[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: toymachine.1673


Video – https://youtu.be/P0CJdaQQiHg

Build – http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fNEQNAR8XjMq0waLLGsw1aA/gaZDEAN7hYgd/WBbAA-TlSDwA9U+NT9nAmgq8EAgrJYhSQQ6EGcRAAY+h2+DkCYJtWA-w

Build is usually 46400 for roaming or if I’m dueling someone who is cond. I’ll go 26600 for the 3 condi clear.

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Harnel.6810


I really appreciate that you’ve shown a few losses here as well. Most build videos simply don’t, and that irks me.

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: toymachine.1673


Haha. Yeah I feel the same way, but its also because I don’t win them all and usually still a good fight.

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Harnel.6810


Hmm. How would you design this with the Specialization system? I ask because if I try to use your build, I’m going to want to be able to use it after the old trait system becomes obsolete.

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Wait for it….. Boom!
You realy know how to land your maul. Great vid.

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: toymachine.1673


well id go something like

- marks ^ ^ -
- skirm – ^ v
- BM ^ – -

if that makes any sense? haha I know… i’m explaining it in a strange way

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: toymachine.1673


but one thing about that is there wouldn’t be any condi clear…

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


That asura in the water using killshot was so friggen hard to see.

I also roam with no traited condi removal, but I use SoR + HS. I can’t imagine getting away with only HS on a melee build. Do you try to avoid condi players?

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: toymachine.1673


Yah that killshot really caught me off guard. When I chased him behind the bridge I threw up block expecting a stun/big hit but he just sat there… then BOOM! and as far as condition fights it just depends on how well they are at applying them, I swap between 46400 and 26600 a lot when roaming.its crazy how much of a difference it makes using Empathic Bond

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Yah that killshot really caught me off guard. When I chased him behind the bridge I threw up block expecting a stun/big hit but he just sat there… then BOOM! and as far as condition fights it just depends on how well they are at applying them, I swap between 46400 and 26600 a lot when roaming.its crazy how much of a difference it makes using Empathic Bond

Why not replacing LR with SoR? We all love LR, but your build get so much synergy out of SoR….
Also, signet’s might benefits alot from Fortifying Bond( 6 might on pet for every signet activation) and the boon duration bonus from NM trait line. Wouldn’t your build be better like this? evasive purity can be changed to enlargment(signet synergy) or for two handed training.


[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: toymachine.1673


Couldn’t hurt to try. I’ll give it a go after work

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


LR to SoR is an awkward transition, but for most melee builds I think it’s the right one.

You’re definitely going to stand around stubbornly refusing to use your stun break so you don’t lose your condi clear, so get ready for that. But when you face that condi ranger you’re going to be glad you have it.

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: sorrychief.2563


that killshot asura looked like he was just afking in the water.

champion magus
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: nacario.9417


This was a fun watch, thanks!

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Amazing video, those are fine fights. Fine use of the GS and Sword..
I though i was the only one (that i needed more L2P) but i see there is more ppl that struggle really hard when is 1 vs 2. Mostly because lack of sustain (1 mild heal every 30 secs is not enough with our lack of mobility).

I see you use the HS but did you try HaO? in my experience HS is good when using ranged (LB) because allow you to stay a little bit longer in the regen area, when in melee you need insta heal, HaO will heal you and your pet and is 20 secs CD.
The long cast really kill it, but is all about timing, and i see you are very good with that one.

LR i would exchange it for SoR. Most conditions will not be very annoying if you can keep the passive, and you have the active in case of hard choices.
You needed for mobility i would exchange the runes for traveller and the SoH for LR.
You would loose some power but i think you would gain in survivability.

About to keep this build when the new traits comes out, don’t worry there are far better choices that we have now.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: toymachine.1673


Thanks for all the feed back everyone, I’ve been trying them all out.

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Draeyon.4392


Traveler Runes is always an option as well, gives you that third spot to go SoS, SoR and SotW/LR.

That is my current roaming armor by the way, change it however you want.

Btw, do you change out a weapon when you have full stacks and if so, do you run air, fire or energy as the sigil on it?

(edited by Draeyon.4392)

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Ty for vid.
You look so alive ;-)

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Hepatolith.6389


Amazing video, those are fine fights. Fine use of the GS and Sword..
I though i was the only one (that i needed more L2P) but i see there is more ppl that struggle really hard when is 1 vs 2. Mostly because lack of sustain (1 mild heal every 30 secs is not enough with our lack of mobility).

I see you use the HS but did you try HaO? in my experience HS is good when using ranged (LB) because allow you to stay a little bit longer in the regen area, when in melee you need insta heal, HaO will heal you and your pet and is 20 secs CD.
The long cast really kill it, but is all about timing, and i see you are very good with that one.

LR i would exchange it for SoR. Most conditions will not be very annoying if you can keep the passive, and you have the active in case of hard choices.
You needed for mobility i would exchange the runes for traveller and the SoH for LR.
You would loose some power but i think you would gain in survivability.

About to keep this build when the new traits comes out, don’t worry there are far better choices that we have now.

Actually HS works best with a full Melee build since you can leap it 3 times, twice if you start and end Swoop inside HS and once with Monarch’s leap so 4k extra hp and you have at least something to cleanse conditions than SoR.

Cayline Oakheart, Ranger – Drakkar Lake
Covenant of Bloodthirst [IvsI],
Favorable Winds [Wind]

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Actually HS works best with a full Melee build since you can leap it 3 times, twice if you start and end Swoop inside HS and once with Monarch’s leap so 4k extra hp and you have at least something to cleanse conditions than SoR.

You can also swap to a drake pet which will blast it and also blast it with WH, so you can finish HS up to 5 times yourself

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496

I think a big part of using LR is that it helps give you distance.

LR → Hornets Sting → Monarch’s Leap

Is fantastic for staying alive.

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Taverius.8645


Interesting vid!

I’ve been playing double-melee gs-s/a in unranked lately (build) and been planning a WvW build.

Yes, I run with no stunbreak.

Yes, I have to be really careful with hammer wars and mesmers

Your gear and runes look pretty close to what I’m looking at – though with zerk back and a cav ring I got from fractals – though with specializations on the horizon I’m gonna resist dropping gold on knight’s gear for now

Not sure I could ever run around without EB.

I kind of wish survival was viable for double-melee but I just haven’t been able to equal or surpass a signet build.

For specs, I’ve been looking at this~ with traveler runes and HaO/SoR/SotW/SoS/RaO for WvW.

Rock Paper Signet – Gunnar’s Hold EU
Gather ALL the things! \o/
Ranger Bugs List

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496

I tried your build Taverius but the might stacking didn’t seem to work for me.

I felt like I did more damage with fire/air combo on 1h sword.

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

[VIDEO] Melee signet ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Taverius.8645


I’ve also ran it with fire/air and pack runes myself – your Maul/PoS damage is more rng-dependant, but you’re not so vulnerable to boon stripping.

Tbh I can’t decide which one I like better and keep switching between them.

I’ve also occasionally run it with knight’s amulet in Legacy so I can jump into mid and stay alive – you just don’t have the reset capacity a thief has, so zerk versions tend to melt pretty quick there.

Oh and courtyard, I switch to knight’s if I get courtyard …

Well, its fun and you can get a decent amount of kills but definitely not strong enough for meta, and no combination of traits and sigils and runes will make it meta, so I really just play around with fun things as the mood takes me.

Another fun one is 4/3/6/1 and runes of rage/citadel air/fire – you get 70%+ fury uptime just by swapping weapons. I run that if there’s lots of rangers on the other team, and try to bait them into RF’ing my Whirling Defense. People aren’t used to seeing WD so I’ve made a number of rangers knock themselves off the map on Skyhammer …

Rock Paper Signet – Gunnar’s Hold EU
Gather ALL the things! \o/
Ranger Bugs List

(edited by Taverius.8645)