The thing that disappoints me about Druid

The thing that disappoints me about Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: CandyHearts.6025


The animations.

Don’t get me wrong here. They are brilliant. My reason for disappointment is a bit silly. I was hoping to see more “plant” like animations vs the beams / planet animations during celestial form. While the animations during celestial form make sense; I would really like to of seen at least the autoattack of the staff be “planty”

But really I’m just being a jerk here. Druid looks fantastic and I can’t wait to play it. <3

The thing that disappoints me about Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: asweknowit.4798


You’re not alone. I was expecting plant based condi dps (poison & bleeds) with high control for support

The thing that disappoints me about Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Mincsk.6028


You’re not alone. I was expecting plant based condi dps (poison & bleeds) with high control for support

This would have been my choice. I invested a lot of time on a ranger to play a druid of this style. How was I suppose to know it was going to be a full healing cosmic wizard.

The thing that disappoints me about Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: nscarpenter.9341


While the animations during celestial form make sense; I would really like to of seen at least the autoattack of the staff be “planty”

But Solar Beam is a Grass type attack! Doesn’t get more planty than that.


The thing that disappoints me about Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Kraitan.8476


What really bothers me is that we got (an awesome) specialiation, however it is completely useless in the core game, and doesnt seem like there will be much use in HoT areas like verdant brink either, sure you can play it if you really want to, but I dont see how this will replace water fields + retaliation (druid elite).

The thing that disappoints me about Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim.9532


While the animations during celestial form make sense; I would really like to of seen at least the autoattack of the staff be “planty”

But Solar Beam is a Grass type attack! Doesn’t get more planty than that.


Nice Pokemon reference there.

The thing that disappoints me about Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


the only animation I don’t really care for from looking at the reveal is the auto-attack to be honest. And that’s not so much because it’s not plant based, it just looks very stiff. (I’d have to get in game to try it out for myself though before I make a final judgement)

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

The thing that disappoints me about Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I think the worst animations are the Glyphs skills.

Their animation look redundant and uninteresting.
Their effect is boring too. And no additional effect like stun-break and such.
Pretty much will ditch this entirely. (except the elite)

The thing that disappoints me about Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Eric.7813


I don’t understand. all 5 glyphs are nature inspired if you look closely. With the glyphs ( except the elite) there are flowers popping out and vines shooting up from the floor. The staff gives us flower walls and more vines, a whisp! which is a forest dwelling spirit, even a bign beautiful ray of sunshine for the auto-attack skill.

Even celestial mode summons those blooms from the ground… with that one trait, every time you use a glyph, you get a flower bloom, you can have a whole flower bed of blooms if you wish.

as for celestial form, and believe it or not, this is a very druidic theme that most games ignore. the ultimate source of nature comes from the cosmos. not to mention, it has some of the most beautiful skill animations I’ve seen.

I am unsure why people are so “disappointed” ranger got very lucky with this elite spec in my opinion.

The thing that disappoints me about Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Photinous.4628


All people care about is DEEPS, but honestly this druid spec opens up the door for a druid to be a very high skill cap class. The combination of celestial form, pet control, supporting allies, and battle in general will really distinguish the great players from the meh ones. The animations are also still very good…. do you really want some over the top bullkitten animations like the daredevil?

The thing that disappoints me about Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Eric.7813


You’re not alone. I was expecting plant based condi dps (poison & bleeds) with high control for support

This would have been my choice. I invested a lot of time on a ranger to play a druid of this style. How was I suppose to know it was going to be a full healing cosmic wizard.

Cosmic wizard? its all how you perceive it I guess. I like to think its the ultimate channel to nature that there possibly can be. and now the ranger has access to it. Whoa Brah

The thing that disappoints me about Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Mcrocha.3891


The animations.

Don’t get me wrong here. They are brilliant. My reason for disappointment is a bit silly. I was hoping to see more “plant” like animations vs the beams / planet animations during celestial form. While the animations during celestial form make sense; I would really like to of seen at least the autoattack of the staff be “planty”

But really I’m just being a jerk here. Druid looks fantastic and I can’t wait to play it. <3

The way I would look at the auto attack if you want it to be “planty” is that it is healing allies with the power of photosynthesis somehow. It is called solar beam after all.

Local Charr Ruins Everything

The thing that disappoints me about Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: CandyHearts.6025


The animations.

Don’t get me wrong here. They are brilliant. My reason for disappointment is a bit silly. I was hoping to see more “plant” like animations vs the beams / planet animations during celestial form. While the animations during celestial form make sense; I would really like to of seen at least the autoattack of the staff be “planty”

But really I’m just being a jerk here. Druid looks fantastic and I can’t wait to play it. <3

The way I would look at the auto attack if you want it to be “planty” is that it is healing allies with the power of photosynthesis somehow. It is called solar beam after all.

I really like that thought! Thank you for sharing!

The thing that disappoints me about Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Deleven.7508


I don’t understand. all 5 glyphs are nature inspired if you look closely. With the glyphs ( except the elite) there are flowers popping out and vines shooting up from the floor. The staff gives us flower walls and more vines, a whisp! which is a forest dwelling spirit, even a bign beautiful ray of sunshine for the auto-attack skill.

Even celestial mode summons those blooms from the ground… with that one trait, every time you use a glyph, you get a flower bloom, you can have a whole flower bed of blooms if you wish.

as for celestial form, and believe it or not, this is a very druidic theme that most games ignore. the ultimate source of nature comes from the cosmos. not to mention, it has some of the most beautiful skill animations I’ve seen.

I am unsure why people are so “disappointed” ranger got very lucky with this elite spec in my opinion.

I think the problem is that the concept of a druid is really large, they almost could have released it as a fourth light armor profession. A druid covers nature, regrowth, shapeshifting, spirits, seasons, and the cosmos, it is a really diverse class. The problem that has come up now is that you cant get all of that into one specialization. We got a very celestial druid, but because of that we are likely never going to get the other types of druid. I personally really wanted to play a more plant-focused mage that made use of bleeding and poisoning large areas, but that overlaps too much with the druid now to warrant being its own specialization.

The thing that disappoints me about Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

AA animation looks weird – other than that – I’m ok with them

[and I’m more about how druid wields staff druing it – beam part is kk]

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