be more functional and less of a hassle, for both the user and allies.

Glyph of Rejuvenation’s player heal to also heal the pet.

This is a consistency issue. I’m tossing thematics out the window as this is the only heal that does not initially heal the pet. Say what you want, the initial heal should affect the pet so our core mechanic is not left out in the dust when 4 other players are within the radius.

Lower cooldowns of the core (Pre Heart of Thorns) Pets

The new pets that came with Heart of Thorns left the old, core Tyria pets in the dust. Only a small handful of them serve a purpose (relative to their game mode) while a majority of them are either used as a niche, or not used at all.

Rather than going through a complete Pet revamp or rework (search through the forums, there are many fantastic suggestions from the community), I will simply ask for all of the core pets’ F2 command cooldowns to be looked at and reduced.

I believe Irenio did a stellar job doing this with the Engineer Toolbelt skills – another class he is in charge of – by reducing and adjusting a lot of the cooldowns for quality of life purposes. No direct suggestions here, man. However, I will mention that a 45-second cooldown on the Polar Bear’s F2 is a bit of an extreme for what it does.

As a minor note/request: The old, core Tyria pets AND Tiger need love on their tooltip descriptions in regards to updating Condition Duration when traited with Expertise Training (Wilderness Survival – Adept). Boon durations work nicely on all pets, but Condition Duration only updates with the new breeds (Bristleback, Smokescale, and Wyverns).

Porcine Forage item to appear as the F2 rather than on the ground.

This would be a huge quality of life improvement for using a Porcine for the Forage item. Much like the Steal ability of the Thief, using Forage should play out the animation of the Porcine searching the ground as usual, then have the F2 icon flip to said item.

When the item is ready to use, the player can then press F2 for it to appear in the player’s hands to be used. This would be how the Ranger would deal with discarding unwanted items, if it comes to that.

With this approach, the item would not be lying on the ground for other players to use, other enemy players to use, or have the player be forced to use it if it were to automatically appear in the player’s hands.

Foraged items can then be used more effectively and strategically without being hindered or accidentally benefiting the opposition. This cannot be stressed enough. Equipping a Porcine and having an enemy retrieve the Foraged item makes Ranger the only profession that can provide an opportunity to aid an enemy while losing out on part of our profession’s mechanic!

Underwater stuff
-Evasive Strike (Spear 1c) to move while casting.
-“Guard!” recent functionality to work underwater.
-Druid Glyphs to work underwater.

Underwater doesn’t see much love these days, however, there are a few things to address since other professions had their elite specs fleshed out to be friendly when swimming.

It’s an odd design choice to have the Druid’s Celestial Avatar form work underwater but not any of the Glyphs. Glyphs are personal-based area of effect skills (PBAoE), so it would seem natural to work underwater. Even Seeds of Life functions underwater so Verdant Etchings shouldn’t be an issue when using Glyphs.

“Guard!” also needs to be looked at since its functionality was recently changed. It makes sense to have this skill work underwater since it no longer requires a ground-target cast or positions the pet.

Last, but not least. A minor change to the final Spear attack in the auto-chain, Evasive Strike, to be used whilst moving. This quality of life suggestion extends also the Mesmer Spear which suffers from the same issue of rooting the player in place on the final strike.

Seems odd to have an auto attack on a melee weapon root a player in place. (cough)

More accessible Opening Strikes
-Alpha Training minor merged into Opening Strike minor.
-Precise Strike moved down from Grandmaster minor to Master minor.
-Remorseless’ Gain an Opening Strike when you gain Fury as a Grandmaster minor.
-Remorseless makes Opening Strikes deal more damage and unblockable.

For the longest time, the Opening Strike minors had a major flaw of not being effective in continuous engagements as it used to only refresh when out of combat or relying on a Grandmaster trait, Remorseless.

These suggestions aim to make these minor traits accessible to various builds and play styles. By merging Alpha Training together with Opening Strike, and taking half of the current Remorseless trait and using it as a Grandmaster minor trait, the Opening Strike minors can finally be used without solely relying on the Remorseless trait.

As an added suggestion that was brought up in [this thread], Remorseless can gain a new feature in which it makes Opening Strikes unblockable. Since Opening Strikes only apply to the next attack, this can introduce an alternative for the Ranger profession to bypass blocks and aegis besides using traps.

Being held as a Grandmaster in Marksmanship will also limit its access and create a definitive choice for players when selecting a build and trait lines. It will not only create diversity within the competitive aspects of the game, but for all game modes, as well as with various gear and builds using low precision and different sources of fury; be it with pets, weapons, traits, runes, or group compositions.

This is the only suggestion (so far) that oversteps the bounds for altering things in such a way that the impact goes far beyond quality of life. It is both strong but limited, so it does not become too powerful. Please, think about this one.

Steady Focus applies 5% damage per 50 endurance.
(suggested by Lazze)

Yes, Rangers have access to plenty of vigor and evasion. However, all-or-nothing traits such as this feel outdated and somewhat punishing for using a core game mechanic: dodging.

Rather than completely alter the trait, what about dividing up the damage bonus to apply per 50 endurance the player has? It retains the purpose of using other means of evasion, blocks, and strafing to keep up the damage bonus while being flexible and not completely punishing for using dodges.

There are plenty of traits on other professions that have various levels of effectiveness based on different conditions and thresholds. Traits like Steady Focus could benefit from this treatment as well. This also extends to the Engineer trait, Excessive Energy (Tools, Grandmaster minor), which is similar to Steady Focus.

Sharpening Stone is outdated.

I won’t state the ways Sharpening Stone can be improved, but the general Ranger community find this utility lackluster. 5 bleeds to apply on the next 5 strikes on a 45-second cooldown is straight-up mediocre.

It’s a cross between a badly implemented Preparation from the original Guild Wars and Thief venom. This utility requires attention in some way. There have been some good revamps on skills recently, both functional and creative; so we can only look forward to what changes could be in store if Sharpening Stone were to see some love.

Visible Boons, Buffs, and Conditions on our Pet

Our pet is the Ranger’s core mechanic. Unlike other professions that have temporary minions, ours is a permanent feature. Players could benefit greatly by having our UI to display the active boons, buffs, and conditions placed on our pet.

This would allow a more streamlined approach on checking the status without the clunkiness of locating and clicking on our pet. This would also help players make smarter and decisive choices when to tactically use commands and/or utilities depending on a pet’s status.

Keybind for Stow/Activate Button

Many Rangers stow their pets before entering combat to activate pet swap traits tactically. Let’s add a keybind for this Ranger function for less skill clicking and fumbling with the mouse cursor to click this relatively small icon (varies depending on individual UI size settings).

Profession Mechanic Transformation Skill Previews
(suggested by Droog)

This is for ease of access in terms of information. Providing a preview to Celestial Avatar Forms skills in the weapon tab in the Hero Panel can cut down on time when experimenting with different gear and builds and checking out the numbers.

This will also benefit new players and new players to the Druid elite specialization, being able to see what each skill does to better familiarize themselves without having to build up Astral Force repeatedly in order to view them.

An alternative way to include preview of these skills can be done by having the 1st minor trait in the elite specialization display skills one-by-one via right-clicking. This is currently present on the Warrior’s Berserker elite specialization 1st minor trait that lists the different functions of each Primal Rage burst with different weapons.

This suggestion also extends to Necromancer & Reaper Shroud skills. Quality of life for all.

Edit: Added a more suggestions.

Will update once Path of Fire releases.

(edited by Wondrouswall.7169)

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Yes the vine surge speed is super slow, but increasing the velocity would only improve it a little bit imo. The problem here is that it such a one dimensional attack that strafing will let you evade the entire thing.

I think the better suggestion is reduce the range and widen the radius to an arc, kinda like poison volley or ricochet. This will make its AoE portion more useful than a line.

I would even add a little condition on it like poison or torment or bleed.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: InsaneQR.7412


Bumb it! Definetly agreeing especially for the porcine hand helt change.

Pale Raiders united.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


Bump with a few extra stuff.

Will update once Path of Fire releases.

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: foste.3098


Lower cooldowns of the core (Pre Heart of Thorns) Pets

This will not solve the issue the core pets have which is they can’t hit anything that moves and their f2 skills can almost never hit because of horrid casts & aftercasts. I made a post about what can be done to improve the pets:

I would also like to see some changes to skirmishing and marksmanship (our 2 damage lines). The marksmanship changes you suggested are good.
Another 2 traits that NEED to change are the terrible predator’s instinct and steady focus. One is a garbage trait that does nothing the other is a horrible damage modifier that goes against everything gw2 combat is (do not dodge attacks; this is from a pvp point of view where you cannot expect not to use endurance).
Just to remind everyone in HoT beta berzerker had a trait similar to our opening strike where it only ever did something at the start of a fight and lo and behold it got changed because it was a horrible trait (now it is a good version of opening strike that can recharge itself without needing to take any other traits or any boon, it is a self sufficient trait). And yet we are still stuck with our having to take a grand master and spam fury to make it somewhat decent. I would also make it recharge whenever we use f2 in addition to what was suggested above.

In skirmishing i would like the 10% dmg to be taken from light on your feet and merged with the hunter’s tactics minor (maybe reduce i to 5% and change it to trigger when flanking not after a dodge roll), and light on your feet now increases condition damage and duration by 10%. Reason for this is short bow is NOT a power weapon and it is NOT a hybrid weapon no matter how much you buff it (main hand axe is), it makes 0 sense to slap a strong power modifier on a shortbow trait 0.

edit: forgot about most dangerous game, change this trash trait to: ‘gain x stacks of might (x sec duration) whenever you loose 10% of your maximum hp’. The idea is you gain might as you fight and loose health due to trading hits rather than gaining it when you are below 50%. So this way you actually can make use of it in a fight because you are not focusing on surviving (lets be honest if you are at 50% hp your instinct is not to go ham because you are getting might it is to kite and heal up because you are dying).

see no evil ,until i stab you

(edited by foste.3098)

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


This will not solve the issue the core pets have which is they can’t hit anything that moves and their f2 skills can almost never hit because of horrid casts & aftercasts.

I agree that lower F2 cooldowns alone won’t solve the issues, but let’s go for small steps for now. A lot minor changes that can/will have a major impact when combined with others. At least then, it can be more obtainable vs a complete rework.

Will update once Path of Fire releases.

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Lazze.9870


Change Steady Focus to increase damage based on how much endurance you have left. I.e 10 % when full, 5 % when at half etc. A major trait on the master level shouldn’t have zero impact whenever you’re using a core gameplay mechanic, and the flavor of the trait would still be there.

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: foste.3098


Change Steady Focus to increase damage based on how much endurance you have left. I.e 10 % when full, 5 % when at half etc. A major trait on the master level shouldn’t have zero impact whenever you’re using a core gameplay mechanic, and the flavor of the trait would still be there.

Forget about flavor and think about functionality. Sword auto attack used to have allot of flavor to it but functionally it was terrible, and it finally got changed after 3 years. It is the same situation with this trait it is flavorful but goes against the flow of the combat and the minor traits in wilderness survival and nature magic, it should get changed to be synergistic with them not work against them.
If anything it should be ‘deal 10% more dmg if your endurance is not full’ or’10% more dmg if you have less than 50 endurance (so you have no dodges) and 5% more dmg if you have less than 100 (meaning you have 1 dodge ready)’, or however else you want to word it.

see no evil ,until i stab you

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


Change Steady Focus to increase damage based on how much endurance you have left. I.e 10 % when full, 5 % when at half etc. A major trait on the master level shouldn’t have zero impact whenever you’re using a core gameplay mechanic, and the flavor of the trait would still be there.

I’m going to add this to the list. Hope you all (Rangers) don’t mind because I’m also going to note this suggestion to extend to our other medium-armored brethren, the Engineer, which also have a similar trait.

Will update once Path of Fire releases.

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: ProtoMarcus.7649


Sharpening Stone (skill)
I have two suggestions for this one

First one would be to DRASTICALLY lower the CD from 45 seconds to like 20s

Since the condi rework, 5 stacks of 6s bleed on 45 seconds CD is meaningless. I’d also add maybe 2 more seconds to ring base bleed duration to 8s.

The other suggestion would be to reduce the ‘charges’ to 3, but DOUBLE the stacks per charge, and make all charges unlockable. Keep the 45 seconds CD.

(edited by ProtoMarcus.7649)

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: ProtoMarcus.7649


Predator’s Instinct (trait)

The cooldown and effect are a bit to high
I’d suggest lowering both values proportionately

But if we really want to make this trait interesting compared to the other 2 it’s competing with, add a short superspeed on the same cooldown

Say 3s Cripple on target, 1s superspeed on self on a 10s cooldown?

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


Very nice suggestions all of them, good work!

Edit: Warhorn #4 should probably be looked at, without traits to back it up it’s pretty bad imho.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

(edited by OGDeadHead.8326)

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: ProtoMarcus.7649


Hunter’s Call
Make it work like the 6th Bonus from Rune of the Mad King, but maybe lower its efficiency a little.

How madking’s bonus 6 work is that when you cast an elite skill, up to 3 enemies in a 1200 range around you will basically get the same effect from Hunter’s Call (fact in combat log its labeled as such) >> 16 hits on a target. The rune effrct cooldown is at 45 seconds

The warhorn version could be lowered to 12 hits and 900 range, could work well against stealthed enemies

Also PLEASE fix the ‘obstructed’ glitch. It was fixed at one point in history but it’s back and very annoying

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: UnitedChaos.8364


1. Fix pet respawning at death location in pvp, taking damage, and putting ranger in combat every respawn.
2. Organize the pet window by animal familia.
3. Rework Spirits.
4. Reduce cooldown on signets.
5. Improve traps to dragonhunter equivalent.
6. Rework utilities like “Sharpening Stone” that are super underpowered.
7. Buff SnR since it was destroyed in the latest patch.
8. Remove the ground targeting from Path of Scars!
9. Save pet names.
10. Various improvements around the entire class.

Add “United Chi” to your friends list or guild!

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Razor.9872


I know this is a bit more extreme than just giving Astral Wisp an aoe pulse, but I want to put it out there because I like the concept:

1) When wisp passes through allies, condition(s) are transfered from the touched allies to the circled enemy.


2) When wisp passes through allies, boon(s) are transfered from the circled enemy to touched allies.


Hunter’s Call
Make it work like the 6th Bonus from Rune of the Mad King, but maybe lower its efficiency a little.

How madking’s bonus 6 work is that when you cast an elite skill, up to 3 enemies in a 1200 range around you will basically get the same effect from Hunter’s Call (fact in combat log its labeled as such) >> 16 hits on a target. The rune effrct cooldown is at 45 seconds

The warhorn version could be lowered to 12 hits and 900 range, could work well against stealthed enemies

Also PLEASE fix the ‘obstructed’ glitch. It was fixed at one point in history but it’s back and very annoying

I really like this idea too. WH#4, like Staff#2, really needs something extra.

NSPride <3

(edited by Razor.9872)

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Euthymias.7984


Wildhorn Notes: Call of the Wild also grants Stability (2 stacks) and Hunter’s Call strips boons. Warhorn skills recharge faster

Hunter’s Call:
Inflicts Blind (2s) every 4 hits out of 16. (baseline)
(Traited) Removes a boon every (5) hits out of 16

I always considered Warhorn to be our “In” to boonplay tbqh. Another idea would be to have the boon-strip be a boonsteal that applies to our active pet, but that might make it too powerful.

(edited by Euthymias.7984)

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Lazze.9870


Change Steady Focus to increase damage based on how much endurance you have left. I.e 10 % when full, 5 % when at half etc. A major trait on the master level shouldn’t have zero impact whenever you’re using a core gameplay mechanic, and the flavor of the trait would still be there.

Forget about flavor and think about functionality. Sword auto attack used to have allot of flavor to it but functionally it was terrible, and it finally got changed after 3 years. It is the same situation with this trait it is flavorful but goes against the flow of the combat and the minor traits in wilderness survival and nature magic, it should get changed to be synergistic with them not work against them.
If anything it should be ‘deal 10% more dmg if your endurance is not full’ or’10% more dmg if you have less than 50 endurance (so you have no dodges) and 5% more dmg if you have less than 100 (meaning you have 1 dodge ready)’, or however else you want to word it.

I WAS thinking about functionality, and changing it to be dependent on your remaining endurance instead of being an off/on trait is just that. Functionality. The fact that it still goes with the flavor is just the icing on the cake.

Working against the ranger? Vigor on evade, vigor on pet swap and natural endurance regen is the exact opposit of working against. It’s faster endurance regen, especially when the natural vigor trait now stacks with vigor. The suggestion is an improvement to the current trait, and in line with the QoL theme of the thread. That’s the point.

And the fact is, you could make it 1 % per 10th endurance. Better than having a trait that is off whenever your endurance bar is full like yours would be. Your version works better on the warrior, as it has less of an endurance gain, fewer weapon evades, aswell as doing damage when dodging.

(edited by Lazze.9870)

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Kydar Schattendolch.6879

Kydar Schattendolch.6879

Hornet’s Sting (Sword 2) reduced cast time and Crippling Thrust (Sword 1b) to cleave.

Cast time reduce would be nice. But most problem I have with this skill, is Monarch’s Leap.
The Use-Time of this skill is to short. It should last for 8s at least. You use ist or u let it be. If it switsches back after 8s, Hornet Sting is off CD and again usable.

The actual 3s(?) Are way to short.

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


Hornet’s Sting (Sword 2) reduced cast time and Crippling Thrust (Sword 1b) to cleave.

Cast time reduce would be nice. But most problem I have with this skill, is Monarch’s Leap.
The Use-Time of this skill is to short. It should last for 8s at least. You use ist or u let it be. If it switsches back after 8s, Hornet Sting is off CD and again usable.

The actual 3s(?) Are way to short.

I agree there could be a larger time window to use the secondary skill. Still, if I have to choose, my vote falls on lowering the cast time of Hornet Sting. Imho, it should be instant, or at the very least, let the evade part of the skill activate right away, and leave it active for the full duration of Hornet Sting.

Also, since we alreay have cripple in the #1 chain, Monarch’s Leap could very well do with some other effect. Lack of imagination, Anet?

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Lazze.9870


Evasive Purity, although as potent as it is, could be updated to remove conditions from allies aswell, similarly to elementalist’s Stop, Drop and Roll and Revenant’s Eluding Nullifications.

Streamlines it to traits with the same functionality aswell as adding more support to the core ranger.

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: InsaneQR.7412


Lower cooldowns of the core (Pre Heart of Thorns) Pets

This will not solve the issue the core pets have which is they can’t hit anything that moves and their f2 skills can almost never hit because of horrid casts & aftercasts. I made a post about what can be done to improve the pets:

I would also like to see some changes to skirmishing and marksmanship (our 2 damage lines). The marksmanship changes you suggested are good.
Another 2 traits that NEED to change are the terrible predator’s instinct and steady focus. One is a garbage trait that does nothing the other is a horrible damage modifier that goes against everything gw2 combat is (do not dodge attacks; this is from a pvp point of view where you cannot expect not to use endurance).
Just to remind everyone in HoT beta berzerker had a trait similar to our opening strike where it only ever did something at the start of a fight and lo and behold it got changed because it was a horrible trait (now it is a good version of opening strike that can recharge itself without needing to take any other traits or any boon, it is a self sufficient trait). And yet we are still stuck with our having to take a grand master and spam fury to make it somewhat decent. I would also make it recharge whenever we use f2 in addition to what was suggested above.

In skirmishing i would like the 10% dmg to be taken from light on your feet and merged with the hunter’s tactics minor (maybe reduce i to 5% and change it to trigger when flanking not after a dodge roll), and light on your feet now increases condition damage and duration by 10%. Reason for this is short bow is NOT a power weapon and it is NOT a hybrid weapon no matter how much you buff it (main hand axe is), it makes 0 sense to slap a strong power modifier on a shortbow trait 0.

edit: forgot about most dangerous game, change this trash trait to: ‘gain x stacks of might (x sec duration) whenever you loose 10% of your maximum hp’. The idea is you gain might as you fight and loose health due to trading hits rather than gaining it when you are below 50%. So this way you actually can make use of it in a fight because you are not focusing on surviving (lets be honest if you are at 50% hp your instinct is not to go ham because you are getting might it is to kite and heal up because you are dying).

Agreeing, best way to fix the narksmanship line is to make the pet gains opening strike baseline and the fury opening strike combo the grandmaster minor. Remorseless should be improved in case of: Opening strike does more dmg and weakens+cripples foes.
Predators instinct should get the icd removed and should apply cripple on foes under the health treshhold. With predator onslaught it is kind of execitioning trait and predator onslaught additionally does bonus dmg above 50% if the enemy already has a movement imparibg condition which makes it a viable combination. Now predators instinct is a good idea but crippled (no pun intended) by its own icd.
Steady focus should give fury when evaded an attack, this would give dmg bonus from fury and opening strike.

Pale Raiders united.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I definitely agree with the steady focus, glyph healing our pet, and pet F2 changes, and i certainly don’t disagree with the others.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


I agree to all of these changes.

Bad Elementalist

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


Another bump.

Edited just to edit.

Will update once Path of Fire releases.

(edited by Wondrouswall.7169)

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Droog.6185


Add staff – celestial avatar skills to the other weapon skills in the Hero Build page.

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: bloodpyrope.8630


There was a thread a while ago about improving Glyph of Unity since it’s pretty lackluster for an elite and only brought in PvE so we can either do a burst heal in CAF or just spam it off cooldown for the seed.

One of the suggestions were to rework it completely so that you share boons to tethered allies in one state, and share conditions to tethered enemies in another state.


The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Razor.9872


There was a thread a while ago about improving Glyph of Unity since it’s pretty lackluster for an elite and only brought in PvE so we can either do a burst heal in CAF or just spam it off cooldown for the seed.

One of the suggestions were to rework it completely so that you share boons to tethered allies in one state, and share conditions to tethered enemies in another state.



NSPride <3

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

There was a thread a while ago about improving Glyph of Unity since it’s pretty lackluster for an elite and only brought in PvE so we can either do a burst heal in CAF or just spam it off cooldown for the seed.

One of the suggestions were to rework it completely so that you share boons to tethered allies in one state, and share conditions to tethered enemies in another state.


While this would be interesting, I doubt they have a system in place that would make it work like that.

Probably much easier to ask for a significant buff (like reflecting 50% damage) to the primary mode than to ask for something that will require them coding a new way to apply and monitor buff/debuff duration.

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The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


Indeed. Unity is not completely lackluster since it serves its intended purpose, can be utilized through other means, or with niche combinations.

I’ll hold off placing it on the list, even though there are two suggestions that go beyond quality of life/low-hanging fruit such as Sharpening Stone & Opening Strike. It is a good idea nonetheless.

Will update the list with a few more though, such as our UI displaying active boons, buffs, and conditions on our pet without having to click on them and displaying Celestial Avatar Form transformation skills in the weapons tab on the Hero Panel (by Droog).

That will also have to extend to Necromancer & Reaper Shroud skills, as they are do not have their profession transformation skills listed as well. Spreading the love for more than just ourselves.

Will update once Path of Fire releases.

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: bloodpyrope.8630


While this would be interesting, I doubt they have a system in place that would make it work like that.

Probably much easier to ask for a significant buff (like reflecting 50% damage) to the primary mode than to ask for something that will require them coding a new way to apply and monitor buff/debuff duration.

Well the condition spreading could work like necro’s Epidemic, while boon sharing could work like the current WHaO.

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: InsaneQR.7412



Pale Raiders united.
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Zorpi.5904


Add Fortifying Bond to rangers baseline.

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


Wtf, stop necroing old threads

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Zorpi.5904


Rather necroing old tread than starting new with same old topic.

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


There was a thread a while ago about improving Glyph of Unity since it’s pretty lackluster for an elite and only brought in PvE so we can either do a burst heal in CAF or just spam it off cooldown for the seed.

One of the suggestions were to rework it completely so that you share boons to tethered allies in one state, and share conditions to tethered enemies in another state.


While this would be interesting, I doubt they have a system in place that would make it work like that.

Probably much easier to ask for a significant buff (like reflecting 50% damage) to the primary mode than to ask for something that will require them coding a new way to apply and monitor buff/debuff duration.

Revenant Mallyx Elite literally transferred condis to every enemy in range before it was reworked…

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


Rather necroing old tread than starting new with same old topic.

Well, you can bump the 3rd version of this list at the link below if you would like. That one is more up-to-date with common sense quality of life suggestions with a few open-ended ones.

That, and we received a handful of things already from this list (hell yeah!) such as: Glyph of Rejuvenation healing our Pet, Vine Surge velocity increase, a buff to Sharpening Stone that has more people slotting it than before, and some core Pet improvements.

Not to mention the new Warhorn buff makes me rethink the proposal of Opening Strikes being unblockable, so some suggestions here that were stretching beyond QoL wouldn’t make sense with the current changes.

On a side note, none of the suggestions on the 3rd version were received. There’s always next (year’s) balance patch since they are taking a break for the winter. Cheers!

Will update once Path of Fire releases.

The QoL List 2.0

in Ranger

Posted by: Ranys.4028


95% still relevant. This thread is still needed, so please lets revive it!