The real Ranger fix is finally here
This won’t really work to be quite honest.
It will sure make me feel better! I’ll put half the effort into a new class and get twice the reward.
THought most people rerolled already?
I have a Guardian I main just as much as my Ranger. Starting to give my other toons more time as well.
parked mine on a JP chest. Best use I could think for it right now
Only reason for me to login to my ranger now is to use it for daily oris/ancient logs (because of soulbound infinite tools) and for guild missions because of commanders tag.
I play only my ranger. I enjoy roaming and I’m done grinding. Everyday I log in roam a bit, do some events, do some jumping puzzles and open a few chests here and there. I finish my daily almost always because buy the end of my game session I usually have it at 60-80%. I enjoy playing the game because it relaxes greatly after a long day at work. Other classes just dont click with me in PvE since I’ve played rangers/beastmasters since forever. I don’t see myself doing dungeons or PvP anymore.
more deadly than any that walks this earth. Put aside the Ranger.
Become who you were born to be. I give hope to men. I keep none for myself.
I play this game for pvp and specially wvw and ranger I love the machanic is what I want play. All the time I play my ranger in wvw, all the gear I farm on and wvw rank I level with you say just turn back and go play a other class? My answer is no, lol. Just saying is a p2p dont mean if they fail on upgrade they given, you have to turn back and go? Ho wow, my answer is no.
Although the ranger needs some fixes I still feel its a solid class and I enjoy the mechanics. Besides I just got him to 80 a month or so ago so I’ve got to play for a while.
What do you feel is the biggest change we need? I’d like something done with sword to unglue us from our target, and more pet survival in zerg situations. Somehow they need to buff the pet but not so it makes us more powerful in small groups.
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry
Axe sucks. It needs either more power or more conditions. The Pets suck. Mesmer Phantasms and Necro minions are just summons and function better. Pets should either be invulnerable, or take away the ridiculous ridiculous CD on switching after they die. The traits are all over the place. Everything about this class screams BETA. Dont get me wrong, Ranger is still my 2nd 3rd favorite class to play but it could easily be first if it worked. However it honestly only that high because I just love Rangers lore wise.
I have 3 80s.
My main, warrior, over 1.4K hours on him. Full Zerk gear and Full PVT for WvW and dragons.
My second alt, my Engie. lvl 80 full rampager and flamethrower (it has good dps, not zerk dps but acceptable time to kill a lvl 80 mob while farming or exploring).
My third alt, my Ranger. lvl 80 full Zerk 30/30/0/10/0 (I think, I can’t remember very well). Long bow traits for “sniper” max dps (2-4K hits at max distance, very nice with quickness) and dual Axe for the lulz.
That said,… I have SO MUCH MORE FUN on my ranger that it’s a shame I’m doing half some times even a third of the damage my warrior can do. If the class was anywhere as close to a warrior’s dps I will make it my main hands down… but it needs work. This means, that if I find a topic talking about the state of the rangers, i will cast my opinion in a naive attempt to get a dev review on it.
Axe sucks. It needs either more power or more conditions. The Pets suck. Mesmer Phantasms and Necro minions are just summons and function better. Pets should either be invulnerable, or take away the ridiculous ridiculous CD on switching after they die. The traits are all over the place. Everything about this class screams BETA. Dont get me wrong, Ranger is still my 2nd 3rd favorite class to play but it could easily be first if it worked. However it honestly only that high because I just love Rangers lore wise.
Every class has weapons that suck. Go ahead and name one that doesn’t.
Also, necro minions are terrible, I dunno what you’re on. Mesmer phantasms are supposed to be strong since they are a central part of the mesmer mechanic. They are also tied to target and can’t be controlled which is exactly why they are so spammable. Even so they have to be traited or it’s 20s per phantasm, which is pretty much exactly the same as the pet CD except mesmers have to be able to maintain 3.
I don’t see how people think something like this would ever work.
Boycotts only “work” (putting that in quotes because they rarely work anyway) if the company loses something, namely money, from the act.
Anet does not earn anything from people playing their Rangers. They would not lose anything if people suddenly stopped playing their Rangers.
If people stop playing Ranger, all it makes the devs think is “Here’s a class the players don’t care about, so why should we (the devs) care about it either? Let it rot”.
If you need proof of that, look at their responses to Charr armor clipping. Which basically amount to “its a minority of players that use the race so its not a priority to fix”.
I don’t play a ranger, but just out of curiosity, whats the problem with Rangers?
To me they seem really useful and powerful… [I do agree with the Axe thing though… why give Ranger an Axe anyway? Thats just stupid]
Violette Glory [Warrior]
Bala Rama [Herald]
I don’t play a ranger, but just out of curiosity, whats the problem with Rangers?
To me they seem really useful and powerful…[I do agree with the Axe thing though… why give Ranger an Axe anyway? Thats just stupid]
All boils down to the pet. They don’t work well. The class’ damage is handicapped because of them and they don’t work properly. Haven’t worked properly since the game has come out a year ago. ANet doesn’t even acknowledge the class has issues publicly.
Outside of the pet, the class doesn’t have a role to fill in WvW. It offers no valuable group utility other than a water field that just had its duration reduced. It offers no real burst. It has very poor AE. Its damage is much lower than other classes. It just doesn’t do anything, and this is the opinion of the WvW community at large and not just the Rangers.
The class is a passable roamer, but doesn’t work well when dealing with more than 1v1 odds. This is why it does well in sPvP where most of the time the combat is even numbered and equally skilled. sPvP also has the luxury of having much less stray damage flying around so pets actually survive longer.
PvE/Dungeons has a lot of everything mentioned above. The pet utility isn’t useful. The damage is below that of other classes to the point where the benefits of taking a Ranger are questionable at best. Often times you’d be better taking another DPS class and losing out on the limited utility the class brings simply because of the damage deficit. Pets are destroyed by AE (this is why their health was improved).
Really aside from dueling and leveling the Ranger doesn’t do much else.
on topic, I just played with a Dev that openly says he hates playing his Ranger and they need to fix the axe. Most people on this board are here to just troll or say im lying (which im not I took screen shots, but decided if I post them I may get the dev in trouble, even though he said its not his department so he wouldnt) however I do highly respect Guanglais posts. Yes Guang, almost every class has a weapon that “sucks” but it has a use. The axe on Ranger mainhand is absolutely useless. I used it as my main weapon for half a year and its just awful but I love it. Necro minions arent terrible because they do their job, they focus and are fodder. Thats it, just walls to die. Ranger pets do the same exact thing except theyre not supposed to, its a major part of our dps.