The Quick Fix to Ranger Pets

The Quick Fix to Ranger Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Warning! – These are my opinions. These are simply ideas I came up with on the fly when considering the current hindrances to the Ranger profession.

Simple, simple fixes to bring Rangers on par with the rest of the professions;

1.) Every time the Ranger dodge rolls, their pet receives a 1 second buff that allows them to evade all incoming attacks.

2.) Give pets an increase in attack range. Currently, most are around 130 in range. An increase to 200 or even 260 would resolve the issue of pets missing most their targets because their reach will be longer.

3.) Pets stay behind targets unless the target is fixated upon them. This would help with enemies that cleave.(I know ANet tried to do something like this before, but it honestly only works half the time.)

Something else I was considering was the idea of giving pets an inherent AoE resistance (much like WoW does for hunter pets.) While it may be a cheap way of handling things, keep in mind that it would also be a lot easier to code.

It would also help if ANet stopped nerfing pets :P

Do you agree/disagree with these ideas? Anyone else have ideas that would help the Ranger profession’s current situation?

(edited by Amiron.1067)

The Quick Fix to Ranger Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: planetarian.9154


Warning! – These are my opinions. These are simply ideas I came up with on the fly when considering the current hindrances to the Ranger profession.

Simple, simple fixes to bring Rangers on par with the rest of the professions;

1.) Every time the Ranger dodge rolls, their pet receives a 1 second buff that allows them to evade all incoming attacks.

Do you agree/disagree with these ideas? Anyone else have ideas that would help the Ranger profession’s current situation?

I like the idea of dodging to give pets immunity for .5-1.25 seconds. Would be useful, but in the end poor pet management is the rangers fault. When was the last time most of the rangers healed at full health just to heal their pets? or dropped healing spring right on the boss for their pets? or dodge just to give their pets 2 second of protection while they are sniping the boss with a longbow at 1999 range. Most rangers do not even use f1 or f3 and i love being in a party with rangers who actually use f1 and f3 / stow their pets.

But instead of the dodging making the pet evade it would be nice if f3 would be more useful like giving the pet .5-1.25 seconds of immunity to all damage or linking the pet with our own evade would be awesome.

The Quick Fix to Ranger Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: slingblade.1437


THE Quick Fix to Ranger Pets: Get rid of them and boost player damage by 50%.

The Quick Fix to Ranger Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Amiron.1067


THE Quick Fix to Ranger Pets: Get rid of them and boost player damage by 50%.

The whole idea is to keep the pets around and make them viable, silly. ;P

But instead of the dodging making the pet evade it would be nice if f3 would be more useful like giving the pet .5-1.25 seconds of immunity to all damage or linking the pet with our own evade would be awesome.

Yes, this is also a really good idea! Giving us, the player, a button to press to make our pets dodge-roll would be fantastic. The only foreseeable problem is that the AI is clunky as it is, and there could be a delay between pressing the button and the pet actually dodging, which is why I thought linking it to our dodge might be a better solution since it would give a buff consistently. =)

The Quick Fix to Ranger Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


I’ll say it again. Allow pets to rally when you kill an enemy.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

The Quick Fix to Ranger Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Searban.5984


I’ll say it again. Allow pets to rally when you kill an enemy.

It’s not a bad idea, but I can see one major problem. It’s not going to address the issue of pet’s survivability during boss fights in dungeons, when the only enemy to kill will be the boss himself.

The Quick Fix to Ranger Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


+1 all really solid ideas …. and already builds off of the game’s existing AI functions.

(lots of mobs already “flank” `around’ players and some even move directly behind them)

I’ll say it again. Allow pets to rally when you kill an enemy.

It’s not a bad idea, but I can see one major problem. It’s not going to address the issue of pet’s survivability during boss fights in dungeons, when the only enemy to kill will be the boss himself.

This has been a subject we really need more discussion of in general in the Dungeon and Dynamic Events forum. In a lot of cases, there’s just NO “rally’able” mobs anywhere around you even when you die far enough from the Legend-Boss to be safe from most of its followup AOE’s. The AC & TA bosses for example are supposed to be easier because of how much stuff there is to rally off of, while Subject-Alpha, Lupicus, & Priest of Grenth all see much higher failure rates OR Exploiting for Pubs who have nothing to rally off of

  • (P.O.G. mostly b/c the SHADES spawn too quickly AND/OR have their Hitpoints scaling up way too high for anyone to even kill them so everyone else just crowds the SkillPoint location while those few of us brave enough to pull Shade Duty… don’t get ANY CREDIT AT ALL for our part in the event since we don’t even have time to tag Grenth…. and tagging him is the worst thing we could do by the way b/c that would just needlessly endanger Jonez who already dies in 1 hit)

(edited by ilr.9675)

The Quick Fix to Ranger Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027



There’s plenty to rally off of during a battle with alpha. Know those tendrils he spawns? You can rally off them. The essences he absorbs? You can rally off those too.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

The Quick Fix to Ranger Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Dante.1508


THE Quick Fix to Ranger Pets: Get rid of them and boost player damage by 50%.

^ quick fix, i’d even take the Pet removal without 50% buff…

The Quick Fix to Ranger Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholy Pillager.3791

Unholy Pillager.3791

Warning! – These are my opinions. These are simply ideas I came up with on the fly when considering the current hindrances to the Ranger profession.

Simple, simple fixes to bring Rangers on par with the rest of the professions;

1.) Every time the Ranger dodge rolls, their pet receives a 1 second buff that allows them to evade all incoming attacks.

Do you agree/disagree with these ideas? Anyone else have ideas that would help the Ranger profession’s current situation?

I like the idea of dodging to give pets immunity for .5-1.25 seconds. Would be useful, but in the end poor pet management is the rangers fault. When was the last time most of the rangers healed at full health just to heal their pets? or dropped healing spring right on the boss for their pets? or dodge just to give their pets 2 second of protection while they are sniping the boss with a longbow at 1999 range. Most rangers do not even use f1 or f3 and i love being in a party with rangers who actually use f1 and f3 / stow their pets.

But instead of the dodging making the pet evade it would be nice if f3 would be more useful like giving the pet .5-1.25 seconds of immunity to all damage or linking the pet with our own evade would be awesome.

I do every suggestion you made except for healing spring (I prefer unguent), and it still isn’t enough usually. The kittening cave troll in Queensdale can take off half of my bear’s health in one hit, even with 20 points in BM. Calling your pet back at the right time can help, unless the pet is in the middle of an animation or you’re using melee (ranger melee weapons aren’t as obnoxiously underpowered as their ranged weapons). Also, in many cases there are nasty AoE effects even back behind the other players wielding your longbow…so calling your pet back to you just moves it from one deadly AoE zone into a different one. And stops it from attacking, gimping your DPS even before your pet drops.

The Quick Fix to Ranger Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Lyana Evrilow.8102

Lyana Evrilow.8102

I like the idea of the dodge roll equaling a dodge for the pet. The protection only minimizes the dmg and you have to be traited for it.

There is a pet that dodges, btw. Devourers dodge automatically… Though… they don’t dodge usefully… they just do it automatically without your instruction.

I don’t usually have a problem with my pet staying alive in most battles. There are a few where the pet just… dies… a miserable, horrible, two to three shot death (or one shot, sometimes, depending on the pet…). Most times, though, my pets can stay alive… though I do make sure they have their protection, healing spring, shared buffs, etc. And I do, constantly, tell my pet to come back to me, or attack a different target than myself, or something. I use my pets to pull mobs and sometimes sacrifice themselves for the greater good (ie players)… sad but true!

But that dodge ability… omg, that would be wonderful!

The attack range would be nice. I would like it if the devourers and spiders had different attack ranges. Spiders more akin to a shortbow, devourers more like a longbow kind of thing with the range and dmg. That’s just me, though. I like my ranged pets. They stay alive.

The Quick Fix to Ranger Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Xhyros.1340


Give f3 a 10-15s cooldown for itself, and a 3 second cooldown for f1 and 2. Make f3 a pet stunbreaker that grants invulnerability for 3 seconds. Pets are now a billion times more survivable.

The Quick Fix to Ranger Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: awge.3852


I really like the idea of pet dodging as the ranger dodges, but it would be a drawback depending on the situation. If you are at your last bit of health and that health cooldown is about 10 seconds away, you could stall your death with a good number of well coordinated dodges. At the same time, you would like your pet to rain damage/conditions/interrupt/F2 skill when you need it to. So, having it dodge could have a negative effect on your survival. Although it would make sense for the pet to dodge with the ranger if is set to passive, or if you recall it with f3. It seems like there needs to be more improvements to pet’s passive mode after all.

The range could be nice, if they could test using different ranges to the point where it would be ideal, without making it OP.

When it comes to spiders, would be awesome to have them leap to an enemy and put a stun on them via a stunning poisonous byte.

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