Understanding our class name correctly

Understanding our class name correctly

in Ranger

Posted by: Gadzooks.4687


So many posts since release, often reference our classes name “Ranger”, and point out how “range” is the main part of it. This has caused TONS of threads about our class, and how it needs live up to the “Range” aspect better, since that is what the class is based on.

It made sense… up until now. Id like to take a moment to correct all these false beliefs about the name “Ranger” and where the class name derives from.

There is another word that makes up the main part of our class name: ANGER
This is what our class is about. ANGER.

The devs, imo, have done an excellent job making sure the class lives up to this too.

Dont believe me? Look at all the posts and comment from Rangers since day 1. There is so much anger from so many rangers. Its undeniable. Its working as intended. No more second guessing, or scratching your head in confusion. You now all understand what the “Ranger” is based on. Anger. If you dont want anything to do with Anger, play another class. Be wary of elementalists however, because their class is based on being “mental”.

Understanding our class name correctly

in Ranger

Posted by: Simon.3106


Ranger Gadzooks! Stop this nonsense! Are you shaming the great name of us Rangers, your brother and friends?! I, Simon, legendary ranger, hereby you stop this nonsense! It’s treacherous! Though I did find that “anger” part hilarious.

~Way of the Ranger~
Legendary Ranger, Simon

Understanding our class name correctly

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


Ranger means Generalist means Viable at multiple ranges

It means ALL RANGE MODE is permanently engaged.
If they can’t figure out a way to keep that balanced in sPvP… well fine, let them nerf them there all they want. All we want is for them to stop nerfing the generalist everywhere else that a generalist is meant to be viable.

Understanding our class name correctly

in Ranger

Posted by: Simon.3106


I know, young ilr. A-net SUCKS!!!

~Way of the Ranger~
Legendary Ranger, Simon

Understanding our class name correctly

in Ranger

Posted by: slingblade.1437


While I hate the nerfs to SB range and do think Rangers should surpass all other classes with bows, based I guess mostly on my GW1 experience with them, I think people are mistaken if they think the term “Ranger” has automatically has anything to do with weapon range. Go look ranger up in a dictionary. The root word range is in regards to the area they operate in. It implies more of a guerrilla fighter who patrols expanses of forest or jungle, but not specifically somebody who is better at long ranged attacks than any other fighter.

Understanding our class name correctly

in Ranger

Posted by: Simon.3106


“Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows.”

Quoted from https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/professions/ranger/

It’s tough to be “unparalleled archers” when thieves have a better shortbow and warriors have a better longbow. Unless there’s another meaning for “unparalleled” or some secret bow I have no knowledge about, please indulge me on what I’m missing.

source from Ranger Faux Sheaux

~Way of the Ranger~
Legendary Ranger, Simon

Understanding our class name correctly

in Ranger

Posted by: gracemillian.1908


I think after watching the Lord of the Rings, I’ve come to expect a lot from Rangers… Just saying…

Understanding our class name correctly

in Ranger

Posted by: Aden Celeste.3650

Aden Celeste.3650

Ranger does mean ANGER. It also means RAGE (taking out the N and R).

Understanding our class name correctly

in Ranger

Posted by: Simon.3106


I have an apprentice in GW2. His name, Ranger Aragorn. I was proud to promote him to a master Ranger. He is true at heart, and strong at will. A man of steel mind, and forgiving heart.

On the end, he chose to leave behind his old ranger clothing and follow my armor set and made me a proud master /weeps

~Way of the Ranger~
Legendary Ranger, Simon