I think some of the Ranger Traits should be overhauled and improved to synergize better with playstyles and builds.
I chnaged the Traitlines, so that Marksmanship is more distinct and signet based; Skirmishing concentrates on bleeds, dmg and swiftness dmg buffs; Survival is more about Bunkering and poison application; Nature Magic is Build arround boon application and duration; and Beastmastery is more build arround Pet dmg and Boon Sharing between the two of you.
I have only suggested function and speculated some numbers.
This are just ideas and i would like your opinion.^^
Its a lot of stuff but have fun to read:)
They are fine, but alpha Training could be included to Opening Strike
And i would put something like you gain Opening Strike when you gain Fury and chnage its place with precise strikes. (With this comes a remorseless tweak)
Clarion Bond: IMO it would have a better place in Nature Magic and change it with Bountiful Hunter.
Rest of the Adept are Fine.
Brutish Seals: is fine
Moment of Clarity:
Predators Onslaught takes its place, because its farely underwhelming in comparisson to the other Grandmasters.
Moment of Clarity merged with Remorseless. (you will see^^)
Steady Fokus: Fine
Remorseless: Gain Fury when you interrupt daze etc. etc. (Like Moment of Clarity part) and your Opening Strikes do more dmg as default.
Lead the wind is fine for LB.
New Grandmaster: Reinforce: Activate Signet of Stone when reach 25% health, all passive Signet effects stay after activation.
I would change the Effect of Hunters Tactics to a 15% higher Crit Chance when under the effects of Quickness or Swiftness.(This would give it more flexibility and synergy instead of a raw crit chance increase) Rest is Fine.
Primal reflexes:
Merge with Natural Vigor in the Survival Line and remove it from here.
Replaced with tweaked version of Instinctive Reaction, just let away the stat change.
Sharpen Edges:
50% Chance to Grand a Stack of minor Sharpening Stones (like sharpening stone just 3 stack → this gives more synergy with survival skills)
cannot apply buff if buff is still active.
Trappers Expertise:
Move to Master for better Condi Build possibilities.
to Take the Place of Trapper Expertise i would put a better version of Ambidextry of the Survival Line →Gain Stat depending on your Offhand weapon
Axe Offhand: Power(150)
Torch:Condi Duration(10%)
Dagger:Condi Dmg(150)
Warhorn: Boon Duration (20%)
Hidden barps:
Merge with Expertise Training and the Bleed applycation part of the Companions Might trait.->Bleed does more dmg like default, Pet has incresed Condi Dmg and Duration, its Auto Attack applies Bleed.
Striders Defense: Removed to the Place of Ambidextry, but a little tweaked.
Replaced by Trappers Expertise like default +I would make the Traps throwable again, this would made the Ranger to a Trapmaster again.
Spotter: is Fine
Most Dangerous Game:Now its Fine
Quickdraw: Fine
Light on your Feet: Gain Swiftness after dodge, gain Quickness after evade.(This would give synergy with the minors and the evade powers of many Ranger weapons) and the pierce of Shortbow of course.
Wilderness Survival:
Natural Vigor: Increase the Vigor effectivity (20%) and gain vigor after evade.
Companions Defense: as Default
Bark Skin: Take less dmg and Gain Retaliation when get struck above the Threshhold.
Expertise Training Merged with Hidden Barbs in the Skirmishing line
Replaced with Refined Toxins plus the Poison Dmg increase of Poison Master.
The other Two are fine.
Ambidextry: Removed to Skirmish Line.
Replaced by Striders Defense tweaked version.->Chance of Projektile Reflection if Hitting Enemy in Range Distance(240 above), Chance of Evade after Hitting enemy in Mele Range(240 and less) and Axe and Sword Mainhand CD decrease.
Refined Toxins:
Changed to Adept.
Replaced with new Trait: Poisonous Hide: Gain Retaliation when you get Protection. Apply Poison to foes who got struck by your Retaliation (with ICD for the Balance)
Shared Anguisch:
Exchanged with vigorous Training of the Nature Magic Traitline. Plus also Gains swiftness to allies on Swap.
Poison Master. Change the Apply Poison on Pet swap mechanic to generate Poison field on PetSwap mechanic (at the Locatio of both) in a 240 Range maybe, each field pulses poison and is a combofield.
Empathic Bond: Exchanged with Protective Ward of the Nature Line
Wilderness Knowledge: Change the Mechanic of this Trait to gain Effects specific on the survival Skill. Reduce the CD of Survival Skills but remove other effects of the Trait (Fury and Condi cleanse on cast)
Troll Unguent: Cleanses Condi every Heal pulse. ->This will grant continous Condi Cleanse for 10 s instead of spamming survival skills to remove condi.
Sharpening Stone: Gain Might when Hitting a foe while under the effect of Sharpening stone or Minor Sharpening stone.
Zephyrs Speed: Gain Fury and resistance on cast
Lightning Reflexes: Stun enemies Struck by this Skills (2s maybe)
Entangle: Add explosion Finisher and Grants Stability to allies.(1 stack)
(take a deep breath 3 of 5 Traitlines are over^^)
Nature Magic:
Minors: They are fine. But Rejuvination is Replaced by Clarion Bond of the Marksmanship line and removed to the place of Bountiful Hunter.
Allies Aid: exchanged with Natural healing from the Beastmaster line
Bountiful Hunter: Replaced by Rejuvination
->Actually a new Trait: Rejuvinational Aura: Rejuvination effect + foes apply less dmg when you are effected by regeneration
Instinctive Reaction:
Changed to new Trait :Spiritual Inspiration: Gain Temporarly Boon Duration Increase when using a Warhorn skill(yeah i know there are two boon duration traits, but this one is temporarly and it mades the spirits a little bit more viable)
+Gain Healing Power based on your Power.
Evasive Purity: Just remove Condi on Dodge, remove additional one if yo evade an attack with the dodge. (10s ICD)
Vigorous Training: Exchanged with Shared Anguish
Windborn Notes: Is fine
Invigorating Bond: Fine as it is
Natures Vengeance:
First: The Life of the Spirits Should be increased on Default.
Second: Boon Applycation is Fine (except stone spirit: Stone Spirit should cause Bleeds on default and gain Protection when traited and not double protection)
Spirit activate there active abbilities when they die. Spirits Produce a Combofield when they die Violently(killed by foes)
Water Spirit: Water field pulsing Regen
Sun Spirit: Fire Field pulsing Burn
Ice Spirit:Ice Field pulsing Chill
Storm Spirit: Lightning Field Pulsing Daze
Stone Spirit: Effect Field Pulsing Blind (Sandstorm)
Nature Spirit: Just Knockdown Enemies on 900 range for some seconds
(Thats Really vengeance)
Beastmastery (Final Line, soon i am over^^):
Minors: Fine
Companions Might: Your critical hits Grants Might to your pet critcal hits have a chance to copie his boons on you(10% maybe)
Go for the Eyes: Fine
Resounding Timbre: Fine
Natural Healing: Exchanged by Allies Aid
Two-Handed Expertise: Fine but you also gain fury to your pet.
Wilting Strike: Fine but also applies slow
Beastly Warden: Fine but also applies Vuln
Honed Axes: Changed to Arctic Training: Winters Bite is AoE, everytime foe get struck from your pet while under the effect of Weakness or struck by you while under the effect of chill you steal a boon from your foe (ICD for you and your pet individualy)
Zephyrs Speed: Also apply the effect when activating Pets.
Its over its done^^
9 Sylvari, 9 unique Builds.
(edited by InsaneQR.7412)