(edited by Aomine.5012)
Unofficial Upcoming Patch Notes
i dont know why it not happened 1.5 years ago. but i still cant see the place of the rangers in wvw
Just the WvW
i dont know why it not happened 1.5 years ago. but i still cant see the place of the rangers in wvw
you wont find it unless you WANT to find it.
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
I get it Casey. Traps could use some love.
Am I good?… I’m good.
Well when it comes to ranger’s being worth something in a zerg, anet still have not address the main problem and that is that pets can’t survive for long in high amounts of aoe so they die quite quickly most of the time. Once your pet is dead you are of limited use.
Hunter’s in WoW had the same issue with their pets and Blizzard fixed it by giving pets an always on buff that gave the pet 90% protection from aoe damage, it worked well and anet need to do something similar if rangers are ever going to be take seriously as a class in this game.
I can just say one thing… me LIKE!!!! Thank u A-net!!!!!
Well when it comes to ranger’s being worth something in a zerg, anet still have not address the main problem and that is that pets can’t survive for long in high amounts of aoe so they die quite quickly most of the time. Once your pet is dead you are of limited use.
Hunter’s in WoW had the same issue with their pets and Blizzard fixed it by giving pets an always on buff that gave the pet 90% protection from aoe damage, it worked well and anet need to do something similar if rangers are ever going to be take seriously as a class in this game.
Thing is, at this point. i do not think AOE damage is considered as a separate entity, but rather “Damage hostiles”. I may be wrong, but the sole reason they have not done it yet, may point to that they will have to redefine ALL AOE damage. This also means redefining ALL blocking, evading and aegis skills also need to be redefined to account for this “new type of damage”.
I agree that pets need AOE resistance. However the easiest way i can think of is implementing systems that is already in place.
In PvE, bosses get tougher and hit harder the more enemies it has around it. If pets was given a similar system, to increase toughness and vitality stat massively with the number of enemies around; (Radius of enemy detection; 3000 units)
5 hostiles: 0% increase
10 hostiles: 33% increase
20 hostiles: 75% increase
30 hostiles: 125% increase
40 hostiles: 175% increase
50+ hostiles: 225% increase
If we did this, any pet, even a bird would live, but it would NOT be immortal by any means, just last longer or long enough to do what we need em to do. I would not increase their damage, as that would be insanely OP against single targets… imagining a bird getting 225% more precision and power would be horribly OP. So only Toughness and Vitality.
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
The other side of the buff is that on top of the recharge speed, traited, we now have a 48 second recharge elite that allows us to interact with the “on elite” runesets, which is a HUGE bonus.
this this this.
outside of might on axe auto (will make hybrid/condi ranger much more interesting w/ strength or aristocracy runes), this is my favorite ranger “buff”
Now we need a heal with a 10s cooldown to be able to use runes with “When you use a heal skill”. Heal as One could be it.
Best part about this is being able to use my signet of stones 6 second invulnerability untraited. I get to drop Protect Me and add use that instead, allowing my pet to continue to fight AND i get extra passive toughness. This is great, and the only change that I personally will notice.
Well after 5,022 hours on ranger and this is all ranger gets?
Rly? Apart from all these changes being pretty sweet, there are quite a number of them too. Don’t be so negative. I think this opens up some build variety. There are a lot of possibilities if you look past the longbow changes.
Yay you zerg runners will finally be able to sit in your zergs and be helpful. It doesnt change anything for spvp ranger. They will still get destroyed. This isnt anything to celebrate. Wait till all the other class buffs and changes come out and ranger will be right back in its useless spot.
kk, then delete your ranger casey. Ive spoken with you ingame, and you are one of the thousands that relentlessly paint a black picture of this class, but still miraculously keep playing it.
Now for once, stop insulting every ranger player there is and do what you tell everyone else to do instead, your negativity is not helping a darn soul. These buffs are well deserved, they are needed. Most of them have been asked for since forever, and if you fail to grasp how much this means to the average ranger player, then i can only conclude that you are playing THE WRONG GAME.Thank you ArenaNet, Thank you for listening to our wishes!
Not just myself, but most ranger players are HAPPY about these changes.and 90% of all these ranger players are bad and have no idea what they are doing in spvp. So of course they will be happy when they dont really understand its not changing much for spvp
Only the zerg runners in WvW who can beat scrub players and the pve’rs are goin to celebrate these changes
You are either:
A. On a god tier level at sPvP ranger.
B. Horribly confused.
C. Didn’t see the future changes.
D. Close minded.It’s not A.
These are great buffs for sPvP ranger.
Eh i was just in a kitteny mood. I think the changes are pretty good its just i’ve ran trapper since beta and traps havent been touched since beta weekend 3 and i also have The Dreamer and now i gotta put it away since Longbow will be the new viable bow to have and i was really hoping for SB buffs, so i got kittened at the updates cause none were what i wanted so i went on a childish rant.
SB is getting buffed via preditors onslaught! Crippling shot BABY.
There is a new trap build in town! POWER TRAPPER
Here is what I’m thinking for wvw now
(edited by rpfohr.7048)
There is a new trap build in town! POWER TRAPPER
That could be really interesting with celestial, but it’s pretty glassy. Will be fun to try at least. There’s sooo many possibilities opened up now I can’t wait to try. Power beast master also seems like it will have potential, with tons of cripple and entangle.
kk, then delete your ranger casey. Ive spoken with you ingame, and you are one of the thousands that relentlessly paint a black picture of this class, but still miraculously keep playing it.
… Now for once, stop insulting every ranger player there is and do what you tell everyone else to do instead, your negativity is not helping a darn soul.
The constant, negative, unconstructive attitude is tiresome to listen to as well…
Thank you ArenaNet, Thank you for listening to our wishes! Not just myself, but most ranger players are HAPPY about these changes.
Agreed, these changes are appreciated.
Well when it comes to ranger’s being worth something in a zerg, anet still have not address the main problem and that is that pets can’t survive for long in high amounts of aoe so they die quite quickly most of the time. Once your pet is dead you are of limited use.
Hunter’s in WoW had the same issue with their pets and Blizzard fixed it by giving pets an always on buff that gave the pet 90% protection from aoe damage, it worked well and anet need to do something similar if rangers are ever going to be take seriously as a class in this game.
I took to using bears in zergs.
I keep it on passive and send it with my melee to soak up some aoe damage – helping with my melee’s survivability (most aoe have a limit of 5, and many have just one pulse – so if the bear is on front, melee have way less AoE to go through).
With just a little bit of health monitoring, calling it back to my side when it’s in trouble, or plain switching it when possible, it works great, and is almost never dead (only when I’m too focused on myself I’m a bad master, at times
With proper gear, traits and utilities Rangers can deal anywhere from 172% to 177% of their base damage for 8 seconds.
25% (SotW) + 10% (Steady Focus) + 5% (Eagle Eye) + 10% to 15% (Vulnerability) + 7% (Ranger Runes) + 5% (Bountiful Hunter) + 10% (Sigil of Force x2) = 172-177% Damage Output
Now add quickness and the decreased cool downs and you are in for some serious DPS.
Long Live [ASAP] Zerg: The greatest guild that ever was or will be.
not dps but some Serious Burst potential/ more consistant damage ,
just like before the quickness Nurf took away a lot of our damage reduced in attack speed and the move of pet swap quickness Realy hurt our damage output and we have just recovered from this,
this time its more consistant damage because of the CC changes to pets and Entangle + combining with runes , so we can now use the many runes that weren’t effective like
Rune of the Mad King
Rune of Lyssa
Rune of the Krait (condi spike for those builds without full condi duration but new changes can mean power rangers can stack spike condis for Pressure/ regen counter) as signets are now both active for ranger they can sub Rampage as one.
there are also healing/swiftness on elite runes like Centaur , so condi+healing builds can make use of that bonus too.
Diversity explosion and good to see, though most of the damage buffs are just unnurfed damage from past balances its Very welcome and need with the CC changes to bring them back into the balance.
my fav to try is Entangle+Mad king runes 5 targets with Birds attacking their face every 60secs + a hunters call , Come to me HAWK MAN Fly!
(edited by Zenos Osgorma.2936)
Strider’s defense …why are they keeping it alive? It looks horrid. What kinda ranger woud stand and spam melee while being under ranged fire couting that this will save him (1/5 of a chance)?
What this should be imho is a projectile shield like with whirling defense, for example:
Strider’s Defense.
Your Sword, Greatsword and Spear autoattacks reflect projectiles while under effect of quickness.
As long as you’re in auto attack & quickness, shield is up. When using something else then auto, or quickness expired, back to normal mode.
a Greatsword Ranger would with Dual quickness , Zypher and Sigil would make for great evasion , wouldn’t use it with Reflects anyway it wouldn’t be of use with off-hand axe.
the current 20% perm block of projectiles is higher than the quickness reflects , and having to wait 48secs for one reflect isn’t worth wasting a stun break+faster attack speed.
if it added Retaliation/ a amount of damage to those in 50radius(basicly with in melee range , bounce the arrow into a foe)
in addition to the 20% block.
Punish Ranged attackers from getting too close , a bit like engi (drop mine on dodge) caltrops or dodge march trait , it would be the Oppisite of those , it will ether force them to melee or keep there distance to avoid the splash damage from the 20% on prot(block) damage when shot at by projectiles, of course the damage would have to be balanced to a small amount because of the 20% it would act as onther souce of Defensive DoT. would be nice .
but the extra 5% is a good amount too but not enough make Evade gs+quickness ranger passive tanks.
(edited by Zenos Osgorma.2936)
All these changes will spell the end for my trapper ranger, just too much good stuff to put on my bar!!!
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry
Still need a few more changes but this is a really good start. Now let’s wait to see what they’ll bring on the table for other class, engi got some serious stuff and they weren’t really in a bad position…
Also since it was a preview, we can hope for a few more changes.
(edited by arkealia.2713)
Rapid Fire: Reduced cast time to 2.5 (or 2 and 1/2) seconds.
Does this mean a 50% increase in dps or the skill just doesn’t last as long?
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
even though this team still does not handle profession development well, at least we got something.
hopefully by next year we will get some major improvements across all professions, include those “awesome things for rangers” we have been waiting for.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Strider’s defense …why are they keeping it alive? It looks horrid. What kinda ranger woud stand and spam melee while being under ranged fire couting that this will save him (1/5 of a chance)?
What this should be imho is a projectile shield like with whirling defense, for example:
Strider’s Defense.
Your Sword, Greatsword and Spear autoattacks reflect projectiles while under effect of quickness.As long as you’re in auto attack & quickness, shield is up. When using something else then auto, or quickness expired, back to normal mode.
Spear #2 reflects projectiles, and that seems a little OP given how frequently we can get quickness from traits, gearing, and utilities. How about it they reflect projectiles on their third swing?
Strider’s defense …why are they keeping it alive? It looks horrid. What kinda ranger woud stand and spam melee while being under ranged fire couting that this will save him (1/5 of a chance)?
What this should be imho is a projectile shield like with whirling defense, for example:
Strider’s Defense.
Your Sword, Greatsword and Spear autoattacks reflect projectiles while under effect of quickness.As long as you’re in auto attack & quickness, shield is up. When using something else then auto, or quickness expired, back to normal mode.
striders defense is not horrid, but it is still not there. I can see SOME potential for it in WvW, however even there, it needs to have more effect then just blocking projectiles. Worst part is, the second strongest ranged class is mesmer with GS, and mesmer GS is not a projectile, so it wont help much against the most realistic threat.
If they changed it to “Incoming physical damage is reflected back at the enemy” or “% of physical damage is reflected back at the enemy” then it would be a very strong trait, even with just 15% trigger chance.
As i see it, there is no other profession then ourselves that actually pose a threat with projectiles. Hambow is next to useless once you start using sword, because you have such long evasion frames that the poor combustion shot does nothing. Thief will just drop the SB and go DD or D/P anyway, so it doesnt matter. Guardian will swap to GS. Mesmer will stealth away. Engi will still spam nades, but they just nuke their own feet and still damages you with the AOE, so the trait wont be able to do anything at all. Necromancers… well outside of scepter, do they actually have any projectiles at all?
In short, its only function in its current state would be that of PvE, and most PvE damage is either unblockable or not ranged. So it doesn’t matter….
This traits sole purpose is to destroy bearbows with sword AA.
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
Would be good if we could get the passive effect from the enlargement trait in nature magic and then still have it proc the stability and damage increase when we reach 25%. Could almost be our little version of adrenal health.
Rapid Fire: Reduced cast time to 2.5 (or 2 and 1/2) seconds.
Does this mean a 50% increase in dps or the skill just doesn’t last as long?
yes for rapid fire, does its damage over 2.5secs , add Quicken zypher it will shorten that by onther 50% to 1.75secs. more burst but not more damage.
Would be good if we could get the passive effect from the enlargement trait in nature magic and then still have it proc the stability and damage increase when we reach 25%. Could almost be our little version of adrenal health.
we do since it will share Signet of wilds active , so it will trigger at 25%hp and we will grow to Epic proportions for 8-10secs.
Wait…were most of these actually buffs? Like real buffs to the ranger profession??? Mr. Whiskers better catch me when I faint. May have to dust off the ol’ ranger and start leveling her before this hits game.
From the first glance over, it looks like they are trying to give this class a chance. I like the idea of letting us use our conditions as a source for more damage besides just letting them tick away. I mean, someone gets crippled by a ranger now…it’s going to hurt. I also am liking that they removed the pet requirements for those pet buffing attacks.
Rapid Fire: Reduced cast time to 2.5 (or 2 and 1/2) seconds.
Does this mean a 50% increase in dps or the skill just doesn’t last as long?
yes for rapid fire, does its damage over 2.5secs , add Quicken zypher it will shorten that by onther 50% to 1.75secs. more burst but not more damage.
This will honestly be some insane burst, with or without quickness.
Full glass, I routinely hit 8-10k with a full rapid fire in sPvP. Now imagine doing the same in half, or one third, the time.
I have a feeling they’ll reduce the total damage of the skill by like 20-25% percent or so in the future. But either way, this is kittening awesome; we actually HAVE BURST NOW.
Rapid Fire: Reduced cast time to 2.5 (or 2 and 1/2) seconds.
Does this mean a 50% increase in dps or the skill just doesn’t last as long?
yes for rapid fire, does its damage over 2.5secs , add Quicken zypher it will shorten that by onther 50% to 1.75secs. more burst but not more damage.
This will honestly be some insane burst, with or without quickness.
Full glass, I routinely hit 8-10k with a full rapid fire in sPvP. Now imagine doing the same in half, or one third, the time.
I have a feeling they’ll reduce the total damage of the skill by like 20-25% percent or so in the future. But either way, this is kittening awesome; we actually HAVE BURST NOW.
na they won’t compaired to other Bursts on other classes shatter zerk mesmers can get near the same numbers in 1-2secs by shattering clones , we still have to channel and use a one off 48sec(traited) normal 60secs Utlity to get that, while its a mesmers class machanic to Regulate clones.
compaired to hundred blades damage even with its rooting to use the skill, its near x2-3 maybe 4 (if zerker) not counting all hits just the usal amount untill someone moves , would end up being about the same amount of damage for half the hits.
i say its balanced with compairable bursts but no where near as strong as the old Dual quickness bursts those did the same damage but it did it so quickly twice in a row , people couldn’t react to both.
and honestly if someone dies from a 10k rapid fire , it’ll need all the arrows to hit and they have very low hp.
but of course this is anet we’re talking about some of these changes might not make the final cut , but dam there are a lot of good ones.
(edited by Zenos Osgorma.2936)
Rapid Fire: Reduced cast time to 2.5 (or 2 and 1/2) seconds.
Does this mean a 50% increase in dps or the skill just doesn’t last as long?
yes for rapid fire, does its damage over 2.5secs , add Quicken zypher it will shorten that by onther 50% to 1.75secs. more burst but not more damage.
This will honestly be some insane burst, with or without quickness.
Full glass, I routinely hit 8-10k with a full rapid fire in sPvP. Now imagine doing the same in half, or one third, the time.
I have a feeling they’ll reduce the total damage of the skill by like 20-25% percent or so in the future. But either way, this is kittening awesome; we actually HAVE BURST NOW.
na they won’t compaired to other Bursts on other classes shatter zerk mesmers can get near the same numbers in 1-2secs by shattering clones , we still have to channel and use a one off 48sec(traited) normal 60secs Utlity to get that, while its a mesmers class machanic to Regulate clones.
compaired to hundred blades damage even with its rooting to use the skill, its near x2-3 maybe 4 (if zerker) not counting all hits just the usal amount untill someone moves , would end up being about the same amount of damage for half the hits.i say its balanced with compairable bursts but no where near as strong as the old Dual quickness bursts those did the same damage but it did it so quickly twice in a row , people couldn’t react to both.
and honestly if someone dies from a 10k rapid fire , it’ll need all the arrows to hit and they have very low hp.
but of course this is anet we’re talking about some of these changes might not make the final cut , but dam there are a lot of good ones.
Clearly those “dedicated rangers” never play other classes before lol..
Shatter requires illusions to walk slowly to the target and explode in 3 package, which is much more predictable and easily avoidable (unless immoblized).
Your 1.5sec burst deals around 12~15k dm to people who don’t invest in toughness in around 1.5sec from 1500 distance with extreme accuracy (read the wind).
I’m looking forward for the update to shoot down whiners like you and see if the changes are useless or not
Awesome changes all in all
Well after 5,022 hours on ranger and this is all ranger gets?
Rly? Apart from all these changes being pretty sweet, there are quite a number of them too. Don’t be so negative. I think this opens up some build variety. There are a lot of possibilities if you look past the longbow changes.
Yay you zerg runners will finally be able to sit in your zergs and be helpful. It doesnt change anything for spvp ranger. They will still get destroyed. This isnt anything to celebrate. Wait till all the other class buffs and changes come out and ranger will be right back in its useless spot.
kk, then delete your ranger casey. Ive spoken with you ingame, and you are one of the thousands that relentlessly paint a black picture of this class, but still miraculously keep playing it.
Now for once, stop insulting every ranger player there is and do what you tell everyone else to do instead, your negativity is not helping a darn soul. These buffs are well deserved, they are needed. Most of them have been asked for since forever, and if you fail to grasp how much this means to the average ranger player, then i can only conclude that you are playing THE WRONG GAME.Thank you ArenaNet, Thank you for listening to our wishes!
Not just myself, but most ranger players are HAPPY about these changes.
+ 1000 Prysin! Why would someone who obviously hates being a ranger spend 5k hours on one? (speaking to Casey) I love this class (have 4 lvl 80’s atm as well as 3k hrs. in 18months), and it will ALWAYS be my favorite. It’s challenging compared to the other classes and I’m ecstatic over the upcoming changes which hopefully put Ranger on par with other classes.
grumble – why do anti-ranger players post on the Ranger section of the forums?
/15 char – all classes lvl80 4-Rangers
Whiny people are going to whine forever no matter how good the changes.
Just ignore those close-minded so called “dedicated ranger”.TPVP ranger no buff?
I can think of numerous use of CD 48 entangle in a PVP cond set up.
You can combine with Lyssa for condition removal or Krait for 4 condition at once.Signet of stone is a 6 sec invulnerable, longer than traited endure pain.
Plus endure pain has no passive effect while signet of stone provides 180 toughness.
Signet of Wildt is the best part. A stability with 25% damage enhancement.
I can think of WvW LB ranger using this, combining the newly buffed LB2, taking down enemy from far away in an instant.Talking about LB2, people dont know how big a impact when they makes the cast time halfed. It essentially DOUBLED your dps in burst. That, in addition with Signet of Wild, can dish out some crazy burst damage from 1500 range, which no other class can do so.
Greatsword buff is also a nice addition. Not significant, but helps alot.
Axe 1 can easily build up 10+ might stack with right traits and runes if hitting more than 2 targets (because it bounces, 1 hit = 3 mights)So fellow rangers, stop being greedy and whiny, use your brain and think of some potential builds from this huge buff of ranger.
That Axe changes I think will have the biggest impact in terms of TPvP, with auto might on a condi bunker Ranger, or BM condi Ranger with boon share that’s huge as you can stack might per hit on auto and being able to share that with your pet, good alternative for those dedicated Rangers who cant play sword. LOL!!
Well after 5,022 hours on ranger and this is all ranger gets? is the buffs to the same kitten weapons they have been buffing for a about a year. No love to traps? no love to shortbow? No active stability that isnt on a huge recharge? Guess its time to hang up this silly game
5k hours on ranger and you somehow didn’t realize that Signet of the Wild gives your pet 8 seconds of stability on activation?
Seriously though, this one signet will be the one icon every ranger will have on his buff bar. Massive damage/movement speed increase, regeneration, stability. On a 60 second cooldown. Amazing for one utility slot.
Rapid Fire: Reduced cast time to 2.5 (or 2 and 1/2) seconds.
Does this mean a 50% increase in dps or the skill just doesn’t last as long?
yes for rapid fire, does its damage over 2.5secs , add Quicken zypher it will shorten that by onther 50% to 1.75secs. more burst but not more damage.
This will honestly be some insane burst, with or without quickness.
Full glass, I routinely hit 8-10k with a full rapid fire in sPvP. Now imagine doing the same in half, or one third, the time.
I have a feeling they’ll reduce the total damage of the skill by like 20-25% percent or so in the future. But either way, this is kittening awesome; we actually HAVE BURST NOW.
na they won’t compaired to other Bursts on other classes shatter zerk mesmers can get near the same numbers in 1-2secs by shattering clones , we still have to channel and use a one off 48sec(traited) normal 60secs Utlity to get that, while its a mesmers class machanic to Regulate clones.
compaired to hundred blades damage even with its rooting to use the skill, its near x2-3 maybe 4 (if zerker) not counting all hits just the usal amount untill someone moves , would end up being about the same amount of damage for half the hits.i say its balanced with compairable bursts but no where near as strong as the old Dual quickness bursts those did the same damage but it did it so quickly twice in a row , people couldn’t react to both.
and honestly if someone dies from a 10k rapid fire , it’ll need all the arrows to hit and they have very low hp.
but of course this is anet we’re talking about some of these changes might not make the final cut , but dam there are a lot of good ones.
Clearly those “dedicated rangers” never play other classes before lol..
Shatter requires illusions to walk slowly to the target and explode in 3 package, which is much more predictable and easily avoidable (unless immoblized).Your 1.5sec burst deals around 12~15k dm to people who don’t invest in toughness in around 1.5sec from 1500 distance with extreme accuracy (read the wind).
I’m looking forward for the update to shoot down whiners like you and see if the changes are useless or not
you can get that amount of damage , plus i was setting and example of damage dealt and how other classes do thier attacks compaired to ours .
how the hell am i a whiner, i was setting a example of compairable damage/ time of burst meeting the correct conditions/situations.
i am not going to get into Theory crunching combat with you , because every class has conditional situations to deal a good complete burst attack.
and if arrows traveled at light speed then yes it would do the damage in 1.5secs , but it doesn’t the arrow still has to travel the distance from ranger to target , with read the wind at 1500yards it takes 0.5secs for each arrow to travel that distance, without it , its about 1sec at max range.
so really at 1500yards your safer vs rapid fire than at close range. you’ll have 2.5secs – 3secs to make your move dodge/evade gap close ect.
(edited by Zenos Osgorma.2936)
Seriously though, this one signet will be the one icon every ranger will have on his buff bar. Massive damage/movement speed increase, regeneration, stability.
Pretty sure the speed buff only applies to your pet. But yes I will be taking it a lot.
Well after 5,022 hours on ranger and this is all ranger gets? is the buffs to the same kitten weapons they have been buffing for a about a year. No love to traps? no love to shortbow? No active stability that isnt on a huge recharge? Guess its time to hang up this silly game
5k hours on ranger and you somehow didn’t realize that Signet of the Wild gives your pet 8 seconds of stability on activation?Seriously though, this one signet will be the one icon every ranger will have on his buff bar. Massive damage/movement speed increase, regeneration, stability. On a 60 second cooldown. Amazing for one utility slot.
In Casey’s defense, he did say “that isn’t on a huge recharge”. Some people would consider 60 seconds a huge recharge since a lot of stuff can happen during that cooldown (and he was probably referring to this signet, but also Rampage as One, on its 120 second cooldown). I’m not saying that I agree that the changes are all lackluster like he did, and he did say a lot of stupid things in this thread, but you did just say something pretty freaking stupid too by posting this before reading the whole thing.
Rapid Fire: Reduced cast time to 2.5 (or 2 and 1/2) seconds.
Does this mean a 50% increase in dps or the skill just doesn’t last as long?
yes for rapid fire, does its damage over 2.5secs , add Quicken zypher it will shorten that by onther 50% to 1.75secs. more burst but not more damage.
This will honestly be some insane burst, with or without quickness.
Full glass, I routinely hit 8-10k with a full rapid fire in sPvP. Now imagine doing the same in half, or one third, the time.
I have a feeling they’ll reduce the total damage of the skill by like 20-25% percent or so in the future. But either way, this is kittening awesome; we actually HAVE BURST NOW.
I wouldn’t think that they would nerf it at all. It does a little more damage than Volley now with Vulnerability, so it isn’t like we’re shooting a 100 blades damage skill at somebody that fast.
Not to mention that a 2.5s cast time actually makes the damage more avoidable, so while it will truly be a burst, it will also be almost entirely negated by a dodge/evade. So while it is going to be a much better skill after the update, there will also be much more counterplay to it.
Also, a side note to how much more effective dodging is going to be against Rapid Fire, it also basically improves a stealth thieves ability to counterplay rapid fire, because it won’t even track them through their full duration of stealth and a they can dodge ~50% of the damage from the skill.
Not that I’m not super hyped, I mean, obviously I am, I finally have motivation to finish my Kudzu now lol. But I just mean to remind people in general that it isn’t like it super-buffs the class. They are good and well deserved changes but there is an equal amount of counterplay involved against the new specs we can create and we aren’t getting buffed to the point where we’re going to be “god tier.”
www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
Rapid Fire: Reduced cast time to 2.5 (or 2 and 1/2) seconds.
Does this mean a 50% increase in dps or the skill just doesn’t last as long?
yes for rapid fire, does its damage over 2.5secs , add Quicken zypher it will shorten that by onther 50% to 1.75secs. more burst but not more damage.
Not more damage? The buff essentially doubles rapid fire’s dps. If it finishes 2.5 seconds faster, that means you get to fire off an additional 2 (and a half) long range shots compared to the live version. Long range shot shoots once per second and has a .9 power coefficient at max range. Rapid fire is 3.75 over 5 seconds. Rapid fire will become 3.75 over 2.5 seconds. If done at over 1000 range, it’ll essentially be like going from 3.75 over 5 seconds to 6.0 over 5 seconds (rapid fire + 2.5 long range shots). That’s a little under doubling the amount of damage the skill will be doing.
Rapid fire was actually a dps loss if used at 1000 range if you disregarded the vulnerability stacks (3.75/5s vs. long range shot’s 4.5/5s). With the upcoming change, rapid fire will be worth using off cooldown at any range (3.75/2.5s vs. long range shot’s 2.25/2.5s), assuming the total cast time will actually be 2.5s.
Great! but want some pet love both in utility and useability some are still pretty weak or bleh. I want customizable pets with stat allocation and me choosing what skills it uses. These are good buffs tho, just feel pets are so weak.
Zenos Osgorma.2936:
“yes for rapid fire, does its damage over 2.5secs , add Quicken zypher it will shorten that by onther 50% to 1.75secs. more burst but not more damage.”
The ability alone when you frame it like this… yes will do more burst but the same damage. Now, remove the frame and add in a auto shot in the time frame of the old rapid fire and it would be more damage in a similar time frame pre patch.
Personally I wasnt looking for these sort of changes, more of a 100% stealth on #3 of the longbow… just to avoid the amount of times this key ability fails for me. I realize a lot of it has to do with latency, terrain – which is why I was hoping for some sort of change to how it casts stealth.
That being said, I welcome any sort of buff to the longbow ranger or rangers in general to encourage more players to explore specs.
Three Minutes
i don’t factor in other Elements till its been tested , so for now all it does is double the dps , and activily you won’t be using rapid fire at 1200-1500 , it will still suffer from the Arrow distance<<>>time it takes to land , read the wind Lessens the gap time from fire to hit.
if you are being ignored while your sat at max range , 3/4 of rapid fire will hit 1/4 will miss , or all will be dodged , those extra two shots are a little added bonus .
but if rapid fire is used at short range i wouldn’t bother with long range shot and just swap weapons.
one thing i will say , i don’t do my maths on paper i always factor in live gameplay.
i don’t factor in other Elements till its been tested , so for now all it does is double the dps , and activily you won’t be using rapid fire at 1200-1500 , it will still suffer from the Arrow distance<<>>time it takes to land , read the wind Lessens the gap time from fire to hit.
if you are being ignored while your sat at max range , 3/4 of rapid fire will hit 1/4 will miss , or all will be dodged , those extra two shots are a little added bonus .
but if rapid fire is used at short range i wouldn’t bother with long range shot and just swap weapons.
one thing i will say , i don’t do my maths on paper i always factor in live gameplay.
And your living game-play revolves never using read the wind before lol..
With read the wind buff, LB should take it, and the arrow is as fast as bullets.
1500 range still is a guaranteed hit unless it’s dodged or obstructed.
However, it’s hard to react to something shooting you from around 1600 range and chip your hp down for 10~12k in 1.5sec. (quickness+ rtw )
If you don’t see the attack coming, you can’t really react to it in such a short period of time.
(edited by Aomine.5012)
Also: since cast time is being reduced, that essentially means its cooldown is reduced by that same time (if the cooldown starts at the end of casting). So what was essentially a 15 second cooldown from initial cast will become a 12.5 second cooldown from initial cast (untraited). That’s a pretty noticeable amount. Not only will you be doing much more damage overall, you’ll also be having more vulnerability uptime for even more damage from you and your allies.
Not that I’m not super hyped, I mean, obviously I am, I finally have motivation to finish my Kudzu now lol. But I just mean to remind people in general that it isn’t like it super-buffs the class. They are good and well deserved changes but there is an equal amount of counterplay involved against the new specs we can create and we aren’t getting buffed to the point where we’re going to be “god tier.”
They’ve addressed 1/4 of the problems we have. They’ve made Beastmaster stronger, the longbow stronger, the axe stronger for PvP (not in all regards tho) and GS stronger. Now we still have too much traits affecting only one weapon, a class mechanic that is still lack luster, the other weapons which also have flaws and entire traitlines which are flawed.
Not that I’m not super hyped, I mean, obviously I am, I finally have motivation to finish my Kudzu now lol. But I just mean to remind people in general that it isn’t like it super-buffs the class. They are good and well deserved changes but there is an equal amount of counterplay involved against the new specs we can create and we aren’t getting buffed to the point where we’re going to be “god tier.”
They’ve addressed 1/4 of the problems we have. They’ve made Beastmaster stronger, the longbow stronger, the axe stronger for PvP (not in all regards tho) and GS stronger. Now we still have too much traits affecting only one weapon, a class mechanic that is still lack luster, the other weapons which also have flaws and entire traitlines which are flawed.
I really hated it when they added read the wind. It made way too much competition for longbow traits.
They should’ve just done a 20% increase in projectile speed for both longbow and shortbow (even though rtw doesn’t affect shortbow). It would’ve been better imo.
Five traits to choose from when going longbow? Come on.
Not that I’m not super hyped, I mean, obviously I am, I finally have motivation to finish my Kudzu now lol. But I just mean to remind people in general that it isn’t like it super-buffs the class. They are good and well deserved changes but there is an equal amount of counterplay involved against the new specs we can create and we aren’t getting buffed to the point where we’re going to be “god tier.”
They’ve addressed 1/4 of the problems we have. They’ve made Beastmaster stronger, the longbow stronger, the axe stronger for PvP (not in all regards tho) and GS stronger. Now we still have too much traits affecting only one weapon, a class mechanic that is still lack luster, the other weapons which also have flaws and entire traitlines which are flawed.
I really hated it when they added read the wind. It made way too much competition for longbow traits.
They should’ve just done a 20% increase in projectile speed for both longbow and shortbow (even though rtw doesn’t affect shortbow). It would’ve been better imo.
Five traits to choose from when going longbow? Come on.
Just a reminder that they need to combine some of the traits together.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
Rest in pieces thieves…..rest in pieces…..
Rest in pieces thieves…..rest in pieces…..
I wont let thieves rest in pieces until they have as many holes punched in their backs as they put in mine the last two years (, and its a lot!)
Really the only thing I was a bit disappointed in is that they did not remove the positioning requirement for bleeding on the auto attack of shortbow.
In short (pun intended), you have a lot of goodies for power builds and not as much emphasis on condition.
Still. . . I do enjoy the changes. LB/GS will be fun to run again. Still no way to get myself out of major trouble but I’ll enjoy the fights!