Upcoming Skill/Trait Changes
Armor Fish: Bite: Reduced damage by 50%.
Bird: Slash: Increased damage by 15%.
Eagle: Lacerating Slash: Reduced damage by 50%.
Raven: Blinding Slash: Reduced damage by 34%.
Canine: Bite: Reduced damage by 27%.
Devourer: Twin Darts: Reduced damage by 20%.
Drake: Bite: Reduced damage by 27%.
Drake: Lightning Breath: Reduced damage by 17%.
Feline: Maul: Reduced damage by 50%.
Jaguar: Stalking: Critical chance increase while in stealth reduced to 25%.
Jellyfish: Tentacle Slash: Increased damage by 50%.
Jellyfish Blue: Chilling Whirl: Decreased damage by 33%.
Moa: Peck: Reduced damage by 7%.
Pig: Jab: Reduced damage by 25%.
Shark: Bite: Increased damage by 10%.
Spider: Spit: Increased damage by 10%.This would absolutely break Beastmaster rangers
I mean… absolutely destroy the build.
Hell, It would absolutely break most ranger specs in general because i’m not seeing a massive damage increase across the board to rangers to make up for it.
That was the point. In a recent SOAC episode, two of the devs confirmed that BM ranger was OP. They said something like they didn’t want people to afk while their pet did massive damage.
If new viable builds come out of this, I think the BM ranger nerf is worth it.
That being said…My pet is barely worth keeping alive in PvE as it is without losing damage.
I’m pretty sure this is a hoax.
When somebody leaked patch notes, and they were all about underwater changes, nobody believed them. And then we got that joke of an underwater patch.
When somebody leaked patch notes, and they were all about underwater changes, nobody believed them. And then we got that joke of an underwater patch.
Whats funny is I see similar changes in these leaked notes, Shark got buffed, and some of the already-great underwater skills got buffed, Jellyfish were kinda buffed/nerfed. hmmm….
Leads me to believe Aquaman balances our class.
Why does anyone believe these patch note’s, they aren’t even from Anet.
I hope your right.
That was the point. In a recent SOAC episode, two of the devs confirmed that BM ranger was OP. They said something like they didn’t want people to afk while their pet did massive damage.
Lol, that’s what those hardmode mesmers say on the forumZ….kitten a ranger’s pet killed me cos i was too busy running around spamming phantasms. Ye lots of rangers do pretty much the same, they just dodge and run and let the pet attack and in fact they just suck and they are totally useless in teamfights. As any other build in this game the bm ranger (on a side note bm ranger means nothing, there are lots of different bm builds) can be played well or poorly. I am not saying it’s a hard build to play, just isn’t easier than most other gw2 builds.
I don’t see why they don’t just do the update notes writeup ahead of time. I mean, 3-4 days before the patch, while I’m sure there’s still stuff being worked on, it wouldn’t hurt to make a page definite changes happening, and a dev generic explanation about the direction they wanted the upcoming patch to take the game.
That way, by the time the actual patch rolled around, these discussions would have already diffused themselves, and then people could potentially be pleasantly surprised by anything additional that makes it into the current patch.
Seems like a good idea to me anyways.
www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
I’m starting to think the notes are fake too. Would Anet be stupid enough to not remember to balance the F2 skills on Owl and Rainbow Jellyfish which are both HoM pets?
Owl is not a HoM pet. It’s the White Raven.
I’m not really worried the only thing they would really be nerfing is the spike 100% crit from Jag that I use when I entangle someone etc.
If anything I’d just go power or some sword/axe variation to make up for the dps. Guess we will have to wait and see.
I’ll probably be taking points out of BM and putting them in Nature Magic, seeing as that I run MB anyways, it won’t realy affect the overall damage, just burst.
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/ElmoezHerra?feature=watch
i rly think this is bullcrap… is the purpose to drive the Ranger class to the ground? Nerfing SB is supposed to make LB acceptable?!… in all this kitty litter they could AT LEAST just give the Torment Condition to Rangers too imo :/
SFR [TROL] Leader \(;,,;)/
Owl is not a HoM pet. It’s the White Raven.
Ah you’re right, still the rainbow though its identical to the blue.
Imo, they are going to make Ranger a stronger class for the new meta, LR, maybe some spirits, some traps, who knows.
The axe stuff seems really good.
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/ElmoezHerra?feature=watch
i rly think this is bullcrap… is the purpose to drive the Ranger class to the ground? Nerfing SB is supposed to make LB acceptable?!… in all this kitty litter they could AT LEAST just give the Torment Condition to Rangers too imo :/
Dev n.1: “kitten how could we make the ranger longbow viable?”
Dev n.2: “We should rework its skills totally, it’s just bad atm”
Dev n.3: “Nah that’s way too hard, just nerf the shortbow to the same level, this way rangers will have a choice!”
Unfortunately for power users it looks like mainhand Axe is going to be the best overall weapon in PvP. Buffed the aftercast on splitblade so the flow of combat is faster, putting chill and weakness together on one weapon, and a weakness buff. AND the axes auto attack bounces so you can put some damage out on grouped up people.
Also, none of rangers evasiveness got nerfed, which makes offhand dagger a strong compliment to the axe, which then makes the build lean towards conditions.
I mean, for power builds in PvP, the best thing I can think of now is a bunker/DPS hybrid setup, with like, sword/warhorn and x(this could be greatsword, shortbow, longbow, etc), if longbow, going 0/20/30/0/20 and picking up quickdraw, or if the other 2, going 10/0/30/0/30, and using a Valkyries Amulet. Now that I think of it, I wanna theorycraft it real quick lol:
Something like this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fMAQNBMhFakoqyOwSxi1OQsKsn2DNZJM9eEr03eA-TgAA0CmIuRdj7GzNybs3A
Valkyrie seems totally useless, what good is +crit damage when you barely have crit even under fury? seems you might aswell go with clerics amulet then for better regen and boost that one with soldier or berserker jewel, steady focus also more or less useless you’ll be dodging alot not benefitting from this trait if i would stick with a power bm for pvp I’ll likely go with something like this wich would be a tweak of my current pvp spec (using 0/10/30/0/30 now)
Would be vulnerable to conditions though but it might work, in wvw this could easily be fixed with just lemongrass soup but in spvp not sure if it’s as good not sure the crit is good enough to use companions might either.
I don’t see why they don’t just do the update notes writeup ahead of time. I mean, 3-4 days before the patch, while I’m sure there’s still stuff being worked on, it wouldn’t hurt to make a page definite changes happening, and a dev generic explanation about the direction they wanted the upcoming patch to take the game.
That way, by the time the actual patch rolled around, these discussions would have already diffused themselves, and then people could potentially be pleasantly surprised by anything additional that makes it into the current patch.
Seems like a good idea to me anyways.
Why isn’t there a freaking testserver to sign up for to properly see what new changes bring?
Any word from anet about the validity of these “leaked” patched notes?
I’m wondering if this is just a trial balloon by them to gauge player reaction.
I was thinking the same thing. Something like this doesn’t just pop out of nowhere. If this was some elaborate troll, whoever made it is an evil genius.
Doing It With Style
Unfortunately for power users it looks like mainhand Axe is going to be the best overall weapon in PvP. Buffed the aftercast on splitblade so the flow of combat is faster, putting chill and weakness together on one weapon, and a weakness buff. AND the axes auto attack bounces so you can put some damage out on grouped up people.
Also, none of rangers evasiveness got nerfed, which makes offhand dagger a strong compliment to the axe, which then makes the build lean towards conditions.
I mean, for power builds in PvP, the best thing I can think of now is a bunker/DPS hybrid setup, with like, sword/warhorn and x(this could be greatsword, shortbow, longbow, etc), if longbow, going 0/20/30/0/20 and picking up quickdraw, or if the other 2, going 10/0/30/0/30, and using a Valkyries Amulet. Now that I think of it, I wanna theorycraft it real quick lol:
Something like this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fMAQNBMhFakoqyOwSxi1OQsKsn2DNZJM9eEr03eA-TgAA0CmIuRdj7GzNybs3A
Valkyrie seems totally useless, what good is +crit damage when you barely have crit even under fury? seems you might aswell go with clerics amulet then for better regen and boost that one with soldier or berserker jewel, steady focus also more or less useless you’ll be dodging alot not benefitting from this trait if i would stick with a power bm for pvp I’ll likely go with something like this wich would be a tweak of my current pvp spec (using 0/10/30/0/30 now)
Would be vulnerable to conditions though but it might work, in wvw this could easily be fixed with just lemongrass soup but in spvp not sure if it’s as good not sure the crit is good enough to use companions might either.
I just went with Valkyries because of the higher power rating while still maintaining a decent enough healing level.
Also, @the test server thing, I still haven’t played a game with a test server really. I only really ever played guild wars 1 all that much (and competitively), but I really don’t know how they would upkeep the test servers when they have so much content that they currently struggle to keep up with.
However, I can see something like a test server maybe being implemented into custom arenas down the line, where you can (unfortunately) purchase a “test value pack” that inherits any features that are being tested in their test environment for PvP into the game. I’m sure there would be some sort of exclusivity as to who gets to own such servers (top 50 players again most likely), but it would definitely be something that would be manageable by a small dev team while simultaneously helping the dev team by testing bugs and providing feedback.
Then people might actually care about competing for leaderboard spots lol.
www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
Christ, ok so say these notes are indeed fake. Would someone be THAT sad to sit down for hours crafting, let’s be honest, fairly realistic sounding yet fake updates? Surely if they wanted to troll they would have come up with more drastic nerfs than that. I would be disappointed with some of these upates, especially the pet nerfs, but then again the devs said themselves pet damage will be nerfed this month, so it was to be expected. Otherwise i would be quite excited about the buffs to longbow and offhand axe. I always hated shortbow anyway so couldn’t care less about that nerf.
But what would a faker gain from this? Would just seeing the players debate over and over the pros and cons of the fake notes be what he wanted? Somehow i don’t think that alone would warrant the obvious thought and time that has gone into putting these patch notes together. It may be unwise at this point but i am more inclined to thinking they are for the most part real.
Haha, of course I just bought a new shortbow…
At least if the notes are real they haven’t touched my signets, and the Barrage change is nice.
Christ, ok so say these notes are indeed fake. Would someone be THAT sad to sit down for hours crafting, let’s be honest, fairly realistic sounding yet fake updates? Surely if they wanted to troll they would have come up with more drastic nerfs than that. I would be disappointed with some of these upates, especially the pet nerfs, but then again the devs said themselves pet damage will be nerfed this month, so it was to be expected. Otherwise i would be quite excited about the buffs to longbow and offhand axe. I always hated shortbow anyway so couldn’t care less about that nerf.
But what would a faker gain from this? Would just seeing the players debate over and over the pros and cons of the fake notes be what he wanted? Somehow i don’t think that alone would warrant the obvious thought and time that has gone into putting these patch notes together. It may be unwise at this point but i am more inclined to thinking they are for the most part real.
A little too much emotion poured out in this post. Chill axe, bro
It could be real, it could be fake, we don’t know. What I do know is people are discussing it like it was real :P
And Pendleton.6385 could be right, it might be ANet “leaking” it early to test player reactions too. I’m ok with everything except swapping Instinctual Bond with Zephyr’s Speed. I don’t want to go down for an effect like that to happen, especially on a pet with lowered damage. I’d like to keep my quickness on pet swap please!
Doing It With Style
Christ, ok so say these notes are indeed fake. Would someone be THAT sad to sit down for hours crafting, let’s be honest, fairly realistic sounding yet fake updates? Surely if they wanted to troll they would have come up with more drastic nerfs than that. I would be disappointed with some of these upates, especially the pet nerfs, but then again the devs said themselves pet damage will be nerfed this month, so it was to be expected. Otherwise i would be quite excited about the buffs to longbow and offhand axe. I always hated shortbow anyway so couldn’t care less about that nerf.
But what would a faker gain from this? Would just seeing the players debate over and over the pros and cons of the fake notes be what he wanted? Somehow i don’t think that alone would warrant the obvious thought and time that has gone into putting these patch notes together. It may be unwise at this point but i am more inclined to thinking they are for the most part real.
A little too much emotion poured out in this post. Chill axe, bro
It could be real, it could be fake, we don’t know. What I do know is people are discussing it like it was real :P
And Pendleton.6385 could be right, it might be ANet “leaking” it early to test player reactions too. I’m ok with everything except swapping Instinctual Bond with Zephyr’s Speed. I don’t want to go down for an effect like that to happen, especially on a pet with lowered damage. I’d like to keep my quickness on pet swap please!
Personally, I feel as though they are real emotionally, regardless if they aren’t. One word (and not just rangers): underwhelmed. I’m always underwhelmed though. But underwhelmed that it would actually take 9+ months to fix traits that have been deemed useless since week 1, and underwhelmed that issues that have existed equally as long are just now being addressed. (I really don’t mean this as seriously as its sounding lol)
I’ve been underwhelmed every patch though, so I’m glad I’m feeling just underwhelmed, and not outraged is the point lol. And who knows, assuming these leaked notes are wrong, or are incomplete, then I might be pleasantly surprised.
So ultimately, I get to enjoy the anticipation, while getting something to chew on (the leaked notes) until the actual update arises.
www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
>chill axe
Hurr hurr hurr :p
Even if they’re real then it’s likely they’re incomplete anyway. Devs are probably tweaking the buffs and nerfs every day and constantly changing their minds about things, so given that there remain 4 days until the patch the notes would probably be different anyway.
>chill axe
Hurr hurr hurr :p
Chopps started it. I’m just making sure it sticks :P
Personally, I feel as though they are real emotionally, regardless if they aren’t. One word (and not just rangers): underwhelmed. I’m always underwhelmed though. But underwhelmed that it would actually take 9+ months to fix traits that have been deemed useless since week 1, and underwhelmed that issues that have existed equally as long are just now being addressed. (I really don’t mean this as seriously as its sounding lol)
I’ve been underwhelmed every patch though, so I’m glad I’m feeling just underwhelmed, and not outraged is the point lol. And who knows, assuming these leaked notes are wrong, or are incomplete, then I might be pleasantly surprised.
So ultimately, I get to enjoy the anticipation, while getting something to chew on (the leaked notes) until the actual update arises.
You make very good points. It should have been obvious that 1 second 1 stack of might on crit was useless, and that 1 stack of might per signet is incredibly underwhelming on day 1, but it wasn’t. It’s up to us players to make ANet see that.
I’d like to think that I had a hand in bringing those traits up when I wrote the DD505 guide, but I’m sure they had those in the back of their minds even before I wrote it. Let’s not make ANet look like they’re incompetent because they’re just busy handling all 8 classes while we focus on one. I just wish they’d talk more about the direction they want to take the classes instead of just putting in changes that players don’t understand. (Which will always result to QQ)
Best suggestion I could give to everyone is to make analysis threads that ANet could take seriously and less “QQ BUFF ME AND NERF THEM” threads.
That said, I should probably write something to make them not push through with the Instinctual Bond – Zepyhr’s Speed swap o_O I neither understand nor want that change to happen. My sweet, sweet quickness.. T_T
Doing It With Style
sigh. just when i’m about to get my ranger to 80, they’ll do this to the short bow. i hope this is all false information but it doesn’t look like it.
sigh. just when i’m about to get my ranger to 80, they’ll do this to the short bow. i hope this is all false information but it doesn’t look like it.
It still does the same damage, and the SB3-5 got slight damage boosts. Tell me why losing 300 range makes you sigh.
Doing It With Style
sigh. just when i’m about to get my ranger to 80, they’ll do this to the short bow. i hope this is all false information but it doesn’t look like it.
It still does the same damage, and the SB3-5 got slight damage boosts. Tell me why losing 300 range makes you sigh.
because it will lessen my effectivity in wvw a lot. don’t ask me why, it’s just related to one of the things i do in wvw.
about the dmg buffs to other sb skills, tell me why you didn’t read the posts explaining how that doesn’t make a bit of difference.
sigh. just when i’m about to get my ranger to 80, they’ll do this to the short bow. i hope this is all false information but it doesn’t look like it.
It still does the same damage, and the SB3-5 got slight damage boosts. Tell me why losing 300 range makes you sigh.
because it will lessen my effectivity in wvw a lot. don’t ask me why, it’s just related to one of the things i do in wvw.
about the dmg buffs to other sb skills, tell me why you didn’t read the posts explaining how that doesn’t make a bit of difference.
Anyone who thought SB should have the same range as LB is fooling themselves.
Anyone who thought SB should have the same range as LB is fooling themselves.
Longbows range should have been 1500 without the trait , would have made more sense.
Anyone who thought otherwise is fooling himself.
Anyone who thought SB should have the same range as LB is fooling themselves.
Longbows range should have been 1500 without the trait , would have made more sense.
Anyone who thought otherwise is fooling himself.
this basically. they nerfed sb to make lb more viable. lol.
Anyone who thought SB should have the same range as LB is fooling themselves.
Longbows range should have been 1500 without the trait , would have made more sense.
Anyone who thought otherwise is fooling himself.this basically. they nerfed sb to make lb more viable. lol.
To make lb less crappy. It’s still nowhere near viable.
sigh. just when i’m about to get my ranger to 80, they’ll do this to the short bow. i hope this is all false information but it doesn’t look like it.
It still does the same damage, and the SB3-5 got slight damage boosts. Tell me why losing 300 range makes you sigh.
because it will lessen my effectivity in wvw a lot. don’t ask me why, it’s just related to one of the things i do in wvw.
I actually responded to that.
Also, to be on topic, losing 300 range on a shortbow suddenly made it’s DPS lower? It’s still the same weapon, but you have to more mindful of positioning. In dungeons and PvE, it’s not that hard to adjust. In PvP, players rarely have opportunities to stand 1200 range away and pewpew indefinitely. In WvW, the only time i see this as a problem is when zerging (but longbow is superior to shortbow when zerging anyway due to barrage). Most solo roamers are within 900 range of their enemies already.
about the dmg buffs to other sb skills, tell me why you didn’t read the posts explaining how that doesn’t make a bit of difference.
Wa-wa-wait. So you mean to tell me you don’t want the damage boost on shortbow 3-5? Oh the irony. Months of asking for weapon skill damage boosts and then you say that when rangers finally get one?
Doing It With Style
Pet damage reduction is wonderful, lets all celebrate
sigh. just when i’m about to get my ranger to 80, they’ll do this to the short bow. i hope this is all false information but it doesn’t look like it.
It still does the same damage, and the SB3-5 got slight damage boosts. Tell me why losing 300 range makes you sigh.
because it will lessen my effectivity in wvw a lot. don’t ask me why, it’s just related to one of the things i do in wvw.
I actually responded to that.
Also, to be on topic, losing 300 range on a shortbow suddenly made it’s DPS lower? It’s still the same weapon, but you have to more mindful of positioning. In dungeons and PvE, it’s not that hard to adjust. In PvP, players rarely have opportunities to stand 1200 range away and pewpew indefinitely. In WvW, the only time i see this as a problem is when zerging (but longbow is superior to shortbow when zerging anyway due to barrage). Most solo roamers are within 900 range of their enemies already.
about the dmg buffs to other sb skills, tell me why you didn’t read the posts explaining how that doesn’t make a bit of difference.
Wa-wa-wait. So you mean to tell me you don’t want the damage boost on shortbow 3-5? Oh the irony. Months of asking for weapon skill damage boosts and then you say that when rangers finally get one?
now you’re making things up. i never said that lol. but these buffs are next to nothing considering sb dps mainly comes from 1 skill. they’re nowhere near high enough for me to consider using those skills as a source of damage and not just for utility.
sigh. just when i’m about to get my ranger to 80, they’ll do this to the short bow. i hope this is all false information but it doesn’t look like it.
It still does the same damage, and the SB3-5 got slight damage boosts. Tell me why losing 300 range makes you sigh.
because it will lessen my effectivity in wvw a lot. don’t ask me why, it’s just related to one of the things i do in wvw.
I actually responded to that.
Also, to be on topic, losing 300 range on a shortbow suddenly made it’s DPS lower? It’s still the same weapon, but you have to more mindful of positioning. In dungeons and PvE, it’s not that hard to adjust. In PvP, players rarely have opportunities to stand 1200 range away and pewpew indefinitely. In WvW, the only time i see this as a problem is when zerging (but longbow is superior to shortbow when zerging anyway due to barrage). Most solo roamers are within 900 range of their enemies already.
about the dmg buffs to other sb skills, tell me why you didn’t read the posts explaining how that doesn’t make a bit of difference.
Wa-wa-wait. So you mean to tell me you don’t want the damage boost on shortbow 3-5? Oh the irony. Months of asking for weapon skill damage boosts and then you say that when rangers finally get one?
now you’re making things up. i never said that lol. but these buffs are next to nothing considering sb dps mainly comes from 1 skill. they’re nowhere near high enough for me to consider using those skills as a source of damage and not just for utility.
Well that’s because the entire function of those skills, regardless of the damage they do, is a utility function. Even shortbow 2 is pretty lackluster on the damage and really only useful for the utility.
Unfortunately, if these notes are true, I personally see the shortbow as becoming one of the least useful weapons a ranger has access to. I would much rather see the autoattack get turned to an unconditional bleed and have the damage/current duration nerfed accordingly if we are going to go through with the change to 900 range.
www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
now you’re making things up. i never said that lol.
Oops, my bad. You said “doesn’t make a bit of difference” and I equated it to you not wanting them. Point still stands though, we finally get a damage buff on weapon skills, now we just need to get them spread out to the other skills.
but these buffs are next to nothing considering sb dps mainly comes from 1 skill. they’re nowhere near high enough for me to consider using those skills as a source of damage and not just for utility.
Because you’re not supposed to use them as damage sources. You just get a tiny more kick out of them when you use them. I see that as a good thing.
Lastly, my point is that SB1 damage is untouched. The damage is still the same. In fact, you get a little more damage because of the buff on SB3-5.
Doing It With Style
With all that Pet damage reduction…
Maybe they fixed the kittened up Pet AI? Actually hitting something while moving?
If not I am not impressed…
I have a “bunker” build BM Ranger and my Pet is not hitting for 75 percent on a decent player…
now you’re making things up. i never said that lol.
Oops, my bad. You said “doesn’t make a bit of difference” and I equated it to you not wanting them. Point still stands though, we finally get a damage buff on weapon skills, now we just need to get them spread out to the other skills.
but these buffs are next to nothing considering sb dps mainly comes from 1 skill. they’re nowhere near high enough for me to consider using those skills as a source of damage and not just for utility.
Because you’re not supposed to use them as damage sources. You just get a tiny more kick out of them when you use them. I see that as a good thing.
Lastly, my point is that SB1 damage is untouched. The damage is still the same. In fact, you get a little more damage because of the buff on SB3-5.
lol obviously they’re not for damage. that was my point. the 14% buffs on them mean nothing. tiny 14% kick on skills you never use for damage vs a 300 range nerf? you’re supposed to be a ranger that uses sb and you’re okay with this? what are you smoking man.
lol obviously they’re not for damage. that was my point. the 14% buffs on them mean nothing. tiny 14% kick on skills you never use for damage vs a 300 range nerf? you’re supposed to be a ranger that uses sb and you’re okay with this? what are you smoking man.
Oh you gotta try it. It’s called logical thinking. Stuff’s expensive so not everyone can afford it, unfortunately.
Never use SB 3-5 for damage? I use it for both utility and damage. Having a bit more damage with the same utility is fine with me.
Personally, I never really found much use for 1200 range on the SB. I have to constantly move to flank my enemy anyway. Being 1200 range away from him makes it harder to circle around the target’s flanking spots. My comfortable range for SB is 700-900. So yes, I’m ok with losing 300 range and getting a buff to 3 of my utility skills that are considered a loss of DPS when used.
Doing It With Style
lol obviously they’re not for damage. that was my point. the 14% buffs on them mean nothing. tiny 14% kick on skills you never use for damage vs a 300 range nerf? you’re supposed to be a ranger that uses sb and you’re okay with this? what are you smoking man.
Oh you gotta try it. It’s called logical thinking. Stuff’s expensive so not everyone can afford it, unfortunately.
Never use SB 3-5 for damage? I use it for both utility and damage. Having a bit more damage with the same utility is fine with me.
Personally, I never really found much use for 1200 range on the SB. I have to constantly move to flank my enemy anyway. Being 1200 range away from him makes it harder to circle around the target’s flanking spots. My comfortable range for SB is 700-900. So yes, I’m ok with losing 300 range and getting a buff to 3 of my utility skills that are considered a loss of DPS when used.
hahaha. come on admit it. you don’t main a ranger. if you really are, it’s not our fault you can’t turn an additional 300 range into a great advantage
hahaha. come on admit it. you don’t main a ranger. if you really are, it’s not our fault you can’t turn an additional 300 range into a great advantage
HAHAHAHAHA. You must be new here.
Doing It With Style
hahaha. come on admit it. you don’t main a ranger. if you really are, it’s not our fault you can’t turn an additional 300 range into a great advantage
HAHAHAHAHA. You must be new here.
yeah i am new in the forums, not in the game. i don’t know who you are sorry lol.
hahaha. come on admit it. you don’t main a ranger. if you really are, it’s not our fault you can’t turn an additional 300 range into a great advantage
HAHAHAHAHA. You must be new here.
yeah i am new in the forums, not in the game. i don’t know who you are sorry lol.
Lurk moar.
Anyway, if you’re resorting to questioning my credentials and not rebutting my points, I don’t see why I should keep replying to you.
Doing It With Style
hahaha. come on admit it. you don’t main a ranger. if you really are, it’s not our fault you can’t turn an additional 300 range into a great advantage
HAHAHAHAHA. You must be new here.
yeah i am new in the forums, not in the game. i don’t know who you are sorry lol.
Lurk moar.
Anyway, if you’re resorting to questioning my credentials and not rebutting my points, I don’t see why I should keep replying to you.
If you don’t see that removing the distance advantage of shortbow is not a good thing , there’s not much point in going on with this anyways.
And i guess ’ i’ve been posting on the forums longer than you ’ makes your opinion more valid than his.
hahaha. come on admit it. you don’t main a ranger. if you really are, it’s not our fault you can’t turn an additional 300 range into a great advantage
HAHAHAHAHA. You must be new here.
yeah i am new in the forums, not in the game. i don’t know who you are sorry lol.
Lurk moar.
Anyway, if you’re resorting to questioning my credentials and not rebutting my points, I don’t see why I should keep replying to you.
right. i totally didn’t address the uselessness of that puny 14% dmg buff to sb skills vs 300 range nerf. i’ll just drop it to save us both the trouble of replying to each other
hahaha. come on admit it. you don’t main a ranger. if you really are, it’s not our fault you can’t turn an additional 300 range into a great advantage
HAHAHAHAHA. You must be new here.
yeah i am new in the forums, not in the game. i don’t know who you are sorry lol.
Lurk moar.
Anyway, if you’re resorting to questioning my credentials and not rebutting my points, I don’t see why I should keep replying to you.
If you don’t see that removing the distance advantage of shortbow is not a good thing , there’s not much point in going on with this anyways.
And i guess ’ i’ve been posting on the forums longer than you ’ makes your opinion more valid than his.
I do see it as a good thing. It’ll make shortbow play more dynamic because we have to actually learn how to dodge better because we can actually get hit now. Sure it was easy to dodge red circles at 1200 range, now we have to actually pay attention. Sounds horrible, right? People have been using MH Axe at 900 range and there were no complaints about it’s range.
Also, I didn’t bring up “i’ve been posting longer”, he did when he asked if I really mained a ranger.
Doing It With Style
I do see it as a good thing. It’ll make shortbow play more dynamic because we have to actually learn how to dodge better because we can actually get hit now. Sure it was easy to dodge red circles at 1200 range, now we have to actually pay attention. Sounds horrible, right? People have been using MH Axe at 900 range and there were no complaints about it’s range.
Also, I didn’t bring up “i’ve been posting longer”, he did when he asked if I really mained a ranger.
Hmm, what on earth are you talking about? I thought other professions had gap closers in their arsenal to counter the range advange somewhat? Reducing weapon range somehow enhances persons ability to dodge? And if i’m at close range it’s somehow more difficult to move away from the aoe circles than at 1200 range? Can i try not to step on the aoe circles or do i need to always dodge away from them?
I’m learning so much here, thank you.
Instinctual Bond: This trait has been swapped with Zephyr’s Speed. Quickness increased to 3s
So if this goes live, does that mean I can quick stomp again via pet swap (sure its gonna be 25 pts more expensive than before, but I don’t care)
Instinctual Bond: This trait has been swapped with Zephyr’s Speed. Quickness increased to 3s
So if this goes live, does that mean I can quick stomp again via pet swap (sure its gonna be 25 pts more expensive than before, but I don’t care
This fact, sir, kills all the build diversity in pvp because rangers dont even have a save stomp…
I do see it as a good thing. It’ll make shortbow play more dynamic because we have to actually learn how to dodge better because we can actually get hit now. Sure it was easy to dodge red circles at 1200 range, now we have to actually pay attention. Sounds horrible, right? People have been using MH Axe at 900 range and there were no complaints about it’s range.
Also, I didn’t bring up “i’ve been posting longer”, he did when he asked if I really mained a ranger.
Hmm, what on earth are you talking about? I thought other professions had gap closers in their arsenal to counter the range advange somewhat? Reducing weapon range somehow enhances persons ability to dodge? And if i’m at close range it’s somehow more difficult to move away from the aoe circles than at 1200 range? Can i try not to step on the aoe circles or do i need to always dodge away from them?
I’m learning so much here, thank you.
You misunderstood my post so many times I’m starting to think you’re trolling. I’m bored, I’ll reply anyway.
- I thought other professions had gap closers in their arsenal to counter the range advange somewhat?
Yes they do. Will 300 range change this? At most, you can make them “waste” a dodge roll to get closer to you, but I doubt all rangers are high level enough to take advantage of that. Even if you could do that, your enemy dodged an arrow or two so its not a total waste.
- Reducing weapon range somehow enhances persons ability to dodge?
When did i say it does that automatically? I said “learn how to dodge better.” You must’ve missed that.
- And if i’m at close range it’s somehow more difficult to move away from the aoe circles than at 1200 range?
More circles appear at closer range than at 1200 range. Also, there are a lot of PBAoE in the game that can never reach 1200 range, but can be dangerous at close and mid range.
- Can i try not to step on the aoe circles or do i need to always dodge away from them?
I’m gonna assume you meant “step off.” And my reply is of course you can. When did I say you can’t?
You’re trying too hard to be snarky when everything is based off your misinterpretation of what I said.
Doing It With Style