The other bunker build

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Spooko.5436


So, I am working on getting champion hunter, and tryin out builds, I came up with this one, for bunking.

It’s pretty sweet, regen up time is 100%, for u and everyone around u, with lots of condi cleanse, and plenty of evades, this is a pretty solid little bunker with some decent support for ur group.

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

The problem with a shouts build on a ranger ( I really wanted to make it work) is that other than regen (which ranger has extremely high access to) and a condition removed, the ranger doesnt gain much from them. The pet does, but broken AI is broken AI. So you use all of your utilities and dont get much in return.

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Spooko.5436


Yeah, but with all the evades, and most of the shouts being on such a short cooldown, it is nonstop, and beneficial to your entire group,

and u r kitten near unkillable on a point if use the leafwolf and shakeitoffbear, constant healing and cleanse for group

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

yeah, but again I found that to be much more exciting in theory than in practice, as trying to rely on pet F2 abilities is like flipping a coin. Or worse

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Spooko.5436


guard is every 12 seconds, which gives a like 15 second regen……and cleanses a condition, and gives swiftness, if it was the only shout, ud still be good

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Valentin.2073


thats a really good build. i like it.

PVP Ranger: Prince Valentine, PVP Warrior: Prince of Hearts I, and PVP Mesmer: Prince Valentine I

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Drop Oakheart Salve and pick up Vigorous Renewal, you have PLENTY of regen to begin with, you really don’t need that one too, the vigor would be a lot more useful and it’s AoE since you’re using healing spring.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Forzani.2584


guard is every 12 seconds, which gives a like 15 second regen……and cleanses a condition, and gives swiftness, if it was the only shout, ud still be good

Guard cleanses a condition?

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: kiwituatara.6053


guard is every 12 seconds, which gives a like 15 second regen……and cleanses a condition, and gives swiftness, if it was the only shout, ud still be good

Guard cleanses a condition?

No, but with his runes he can

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Forzani.2584


guard is every 12 seconds, which gives a like 15 second regen……and cleanses a condition, and gives swiftness, if it was the only shout, ud still be good

Guard cleanses a condition?

No, but with his runes he can

Nice job. Never seen a Ranger use those runes before. Totally missed it

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Liza.2758


no matter how much you build to tank. you can’t tank something like thief with full steam burst.

so better do some dmg too …

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Ryan.9387


You won’t hold tank 1v1 forever with that build. I don’t see you killing much either.

Ranger | Elementalist

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: sminkiottone.6972


Imo the healing power is too low (regen gives 152hp/s) and swiftness is not that usefull in pvp, theres also the problem of your dps which is very low and the shouts prevent the pet from attacking.

Why not changing your settler’s amulet and jewel to cleric ? you will lose some toughness but your regen will tick for 258 hp/s instead of 152, you also don’t need condi damage since you have only 1 bleed and 2 poison, with cleric amulet you lose only 9 dps from bleed.

I would also drop sick’em in favor of signet of renewal against condi burst

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Spooko.5436


u can make changes here and there, to suit your own needs, but this is a solid bunker, and yea it can 1v1 forever, with all the evades on s/d it is very easy to mitigate damage, and as a bunker the point is to fight long enough to get back up, or support your group, this bunker build also has a ton of group support ,

I ended up going with clerics ammy with a celestial jewel, there are changes that u can make, but I would go with at least 2 shouts, that way perma regen is easy to maintain and u can clear more condis that way, i also use the shake it off bear and the regen wolf, and dont let them attack most of the time

and u the vigor on heal trait would probably be better, but I was in the mood to stack regen like a fiend,

oh not to mention then 20 seconds of stability every 2 minutes, makes it very hard to move u off a point

(edited by Spooko.5436)

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Spooko.5436


also, easy to tank a thief, switch to s/d and evade their stuff and call/ping for help,

or switch to GS, use block, then spam 1 for evades =p

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


also, easy to tank a thief, switch to s/d and evade their stuff and call/ping for help,

or switch to GS, use block, then spam 1 for evades =p

This is exactly what I was thinking…. Thieves are so stupid easy for bunker rangers to deal with because all you need to do is spam your evades through their burst and then just auto on the GS and let your regen tick you to full.

Not to mention you’ve got “Protect Me!” And a bear…

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Arpheus.6918


I use a shout build in wvw too but in my opinion you have WAY too much regen uptime. Guard alone will grant you perma regen. Protect me and Sick em already makes more than 100% regen uptime. You don’t need more really.
Healing spring is on a 30 sec cd and a weak heal but it has condi removal and you can use your leaps thats true.
I would use TU or heal as one to get alot higher healing. I think you won’t even need that regen on burn and could instead use the -20% sword cd trait for more dodges/blocks which helps even more.
and I use the dodge removes poison/blind instead of the 33% regen duration too and still have perma regen only from the shouts + the trait for regen at 75%.
If you change these you will have the similar trait choice and utilities that I use. A decent build.

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Spooko.5436


but the point is to provide support to your team as well, with the other shouts u r constantly giving them regen and clearing condis too, not just to focus on myself,

guard alone would be fine for myself, but that’s not going to help my grp very much, they need lots of cleanses and regens….

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


but the point is to provide support to your team as well, with the other shouts u r constantly giving them regen and clearing condis too, not just to focus on myself,

guard alone would be fine for myself, but that’s not going to help my grp very much, they need lots of cleanses and regens….

Still drop the Oakheart salve for Vigorous Renewal, it’ll give both you, and your allies, vigor access whenever you use healing spring.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: kiwituatara.6053


Which pet do you use? Either way, pet ai is bad and you’re gonna have trouble killing people. I used to think going full tanks a good option, but if you can’t pressure your opponents, they will hack at you constantly and you end up receiving more dps from them. You won’t be able to push people off points with the build as well (I’m assuming that this is for pvp coz of your build link).

Also, you offer close to no support for your team:
- Shout condi-removal is not aoe for rangers.
- Your regen boon might hold your team down due to your low healing power. Someone in your team with higher healing power might be trying to apply regen boons, but it becomes stack-queued since you applied yours first. Even if you’re the only provider of regens in your group, your regen ticks are still low.
- Swiftness? Okay, but not too important in pvp.
- Healing spring is, by default, good.

Conclusion: you can’t dps pressure, let alone kill, and you can’t support your team.

The idea behind your theorycrafting isn’t bad, theres just very few viable builds for ranger right now due to pet ai. I suggest using the meta spirit build (boring, I know), or sol’s trap build (

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Fext.3614


But why would you want to solo a champ?

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Spooko.5436


I’m goin to add this, cuz I don’t think some people understand the role of a bunker. As a bunker, your job is to hold a node, and support your allies. Killing enemy players is not a priority for bunkers—however, getting stomps is. so with 20 seconds of stab, u should get some stomps,

Second, the point of a bunker is to not win 1v1s, it is to hold a node until support arrives, this build will let u hold a point

third, pet AI is bad, that is why I don’t let my pets attack and only use pets that give AE defensive buffs, the pet is there to cleanse my conditions and buff me

4th, perhaps this regen would be kitten in a really high coordinated comp, where perhaps u have a guardian throwing out regens, however, this does not happen in soloq most of the time, so u will be a bunker amongsts many wannabe dps scrubs

5th, unlike a lot of other bunker builds, this one gives u mobility, if u r getting swarmed and have no back up, u can get to ur allies

6, if u were in a super good group, and wanted to bunk u could take the rez shout and condi cleanse signet on top of guard and still be a tremendous support,

hell you could use the warhorn and throw out more heals that way too, when used on your waterspring

the only thing that comes close to how solid this bunker is a guardian, no other class is going have a bunker build this supportive

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


I guess you have to compare it to other bunker builds, which I think offer more. Guardian bunkers offer more than just regen and cleansing, and the tank-condi builds of several classes (including ranger) offer a hell of a lot of damage as well as being tanky.

Still, it will definitely work, no doubt in my mind.

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Arpheus.6918


From my tests the strongest regen ist always running first so you can’t really overwrite a good regen with a bad one.
I did that test 8-10 months ago and that was my conclusion.

Regen on Burning won’ t group support but only help you, 33% regen uptime is nice but with your shouts you already give perma aoe regen to your group even without that trait. So your regen support won’t be better with these traits meaning you can get more benefit out of other trait selections.
That was my point but it was just a suggestions.
Healing spring has decent group support that’s true. The other heals on the other hand are alot stronger in 1v1 situations given that you don’t benefit from the regen from healing spring since you already have perma regen from shouts and regen at 75% hp.

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Stx.4857


I like it. I would use Clerics Amulet if I were you, and drop one of the longer CD shouts for signet of the wild for more regen.

2x 80 Necro, 80 Ranger, 80 Thief

The other bunker build

in Ranger

Posted by: Spooko.5436


Here is an updated version of the basic build, refined to be better, as the suggestions have shown

as far as utilities go, there are a number u can switch out depending on the situation, that all work well, and synergize well together,

also, U can for sure switch between dagger and warhorn, they both provide excellent support, dagger a bit more evades, warhorn bigger heals and helps keep up perma swiftness too