Trait Keen Edge

Trait Keen Edge

in Ranger

Posted by: Crowmeat.3750


Must the skill Sharpening Stone be slotted in a utility button to be activated by the trait Keen edge. Or will this trait save me a utility slot for another skill and proc Sharpening Stone as long as I have the skill unlocked?

“Keen Edge: Use Sharpening Stone when your health reaches 75%”

Pretty vague trait description, and I can activate Sharpening Stone every 45 seconds manually if I have it slotted.

Any help understanding the benefits to this trait would be appreciated, if you have used it shout out please.

Thanks in advance

Trait Keen Edge

in Ranger

Posted by: Brooksy.5039


Just ran a quick test for you. This trait allows the use of Sharpening Stone at 75% without the need to have the utility skill active.

Sharpening Stone is given to you at 75% and you are free to apply the condition to an enemy once this has happened. Happy Hunting.

Representing Maguuma Server [EYO]
Cwbrooksy – Level 80 Ranger
I Am Brooksy – Mesmer – Will be 80 some day

Trait Keen Edge

in Ranger

Posted by: Balatee.8214


When you use sharpening stone it basically gives you a buff where your next 5 attacks apply the bleed. When you reach 75% health, you just get that buff, and if you use both at the same time, i’m sure your next 10 attacks will bleed.

Trait Keen Edge

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Must the skill Sharpening Stone be slotted in a utility button to be activated by the trait Keen edge. Or will this trait save me a utility slot for another skill and proc Sharpening Stone as long as I have the skill unlocked?

“Keen Edge: Use Sharpening Stone when your health reaches 75%”

Pretty vague trait description, and I can activate Sharpening Stone every 45 seconds manually if I have it slotted.

Any help understanding the benefits to this trait would be appreciated, if you have used it shout out please.

Thanks in advance

Your question has already been answered, but for the future whenever it says “uses X move in Y condition” (IE uses QZ when swapping pets) you gain the effect regardless of if you have the utility skill equipped, or hell even unlocked!! Have fun out there!!

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Trait Keen Edge

in Ranger

Posted by: Crowmeat.3750


Thanks for the replies it was helpful