Weapons are underperforming and pigeonhole us

Weapons are underperforming and pigeonhole us

in Ranger

Posted by: coax.2951


Currently I’d say the only weapons that are in a good place are the longbow, the greatsword, torch and dagger (and probably the staff too, at least from the looks of it).

Mainhand sword: It’s nothing but a glorified mobility/evade tool. Absolutely nobody uses this for its autoattack, the animation locking prevents you from dodging in time and gets you killed.
Not having a useable power based weapon exept for the greatsword limits build diversity by a ton.

Shortbow: Autoattack is underperforming, the conditional bleed application just doesn’t work well. I do like the concept behind it, but making it inflict bleeding at all times and giving it a few bonus bleeds or torment when flanking would help a lot.
In general I think torment application would fit the weapon well, it’s supposed to be all about kiting your opponent around, forcing them to move.
I’d like to see this become a true hybrid weapon, with decent power damage and strong condition application.
The shortbow trait, Light on your feet, is really lackluster. Please look into it, currently nobody in their right mind would use it over Quickdraw.

Mainhand Axe: What is this weapon supposed to be? It only sees use in condi builds at the moment, and that is solely because of Splitblade.
The axe trait, Honed Axes, is utterly horrible for a grandmaster. Improved ferocity? Nobody even uses this in power builds, why would you want more crit damage?
Winters Bite now AoE? This is not “super strong” as you said during the trait revamp stream, in fact, it should be made baseline at best. The whole trait is a mess. Revamp it, nobody uses this.
Why not change Honed Axes to complement mainhand axe as a condition based weapon? This would give it a defined niche.

Warhorn: The recent change of giving Call of the Wild 3 might stacks was long overdue, but the real problem about this weapon is Hunter’s Call.
It just doesn’t feel like it has a real impact to it, it needs a little extra. People have suggested a blind application while you’re surrounded by the birds, I think that would fit.
Why not give it a little defensive utility? Keep the total damage, increase the duration of it, make it blind your opponent repeatetly. A targettable, ranged blind would have some uses. Teammate low on health and getting chased by that warrior? Give him a little breathing room by calling your bird friends.

Offhand Axe: Whirling Defense is probably the worst offender here. Not being able to move while channeling makes this completely useless. I don’t really know where to go with this weapon, maybe someone else has decent ideas for it.

Probably still playing ranger.

Weapons are underperforming and pigeonhole us

in Ranger

Posted by: Bryzy.2719


I agree.

I particularly like the idea of a blind on Hunter’s Call. It fits the theme well. I still think the damage needs to be increased. There are many things they can potentially do with Hunter’s Call… boon-to-condition inversion, apply other conditions like bleeding & cripple, flat-out damage increase, remove the line-of-site requirement (this should be baseline anyway as it doesn’t make sense that just because you don’t have a line-of-sight on your target doesn’t mean your birds don’t).

I would like to see shortbow range increased to 1000 or 1100.

If Anet refuse to allow us to move with it, I would at least like to see Whirling Defense add a knockback feature for the duration of the skill – i.e. any enemy that comes within its radius is knocked back – similar to that Guardian hammer skill.

(edited by Bryzy.2719)

Weapons are underperforming and pigeonhole us

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Winters Bite now AoE? This is not “super strong” as you said during the trait revamp stream, in fact, it should be made baseline at best. The whole trait is a mess. Revamp it, nobody uses this.

The strangest part about this is that it changes the behaviour of the skill, but the traits that changed the behaviour of Traps and Spirits were removed because of it.