The Sidewinder build take a look

The Sidewinder build take a look

in Ranger

Posted by: Aerious.1965


Hey all, first time poster. Just wanted to get some opinions on my recent build on my Sylvari Ranger – Veil Vinaero

I have chosen to call it The Sidewider due to the fact of you kill by heal prevention and constant dps.

Gear: (still deciding what sigils)
Sb – fast attack speed and has poison (no brainer)

Sword – while the sword has mechanical issues I still prefer to use it, because of the poison and wounderful combo with zephyr

Dagger – provides cripple/poison I can’t resist despite it’s haters

I use Condition/Prec/Toughness on armor with the Rata Sum rune

A little undecided tbh.. I currently use Power/Vit/Crit dmg and it seems to work well with the decent prec from gear/traits

15 in marksman – sharpening stone and o/s
30 in skirmisher – ranged traps, and fast CD
20 in W survival – regen,prot, vigor, and sword CD
5 in nature magic- regen at 75%

Heal – Heal as one seems to be my personal pref. could be swapped
Utility 1 – Quickening zephyr (main burst)
Utility 2 – Viper nest a great trap with a short CD and awesome poison
Utility 3 – Sigent of the wild (not too sure why) lol
Elite – Entangle great for offense and defense a must have imo

I use Forest spider as my main for the poison plain and simple. The second I seem to use a black bear/wolf for tanking and control purposes when needed.

Please comment with any suggestions


Worst Ele NA
Maguuma – XOXO

(edited by Aerious.1965)