Transition from Vanilla Ranger to Druid (PVP)

Transition from Vanilla Ranger to Druid (PVP)

in Ranger

Posted by: BROKENCAPS.4561


I only have time to play casually a few evenings a week on my vanilla Ranger.

I started playing soloQ ranked after Christmas and have cruised easily into Sapphire without any issues or feeling like I’m letting teams down. My play style is roamer, to +1 and offering support where needed, as well as decapping far and making a general nuisance of myself. I can usually hold my own on point against most if needed.

Here’s the boonstacking build I’ve been using:

I am however now considering running a more ‘meta’ Druid build from here on out to compare notes versus my vanilla ranger build to try and become even more competitive in the upper echelons.

I’m not keen on the idea of a Druid bunker role however, is there any viable Druid build that will offer the same ‘roamer’ playstyle?

Thanks in advance.

Transition from Vanilla Ranger to Druid (PVP)

in Ranger

Posted by: Ghorman.1368


I’m just scared the Ranger is going to pidgin holed into healing only. I’m not thrilled about the Druid.

Transition from Vanilla Ranger to Druid (PVP)

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Druid isn’t really a healer in PvP.

Anyway, OP, you could try staff + GS with crusader amulet. It’s a decap build that can still hold points, and sounds like what you’re playing now. The druid line is typically 1-2-3 for traits. Glyph of equality, glyph of tides and then whatever else you want.

You’ll probably want BM line for WHaO and RaO.

Edit. This is pretty stock:

(edited by Fluffball.8307)

Transition from Vanilla Ranger to Druid (PVP)

in Ranger

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Here ya go:

This is basically a variant of the meta that works well as a roamer/decap.

Greatsword with Staff gives you superior mobility.

Glyph of Tides and Counterattack are your primary tools for decapping.

For burst, start on staff with Bristleback. Pop F2 along with “Strength of the Pack!”. Once you get some might stacked from this, swap to GS and swap to Smokescale, then Hilt Bash to Maul. The first attacks from Smokescale after swap are very high burst and this along with a might-stacked GS burst will drop much heavier dps burst than most will expect from a tanky celestial build.

Starting a game with this build, you can either rush far for the decap or play it safe by capping home. Either way, you’re generally better off on a side point than a mid team fight.

A Sw/T and Staff build will give you a bit more of an edge in 1v1s, but GS and Staff still handles 1v1s better than most builds out there and will be much better suited to a roamer-centric playstyle.

Transition from Vanilla Ranger to Druid (PVP)

in Ranger

Posted by: EnderzShadow.2506


Here ya go:

This is basically a variant of the meta that works well as a roamer/decap.

Greatsword with Staff gives you superior mobility.

Glyph of Tides and Counterattack are your primary tools for decapping.

For burst, start on staff with Bristleback. Pop F2 along with “Strength of the Pack!”. Once you get some might stacked from this, swap to GS and swap to Smokescale, then Hilt Bash to Maul. The first attacks from Smokescale after swap are very high burst and this along with a might-stacked GS burst will drop much heavier dps burst than most will expect from a tanky celestial build.

Starting a game with this build, you can either rush far for the decap or play it safe by capping home. Either way, you’re generally better off on a side point than a mid team fight.

A Sw/T and Staff build will give you a bit more of an edge in 1v1s, but GS and Staff still handles 1v1s better than most builds out there and will be much better suited to a roamer-centric playstyle.

Couple of different options for the build ^

Crusader Ammy works well for a little more punch.

Also, glyph of alignment is a possibility, as it is a pretty nice heal in Cele Form.

Shadowbane DarkAges Of Camelot WoW AION WarHammer GuildWars2

Transition from Vanilla Ranger to Druid (PVP)

in Ranger

Posted by: Tog.7216


Here is a build I’ve been meaning to test more and I am still playing around with it, but I am not not of a PvPer to be honest and been meaning to get feed back.

But this is a build I made more early on when HoT came out but the idea behind it is be a more offensive druid. With my initial testing I have found it is a offensive support role, soloing varies on opponents skills, but results have been good. Creates a bit of chaos does enough damage it can hurt does enough healing to sustain an ally to tip the balance. But best to keep mobile, It nothing else I hope its thought provoking.

Transition from Vanilla Ranger to Druid (PVP)

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


All the mentioned builds are very viable and strong but I kinda liked your “vanilla” build, made some changes that I think will raise its effectivness.

brutish seals+NM is very good, 3 might to you+6 might to pet. If you use WHAO its 9 might to you from one signet. Don’t go with might stacking rune you dont need it, most of the might comes from pet +WHAO, go with durability rune for the defensive stats, + 20% boon duration and boons, this let you change amulet for berserker for the extra power and crit damage. Also changed LR for SOR and sigils on LB for maxing your LB damage.