We want F2 equality!

We want F2 equality!

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


@Bredin so I’m lucky because I’ve never notice to mine pet not execute their F2 (using jaguar and wolf right now) only cases were when pet got nuked so he died before ended casting.

and actually.. when properly played we are as good as thief (not sure about mesmer, but with thiefs I actually don’t have any problem in 1v1 fights)

example with sword auto was an counter argument to Fjandi’s “pressing a key is hard thing” actually just pressing isn’t hard but pressing it in good moment.. that can be and both with 1hsword auto-atack and our F2

may I ask did You tried in previous fight to use f2 on your pet? it worked? got interrupted? didn’t launch at all?

maybe I didn’t have an issues because I’m using specific pets (stalk from jaguar actually don’t have casting time, so I can always see how she “vanishes” “in the run” going toward enemy for know as secondary I have a wolf and fear on howl works for me pretty well lastly I used reef drake (and didn’t noticed issues with his breath-f2) and when jump to the whole beginning I was using devourers of two types – and their F2 was “big cast and then something-like-rapid-fire-with bleeding” and “poison volley-just-on-pet-not-on-bow” and didn’t noticed any more problem that target sometimes got kille by me bafore pet actually loaded his F2…

actually what pet are You using? wolf and…

Sounds like you’re using your attacks from a passive state so the pet is never in the middle of an attack animation or something. This would explain why you never notice the F2 function not work.

We want F2 equality!

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


@Bredin so I’m lucky because I’ve never notice to mine pet not execute their F2 (using jaguar and wolf right now) only cases were when pet got nuked so he died before ended casting.

and actually.. when properly played we are as good as thief (not sure about mesmer, but with thiefs I actually don’t have any problem in 1v1 fights)

example with sword auto was an counter argument to Fjandi’s “pressing a key is hard thing” actually just pressing isn’t hard but pressing it in good moment.. that can be and both with 1hsword auto-atack and our F2

may I ask did You tried in previous fight to use f2 on your pet? it worked? got interrupted? didn’t launch at all?

maybe I didn’t have an issues because I’m using specific pets (stalk from jaguar actually don’t have casting time, so I can always see how she “vanishes” “in the run” going toward enemy for know as secondary I have a wolf and fear on howl works for me pretty well lastly I used reef drake (and didn’t noticed issues with his breath-f2) and when jump to the whole beginning I was using devourers of two types – and their F2 was “big cast and then something-like-rapid-fire-with bleeding” and “poison volley-just-on-pet-not-on-bow” and didn’t noticed any more problem that target sometimes got kille by me bafore pet actually loaded his F2…

actually what pet are You using? wolf and…

Sounds like you’re using your attacks from a passive state so the pet is never in the middle of an attack animation or something. This would explain why you never notice the F2 function not work.

Whelp there’s your problem!! If you want F2s to work you need to not use the pet! Wait what?

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

We want F2 equality!

in Ranger

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

Sounds like you’re using your attacks from a passive state so the pet is never in the middle of an attack animation or something. This would explain why you never notice the F2 function not work.

actually not…. I don’t have any idea how did You concluded that – I rarely use passive mode for the pet…. when alive she (pet) is always in combat and atacking some mob unless we are just reatreating so I call her back to me..

@Durzlla I did’t say that….

“-Shield is meant to be broken!”
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles

We want F2 equality!

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Sounds like you’re using your attacks from a passive state so the pet is never in the middle of an attack animation or something. This would explain why you never notice the F2 function not work.

actually not…. I don’t have any idea how did You concluded that – I rarely use passive mode for the pet…. when alive she (pet) is always in combat and atacking some mob unless we are just reatreating so I call her back to me..

@Durzlla I did’t say that….

You said you use your Cat’s F2 ability before it engages the mobs.

We want F2 equality!

in Ranger

Posted by: Bredin.5368


Actually the jaguar stealth is among the most reliable of the F2 skills. It doesn’t need to be near to an enemy to activate and isn’t an attack at all. It just shifts the jag into a specific state. It ALWAYS works if you use it before entering combat.

The thing is, once you are in the middle of a heated combat against human opponents, it is impossible to keep track of where your pet is in its attack chain to know exactly when to expect a just activated F2 to go off.

The other problem is that if an enemy runs out of ranger AFTER you activate an F2 like wolf how, the pet will sometimes go ahead and pointlessly howl, and sometimes it will stop the execution of the command, putting the F2 on a cooldown.

A major problems is that pets need to stop before executing their skill/attack. In my opinion, pets should function more like mesmer clones(?) rather than NPC mobs. Those mesmer thingies run super fast, and can beat the crap out of you very quickly.

I sometimes run pets on passive, and that does seem to help control the F2 functionality, but only toward the beginning of the fight and when you switch pets. And still, F2 for many pets is still a crapshoot.

We want F2 equality!

in Ranger

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

You said you use your Cat’s F2 ability before it engages the mobs.

ah right, but actually I meant that while engaging I use Jaguar F2 (stalk) but in fight I also spam this as if I stole this and actually I have no reason to think that it is not working because she is remaining alive much longer and sometimes I can be sure she loosed aggro because of it

but aparrently when we are talking about this I’ve started focusing more on simple the matter if it worked or not, and sometimes while zerging champions on invasion I’m catching situation like:
“nobody have CC the boss so he still don’t have any defiant stacks.
lets fear them with my wolf F2!
ok it should be in 3.. 2.. 1… ok I don’t see that animation (but that may be thanks to zerg and many many efect) there was no interrupt and also there was neither fear on boss nor changes on stacks of defiant…. strange…..
and howl goes on full cd….”

“-Shield is meant to be broken!”
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles

We want F2 equality!

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Watch this video at the 26second mark, you see me swap my pet to wolf and spam f2 about 3-4 times, pet doesn’t cast fear and leaps after my target instead.

We want F2 equality!

in Ranger

Posted by: Aegael.6938


Wow. Just a simple thing like reliable class mechanic activation hasn’t been fixed in a year.

Applause, please

We want F2 equality!

in Ranger

Posted by: Aeri.5738


ANet is being very ignorant about our Pet complaints.
I agree with them nerfing the damage since that was just OP, but they should have adressed some serious bugs at the same time.
(would also decrease the amount of unnecessary whining in the forums…)

1) ANet explains, that advanced pet controll is to confusing for new players.
Solution: Make it an option in the Pet menu, Introduce it at level 30. (I seriously don’t see ANY valuable counter argument to this solution)

2) ANet didn’t fix the pets horrible melee hit ratio.
Solution: Increase pets melee attack range a little. Make pets get closer to the target than the actuall attack range to land a hit.
Example: pet melee range: 300, pet gets 100 units closer to attack (random numbers used here).
This will allow the pet to hit moving targets easier than before.
(People suggested that Pets should be able to attack while moving, but since no NPC can actually do that, this seems to be a major AI issue. My workaround should increase the Pets number of hits drastically in a very easy way)

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2.” – Well, I guess you really failed, ANet!
Update 5.9.2013: getting better ANet, still way to go!
A Lannister always pays his debts – For everyone else, there’s Mastercard.

We want F2 equality!

in Ranger

Posted by: Solandri.9640


Watch this video at the 26second mark, you see me swap my pet to wolf and spam f2 about 3-4 times, pet doesn’t cast fear and leaps after my target instead.

Your wolf casts fear. It just does it after its initial attack, which happens to be a slow-casting leap attack (which misses). Not sure if it’s the cripple or knockdown leap.

When you swapped pets, the wolf automatically decided to use the leap attack, before you could hit F2. When you hit F2, that queued the fear to fire after the leap attack finished. Which it did. That’s why people have been saying F2 should interrupt the pet’s current attack and fire immediately. Not queue up.

We want F2 equality!

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Watch this video at the 26second mark, you see me swap my pet to wolf and spam f2 about 3-4 times, pet doesn’t cast fear and leaps after my target instead.

Your wolf casts fear. It just does it after its initial attack, which happens to be a slow-casting leap attack (which misses). Not sure if it’s the cripple or knockdown leap.

When you swapped pets, the wolf automatically decided to use the leap attack, before you could hit F2. When you hit F2, that queued the fear to fire after the leap attack finished. Which it did. That’s why people have been saying F2 should interrupt the pet’s current attack and fire immediately. Not queue up.

Yep that’s what I said. Shouldn’t be that way.