Together we stand as Rangers!

Together we stand as Rangers!

in Ranger

Posted by: dodgerrule.8739


I know everyone seems to be in discord at the moment of the current state of the ranger in the game, but rest assured if you truly love Rangers when you involve your bills will transform your character into the best you can be is not a limit in which we are stuck world were not many people like us we stand as one we the only ones to stand up for the Rangers if you’re reading this you are the rangers.

It is the Rangers who involve beyond the capabilities of normal fighting even when it comes the fact that we might only have a few good weapons we still pursue utilize what things are not good with you not still open we are the Rangers anyone who post on this thread is considered a true ranger

United we stand
Separate we will fall.

I have played a ranger since gw2 beta. The rangers are strong and prideful people. As long as we stand together and make ourselves as useful as possible, then we will remain not only the hidden class, but the best hidden secret. We are not failures, we are the future.

Dodger Rule Ranger – Fort Aspenwood

(edited by dodgerrule.8739)

Together we stand as Rangers!

in Ranger

Posted by: dodgerrule.8739


The adaptation is nessicary for us Rangers. We have to change our builds and swap out our skills when we are in peril. If we are not in peril we stand strong!

Dodger Rule Ranger – Fort Aspenwood

Together we stand as Rangers!

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

United we stand …
… So if I want to stand – my pet will be in combat – and will not stand the damage and will fall, meaning it won’t stand, so I won’t stand united with anybody anymore.

If we stand united I don’t stand united.
That’s a thought.

(Don’t take it seriously, just felt like fooling around)

“Observe, learn and counter.”

Together we stand as Rangers!

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

Attack the Flanks , Pin the weak , Take Everything , Give nothing back.
if thats how Anet want it Bring the buffs , make us into Flanking Specailists the perfect class for suicide missions where no group of sane players would dare tread.

Together we stand as Rangers!

in Ranger

Posted by: UnitedChaos.8364


United we stand.
(1 character, 1 ranger, 2,300+hrs over 1,020+days)

Add “United Chi” to your friends list or guild!

Together we stand as Rangers!

in Ranger

Posted by: Redemer.2601


The adaptation is nessicary for us Rangers. We have to change our builds and swap out our skills when we are in peril. If we are not in peril we stand strong!

thats a part of many ppls frustration with Rangers adaptation is nessicary for us not so much for them and we are ofter picked just to fill slots and I for one have been kicked because they found an ele or war to take my slot causeing even more frustration of being seen and a benchwarmer and not a player