Underwater Bug?

Underwater Bug?

in Ranger

Posted by: XanBie.3675


Hey I have a suspicion about a possible bug. In SPvP i notice that Rangers are almost un-kill-able in the downed state. Without being on the surface, they keep healing up while being attacked. So this leads me to believe its the pets rez (when you call your animal to heal you in the downed state). BUT the pet is killed at this point, yet still hovers and heals. Has anyone else noticed this? Let me know!

Underwater Bug?

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981


Hey I have a suspicion about a possible bug. In SPvP i notice that Rangers are almost un-kill-able in the downed state. Without being on the surface, they keep healing up while being attacked. So this leads me to believe its the pets rez (when you call your animal to heal you in the downed state). BUT the pet is killed at this point, yet still hovers and heals. Has anyone else noticed this? Let me know!

Everyone has noticed this, to clarify though if you kill the pet and then down the ranger and his pet comes to heal him that part is not a bug because lick wounds as the spell is called revives your pet and calls it to come heal you, the bug part is that it will continue to heal you after being killed again in most cases but not always I should say since there are more water bugs of such as the pet not reviving you at all wich still happens every now and then or that you get glued to the bottom of whatever pond you’re in if you accidentaly brush against it when downed as a ranger wich makes you a sitting duck good for target practise.

All in all ranger downed state has been very buggy both on land, in water and it still is so I feel no shame in using this as much to my advantage as I can when I can, it’s not as if I can avoid it happening anyway though.