Trait Changes

Trait Changes

in Ranger

Posted by: shadowpass.4236


Natural Vigor
(Nature Magic: 1 Point Minor)

Gain vigor when you deliver a critical hit.

Vigor (5 sec): 100% Endurance Regeneration
Internal Cooldown: 10 seconds

Swap Natural Vigor with Rejuvenation.

(Wilderness Survival: 1 Point Minor)

Gain regeneration when you gain protection.

Regen (1 sec): 130 Heal

Opening Strike
(Marksmanship: 1 Point Minor)

Cause vulnerability with your first strike when entering combat.
Pets have Opening Strike.

Opening Strike: Your next attack is an opening strike.
5 Vulnerability (8 1/2 sec): 5% Incoming Damage

(Marksmanship: 3 Point Minor)

Regain Opening Strikes when swapping weapons in combat.

Opening Strike: Your next attack is an opening strike.
5 Vulnerability (8 1/2 sec): 5% Incoming Damage

Critical Sight
(Marksmanship: 6 Point Grandmaster)

Increases critical-hit chance while wielding a longbow.

Critical Chance Increase: 50%

Instinctual Bond
(Beastmastery: 1 Point Minor)

When you are downed, use Signet of the Wild.

Signet of the Wild: 62 heal
Enlarged (8 sec): You deal 25% more damage and move faster.
Stability (8sec): Cannot be knocked back, pushed back, pulled, launched, stunned, dazed, floated, sunk, or feared.
Damage Increase: 25%
Movement Speed Increase: 50%
Duration: 8 sec

I was a power ranger before it was cool.
Guild Leader of Favorable Winds [Wind]