Very effective WvW ranger spec.

Very effective WvW ranger spec.

in Ranger

Posted by: Rasudin.9238


Hi my name is Rasudin, and my spec is 20/30/20/0/0

First the reason I came up with this spec. I am a player that likes to do different things in WvW and during a course of a play session I can go from sieging to defending to roaming to zerging and I wanted to develop a spec that is flexible enough for all these situations. That is why I developed this spec. As you will see below I run different skills, weapons and traits depending on the activity I am currently participating in.


Let’s start with Sieging I wanted AoE and a crap ton of it to throw at defenders on the towers, unfortunately other than the 5 skill on the longbow, our weapons really lack any use in sieging. That is why I went with traps for my AoE, I use the Fire, poison and spike traps along with Entangle that will root players up on the ramparts even from the ground below. So my typical rotation would be run to the tower, use Entangle then follow it with the fire, poison and spike traps and then use the longbow 5 skill, this will usually down all players caught in the radius. Being able to throw traps on the ramparts is essential for this play style and having the conditions last twice as long is a given, that is why going skirmishing 30 is a no brainer.

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During defense, I found out that we have some very useful skills and traits. The Soften the fall trait in the Wilderness line is much underrated in defense and this is why. Jumping from the walls onto the defenders below will cause muddy terrain to spawn at your feet and root them in place long enough for you to lay down your traps and get back in the keep. This is what I change my skills to, I replace the Spike trap with Quickness to be able to cut my trap laying in half, and sometimes if there is a big zerg below, I will change from Entangle to Rampage as One to make sure I can get inside the keep without being CC’ed. Otherwise, I will keep Entangle and use it as a finisher to my rotation because that is when the muddy terrain will end its duration. And by the time I get back up on the ramparts, I switch to my shortbow to finish of all the downed enemies. This is extremely effective, since usually by dropping down on enemies they are caught completely by surprise.

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Next comes roaming with 1-2 other guildies, picking off solo’s or duos as they are running to re-inforce their zerg. AoE is useless in this scenario and single target damage is king that is why I will switch to my trusted shortbow and switch my traits from the trapping traits to Quick Draw and Honed Axes. Also, I will also switch all my trap skills for Quickening Zephyr, Signet of the hunt and Protect Me in case I’m being focused down. One last change that is very effective is switching from Steady focus to Predator’s Instincts which makes it very difficult for players to run away from my group. You will notice that I went 20 in Marksmanship for the piercing arrows, which is not very useful in this scenario but pays in dividends in zerg fight, which I’ll get into next.

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Lastly, Zerg on Zerg fights or what I like to call ‘please render already fights’ ,these are usually fought in 2 phases. Phase 1 which is skirmishing is just about targeting the lowest health bar in range and trying not to be on the first line for too long. In this phase piercing arrows and longbow really shine, I will also switch to axes if we are fighting in proximity. The Second phase is routing, that is when either zerg is running away and you are either trying to mop up or to survive, which in both cases traps are really good, let me explain. If the opposing Zerg brakes and is running, I will usually switch to my horn use Call of the Wild for speed and try to catch as many of the opposing players in my Entangle radius, I will then follow it up immediately with all my trap skills and the longbow 5 skill, this will down almost every one caught in the radius.

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“We are not retreating, we are advancing in another direction.”-random PUG’er

Very effective WvW ranger spec.

in Ranger

Posted by: Rasudin.9238



The above play style would not be possible without the proper gear, with the heavy dependence on traps my stats require a lot of condition damage, condition damage negates the toughness stat of the person being targeted and is such the most consistent form of damage in my opinion. But, condition damage is not very effective in solo or group pvp because other than the flanking with a shortbow there is no way of applying it in a fast paced Zerg skirmish or high maneuverability group fights. So my gear required decent Power and Precision stats as well, that is why I use ramapager armor and Carrion jewels for decent all around stats. Notice my crit chance is close to the 50% which is a very consistent form of damage. This spec has another big advantage over berserker gear…it is half as expensive.


This is in no way the end-all of specs, this spec has advantages and disadvantages. For players who want to focus on one aspect of WvW a more specialized spec will be much better.

“We are not retreating, we are advancing in another direction.”-random PUG’er

Very effective WvW ranger spec.

in Ranger

Posted by: Melles.7352


Intressting thanks for your information.

I can see that you are using Superior Rune of the undead on your armor but what are you using for accessories and what rubies are you using?
Whats your total toughness, vitality, power, precision and critical chance?

Very effective WvW ranger spec.

in Ranger

Posted by: Snow Valkyrie Z.2641

Snow Valkyrie Z.2641

If you follow the links you’ll see his stats…

Power : 1475
Precision : 2014
Toughness : 1166
Vitality : 1275
Attack : 2539
WeaponDamage : 1064
ConditionDamage : 1122.8
CritChance : 56.29
CritDamage : 30
Armor : 2230
Defense : 250
HP : 18672
Healing : 0

I really only see two builds up there Axe/Bow and Trap using either trait 1 or 7 for Wilderness Survival (and 1 is used most of the time).

I can see using the War Horn for chasing or fleeing the enemy… but wouldn’t the fire condition damage of a torch be of more use in the seige/defend situations?

Anyhow… I’ll have to give it a bit of thought. Thanks.

In the frequencies of energy, you go from light to sound… how much further is flesh and bone?

Very effective WvW ranger spec.

in Ranger

Posted by: Melles.7352


“If you follow the links you’ll see his stats…”
He put in Rampagers amulet and Carrions jewel isnt those spvp accessories?

In a normal PvE, WvW build you use items for accessories.

Very effective WvW ranger spec.

in Ranger

Posted by: Rasudin.9238


Torch is very hard to use in sieging, trying to hit players on the towers with torch 4 is quite a pain, but I have started using it in defense and added it to my jump rotation. So my rotation is now Jump(muddy terrain), Quickness Zephyr, Longbow 5, Firetrap, Poison trap, Torch 5, Entangle. This rotation will down every single person in the radius, except very aware guardians.

The Rampagers amulet has the equivalent stats as putting on all Rampagers armor in regular WvW or PvE. Carrion jewels are available in PvE or WvW.

“We are not retreating, we are advancing in another direction.”-random PUG’er

Very effective WvW ranger spec.

in Ranger

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


Are targettable traps really able to reach the top of ramparts? Cos in practice on the ground, the range is really really short so I specced out of it cos it was so…useless.

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Very effective WvW ranger spec.

in Ranger

Posted by: Rasudin.9238


Yes it can reach top of ramparts, and the range isn’t an issue because the defenders tend to crowd the towers, but when defending other than the jump technique , traps are quite useless.

“We are not retreating, we are advancing in another direction.”-random PUG’er

Very effective WvW ranger spec.

in Ranger

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


Yes it can reach top of ramparts, and the range isn’t an issue because the defenders tend to crowd the towers, but when defending other than the jump technique , traps are quite useless.

Hmm I’ll try it out. By any chance do you know the effective radius of Entangle? I know it has a 600 cast range with the Expert Trapper trait, but how big an area does it cover? Healing spring is 240, most traps are 120 without the trait (180 with trait I think).

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Very effective WvW ranger spec.

in Ranger

Posted by: BronxBrew.8743


How do you deal with the speed of combat and taking the time to swap out traits ?

Very effective WvW ranger spec.

in Ranger

Posted by: Rasudin.9238


Entangle is PBAoE, which means it is an area effect centered around you that will root 5 people within 600 units around you in all directions.


I wish I had a sexy answer for you, but there isn’t . I usually have to predict what kind of activity I will be engaging in and adjust my skills accordingly. Also, if you need to change skills quickly disengaging from a fight and getting a slight distance from the fight will usually drop aggro in 15-20 seconds and allow you to change quickly and get back in the fight.

“We are not retreating, we are advancing in another direction.”-random PUG’er

Very effective WvW ranger spec.

in Ranger

Posted by: Cloud.7613


Started to not care after seeing a longbow is used, the best flanking weapon is a short bow, end of.

Very effective WvW ranger spec.

in Ranger

Posted by: Rasudin.9238


Started not to care after seeing that you didn’t read my post, reading the entire post and before posting is the best, end of.

“We are not retreating, we are advancing in another direction.”-random PUG’er

Very effective WvW ranger spec.

in Ranger

Posted by: BronxBrew.8743


Started using this build last night. I really like it and it fits my play style. It will take some getting used too with switching out everything.