in Ranger

Posted by: Aylpse.6280


Im sure this has been said to death but we haven’t had a thread for it. Plus, I want Anet to see it.

Let me admit it, I am completely biased to the Wyverns, they are the most adorable pet and have great potential in all game modes. They look amazing and have amazing F2s. They are like winged little dinosaurs but enough about this let me get to the point.


I realize this means changing the animations. But I dont want to see them go to waste. On paper, the DPS is there. The F2 Utility is there, and some decent CC is there. (I dont think Wing Buffet needs changes but if you wanna make it faster as a PvPer I wont complain.) However, the fact that after seeing a video and watching the Wyvern chase the Golem, then do it myself for well over five minutes before it killed it, raises one question.

Will this ever be fixed?

Taking the higher moral ground since 1993.


in Ranger

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


Haha believe me your not alone. Wyverns visually and thematically are my favorite pets. But there attack speeds are so horrifyingly slow I can’t justify using them. Its really sad u.u

Ghost Yak


in Ranger

Posted by: LegallyBinding.4937


They are terrible.


in Ranger

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


Wyverns are the new Devourers. Their only use is for aesthetics.

Leave it to ANet to make a tamable dragon suck.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma


in Ranger

Posted by: Frostfang.5109


This was said during the Beta-testing aleready. They miss their AoE-attacks (fire dont take target and electric field ends up outside the enemy after the E. wyverns charge). The AA and tailswipe is far too slow. and therefor often miss.

The electric wyven seem crippled since it doesn’t leave ground ONE SINGLE TIME – its a Wyven, wyverns are Winged, FLYING creatures. Make one of the attacks a flying one. The E wyvern could just as well have been a pack dolyak calf since its headbutting its enemies. Seems like a wrong attack for a hornless wyvern to start with.

I agree – they do look amazing, but they are missing – A LOT, wich is sad especially since I run beastmaster druid and is relying on working pets.

Kima & Co


in Ranger

Posted by: Swagger.1459


Im sure this has been said to death but we haven’t had a thread for it. Plus, I want Anet to see it.

Let me admit it, I am completely biased to the Wyverns, they are the most adorable pet and have great potential in all game modes. They look amazing and have amazing F2s. They are like winged little dinosaurs but enough about this let me get to the point.


I realize this means changing the animations. But I dont want to see them go to waste. On paper, the DPS is there. The F2 Utility is there, and some decent CC is there. (I dont think Wing Buffet needs changes but if you wanna make it faster as a PvPer I wont complain.) However, the fact that after seeing a video and watching the Wyvern chase the Golem, then do it myself for well over five minutes before it killed it, raises one question.

Will this ever be fixed?

And the electric wyvers had a knock down attack at the twitchcon preview lol… I laughed hard when I hit f2 and it made this silly aoe rain cloud as the npc went running away from it…

And this has been an issue with pets since the beginning, that’s why many players liked the smokescale pet mechanics by comparison. Pets need fast and direct hitting attacks and F2s that make their mark every time unless dodged or interrupted.

I’m running all over HoT maps and my pets are basically worthless overall. Occasionally they hold the aggro of a low rank critter to be helpful, but that’s about it. Pets are a mostly a joke in every game mode and this needs to be fixed.

Yet another tip to the devs to look at a game like city of heroes when it comes to pets… Can’t believe gw2 can’t get a lot of mechanics right compared to what the devs of a 10 year old game, with inferior technology, were able to do. Sad.

And we will have “that guy” jump into the thread saying “ermagerd petsswordshortbowaxe5greatsword so gud!!!” And to “that guy”, don’t come here with your heart of the mists training dummy numbers like a fool. On the battlefield our pets suck, our weapon damage sucks and our healing numbers suck too.

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

(edited by Swagger.1459)


in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

It’s good to have trained all the Gliding Mastery for Ley-Line level.
Then do the 2 hour event chain and succeed.

Just to be able NOT to use the pet ever again. Isn’t it fascinating?

“Observe, learn and counter.”


in Ranger

Posted by: Dojo.1867


The problem is pets are never designed to be pets. They just create PvE mobs and then decide secondary which could be ported into a ranger pet. For this port the only real effort goes into deciding what becomes the F2.

This is how they “design” ranger pets. Basically they don’t design ranger pets. They just pick a PvE mob that seems fitting themtically. Minimum developement effort, yep.

Sometimes accidents happen when a pet is actually good and can hit some of its attacks/damage. Then they nerf it. Improving bad pets is not a priority.

I am usually not such a negative nancy but on this ocassion everything I said is 100% what is happening. If there were atleats more pets ported with this method so that we could chose the least broken ones …


in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356


There’s the difference that people simply do not want to understand.
There’s a difference in being negative and being real. If what you say nobody is able to deny, well, then it’s obvious you’re not being negative. You’re being realistic.

It’s just sad that reality has to sound negative. Developers still have a long way to go.
Offtopic: just like they believe increasing Toughness and Vitality means more fun. And burying risky (glass) 3stat DPS and replacing it with 1 stat condition meta (with close to same results) is a good idea.

“Observe, learn and counter.”


in Ranger

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


Must agree. As beautiful as they are, they attack so slow, the fire one de-aggros when it does its special maneuver, most of the time the AoE misses, and well . . . on and on.

Gone to Reddit.


in Ranger

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


Leave it to ANet to make a tamable dragon suck.

Lol. This made me giggle.

Sad, but true. Outside of looks the pet is useless.

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)


in Ranger

Posted by: Vaelkyr.4786


It’s such a shame, because the electric wyvern, in particular, could’ve had some interesting uses.

But unless things change, I’m never going to use it.


in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


I only got one wyvern so far. It’s collecting dust. Maybe I just haven’t been able to use it the way it’s meant to, I don’t know.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user


in Ranger

Posted by: Norrath.5910


Leave it to ANet to make a tamable dragon suck.

rofl literally this

Ranger/Warrior/Rev Main
Valor Guard [VGU]
Ehmry Bay


in Ranger

Posted by: oshilator.4681


I’ve named my fire wyvern ‘Nearsighted’ & my electric wyvern ‘Farsighted’.

Sadly, both are fitting.

Could we maybe get the F2 skill that the enemy electric wyvern mobs seem to have? That sweeping laser? And give it a short stun?


(edited by oshilator.4681)


in Ranger

Posted by: Unholy Pillager.3791

Unholy Pillager.3791

Yet another tip to the devs to look at a game like city of heroes when it comes to pets… Can’t believe gw2 can’t get a lot of mechanics right compared to what the devs of a 10 year old game, with inferior technology, were able to do. Sad.

And we will have “that guy” jump into the thread saying “ermagerd petsswordshortbowaxe5greatsword so gud!!!” And to “that guy”, don’t come here with your heart of the mists training dummy numbers like a fool. On the battlefield our pets suck, our weapon damage sucks and our healing numbers suck too.

I agree that the animations are a problem that should be easily solvable, but the pathing is not. Most of those previous games didn’t have a z-axis with which the AI must contend. GW1, for example, didn’t have serious pet pathing issues…the problem with pets there was that you used up half your skill bar to make them effective, and when they died it essentially hit the ranger with a GW2-style daze. Despite these problems, they were used regularly in PvE and PvP both. Now, however, we have a combat system based heavily on dodge rolling and attacking while strafing, and we’re forced to always use pets that can do neither.


in Ranger

Posted by: Electro.4173


I’ll agree 100% that Wyverns are borked, however I will correct you on one point. The DPS isn’t there either, paper or no. Wyverns are still on the lower end of the spectrum when it comes to DPS even if they do connect all of their attacks. They fall below some of the tank / utility pets like Moas even in terms of DPS, which is a huge issue.

About the only thing they have going for them at this point is that all of their attacks are AoE. But drakes have that as well and are actually decent on top of that, so… yah, completely outclassed in basically every way.

They need significant changes before they become useable. The obvious one being a huge speed increase to all their attacks. I’d also advocate for a Blast finisher on Wing Buffet. And some F2 tweaks particularly to the Electric Wyvern. Make the lightning field actually do something (damage, debuff enemies, buff allies, something), and make it a linear field in the vein of stuff like Burning Retreat instead of just plopping it down at the end, where its really awkward to use it.

I’m not holding my breath, though. Sadly, almost all of the HoT pets seem rather haphazardly thrown together (there’s literally not a single finisher on any of them, despite hugely obvious candidates… no projectile finishers on the Bristleback when its literally shooting physical projectiles? No Leap finisher on the Tiger’s F2 even though other cats have similar F2’s that are leaps?), and despite me bringing up a number of issues during beta, a grand total of basically none of it was addressed for launch. The only changes that have been applied to pets seems to be “nerf the Smokescale”.


in Ranger

Posted by: Jephery.8915


Their dps when they can land their attacks is bear tier as well.


in Ranger

Posted by: shyrith.3462


I named my Electrical Wyvern “Not Worth it”. :/

ET and proud to be!


in Ranger

Posted by: oshilator.4681


What saddens me the most is it’s obvious a lot of thought went into the design of the wyverns & how they look…

But next to no effort was, seemingly, put into programming their AI.



in Ranger

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


The wyverns are kinda a dissapointment for alot of us. But it was something we saw coming since they were first shown. We KNEW they had slow as hell attack speeds. We just didn’t realize how bad until we tried them in game. It almost feels like this pet is supposed to have two or three times the standard melee range. Like its attacks are supposed to be slow but all have wide cleave ranges. But somehow that didn’t make it into the game.

In all honesty I wish we had made more of a scene about it before HoT released. Because I don’t know how well we can expect them to ever get changed when devourers STILL have the old longbow projectile speed. The one that was changed with read the wind because the longbow was UNUSABLE and was considered the weakest weapon in the entirety of guild wars 2.

Ghost Yak


in Ranger

Posted by: oshilator.4681


The wyverns are kinda a dissapointment for alot of us. But it was something we saw coming since they were first shown. We KNEW they had slow as hell attack speeds. We just didn’t realize how bad until we tried them in game. It almost feels like this pet is supposed to have two or three times the standard melee range. Like its attacks are supposed to be slow but all have wide cleave ranges. But somehow that didn’t make it into the game.

In all honesty I wish we had made more of a scene about it before HoT released. Because I don’t know how well we can expect them to ever get changed when devourers STILL have the old longbow projectile speed. The one that was changed with read the wind because the longbow was UNUSABLE and was considered the weakest weapon in the entirety of guild wars 2.

The only way the wyverns (or, really, anything to do with us) gets changed is if pvp’ers complain about it.
