Lets talk first about the elefant in the room here – the Beast Mode….
It absolutely doesn’t feel really beasty.. it feels like juts Core Ranger Redux, but just weaker, with now a more direct access to the same old Pet Skills, just only that now the Pet isn#t anymore with you and therefore you received a tiny Stat Boots, that feels incredibly underwhelming therefore that as a Core Ranger the Pet was designed to deal like felt 40% of your total DPS in regard of Stats.
Under a spec like this i woudl have expected personally some cool unique for this Spec Beast-Pets, that aren’t just generic aniomals, but really fearsome bigger BEASTS with that you can fuse/shapeshift to decide of either lettting its Sooul become 1 with you either, or the other way around your soul gettign fused to the pet so that you can play as the beast, like you know, that shapeshifting witch of Dragons Ages – Morgaine kind of which can transform herself into all kinds of big beasts.
But also fusing with just the normal animal pets feels underwhelming, due to all of them beign just 3/4 skill recycled and not individual pets that improve the build diversity of the class, even still when we can have maximum only creatures with us, which decide and limitate the amount of skills we can have with us.
So I see no reason here, why not each pet/Beast should also have 100% individual own skills.
Sure, it the cheaper solution to rycycle 75% of all the pet skills among the pet classes, but man, for an Elite Spec like this it completely feels underwhelming and outdated and for Core Ranger and Druid Build Diversity it would alos be better, if each pet woudl truly be 100% unique and not just a 3/4 rehashed reskin of pet Class X
Lets start with the Dagger Skills and how they could be made more interesting and useful:
1) Groundwork Gouge = Effect changed to: Deal damage & vulnerability with a strike and if the hit is critical, then the attack ignores the defense of your foe
>) Leading Swipe = Effect Changed to: The next Strike is unblockable and causes Bleeding
>) Sloth Stab = Exchanged/Renamed from Serpent Stab, the Skil ldeals now Slow instead of Poison
>) Natural Thrust = Replaces Deadly Delivery. Perform a quick thrust attack, that deals double damage, when perform right when the enemy is about to attack you to and lets you auto evade the incoming hit in such moments. You lose 1 Boon to your Pet/Beast and you lose a Condition
2) Staccatto
Throw rapidly a flurry of maximum 8 Daggers in a cone, like lots of Bee Needles.
Each hit of them will cause a stack of poison to up to 3 Targets standing in that cone.
Grants now your Pet Quickness when you aren’ in Beast Mode. Grants you Super Speed under Beast Mode instead.
3) Instintive Engage
Effect changed to: Strike a foe and gain on successful strike Stealth when used in Beast Mode. Leap Forward and gain Quickness on successful strikle when used while not being in Beast Mode
Next Healing Skill
Bear Stance renamed to “Companionship”. Effect changed to:
Heal yourself and your Pet. Heals your Pet more, if it has less health, than you.
Lose Conditions per second when unmerged. Gain Boons per second, when in Beast Mode (Protection, Resistance, Stability), but the Heal Efficiency is then lower.
Griffon Stance renamed to “Heket’s Rampage”. Effect changed to:
Gain Might and Vigor on successful evades while unmerged. When in Beast Mode you gain on successful evades instead Fury and Quickness
Moa Stance renamed to “Run As One”. Effect changed to:
Gain Swiftness and avoid Traps as long as you have Swiftness, while beign unmerged.
Under Beast Mode, Swiftness turns into Super Speed and activatign the stance will stun break and causes a line of dust behind you, while you are running, which blinds foes that get in touch of it.
Vulture Stance renamed to “Serpent’s Quickness” Effect changed to:
Gain Quickness when you deal Poison to a foe under this stance and counterattack the next incoming attack with a poisonous strike that Poisons and weakens foes, while being unmerged.
When being in Beast Mode, poison will be replaced by a stronger Torment and Cripple Combo and the Counter attack will leech some health if your Health is below 50%
As long it is above 50%, you will gain instead Might when striking foes.
A Counter Attack lets this Stance end automatically.
These nostalgic GW1 skill names of stances give the class just more flavor, than these boring X stance, Y stance, Z stance names … give them then also some nice animations and everything is fine
Elite Skill
One Wolf Pack
Effect changed to: Tripples for a while the Attribute Boost of your Pets/Beasts you gain, when going into Beast Mode while being in Beast Mode and lets your next 2 Skills deal 2 more Hits. When used while not being in Beast Mode, the Skill revives your Pets/Beasts and puts them both with all Boons active for some seconds into Combat, letting you have temporarely both your Pets out at the same time.
If you use Beast Mode then, when both your Pets are temporarely out and still alive, you’ll start Beast Mode with all Boons active for a short while.
Next post is about proposed Trait Changes
(edited by Orpheal.8263)