Traps should have 900 range and traits split

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: rpfohr.7048


First i will expain the idea and the why and how it is balanced

split traps into 3 traits

Trappers expertise: traps are twice as large
Master trapper: traps use ground targeting and have 900 range
Trapper potency remains as it is.

As a long time trapper. I really feel this needs to happen for the following reasons

Aoe is the way in wvw and the 900 range would be excellent for rangers to compete on a team level more. Ranged Aoe is too dominated by necro. I’ve tried melee train ranger and its very difficult. Sword makes it tough to stay on leader cause of animation forcing me to pickup gs and axe/x which leads to less damage on a medium clas armor. 900 trap range out be enough to bring interesting frost and fire combo feels from a good distance.

Splitting the ground target and larger traps could bring about interesting melee trap builds where the ranger doesn’t have to pick up ground target. This can become more potent in dungeon and roaming builds. I also think it would be an spvp boost and give a better option to zone with melee.

In my opinion this would be balanced as you need to pick up 3 trap traits instead of 2 but 900 range is sexy. Snare builds. Imagine spike plus frost trap power builds at 900 range.

This would require consolidation of two traits. Perhaps carnivorous appetite and another pet trait in that tier.

Any thoughts?

(edited by rpfohr.7048)

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


“Imagine spike and frost trap at 900 range”

Which is why we’ll never get it lol! Seriously, 900 range traps would be insane! Total insanity imho.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

“Imagine spike and frost trap at 900 range”

Which is why we’ll never get it lol! Seriously, 900 range traps would be insane! Total insanity imho.

He isn’t wrong in that we need more ranged aoe and it couldn’t be any worse than mark necros operating at 1200 range.

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Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: cyborG.3026


I’d rather have traps that we could trigger on demand, or when someone walks over it, rather than it is right now where it can only trigger when someone walks over it.

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: Taym.8326


First i will expain the idea and the why and how it is balanced

split traps into 3 traits

Trappers expertise: traps are twice as large
Master trapper: traps use ground targeting and have 900 range
Trapper potency remains as it is.

As a long time trapper. I really feel this needs to happen for the following reasons

Aoe is the way in wvw and the 900 range would be excellent for rangers to compete on a team level more. Ranged Aoe is too dominated by necro. I’ve tried melee train ranger and its very difficult if not near impossible. Sword makes it tough to stay on leader cause of animation forcing me to pickup gs and axe/x which leads to subpar damage on a medium clas armor. Not worth it. 900 trap range out be enough to bring interesting frost and fire combo feels from a good distance.

Splitting the ground target and larger traps could bring about interesting melee trap builds where the ranger doesn’t have to pick up ground target. This can become more potent in dungeon and roaming builds. I also think it would be an spvp boost and give a better option to zone with melee.

In my opinion this would be balanced as you need to pick up 3 trap traits instead of 2 but 900 range is sexy. Snare builds. Imagine spike plus frost trap power builds at 900 range.

This would require consolidation of two traits. Perhaps carnivorous appetite and another pet trait in that tier.

Any thoughts?

Why are you asking for a base nerf to traps. When you break the trait into multiple selections you are not increasing viability at all. What you are doing is limiting the viability of something. As an example one of these would need to be a tier 1 trait, if not traps overall become worse, this would remove a single trait access from the trap ranger overall. If both “new traits” were tier 2, you could only have throw traps OR larger traps which is a gigantic nerf. The ability to throw traps on your feet already exists within the current system, but also have more than that available as options. The option to zone with melee already exists thrown traps increase your options, and does not limit you in any way.

The Range increase would be nice, there are many spots in Battle of Khylo for example that are that force you to fully jump in clock tower exposing yourself to danger when both engies/necro’s can zone across the area.

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


Ya, taym is right. You have to think more critically about what you’re saying. Game design is not simple. There’s a reason the devs are developing and we’re playing.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: Rym.1469


I’d welcome a trait which would immobilize foes for 2 second on triggering trap.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: rpfohr.7048


Yes. My plan would be to move the part where traps are larger to t1 and something like pet speed and consolidate with with carniverous appetite

With each tier having 1 traps trait like spirits.

I don’t see how that would be a nerf if you want to go 20 in skrimishing you still get 900 range traps. And it’s balanced by making you pick up all three trap traits if you want to.

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: Lévis.5489


Anet merged some of the trap traits together. I don’t see why they should split them again.

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: vangedas.7358


I’ve played trap ranger for a long time too. The main issue I see with it is the potential of chasing and hard commitment for traits.

Traps are really good for small skirmishes, yet they can still be triggered by things like mesmer clones, which is rather frustrating.

Anyway, as someone with big expertise on this build, I’d suggest to either increase range to said 900 (which defo wouldn’t be OP, just look at necros / engis), or something that is never going to happen – move trap traits to condition damage tier. Having traps on crit / crit damage tier just makes no sense, and moving would make more viable builds. Reasoning behind that is you commit not only stats from traits to make traps viable, but also fill utilities with non-defensive abilities. Just need more options on the defensive end.

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: Pewienpan.5168


Imo traits should stay just like they are now, but the range should be increased to 900. Muddy terrain got 900, so why not the traps?

PS. AoE indicator when you throw the trap show smaller size than it is in reality, it should be fixed.

Celestial scrubs, just die already…

(edited by Pewienpan.5168)

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: F I R S T.3976

F I R S T.3976

All this request/opinion on how to modify a ranger, it will never happen. maybe there is a 1% chance that they would reconsider but don’t expect it’ll happen anytime soon.

Judging from the previews patch notes, all they do is “slightly” improve on something(around 10%-20%) and fix bugs/glitches such us fix a bug witch x skill not functioning with y skill..

Sorry for the off topic but i really love the idea of trap improvements and hoping that it’ll be included on that so called reconsider list.

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: Kilger.5490


“Imagine spike and frost trap at 900 range”

Which is why we’ll never get it lol! Seriously, 900 range traps would be insane! Total insanity imho.

He isn’t wrong in that we need more ranged aoe and it couldn’t be any worse than mark necros operating at 1200 range.

Yep, sry but you think traps are strong, you havent tried necro (my main for last year). Wells and marks do waaay more damage with stronger effects, at longer range. Necro has a trap ranger beat in that department by a long shot. Ranger is more mobile and has better single target dps, with decent aoe.

Kilger – Human Ranger
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Ya, taym is right. You have to think more critically about what you’re saying. Game design is not simple. There’s a reason the devs are developing and we’re playing.

He actually isn’t… by making them merged you’re actually hurting a lot of trap build options because you NEED to throw it, that just takes too much time in a lot of scenarios and it gives them plenty of time to dodge it with the stupidly obvious “Throw Bundel” animation that we use…

If we had a trait, probably adept so you could take all 3, that made your traps larger and say put the spike trap on rez (just combine them since that one is useless anyway) then you could be a pretty effective trapper by only spending 10 points instead of 20, which allows you to spend those elsewhere. Not to mention for players in sPvP who just drop the traps on points anyway it frees up a master major trait slot…

Personally if they split the traits i’d like to see the 900 range trait also allow you to “Detonate” your trap within, say 5-10s of it being cast (doesn’t affect the CD).

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

(edited by Durzlla.6295)

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


I just think traps are weak. Mainly, this comes from 2 different classes with 2 traits and their weapon/utility options.

Engineer and Necro: Incendiary Powder with Bombs/Grenades and Dhuumfire with Necro Staff.

Staff doesn’t pulse, but applies everything our traps do upfront.

Engineer not only applies the same things we apply with our traps, but their bombs also have a pulsing duration, and the grenades apply upfront and the poison grenade pulses. AND they are more spammable.

Really, the only thing ranger traps offer are the ability to be hidden on the ground, which in itself isn’t the biggest deal breaker in the world.

I would say it’s a power creep issue, if over the past few big patches the necro and engineer didn’t have their options be made better in some way, like radius increases to their already strong effects.

That to me implies that a reduction in their classes is less likely, meaning in this case rangers actually need a buff in order to keep up with the power creep. However, ANet has acknowledged in the past that conditions can be a bit too strong, so I’d hope that ranger traps get made the baseline to get balanced around.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: Rym.1469


As I said, giving our trap more pulses and immobilize for 2 seconds on trigger from some trait would greatly increase it’s viability. Three traps pulsing for like 7-10 seconds, thrown on the ground, when triggered at the same time, immobilizing for 6 or more seconds. That would make great pressure everywhere. Personally, I’d even go for that immobilize as power ranger maybe

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


As I said, giving our trap more pulses and immobilize for 2 seconds on trigger from some trait would greatly increase it’s viability. Three traps pulsing for like 7-10 seconds, thrown on the ground, when triggered at the same time, immobilizing for 6 or more seconds. That would make great pressure everywhere. Personally, I’d even go for that immobilize as power ranger maybe

I normally will run Spike and flame trap + Muddy Terrain, murrellow + devourer (poison cloud one) when i do a trap build, Muddy Terrain + the spike trap immob inside of flame trap and the poison clouds just destroys people as i go pew pew pew pew.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

“Imagine spike and frost trap at 900 range”

Which is why we’ll never get it lol! Seriously, 900 range traps would be insane! Total insanity imho.

He isn’t wrong in that we need more ranged aoe and it couldn’t be any worse than mark necros operating at 1200 range.

Yep, sry but you think traps are strong, you havent tried necro (my main for last year). Wells and marks do waaay more damage with stronger effects, at longer range. Necro has a trap ranger beat in that department by a long shot. Ranger is more mobile and has better single target dps, with decent aoe.

Which is the reason you see tons of marks/wells Necros in wvw zergs and virtually no trap Rangers. Or if they are there they’re dead seconds after throwing their traps because the zerg ran them over while they used up all their utilities at 600 range.

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Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: rpfohr.7048


Ya, taym is right. You have to think more critically about what you’re saying. Game design is not simple. There’s a reason the devs are developing and we’re playing.

He actually isn’t… by making them merged you’re actually hurting a lot of trap build options because you NEED to throw it, that just takes too much time in a lot of scenarios and it gives them plenty of time to dodge it with the stupidly obvious “Throw Bundel” animation that we use…

If we had a trait, probably adept so you could take all 3, that made your traps larger and say put the spike trap on rez (just combine them since that one is useless anyway) then you could be a pretty effective trapper by only spending 10 points instead of 20, which allows you to spend those elsewhere. Not to mention for players in sPvP who just drop the traps on points anyway it frees up a master major trait slot…

Personally if they split the traits i’d like to see the 900 range trait also allow you to “Detonate” your trap within, say 5-10s of it being cast (doesn’t affect the CD).

Glad somebody understands, the extra “throw” animation plus “set” animation takes a long time for traps to appear. Splitting up in my opinion and buffing the traits would significantly help build options. Making this optional enhances and quickens ranger builds. If you are willing to put up with the throw bundle animation this you should at least get 900 range.

I think that the detonate trap button would be op on a 900 range trait but adding it to a “traps are larger” could be fair, though they might scale back radius or something. In this case you can just hit your trap button again to detonate the field.

I personally wouldnt want them to move to WS because it competes with too much. Empathetic Bond etc….. Some traps like Frost, don’t even scale off of condition damage. And would be better in a CC condition condi duration build at least WvW wise. Once again though, personal preference.

(edited by rpfohr.7048)

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Ya, taym is right. You have to think more critically about what you’re saying. Game design is not simple. There’s a reason the devs are developing and we’re playing.

He actually isn’t… by making them merged you’re actually hurting a lot of trap build options because you NEED to throw it, that just takes too much time in a lot of scenarios and it gives them plenty of time to dodge it with the stupidly obvious “Throw Bundel” animation that we use…

If we had a trait, probably adept so you could take all 3, that made your traps larger and say put the spike trap on rez (just combine them since that one is useless anyway) then you could be a pretty effective trapper by only spending 10 points instead of 20, which allows you to spend those elsewhere. Not to mention for players in sPvP who just drop the traps on points anyway it frees up a master major trait slot…

Personally if they split the traits i’d like to see the 900 range trait also allow you to “Detonate” your trap within, say 5-10s of it being cast (doesn’t affect the CD).

Glad somebody understands, the extra “throw” animation plus “set” animation takes a long time for traps to appear. Splitting up in my opinion and buffing the traits would significantly help build options. Making this optional enhances and quickens ranger builds. If you are willing to put up with the throw bundle animation this you should at least get 900 range.

I think that the detonate trap button would be op on a 900 range trait but adding it to a “traps are larger” could be fair, though they might scale back radius or something. In this case you can just hit your trap button again to detonate the field.

I personally wouldnt want them to move to WS because it competes with too much. Empathetic Bond etc….. Some traps like Frost, don’t even scale off of condition damage. And would be better in a CC condition condi duration build at least WvW wise. Once again though, personal preference.

Eh i just feel 900 range isn’t worth a trait if you ask me, but then again i just don’t really like throwing my traps lol, i use them for what they are, traps, not thrown weapons so that may be why xD.

Personally if they were to move ANYWHERE i’d rather it be into marksman, just swap the trap traits with the signet traits, boom, both are totally useful for the tree they’re in.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: blutstein.2468


Yep, sry but you think traps are strong, you havent tried necro (my main for last year). Wells and marks do waaay more damage with stronger effects, at longer range.

… with doubled CD and useless combofields that you can’t even combo by yourself, only if you equip that awful staff you’re talking about (worst necro weapon by far) you have a whooping projectile finisher and a blast on CD.

You can’t cherry pick skills and compare them between professions because of what? ground targeting ?

kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


i wish traps were stronger

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: blutstein.2468


“Imagine spike and frost trap at 900 range”

Which is why we’ll never get it lol! Seriously, 900 range traps would be insane! Total insanity imho.

He isn’t wrong in that we need more ranged aoe and it couldn’t be any worse than mark necros operating at 1200 range.

Yep, sry but you think traps are strong, you havent tried necro (my main for last year). Wells and marks do waaay more damage with stronger effects, at longer range. Necro has a trap ranger beat in that department by a long shot. Ranger is more mobile and has better single target dps, with decent aoe.

Which is the reason you see tons of marks/wells Necros in wvw zergs and virtually no trap Rangers. Or if they are there they’re dead seconds after throwing their traps because the zerg ran them over while they used up all their utilities at 600 range.

… and of course this has nothing to do with the current necro meta but rather with their wells. Sure.

kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


Ya, taym is right. You have to think more critically about what you’re saying. Game design is not simple. There’s a reason the devs are developing and we’re playing.

He actually isn’t… by making them merged you’re actually hurting a lot of trap build options because you NEED to throw it, that just takes too much time in a lot of scenarios and it gives them plenty of time to dodge it with the stupidly obvious “Throw Bundel” animation that we use…

If we had a trait, probably adept so you could take all 3, that made your traps larger and say put the spike trap on rez (just combine them since that one is useless anyway) then you could be a pretty effective trapper by only spending 10 points instead of 20, which allows you to spend those elsewhere. Not to mention for players in sPvP who just drop the traps on points anyway it frees up a master major trait slot…

Personally if they split the traits i’d like to see the 900 range trait also allow you to “Detonate” your trap within, say 5-10s of it being cast (doesn’t affect the CD).

<3 durz. I’m back on NA btw.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: Kilger.5490


… and of course this has nothing to do with the current necro meta but rather with their wells. Sure.

Might not be sure what you’re saying here, but well/mark necros have always been strong, nothing to do with current. Its been made easier to build well necros in recent patches however, without giving up much.

Kilger – Human Ranger
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

“Imagine spike and frost trap at 900 range”

Which is why we’ll never get it lol! Seriously, 900 range traps would be insane! Total insanity imho.

He isn’t wrong in that we need more ranged aoe and it couldn’t be any worse than mark necros operating at 1200 range.

Yep, sry but you think traps are strong, you havent tried necro (my main for last year). Wells and marks do waaay more damage with stronger effects, at longer range. Necro has a trap ranger beat in that department by a long shot. Ranger is more mobile and has better single target dps, with decent aoe.

Which is the reason you see tons of marks/wells Necros in wvw zergs and virtually no trap Rangers. Or if they are there they’re dead seconds after throwing their traps because the zerg ran them over while they used up all their utilities at 600 range.

… and of course this has nothing to do with the current necro meta but rather with their wells. Sure.

Spectral wall and blinding plague form are also insanely powerful in a zerg fight, but, yes, it has a lot to do with the fact that Marks hit hard, have powerful effects and can be laid down in chokes. Anyone who actually plays WvW enough to try to comment would know this.

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Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: blutstein.2468


“Imagine spike and frost trap at 900 range”

Which is why we’ll never get it lol! Seriously, 900 range traps would be insane! Total insanity imho.

He isn’t wrong in that we need more ranged aoe and it couldn’t be any worse than mark necros operating at 1200 range.

Yep, sry but you think traps are strong, you havent tried necro (my main for last year). Wells and marks do waaay more damage with stronger effects, at longer range. Necro has a trap ranger beat in that department by a long shot. Ranger is more mobile and has better single target dps, with decent aoe.

Which is the reason you see tons of marks/wells Necros in wvw zergs and virtually no trap Rangers. Or if they are there they’re dead seconds after throwing their traps because the zerg ran them over while they used up all their utilities at 600 range.

… and of course this has nothing to do with the current necro meta but rather with their wells. Sure.

Spectral wall and blinding plague form are also insanely powerful in a zerg fight, but, yes, it has a lot to do with the fact that Marks hit hard, have powerful effects and can be laid down in chokes. Anyone who actually brainless zergs WvW enough to try to comment would know this.

fixed that for you.

kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten

Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: Fordel.3208


I sometimes wonder if we wouldn’t be better off with Traps just on a weapon and free up those utility slots for like, a stun breaker or something.

Like, just a shameless copy of the necro staff, with our traps making the 2-5 skills in order. Flame, Viper, Spike, Frost. We could pretend we’re druids.


Traps should have 900 range and traits split

in Ranger

Posted by: Killsmith.8169


It would be nice we had a trap or two with decent direct damage. Also shorter cooldowns in PvE. I want to bring back my GW1 trapper.