Upgrades to off hand axe
How do I laugh at quickness unload thiefs if I don’t reflect their entire burst? :c
- 5 axe should be a big damage punishing skill like Warriors and their Hundred Blades. Not quite as bursty, but its current function is subpar.
How about make Whirling defense work like Swirling Strike(spear 2)?
Remove channel lower CD and higher damage.
Whirling Defence is the reason I use an off hand axe and don’t want it changing to anything like warriors 100 Blades, Whirling Defence is not sub par and is perfect for killing other rangers and more importantly, dumb thieves.
100 Blades is only any use when timed with Frenzy. If you really want burst for it, time it with your pet swap with Zephyr’s Speed or Quickening Zephyr, that’s one extra option warriors don’t get.
I find it comical that skills I consider vital to my build and success are considered subpar or not viable but I’m also expected to believe that ranger is utterly broken and useless.
(edited by capuchinseven.8395)
WD is fine. Ability to move is all I ask for that skill, if anything. Axe 4 on the other hand…
Whirling Defence is the reason I use an off hand axe and don’t want it changing to anything like warriors 100 Blades, Whirling Defence is not sub par and is perfect for killing other rangers and more importantly, dumb thieves.
100 Blades is only any use when timed with Frenzy. If you really want burst for it, time it with your pet swap with Zephyr’s Speed or Quickening Zephyr, that’s one extra option warriors don’t get.
I find it comical that skills I consider vital to my build and success are considered subpar or not viable but I’m also expected to believe that ranger is utterly broken and useless.
Interesting, this is the kind of perspective I like to hear.
I’d say the solution lies not in changing whirling defense but making path of scars more useful. Currently whirling defense is interesting and can be useful, I’ve managed it. But if path of scars became a pull for example the whole weapon would be beautiful in my opinion.
I’d say whirling defense is let down by path of scars, for an offhand attack to be useful it has to have utility not just pure damage (and paltry damage at that). Even if they don’t make it a pull if they added some sort of utility to the skill like apply weakness, even adding some support maybe, the weapon would work as a whole.
My current opinion is simple whirling defense = good (you just can’t use it like other whirling attacks, and if this is what people have been trying its the reason they fail with it), path of scars = bad therefore offhand axe = bad.
Whirling Defence is the reason I use an off hand axe and don’t want it changing to anything like warriors 100 Blades, Whirling Defence is not sub par and is perfect for killing other rangers and more importantly, dumb thieves.
100 Blades is only any use when timed with Frenzy. If you really want burst for it, time it with your pet swap with Zephyr’s Speed or Quickening Zephyr, that’s one extra option warriors don’t get.
I find it comical that skills I consider vital to my build and success are considered subpar or not viable but I’m also expected to believe that ranger is utterly broken and useless.
Interesting, this is the kind of perspective I like to hear.
Your point on skill #4 is valid, it’s next to useless.
Maybe a trait that makes you commit to OH axe?
“Axe specialist:Path of scars pulls enemies towards you on return.You can use whirling defense on the move”
The pull could also be a short knockdown instead and the movement on WD would be on slower speed,like Guardian’s Whirling Wrath perhaps?
Whirling Defence is the reason I use an off hand axe and don’t want it changing to anything like warriors 100 Blades, Whirling Defence is not sub par and is perfect for killing other rangers and more importantly, dumb thieves.
100 Blades is only any use when timed with Frenzy. If you really want burst for it, time it with your pet swap with Zephyr’s Speed or Quickening Zephyr, that’s one extra option warriors don’t get.
I find it comical that skills I consider vital to my build and success are considered subpar or not viable but I’m also expected to believe that ranger is utterly broken and useless.
And you are using an axe oh instead of what? Wd is only decent cos 90% of players don’t even know how that skill works (yes even rangers). Pos is way worse than wd, pos is actually really bad. I don’t need wd at all to kill bad thieves and even more so ranged rangers.
Don’t touch my WD, it’s a DEFENSIVE skill not offensive… And nothing makes me smile more than using it at the “point of no return” on a warrior kill shot… (By that I mean right before/after it fires)
Path of scars on the other hand…. For the love of god make it a daze, or a pull, or a stun, or another chill, something!! Make it do SOMETHING useful!! I think it should be an interrupt of some sort, that way our 1h weapons can utilize Moment of Clarity…
@Fjandi, actually, I find that WD is better against people who -do- know how the skill works because then it acts as an immunity, making you just sit there unhindered by them, in a combo field (preferably) raining hell down from afar while they wait on their weapon swap CD…
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
(edited by Durzlla.6295)
Whirling Defence is the reason I use an off hand axe and don’t want it changing to anything like warriors 100 Blades, Whirling Defence is not sub par and is perfect for killing other rangers and more importantly, dumb thieves.
100 Blades is only any use when timed with Frenzy. If you really want burst for it, time it with your pet swap with Zephyr’s Speed or Quickening Zephyr, that’s one extra option warriors don’t get.
I find it comical that skills I consider vital to my build and success are considered subpar or not viable but I’m also expected to believe that ranger is utterly broken and useless.
And you are using an axe oh instead of what? Wd is only decent cos 90% of players don’t even know how that skill works (yes even rangers). Pos is way worse than wd, pos is actually really bad. I don’t need wd at all to kill bad thieves and even more so ranged rangers.
So much more to it than anything you’ve said.
Combo field whirl effect and when combined with a pet swap Zephyr burst that also lands a 12% vulnerability in high speed being three of them.
(edited by capuchinseven.8395)
So much more to it than anything you’ve said.
Combo field whirl effect and when combined with a pet swap Zephyr burst that also lands a 12% vulnerability in high speed being three of them.
Ye keep telling yourself that. In the real gw2 a warhorn is simply a better weapon to use as oh with 1h sword (if power specced). Or dagger/torch (if cond). If you want a combo field with hs just use your leaps or ask a thief friend (if your not solo) to spam cb.
Love the defensive use of WD but would love it even more if it allowed for mobility. I rarely find myself using Axe on off-hand for that reason, not to mention 4th skill is useless :/
“They say you are what you eat.
Which is funny ‘cause I don’t remember eating a f.ing legend”