The Ranger's Dilemma

The Ranger's Dilemma

in Ranger

Posted by: junglewolf.3957


I make this thread to list some issues i see with traits and if you can add a few, it might help Anet try to properly restructure the trait problem.
Too often I run into problems while trying to figure out the most effect build for the class. Traiting for the ranger seems very lacking and unorganized.

-Warriors have 1 single trait to take care of both piercing bullets and rifle skill recharge but for some odd reason, rangers need two separate trait lines for pierce and recharge.

- It seems impossible to trait a dmg dealer with the pet playing only a small role in dps.

Nature Magic
-(I) create a healing spring on death
wont it be better to create a healing spring when health is at 20% or at-least when downed?
-(IV) spirits have twice as much health
Well not many rangers use spirits because of their uselessness and easy to die, so i doubt using making it less easier to kill will be any beneficial.
-(II) booms applied by your pet last longer
others might find this useless especially with the Jungle Stalker(might) and birds(swiftness) but its really only reserved for them seeing that most best don’t have booms. (I don’t know much about other rangers so this trait might be useful to them)

Wilderness Survival
-Is it just me or is this the best trait line? it seems to me that all good traits are found here including some that will perfectly fit in the Skirmishing line.
- examples of skills that will fit perfectly in Skirmishing
– Wilderness Survival (VII) off hand training
– Wilderness Survival (X) martial mastery
– Wilderness Survival (II) healers celerity

this is were it seems impossible to trait with pet being a small role, i see these skills belonging in BM trait and not Skirmishing
-(I) pets do 30% more damage on critical
(why cant we, the ranger do that rather than pet)
-(V) critical hit grant might to your pets
(why cant critical hit grant might to us)
-(VII) pet gain health on critical
(wont you prefer you gaining health on critical?)
-(X) short bow and longbow skills recharge 20% faster
(this needs to be added to short bow and longbow piercing) and made a single straight.
(I notice rangers will be OP if the skirmishing trait i listed switch from pets to us)

*this thread is mostly opinionated ( I have only spoken to a few rangers that i see either in WvW, guild or pug)
*used my phone to type this

grunt with me if you are a yak.

(edited by junglewolf.3957)

The Ranger's Dilemma

in Ranger

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


I have four 80s, Ranger, Warrior, Thief, and Guardian.

The other three classes seem to have much better synergy, and a variety of trait choices that the Ranger lacks. They really should redo the entire trait line for the Ranger, and not make it so heavily reliant on pets, which absolutely suck in WvW.

Once they do that, they need to make it so pets, and spirits don’t die so easy, and can actually benefit having.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

The Ranger's Dilemma

in Ranger

Posted by: urdriel.8496


true history, skirmishing have better traits for pets than beastmastery..

The Ranger's Dilemma

in Ranger

Posted by: Engels.8537


Wilderness Survival
-Is it just me or is this the best trait line? it seems to me that all good traits are found here including some that will perfectly fit in the Skirmishing line.

There are so many good traits here I wish I could have more than just 3 :C

Don’t talk to me about toughness and vitality, damage avoidance is all in this game