Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Pretty fun build so far, even though it was a blow out.


Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrury.4627


I was not expecting to see a dual bow build. It’s something I wouldn’t mind trying but I feel like it wouldn’t work well fighting on (smaller) points. Contesting/holding points is such a huge deal even at our rank (I’m only ~150 rank above you). How do you deal with Dragonhunters? Do you spend most of your time in non-blowout matches attacking from off point?

I’m genuinely curious as to how everything in your build works together. What I can gather from the video leaves me a little confused.

You’re running Marksmanship with Predator’s Instinct, Moment of Clarity, and Lead the Wind. I could see maybe running PI if you were running Predator’s Onslaught but ehh. Maybe it’s just my experience but 10s of cripple doesn’t seem to work against the people you want to cripple. Warriors especially. How does it seem to work for you?

You’re running Skirmishing but not Primal Reflexes or Spotter, which means you have to be running Sharpened Edges and Hidden Barbs. But then I didn’t see too many bleed procs either. hmmm. Are you running a power/condi hybrid amulet and rune?

Finally, you’ve slotted Beastmastery with, I think, Companion’s Might, Wilting Strike, and Zephyrs Speed. How’s general survival? Do you find you don’t need traited shouts as you’re fighting exclusively at range?

Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


This is the build I am playing around with. I have gotten a little tired with all the meta builds right now, and was trying to find something a little different for a while. I was almost out of gold rank and then hit a horrible loss streak…kind of disheartened and not real concerned about climbing right now.

Phew, that’s a lot of questions lol, lets see…

If I can’t take control of the point alone, I will attack from off point to either draw them off, or have a teammate come help – this is to say only if I can’t pressure the enemy to death lol (necros and thieves are problematic up close)…from far?…easy.

Its a power/crit build – I chose SB simply for a little more mobility when I am closer range – and help escaping.

Weapon swap on pets is reduced, so the fury on both pets is proccing more often. The f2 skill on tiger ends up at about 4500 to 6k dmg on hit.

I don’t have much condi clense, but signet of stone helps – when timed right (however, the downside is the long cool down). The cripple is not much, I agree, but I try to really watch my opponents skills and try to time my biggest shots with their cooldowns. (really important with warriors and guards).

That’s true, I haven’t traited shouts because I do try to fight exclusively at range. General survival is ok – I tried with marauders amulet but didn’t like the reduction in damage output – even though it gave me more HP


(edited by GussJr.1643)

Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


you have the opportunity to trait both signets (2) and shouts (2) but don’t.
you are using sharpening stone (untraited) but have no condition dmg., oh its qz in game.

Need to iron that out.

legendary wings = participation rewards lols.

(edited by Justine.6351)

Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrury.4627


Ah! I see. You’re build is full zerk longbow focused. Shortbow is just your utility set of choice. That it works with Light on Your Feet is a nice bonus. Yeah I can see how a build like this would have to play off-point. Your best defense is being out of range. Does being only ranged change how you rotate? I know with a melee set on swap I’m generally thinking about where/when I can jump in.

Given the style of play, I think your build is decent. I’d only suggest testing out Spotter and Clarion Bond. The bleeds on this build are piddle even with Hidden Barbs and the trait doesn’t affect your pets’ conditions. Spotter gives ~+7% crit chance for you and allies and Clarion will help you keep up Fury + a bit of might and swiftness when you’re out of range of your Tiger.

Regardless, you’ve piqued my interest. I might just try this out on my own.

you have the opportunity to trait both signets (2) and shouts (2) but don’t.
you are using sharpening stone (untraited) but have no condition dmg.
Need to iron that out.

The signet trait is pretty lame for Rangers, especially compared to the other two options. He explained why he doesn’t trait shouts. And he used Quickening Zephyr in the vid. I assume SS was a misclick.

Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


How do you manage to keep track of your surroundings when zoomed in like that? It’s hard to even watch this.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Sorry, I am just used to playing like that I guess.


Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


Sorry, I am just used to playing like that I guess.

Hey, no need to apologize – if it works for you, go with it!


Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Ah! I see. You’re build is full zerk longbow focused. Shortbow is just your utility set of choice. That it works with Light on Your Feet is a nice bonus. Yeah I can see how a build like this would have to play off-point. Your best defense is being out of range. Does being only ranged change how you rotate? I know with a melee set on swap I’m generally thinking about where/when I can jump in.

Given the style of play, I think your build is decent. I’d only suggest testing out Spotter and Clarion Bond. The bleeds on this build are piddle even with Hidden Barbs and the trait doesn’t affect your pets’ conditions. Spotter gives ~+7% crit chance for you and allies and Clarion will help you keep up Fury + a bit of might and swiftness when you’re out of range of your Tiger.

Regardless, you’ve piqued my interest. I might just try this out on my own.

you have the opportunity to trait both signets (2) and shouts (2) but don’t.
you are using sharpening stone (untraited) but have no condition dmg.
Need to iron that out.

The signet trait is pretty lame for Rangers, especially compared to the other two options. He explained why he doesn’t trait shouts. And he used Quickening Zephyr in the vid. I assume SS was a misclick.

:) Yes, my best defense is definitely trying to stay at range – the low-ish health and slow cool downs on Signet of Stone – mean I have to be really mindful of placement. If I get rooted or stunned, I can be burned down really quickly – its a big drawback of the build. Also, the constant ‘no line of sight’ and ‘obstructed’ mean that if I don’t have an elevated vantage point – I have to place myself closer – which increases the chance of me being caught up and burned down.

As for rotating – I always keep an eye on the mini map and pings from my team. I try to stay away from points that are being zerged by the other team when I am alone – unless I know I can easily pick off someone. I will typically try to target the thief or mesmer first – and stay far away from engies unless I have help. The rotation isn’t much different than normal – just trying to play smart and helping teammates when they are overrun on point.

Clarion bond is an interesting tweak – my only problem with it, again, is the internal cooldown – but nice to switch it up. Spotter is a nice change – but seems to only really be helpful in those situations where I am forced to fight closer than I would wish to.

I posted a few more videos on my channel – even non-blow outs and losses – just to give a better overall view – I am not the best by far and occasionally make really stupid choices – but I think that’s just me still working it out…I was running an entirely different build before this one where I was always right in the middle of everything…


(edited by GussJr.1643)

Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Sorry, I am just used to playing like that I guess.

Hey, no need to apologize – if it works for you, go with it!


:) thanks! I also appreciate the honest feedback. I will try to adjust my field of view and pan the camera back for future videos – to try to make it easier to follow what’s happening.


Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrury.4627


Hey, thanks for the videos! It really helps.
Noticed a big downside to always being ranged. You don’t get to use your sweet finisher too often! :p jk
On a serious note, I noticed something about your opening bursts. You generally go QZ + SotH -> Rapidfire. One small tweak to try: do QZ + Rapidfire then SotH + Autoattack. Attack of Opportunity from the signet only applies to the first arrow you hit with and Rapidfire’s arrows individually do 1/2 or less damage then the AA at any range.
This is assuming they don’t block after Rapidfire is over.

Oh, and a small optimization: when SotH is on recharge, try looking into doing a quick turnaround + shortbow 3 to get around a bit quicker. You won’t lose time if you mess up and weapon swap is eliminated when OOC so you can get back on longbow right after.

(edited by Chrury.4627)

Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


Hey, thanks for the videos! It really helps.
Noticed a big downside to always being ranged. You don’t get to use your sweet finisher too often! :p jk
On a serious note, I noticed something about your opening bursts. You generally go QZ + SotH -> Rapidfire. One small tweak to try: do QZ + Rapidfire then SotH + Autoattack. Attack of Opportunity from the signet only applies to the first arrow you hit with and Rapidfire’s arrows individually do 1/2 or less damage then the AA at any range.
This is assuming they don’t block after Rapidfire is over.

Oh, and a small optimization: when SotH is on recharge, try looking into doing a quick turnaround + shortbow 3 to get around a bit quicker. You won’t lose time if you mess up and weapon swap is eliminated when OOC so you can get back on longbow right after.

I’ll try that!! Thanks for the suggestions!


Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


So I think this is probably the best representation of the build so far

I tried to adjust the camera and field of view to make it easier to watch.


Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrury.4627


Good stuff. How’s it feeling now? Are you missing the bit of cripple and bleeding you used to have?

Trying out a new non-druid build [VID]

in Ranger

Posted by: GussJr.1643


It feels better, honestly, after a few more games. I don’t miss the cripple at all. Adjusting placement is getting better, still working out the swap to SB – my timing gets way off sometimes. I have also started having the Red Moa out first, for the opening fight, for fury right off the bat – since I am usually not in range yet to use the Tiger. All in all, though, I am having a blast with it. When everything procs at the right time and an enemy goes down almost instantly (there’s a DH in one of the videos I felt kind of bad for) its pretty cool, and I admit, makes me laugh.


(edited by GussJr.1643)