Tpvp - viable LB/GS build?

Tpvp - viable LB/GS build?

in Ranger

Posted by: wllalele.9427


Since nothing really works on my warrior, i’m trying with ranger now. Is this worth even trying? Or should i just go trap ranger like everyone else?

Tpvp - viable LB/GS build?

in Ranger

Posted by: Indoles.1467


If you can make it fill a certain role, it is viable (as long as you are good at it of course). The reason trap ranger is common is due to the ability to debunk a point. Because traps are unblockable, killing a bunker (especially a guardian) is significantly easier with a trap ranger on your team (filling a role).

Tpvp - viable LB/GS build?

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Well… I’d say its faster to 4 them off the point than use traps. Assuming they don’t have 2 stability skills and sanctuary.

Tpvp - viable LB/GS build?

in Ranger

Posted by: firebreathz.7692


I have been using GS/LB in Tpvp and it’s very viable..

I use to debunk then bunker the node myself.. (trap builds dont bunker so well)

here are my usual debunking methods

near edge of node GS #4 Counterattack
close to enemy near edge of node LB #4 Point Blank Shot + entangling roots
wolf fear

with those 3 ways of decapping it’s not long before that node is mine 1v1

the build I use helps me stay alive for a very long time.. but my damage is lame.. but im not there to do damage.. im there to control that node..

here’s my build..;1wEFy-r2kDF-0;9F-E;3T9T;427B2;015BZ;01;2nBnBnBnB9kb

it’s not perfect and it’s all personal choice that works well for me

p.s. copy paste if it says bad link…

(edited by firebreathz.7692)