www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
If those notes are to be deemed final, then the changes to the pets really aren’t all that bad.
The autoattack damage has been slightly reduced on some of them, while pets that were considered damage pets still have a higher sustain damage, but received a nerf to their burst potential.
Combine this with the potential to spam “Guard” for 100% regen uptime with the new Grandmaster trait, and the BM bunker is still one of the strongest duelists in the game; but with a lower time to kill, putting them more in line with other bunker specs. (I’m talking going straight up 0/0/30/30/10).
Additionally, Beastmasters Might becoming 3 stacks of might for 15s is very awesome in a power based signet build, and allows for some pseudoHGH specs.
The longbow gets faster activation times and faster arrows, which sounds good, but without this being confirmed info or being able to test in game, I can only shoot in the dark and say that it does improve sustain a lot.
While I am disheartened by the shortbow range reduction and leash range reduction on pets, both of those are a completely understandable change, and it does diversify the roles of the rangers ranged weapons, and puts them more in line with the balance of the other classes (meaning access to only one 1200 range weapon).
“Protect Me” is awesome now, as you can use it to break a stun and mitigate damage to your pet, but originally, without it breaking stun, you couldn’t kite away and it basically meant an instadeath to your pet. This change implies that you can escape a burst while mitigating any additional incoming damage, which could be the difference in a fight.
I think that covers just about everything. It’s a change, but it isn’t the most detrimental change in the world, and it really only targeted one strong build, without destroying it. So it will be interesting to see if these notes are real, how the meta evolves for the ranger, because the groundwork has been laid to make power builds much more viable than they previously were.
Are these verified? Why decrease SB to 900? Call me suspicious but hey, “Trust but verify” you know.
People weren’t taking LB because SB had the same range for more DPS and conditions. Now that’s been replaced with less range for more DPS and conditions.
Anyone who thinks a 15-20% increase in damage on SB 2-5 is a dps boost has never used the thing before.
DPS = Damage per second
Conditions play into that, and #1 does all the DPSing, not the other 4.
So then explain your logic that they reduced the damage but increased the dps because, according to the notes, they didn’t touch the damage or conditions on crossfire nor did they increase the duration of poison volley.
Also let me inform you that you have 3 projectile finishers at Shortbow…Well i geuss that youve never fired above a fire field with dakittens ok,you will do it now
No changes were made to the Finishers. This is a straight up SB nerf. The “compensation” could be +500%, they’re only on the most conditional skills, the ones you don’t want to go spam around for maximum efficiency. SB DPS is Crossfire. 3-5 is conditional support, not DPS. IF you’re spamming these for combo effects, you’re using them wrong.
Are these verified? Why decrease SB to 900? Call me suspicious but hey, “Trust but verify” you know.
People weren’t taking LB because SB had the same range for more DPS and conditions. Now that’s been replaced with less range for more DPS and conditions.
Anyone who thinks a 15-20% increase in damage on SB 2-5 is a dps boost has never used the thing before.
DPS = Damage per second
Conditions play into that, and #1 does all the DPSing, not the other 4.
So then explain your logic that they reduced the damage but increased the dps because, according to the notes, they didn’t touch the damage or conditions on crossfire nor did they increase the duration of poison volley.
Also let me inform you that you have 3 projectile finishers at Shortbow…Well i geuss that youve never fired above a fire field with dakittens ok,you will do it now
No, I wouldn’t, because I’m not a terrible player that blows their utility skills for a few ticks of burning.
Are these verified? Why decrease SB to 900? Call me suspicious but hey, “Trust but verify” you know.
People weren’t taking LB because SB had the same range for more DPS and conditions. Now that’s been replaced with less range for more DPS and conditions.
Anyone who thinks a 15-20% increase in damage on SB 2-5 is a dps boost has never used the thing before.
DPS = Damage per second
Conditions play into that, and #1 does all the DPSing, not the other 4.
So then explain your logic that they reduced the damage but increased the dps because, according to the notes, they didn’t touch the damage or conditions on crossfire nor did they increase the duration of poison volley.
Also let me inform you that you have 3 projectile finishers at Shortbow…Well i geuss that youve never fired above a fire field with dakittens ok,you will do it now
No, I wouldn’t, because I’m not a terrible player that blows their utility skills for a few ticks of burning.
Facepalm..Actually is something Battosai tough me when i played at the EU SOAC profession tournament..Battosai is a terrible player and you are great..Y sure
Wait…did you seriously just said Flame Trap is a waste of a utility slot? You’ve just invalidated all your posts with that one.
Are these verified? Why decrease SB to 900? Call me suspicious but hey, “Trust but verify” you know.
People weren’t taking LB because SB had the same range for more DPS and conditions. Now that’s been replaced with less range for more DPS and conditions.
Anyone who thinks a 15-20% increase in damage on SB 2-5 is a dps boost has never used the thing before.
DPS = Damage per second
Conditions play into that, and #1 does all the DPSing, not the other 4.
So then explain your logic that they reduced the damage but increased the dps because, according to the notes, they didn’t touch the damage or conditions on crossfire nor did they increase the duration of poison volley.
Also let me inform you that you have 3 projectile finishers at Shortbow…Well i geuss that youve never fired above a fire field with dakittens ok,you will do it now
No changes were made to the Finishers. This is a straight up SB nerf. The “compensation” could be +500%, they’re only on the most conditional skills, the ones you don’t want to go spam around for maximum efficiency. SB DPS is Crossfire. 3-5 is conditional support, not DPS. IF you’re spamming these for combo effects, you’re using them wrong.
I didnt said that..I just said that Crossfire isnt the only source of dmg in Shortbow
Are these verified? Why decrease SB to 900? Call me suspicious but hey, “Trust but verify” you know.
People weren’t taking LB because SB had the same range for more DPS and conditions. Now that’s been replaced with less range for more DPS and conditions.
Anyone who thinks a 15-20% increase in damage on SB 2-5 is a dps boost has never used the thing before.
DPS = Damage per second
Conditions play into that, and #1 does all the DPSing, not the other 4.
So then explain your logic that they reduced the damage but increased the dps because, according to the notes, they didn’t touch the damage or conditions on crossfire nor did they increase the duration of poison volley.
Also let me inform you that you have 3 projectile finishers at Shortbow…Well i geuss that youve never fired above a fire field with dakittens ok,you will do it now
No changes were made to the Finishers. This is a straight up SB nerf. The “compensation” could be +500%, they’re only on the most conditional skills, the ones you don’t want to go spam around for maximum efficiency. SB DPS is Crossfire. 3-5 is conditional support, not DPS. IF you’re spamming these for combo effects, you’re using them wrong.
I didnt said that..I just said that Crossfire isnt the only source of dmg in Shortbow
Except it is. Using skill 2-5 lowers your damage in exchange for utility. If you want the maximum DPS out of SB, use 1 and nothing else. This “buff” changes nothing to that fact. The % increase is insufficient to suddenly validate these skills as “spammable on recharge”, they’re still a lot more useful used at the right time.
Projectile Combo finishers are pretty bad anyway. Blast Finishers and Leaps are a lot better uses of combo fields.
Wait…did you seriously just said Flame Trap is a waste of a utility slot? You’ve just invalidated all your posts with that one.
Flame trap is amazing, firing off concussion and crippling shot simply because there is a fire field in front you is not.
I probably should have used a word other than ‘utility’ to describe SB 2-5.
Guys, really, the shortbow change isn’t that serious. It still functions the same, just within a different range, which brings it in line with the amount of options other classes have for 1200 range weapons (I think mesmer is the only class now with 2 1200 range weapons, the their staff damage is pretty poor, so that makes it more of a utility weapon).
It makes the choices and pros/cons of choosing what bow to use more obvious and creates more diversity between the 2 weapons, which is a needed and healthy change on the road to creating diversity.
Wait…did you seriously just said Flame Trap is a waste of a utility slot? You’ve just invalidated all your posts with that one.
Flame trap is amazing, firing off concussion and crippling shot simply because there is a fire field in front you is not.
I probably should have used a word other than ‘utility’ to describe SB 2-5.
Ahh, thanks for the correction. The entire post is different when you say SB 2-5 (which I admit are pretty bad).
Are these verified? Why decrease SB to 900? Call me suspicious but hey, “Trust but verify” you know.
People weren’t taking LB because SB had the same range for more DPS and conditions. Now that’s been replaced with less range for more DPS and conditions.
Anyone who thinks a 15-20% increase in damage on SB 2-5 is a dps boost has never used the thing before.
DPS = Damage per second
Conditions play into that, and #1 does all the DPSing, not the other 4.
So then explain your logic that they reduced the damage but increased the dps because, according to the notes, they didn’t touch the damage or conditions on crossfire nor did they increase the duration of poison volley.
Also let me inform you that you have 3 projectile finishers at Shortbow…Well i geuss that youve never fired above a fire field with dakittens ok,you will do it now
No changes were made to the Finishers. This is a straight up SB nerf. The “compensation” could be +500%, they’re only on the most conditional skills, the ones you don’t want to go spam around for maximum efficiency. SB DPS is Crossfire. 3-5 is conditional support, not DPS. IF you’re spamming these for combo effects, you’re using them wrong.
I didnt said that..I just said that Crossfire isnt the only source of dmg in Shortbow
Except it is. Using skill 2-5 lowers your damage in exchange for utility. If you want the maximum DPS out of SB, use 1 and nothing else. This “buff” changes nothing to that fact. The % increase is insufficient to suddenly validate these skills as “spammable on recharge”, they’re still a lot more useful used at the right time.
Projectile Combo finishers are pretty bad anyway. Blast Finishers and Leaps are a lot better uses of combo fields.
You can go anytime and use constantly 1 in a golem at mists..then try using a fire field from torch and mix some 3-5 skills.If golem doesnt die faster then im deeply sr i did a miscalculation
Guys, really, the shortbow change isn’t that serious. It still functions the same, just within a different range, which brings it in line with the amount of options other classes have for 1200 range weapons (I think mesmer is the only class now with 2 1200 range weapons, the their staff damage is pretty poor, so that makes it more of a utility weapon).
It makes the choices and pros/cons of choosing what bow to use more obvious and creates more diversity between the 2 weapons, which is a needed and healthy change on the road to creating diversity.
Obviously ranged weapons needed nerfing!
It’s not like guardians and hammer warriors were charging alongside D/D eles into blobs spamming cleaves for much better results than any ranged spec outside staff ele.
Nooooo, my shortbow hitting a single target for 800-1.1k crits was too much!
Wait…did you seriously just said Flame Trap is a waste of a utility slot? You’ve just invalidated all your posts with that one.
Flame trap is amazing, firing off concussion and crippling shot simply because there is a fire field in front you is not.
I probably should have used a word other than ‘utility’ to describe SB 2-5.
Ahh, thanks for the correction. The entire post is different when you say SB 2-5 (which I admit are pretty bad).
I feel the conditions need a massive duration boost compared to other classes ability to cripple and stun at range, but I do like the usefulness they can afford. The dodge on 3 has saved my bacon more than a few times lol.
Wait…did you seriously just said Flame Trap is a waste of a utility slot? You’ve just invalidated all your posts with that one.
Flame trap is amazing, firing off concussion and crippling shot simply because there is a fire field in front you is not.
I probably should have used a word other than ‘utility’ to describe SB 2-5.
No they are utility weapon skills, it is an appropriate word. The point is that when you do fire them it is smart to make use of a combo field. Burning and cripple is better than just cripple.
Guys, really, the shortbow change isn’t that serious. It still functions the same, just within a different range, which brings it in line with the amount of options other classes have for 1200 range weapons (I think mesmer is the only class now with 2 1200 range weapons, the their staff damage is pretty poor, so that makes it more of a utility weapon).
It makes the choices and pros/cons of choosing what bow to use more obvious and creates more diversity between the 2 weapons, which is a needed and healthy change on the road to creating diversity.Obviously ranged weapons needed nerfing!
It’s not like guardians and hammer warriors were charging alongside D/D eles into blobs spamming cleaves for much better results than any ranged spec outside staff ele.
Nooooo, my shortbow hitting a single target for 800-1.1k crits was too much!
Compared side by side to the rangers longbow; yes, an adjustment of some sort was necessary in order to differentiate the weapons more and give them a unique role.
These aren’t even necessarily accurate update notes, and it seems strange that all ANet would do is turn the shortbows main competition into the axe instead of the longbow. So if they are real, then no, it isn’t the most well thought out change ever made.
But it is a change in the right direction. Either way, the bows (at high level tourny play, which the devs focus on for balancing) don’t really see much play for rangers anyhow, because axe/x and torch/x are a stronger combination.
Also, we should all know these can’t be the 100% accurate notes because:
they didn’t list a fix for dagger 4/5 like Jon said they would be fixing. So either that didn’t happen, it’s omitted from the notes, or those aren’t the real notes.
Wait…did you seriously just said Flame Trap is a waste of a utility slot? You’ve just invalidated all your posts with that one.
Flame trap is amazing, firing off concussion and crippling shot simply because there is a fire field in front you is not.
I probably should have used a word other than ‘utility’ to describe SB 2-5.
No they are utility weapon skills, it is an appropriate word. The point is that when you do fire them it is smart to make use of a combo field. Burning and cripple is better than just cripple.
I just meant as in there are literal utility skills 7-9 and skills that are utilitarian in nature and using the word for both caused confusion.
And I agree completely, but when I’m in a pvp setting, I am going to hold on to a dodge or stun for when I absolutely need it. If I can combo with a field then that is just aces, but it isn’t what I am primarily looking out for.
Path of Scars pull…
So they can kill you faster cause now all pets meerly tickle them…
Pets do a lot of dmg,before the dmg nerf was a AI that you cant fully control and does a lot of dmg..Learn to control it better and pets will provide more dmg after the nerf
Oh I just have to learn to control my pet? well cool then I feel better I was under this crazy assumption that I knew that already and that every useful pet we have will lose either it’s (possible) sustained damage or it’s burst entirely.
take these:
1.Stability Training:This trait now causes the pet to ignore the incoming crowd control skill as well as granting stability. This has a 10 second internal recharge.
2.Beastmasters Might: This trait now grants 3 stacks of might for 15 seconds.
3.Companion’s Might: This trait now grants 5 seconds of might to your pet, up from 1 second.
4.Fortifying Bond
5.Rampage as OneStack might to your pet,build for pets to do dmg,dont exept to be given to you easily…
Please stop with the smug attitude you’re talking like I’m not even putting points in traits and want my pets to kill things while I go afk, nobody likes nerfs and they shouldn’t if what we see is correct then petburst is effectively removed and that is huge in pvp sure enough we don’t know yet how exactly this will all play out but to me it doesn’t look very good for the parts where we are weakest namely burst damage.
Path of Scars pull…
So they can kill you faster cause now all pets meerly tickle them…
Pets do a lot of dmg,before the dmg nerf was a AI that you cant fully control and does a lot of dmg..Learn to control it better and pets will provide more dmg after the nerf
Oh I just have to learn to control my pet? well cool then I feel better I was under this crazy assumption that I knew that already and that every useful pet we have will lose either it’s (possible) sustained damage or it’s burst entirely.
take these:
1.Stability Training:This trait now causes the pet to ignore the incoming crowd control skill as well as granting stability. This has a 10 second internal recharge.
2.Beastmasters Might: This trait now grants 3 stacks of might for 15 seconds.
3.Companion’s Might: This trait now grants 5 seconds of might to your pet, up from 1 second.
4.Fortifying Bond
5.Rampage as OneStack might to your pet,build for pets to do dmg,dont exept to be given to you easily…
Please stop with the smug attitude you’re talking like I’m not even putting points in traits and want my pets to kill things while I go afk, nobody likes nerfs and they shouldn’t if what we see is correct then petburst is effectively removed and that is huge in pvp sure enough we don’t know yet how exactly this will all play out but to me it doesn’t look very good for the parts where we are weakest namely burst damage.
Manekks definitely right on this. Looking through the notes, all of rangers burst capabilities aside from maybe Maul are now, or are being turned into sustained output options.
I think the devs are finally driving the point home; rangers were not meant to be a burst class.
“Long Range Shot: Reduced the aftercast on this skill from .5 seconds to .25 seconds”
What does this mean exactly? will longbow now fire at 1s instead of 1,25s? am I reading that correctly?
“Instinctual Bond: This trait has been swapped with Zephyr’s Speed. Quickness increased to 3s”
Can’t quite figure out what this means either
(edited by Manekk.6981)
“Long Range Shot: Reduced the aftercast on this skill from .5 seconds to .25 seconds”
What does this mean exactly? will longbow now fire at 1s instead of 1,25s? am I reading that correctly?
It can be thought about like that, yes.
Every skill in the game has some “hidden” aftercast, or, period of time after having performed an action where you cannot perform another action. Each skill has their own aftercast (it isn’t a static value).
So, for ranger, the shot was shooting at .75s with kitten aftercast (1.25s total). Now, it will be shooting at a .75s with a .25s aftercast (1s total).
Also, it’s saying the Instinctual Bond is now the minor trait in Beastmastery, and Zephyrs Speed is getting a 1s increase and replacing Bond as a Grandmaster Trait (now you have to spec to 30 points for quickness on pet swap).
If these notes are real …. this is much more than balancing pets. It’s a massive pet nerf that will break some builds. The jaguar f2 reduced to 25 percent …. 50 percent to most basic attacks …. 50 percent!
“Long Range Shot: Reduced the aftercast on this skill from .5 seconds to .25 seconds”
What does this mean exactly? will longbow now fire at 1s instead of 1,25s? am I reading that correctly?
“Instinctual Bond: This trait has been swapped with Zephyr’s Speed. Quickness increased to 3s”
Can’t quite figure out what this means either
Instinctual Bond is a Grandmaster trait, it would switch that with the 5 pts in BM for Zephyr’s Speed which would then become the Grandmaster trait.
Path of Scars pull…
So I can go Kholer yes?
Path of Scars pull…
So they can kill you faster cause now all pets meerly tickle them…
Pets do a lot of dmg,before the dmg nerf was a AI that you cant fully control and does a lot of dmg..Learn to control it better and pets will provide more dmg after the nerf
Oh I just have to learn to control my pet? well cool then I feel better I was under this crazy assumption that I knew that already and that every useful pet we have will lose either it’s (possible) sustained damage or it’s burst entirely.
take these:
1.Stability Training:This trait now causes the pet to ignore the incoming crowd control skill as well as granting stability. This has a 10 second internal recharge.
2.Beastmasters Might: This trait now grants 3 stacks of might for 15 seconds.
3.Companion’s Might: This trait now grants 5 seconds of might to your pet, up from 1 second.
4.Fortifying Bond
5.Rampage as OneStack might to your pet,build for pets to do dmg,dont exept to be given to you easily…
Please stop with the smug attitude you’re talking like I’m not even putting points in traits and want my pets to kill things while I go afk, nobody likes nerfs and they shouldn’t if what we see is correct then petburst is effectively removed and that is huge in pvp sure enough we don’t know yet how exactly this will all play out but to me it doesn’t look very good for the parts where we are weakest namely burst damage.
Manekks definitely right on this. Looking through the notes, all of rangers burst capabilities aside from maybe Maul are now, or are being turned into sustained output options.
I think the devs are finally driving the point home; rangers were not meant to be a burst class.
I’m already seeing mesmers and thieves coming from everywhere and they don’t even need to stealth/blink to avoid my pet anymore when they come to file me into tiny little pieces
Path of Scars pull…
So they can kill you faster cause now all pets meerly tickle them…
Pets do a lot of dmg,before the dmg nerf was a AI that you cant fully control and does a lot of dmg..Learn to control it better and pets will provide more dmg after the nerf
Oh I just have to learn to control my pet? well cool then I feel better I was under this crazy assumption that I knew that already and that every useful pet we have will lose either it’s (possible) sustained damage or it’s burst entirely.
take these:
1.Stability Training:This trait now causes the pet to ignore the incoming crowd control skill as well as granting stability. This has a 10 second internal recharge.
2.Beastmasters Might: This trait now grants 3 stacks of might for 15 seconds.
3.Companion’s Might: This trait now grants 5 seconds of might to your pet, up from 1 second.
4.Fortifying Bond
5.Rampage as OneStack might to your pet,build for pets to do dmg,dont exept to be given to you easily…
Please stop with the smug attitude you’re talking like I’m not even putting points in traits and want my pets to kill things while I go afk, nobody likes nerfs and they shouldn’t if what we see is correct then petburst is effectively removed and that is huge in pvp sure enough we don’t know yet how exactly this will all play out but to me it doesn’t look very good for the parts where we are weakest namely burst damage.
Manekks definitely right on this. Looking through the notes, all of rangers burst capabilities aside from maybe Maul are now, or are being turned into sustained output options.
I think the devs are finally driving the point home; rangers were not meant to be a burst class.I’m already seeing mesmers and thieves coming from everywhere and they don’t even need to stealth/blink to avoid my pet anymore when they come to file me into tiny little pieces
I’m already dreading WvW. That kitten is already 50% necros and it will be even worse when they can spam a condition that penalizes you for moving (something you do a crap load of in WvW).
“Long Range Shot: Reduced the aftercast on this skill from .5 seconds to .25 seconds”
What does this mean exactly? will longbow now fire at 1s instead of 1,25s? am I reading that correctly?
It can be thought about like that, yes.
Every skill in the game has some “hidden” aftercast, or, period of time after having performed an action where you cannot perform another action. Each skill has their own aftercast (it isn’t a static value).
So, for ranger, the shot was shooting at .75s with kitten aftercast (1.25s total). Now, it will be shooting at a .75s with a .25s aftercast (1s total).
Also, it’s saying the Instinctual Bond is now the minor trait in Beastmastery, and Zephyrs Speed is getting a 1s increase and replacing Bond as a Grandmaster Trait (now you have to spec to 30 points for quickness on pet swap).
This would mean a huge improvement on longbow that is for sure, BM looks more and more dead by the second really… I’m not liking this at all…
All I can think is that this is a painfully extensive update that changes our place in the world a bit by changing everyone else’s too. ….and also that too many of the upcoming changes are actually nerfs to the few SKILL SHOTS we had while buffing really facerolley stuff . Are they TRYING dumb down an already box-a-rocks doorknob tier class??
Don’t get me wrong we actually may get some okay buffs on dungeon potential here…. but it just … seems … so … patronizing :p …whatever happened to encouraging the bad players to get better??
Path of Scars pull…
So I can go Kholer yes?
This is gonna be funny as hell to mess with.
Path of Scars pull…
So they can kill you faster cause now all pets meerly tickle them…
Pets do a lot of dmg,before the dmg nerf was a AI that you cant fully control and does a lot of dmg..Learn to control it better and pets will provide more dmg after the nerf
Oh I just have to learn to control my pet? well cool then I feel better I was under this crazy assumption that I knew that already and that every useful pet we have will lose either it’s (possible) sustained damage or it’s burst entirely.
take these:
1.Stability Training:This trait now causes the pet to ignore the incoming crowd control skill as well as granting stability. This has a 10 second internal recharge.
2.Beastmasters Might: This trait now grants 3 stacks of might for 15 seconds.
3.Companion’s Might: This trait now grants 5 seconds of might to your pet, up from 1 second.
4.Fortifying Bond
5.Rampage as OneStack might to your pet,build for pets to do dmg,dont exept to be given to you easily…
Please stop with the smug attitude you’re talking like I’m not even putting points in traits and want my pets to kill things while I go afk, nobody likes nerfs and they shouldn’t if what we see is correct then petburst is effectively removed and that is huge in pvp sure enough we don’t know yet how exactly this will all play out but to me it doesn’t look very good for the parts where we are weakest namely burst damage.
Manekks definitely right on this. Looking through the notes, all of rangers burst capabilities aside from maybe Maul are now, or are being turned into sustained output options.
I think the devs are finally driving the point home; rangers were not meant to be a burst class.I’m already seeing mesmers and thieves coming from everywhere and they don’t even need to stealth/blink to avoid my pet anymore when they come to file me into tiny little pieces
Lol well, healing trap build with Axe/x and Sword/x. 0/30/30/10/0 with Shamans(PvP)/Apothecary or Settlers(PvE) and Flame Trap, Spike Trap, and Lightning Reflexes/Protect Me.
That’s my prediction for the point holding ranger meta. Thieves will melt, and mesmers too, especially since they still don’t have reliable condition removal.
Outside of PvP, if people don’t want to run that, well, longbow users will be happy lol.
Path of Scars pull…
So I can go Kholer yes?
This is gonna be funny as hell to mess with.
Makes me think of Firion from Dissidia: Final Fantasy. Path of Scars to Whirling Defense is going to look like Reel Axe to Lance Combo.
Path of Scars pull…
So they can kill you faster cause now all pets meerly tickle them…
Pets do a lot of dmg,before the dmg nerf was a AI that you cant fully control and does a lot of dmg..Learn to control it better and pets will provide more dmg after the nerf
Oh I just have to learn to control my pet? well cool then I feel better I was under this crazy assumption that I knew that already and that every useful pet we have will lose either it’s (possible) sustained damage or it’s burst entirely.
take these:
1.Stability Training:This trait now causes the pet to ignore the incoming crowd control skill as well as granting stability. This has a 10 second internal recharge.
2.Beastmasters Might: This trait now grants 3 stacks of might for 15 seconds.
3.Companion’s Might: This trait now grants 5 seconds of might to your pet, up from 1 second.
4.Fortifying Bond
5.Rampage as OneStack might to your pet,build for pets to do dmg,dont exept to be given to you easily…
Please stop with the smug attitude you’re talking like I’m not even putting points in traits and want my pets to kill things while I go afk, nobody likes nerfs and they shouldn’t if what we see is correct then petburst is effectively removed and that is huge in pvp sure enough we don’t know yet how exactly this will all play out but to me it doesn’t look very good for the parts where we are weakest namely burst damage.
Manekks definitely right on this. Looking through the notes, all of rangers burst capabilities aside from maybe Maul are now, or are being turned into sustained output options.
I think the devs are finally driving the point home; rangers were not meant to be a burst class.I’m already seeing mesmers and thieves coming from everywhere and they don’t even need to stealth/blink to avoid my pet anymore when they come to file me into tiny little pieces
Lol well, healing trap build with Axe/x and Sword/x. 0/30/30/10/0 with Shamans(PvP)/Apothecary or Settlers(PvE) and Flame Trap, Spike Trap, and Lightning Reflexes/Protect Me.
That’s my prediction for the point holding ranger meta. Thieves will melt, and mesmers too, especially since they still don’t have reliable condition removal.
Outside of PvP, if people don’t want to run that, well, longbow users will be happy lol.
Yuck never liked any of that.
Path of Scars pull…
So I can go Kholer yes?
This is gonna be funny as hell to mess with.
Makes me think of Firion from Dissidia: Final Fantasy. Path of Scars to Whirling Defense is going to look like Reel Axe to Lance Combo.
Time it well and you’ll be able to combo it with entangle. Could produce some interesting results, particularly since a might stacked serker ranger can get off two 7k crits with path of scars. Actually hope these notes are real tbh.
Path of Scars pull…
So they can kill you faster cause now all pets meerly tickle them…
Pets do a lot of dmg,before the dmg nerf was a AI that you cant fully control and does a lot of dmg..Learn to control it better and pets will provide more dmg after the nerf
Oh I just have to learn to control my pet? well cool then I feel better I was under this crazy assumption that I knew that already and that every useful pet we have will lose either it’s (possible) sustained damage or it’s burst entirely.
take these:
1.Stability Training:This trait now causes the pet to ignore the incoming crowd control skill as well as granting stability. This has a 10 second internal recharge.
2.Beastmasters Might: This trait now grants 3 stacks of might for 15 seconds.
3.Companion’s Might: This trait now grants 5 seconds of might to your pet, up from 1 second.
4.Fortifying Bond
5.Rampage as OneStack might to your pet,build for pets to do dmg,dont exept to be given to you easily…
Please stop with the smug attitude you’re talking like I’m not even putting points in traits and want my pets to kill things while I go afk, nobody likes nerfs and they shouldn’t if what we see is correct then petburst is effectively removed and that is huge in pvp sure enough we don’t know yet how exactly this will all play out but to me it doesn’t look very good for the parts where we are weakest namely burst damage.
Manekks definitely right on this. Looking through the notes, all of rangers burst capabilities aside from maybe Maul are now, or are being turned into sustained output options.
I think the devs are finally driving the point home; rangers were not meant to be a burst class.I’m already seeing mesmers and thieves coming from everywhere and they don’t even need to stealth/blink to avoid my pet anymore when they come to file me into tiny little pieces
Lol well, healing trap build with Axe/x and Sword/x. 0/30/30/10/0 with Shamans(PvP)/Apothecary or Settlers(PvE) and Flame Trap, Spike Trap, and Lightning Reflexes/Protect Me.
That’s my prediction for the point holding ranger meta. Thieves will melt, and mesmers too, especially since they still don’t have reliable condition removal.
Outside of PvP, if people don’t want to run that, well, longbow users will be happy lol.
Yuck never liked any of that.
Alright I’ll theorycraft a power/burst build real quick:
Just a generic Berserkers build that could become viable.
Edit: Muddy Terrain should probably be swapped out for Signet of Stone, and as an optional to go full damage, Lightning Reflexes can be changed to Signet of the Wild, and WS 10 can be changed to the one where the pet eats incoming CC to compensate for lack of stunbreaker.
(edited by jcbroe.4329)
Go a step further Bryzy. Imagine if you’re able to combine it with Flame Trap, Spike Trap, and Viper’s Nest along with it. I think that’d be the closest we’d ever get to true burst damage in a sense. XD
Go a step further Bryzy. Imagine if you’re able to combine it with Flame Trap, Spike Trap, and Viper’s Nest along with it. I think that’d be the closest we’d ever get to true burst damage in a sense. XD
Okay now im excited
I wish we had more than 2 mainhands to pick from tho
lulz, mainhand torch…if only
These triat changes I find bit hard to believe….
Pets are OP atm.
Path of Scars pull…
So they can kill you faster cause now all pets meerly tickle them…
Pets do a lot of dmg,before the dmg nerf was a AI that you cant fully control and does a lot of dmg..Learn to control it better and pets will provide more dmg after the nerf
Oh I just have to learn to control my pet? well cool then I feel better I was under this crazy assumption that I knew that already and that every useful pet we have will lose either it’s (possible) sustained damage or it’s burst entirely.
take these:
1.Stability Training:This trait now causes the pet to ignore the incoming crowd control skill as well as granting stability. This has a 10 second internal recharge.
2.Beastmasters Might: This trait now grants 3 stacks of might for 15 seconds.
3.Companion’s Might: This trait now grants 5 seconds of might to your pet, up from 1 second.
4.Fortifying Bond
5.Rampage as OneStack might to your pet,build for pets to do dmg,dont exept to be given to you easily…
Please stop with the smug attitude you’re talking like I’m not even putting points in traits and want my pets to kill things while I go afk, nobody likes nerfs and they shouldn’t if what we see is correct then petburst is effectively removed and that is huge in pvp sure enough we don’t know yet how exactly this will all play out but to me it doesn’t look very good for the parts where we are weakest namely burst damage.
Manekks definitely right on this. Looking through the notes, all of rangers burst capabilities aside from maybe Maul are now, or are being turned into sustained output options.
I think the devs are finally driving the point home; rangers were not meant to be a burst class.I’m already seeing mesmers and thieves coming from everywhere and they don’t even need to stealth/blink to avoid my pet anymore when they come to file me into tiny little pieces
Lol well, healing trap build with Axe/x and Sword/x. 0/30/30/10/0 with Shamans(PvP)/Apothecary or Settlers(PvE) and Flame Trap, Spike Trap, and Lightning Reflexes/Protect Me.
That’s my prediction for the point holding ranger meta. Thieves will melt, and mesmers too, especially since they still don’t have reliable condition removal.
Outside of PvP, if people don’t want to run that, well, longbow users will be happy lol.
Yuck never liked any of that.
Alright I’ll theorycraft a power/burst build real quick:
Just a generic Berserkers build that could become viable.
Edit: Muddy Terrain should probably be swapped out for Signet of Stone, and as an optional to go full damage, Lightning Reflexes can be changed to Signet of the Wild, and WS 10 can be changed to the one where the pet eats incoming CC to compensate for lack of stunbreaker.
I don’t really see it as viable, burst is good though I guess it works for that but it’s soft as kitten too I’m trying to think who you would kill with this? sure path of scars and maul could crush a squishe if you hit with them buffed up but will you even have time for it?
Sorry to be so negative I just really dislike this patch cause I’ve played so many variations of ranger specs and the only setup I really like is power BM, now the sustained damage is still going to be good (perhaps slightly better even atleast in pve) it’s just that petswap quickness and petburst is totally necessary against some classes in pvp, oh well we’ll see I guess.
Looking forward to some nature magic/skirmishing builds. Or builds that use BM and skirmishing for high might stacking on the pet since if can have so much might.
Companions might and using a sword…wouldn’t you grant 6 stacks oh 5s might on your pet if you crit on 3 targets? That is huge.
Armor Fish: Bite: Reduced damage by 50%.
Raven: Blinding Slash: Reduced damage by 34%.
Drake: Lightning Breath: Reduced damage by 17%.
Feline: Maul: Reduced damage by 50%.
I can understand the nerfs to these but aside from lightning breath I think it’s too much 25% seems more reasonable to me even if I naturally wouldn’t welcome that either, any other nerfs to pets are totally uneccessary in my opinion I mean pig? wtf? who thinks pigs do too much damage? it kitten es me off >.<
Path of Scars pull…
So they can kill you faster cause now all pets meerly tickle them…
Pets do a lot of dmg,before the dmg nerf was a AI that you cant fully control and does a lot of dmg..Learn to control it better and pets will provide more dmg after the nerf
Oh I just have to learn to control my pet? well cool then I feel better I was under this crazy assumption that I knew that already and that every useful pet we have will lose either it’s (possible) sustained damage or it’s burst entirely.
take these:
1.Stability Training:This trait now causes the pet to ignore the incoming crowd control skill as well as granting stability. This has a 10 second internal recharge.
2.Beastmasters Might: This trait now grants 3 stacks of might for 15 seconds.
3.Companion’s Might: This trait now grants 5 seconds of might to your pet, up from 1 second.
4.Fortifying Bond
5.Rampage as OneStack might to your pet,build for pets to do dmg,dont exept to be given to you easily…
Please stop with the smug attitude you’re talking like I’m not even putting points in traits and want my pets to kill things while I go afk, nobody likes nerfs and they shouldn’t if what we see is correct then petburst is effectively removed and that is huge in pvp sure enough we don’t know yet how exactly this will all play out but to me it doesn’t look very good for the parts where we are weakest namely burst damage.
Manekks definitely right on this. Looking through the notes, all of rangers burst capabilities aside from maybe Maul are now, or are being turned into sustained output options.
I think the devs are finally driving the point home; rangers were not meant to be a burst class.I’m already seeing mesmers and thieves coming from everywhere and they don’t even need to stealth/blink to avoid my pet anymore when they come to file me into tiny little pieces
Lol well, healing trap build with Axe/x and Sword/x. 0/30/30/10/0 with Shamans(PvP)/Apothecary or Settlers(PvE) and Flame Trap, Spike Trap, and Lightning Reflexes/Protect Me.
That’s my prediction for the point holding ranger meta. Thieves will melt, and mesmers too, especially since they still don’t have reliable condition removal.
Outside of PvP, if people don’t want to run that, well, longbow users will be happy lol.
Yuck never liked any of that.
Alright I’ll theorycraft a power/burst build real quick:
Just a generic Berserkers build that could become viable.
Edit: Muddy Terrain should probably be swapped out for Signet of Stone, and as an optional to go full damage, Lightning Reflexes can be changed to Signet of the Wild, and WS 10 can be changed to the one where the pet eats incoming CC to compensate for lack of stunbreaker.
I don’t really see it as viable, burst is good though I guess it works for that but it’s soft as kitten too I’m trying to think who you would kill with this? sure path of scars and maul could crush a squishe if you hit with them buffed up but will you even have time for it?
Sorry to be so negative I just really dislike this patch cause I’ve played so many variations of ranger specs and the only setup I really like is power BM, now the sustained damage is still going to be good (perhaps slightly better even atleast in pve) it’s just that petswap quickness and petburst is totally necessary against some classes in pvp, oh well we’ll see I guess.
I mean, I made it with the intention of it functioning like a one trick pony warrior 100b. I hate glass cannons myself, I just wasn’t aware exactly of what build you run. Now that I know, I can honestly say that power BM builds (if these notes are accurate) are getting a flat nerf to their burst capabilities.
Maybe this? : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fMAQNAT8YjAVV2BWKWs2Bi1j9Eo93eMp+jJWhEB-j0xAYLBZCCMZJQJwioxW3KiGrSlIq2bQEVDA-w
I have no idea on the weapon choice on that one. It was more of the values I’m going for, but building a power build the way I would want it is not easy for rangers to me with rangers. It would be different if our best access to condition removal wasn’t just Empathic Bond, it makes build too reliant on one trait line, and too lacking to go up against condition heavy opponents without it (imo).
(edited by jcbroe.4329)
Armor Fish: Bite: Reduced damage by 50%.
Raven: Blinding Slash: Reduced damage by 34%.
Drake: Lightning Breath: Reduced damage by 17%.
Feline: Maul: Reduced damage by 50%.I can understand the nerfs to these but aside from lightning breath I think it’s too much 25% seems more reasonable to me even if I naturally wouldn’t welcome that either, any other nerfs to pets are totally uneccessary in my opinion I mean pig? wtf? who thinks pigs do too much damage? it kitten es me off >.<
Well, we could be being played by the oldest haggling technique know to man. We will see if it happens but maybe Anet wanted a 25% reduction all along. So put it at 50%….wait for the complaints…then reconsider and drop it to 25%.
…because I know with certainty if the original was 25% people would say that was too high and maybe 15% was more reasonable
They are so concerned about balance and take baby steps when raising dps levels… but seem to have no worries with throwing around large nerf percentages.
(edited by Pendleton.6385)
They are so concerned about balance and take baby steps when raising dps levels but seem to have no worries with large nerf percentages.
Actually that is a very good point. I have praised anet in the past for their methodical style.
Path of Scars pull…
So they can kill you faster cause now all pets meerly tickle them…
Pets do a lot of dmg,before the dmg nerf was a AI that you cant fully control and does a lot of dmg..Learn to control it better and pets will provide more dmg after the nerf
Oh I just have to learn to control my pet? well cool then I feel better I was under this crazy assumption that I knew that already and that every useful pet we have will lose either it’s (possible) sustained damage or it’s burst entirely.
take these:
1.Stability Training:This trait now causes the pet to ignore the incoming crowd control skill as well as granting stability. This has a 10 second internal recharge.
2.Beastmasters Might: This trait now grants 3 stacks of might for 15 seconds.
3.Companion’s Might: This trait now grants 5 seconds of might to your pet, up from 1 second.
4.Fortifying Bond
5.Rampage as OneStack might to your pet,build for pets to do dmg,dont exept to be given to you easily…
Please stop with the smug attitude you’re talking like I’m not even putting points in traits and want my pets to kill things while I go afk, nobody likes nerfs and they shouldn’t if what we see is correct then petburst is effectively removed and that is huge in pvp sure enough we don’t know yet how exactly this will all play out but to me it doesn’t look very good for the parts where we are weakest namely burst damage.
Manekks definitely right on this. Looking through the notes, all of rangers burst capabilities aside from maybe Maul are now, or are being turned into sustained output options.
I think the devs are finally driving the point home; rangers were not meant to be a burst class.I’m already seeing mesmers and thieves coming from everywhere and they don’t even need to stealth/blink to avoid my pet anymore when they come to file me into tiny little pieces
Lol well, healing trap build with Axe/x and Sword/x. 0/30/30/10/0 with Shamans(PvP)/Apothecary or Settlers(PvE) and Flame Trap, Spike Trap, and Lightning Reflexes/Protect Me.
That’s my prediction for the point holding ranger meta. Thieves will melt, and mesmers too, especially since they still don’t have reliable condition removal.
Outside of PvP, if people don’t want to run that, well, longbow users will be happy lol.
Yuck never liked any of that.
Alright I’ll theorycraft a power/burst build real quick:
Just a generic Berserkers build that could become viable.
Edit: Muddy Terrain should probably be swapped out for Signet of Stone, and as an optional to go full damage, Lightning Reflexes can be changed to Signet of the Wild, and WS 10 can be changed to the one where the pet eats incoming CC to compensate for lack of stunbreaker.
I don’t really see it as viable, burst is good though I guess it works for that but it’s soft as kitten too I’m trying to think who you would kill with this? sure path of scars and maul could crush a squishe if you hit with them buffed up but will you even have time for it?
Sorry to be so negative I just really dislike this patch cause I’ve played so many variations of ranger specs and the only setup I really like is power BM, now the sustained damage is still going to be good (perhaps slightly better even atleast in pve) it’s just that petswap quickness and petburst is totally necessary against some classes in pvp, oh well we’ll see I guess.
I mean, I made it with the intention of it functioning like a one trick pony warrior 100b. I hate glass cannons myself, I just wasn’t aware exactly of what build you run. Now that I know, I can honestly say that power BM builds (if these notes are accurate) are getting a flat nerf to their burst capabilities.
Yeah I got that and I hate glasscannon one trick ponies :P
Pretty much the only pets I use are drake, cat and devourer so yeah it’s unpleasant reading this, devourer is ok I guess cause I only use them in the water and it looks like the shark (wtf is it even buffed for?) is gonna be even better there jellyfish too, but drakes taking a 27% hit on their main attack is pretty bad, jaguar could actually end up getting higher sustained damage with a little shifting in traits to get companion’s might but that as I see it is mainly in pve the burst will largely be gone from pvp and it’s there you need it.
Armor Fish: Bite: Reduced damage by 50%.
Raven: Blinding Slash: Reduced damage by 34%.
Drake: Lightning Breath: Reduced damage by 17%.
Feline: Maul: Reduced damage by 50%.I can understand the nerfs to these but aside from lightning breath I think it’s too much 25% seems more reasonable to me even if I naturally wouldn’t welcome that either, any other nerfs to pets are totally uneccessary in my opinion I mean pig? wtf? who thinks pigs do too much damage? it kitten es me off >.<
Well, we could be being played by the oldest haggling technique know to man. We will see if it happens but maybe Anet wanted a 25% reduction all along. So put it at 50%….wait for the complaints…then reconsider and drop it to 25%.
…because I know with certainty if the original was 25% people would say that was too high and maybe 15% was more reasonable
Tongue in cheek? I doubt that it’s some kind of marketing trick to smooth over a lesser nerf, they don’t care what we say, not the least.
Any word from anet about the validity of these “leaked” patched notes?
I’m wondering if this is just a trial balloon by them to gauge player reaction.
Unfortunately for power users it looks like mainhand Axe is going to be the best overall weapon in PvP. Buffed the aftercast on splitblade so the flow of combat is faster, putting chill and weakness together on one weapon, and a weakness buff. AND the axes auto attack bounces so you can put some damage out on grouped up people.
Also, none of rangers evasiveness got nerfed, which makes offhand dagger a strong compliment to the axe, which then makes the build lean towards conditions.
I mean, for power builds in PvP, the best thing I can think of now is a bunker/DPS hybrid setup, with like, sword/warhorn and x(this could be greatsword, shortbow, longbow, etc), if longbow, going 0/20/30/0/20 and picking up quickdraw, or if the other 2, going 10/0/30/0/30, and using a Valkyries Amulet. Now that I think of it, I wanna theorycraft it real quick lol:
Something like this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fMAQNBMhFakoqyOwSxi1OQsKsn2DNZJM9eEr03eA-TgAA0CmIuRdj7GzNybs3A
Raven: Blinding Slash: Reduced damage by 34%.
Wow f2 34% dmg nerf lol. Seriously i ain’t a crybaby but anet….anet….
Also shortbow 900 range!
Why does anyone believe these patch note’s, they aren’t even from Anet.
I would stop crying about information that is yet to be released.
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