Were there #2 & #4 skill slot choices...

Were there #2 & #4 skill slot choices...

in Ranger

Posted by: Arghore.8340


I made this list of #2 & #4 skill slot choices for the ranger weapons in another thread, thought it be nice to also post them here in the Ranger Forum. The idea behind it is to give the weapons #2 and #4 slots 3x choices of skills to choose from, so that a player has more choices for their build, either competitively or as a theme choice. Guess some feed back be nice, or just for your enjoyment in regards to what that might look like and offer you as a ranger player.

Ranger Axe
1. Ricochet (dam. bounce 3x)
2. Winters Bite (freeze) / Summer Blaze (fire) / Autumn Rot (poison)
3. Split Blade. (5x bleed)

4. ‘Pull’ + damage / Loose Boon (which could be stabo) + Knock Down / Push Back + Cripple;
5. Whirling Defences. (reflect range, damage nearby)

4. Call o.t Wild (Gain 2 Might, 1 Fury) / ‘Timber Call’ (Gain Protection + Swiftness) / Call of Attention (Gain Aegis and Stability)
5. Hunters Call (Summon Hawks (damage))

4. Crippling Talon (throw bleed & cripple), Freezing Talon (throw & Freeze), Tormenting Talon (throw and Torment)
5. Stalker Strike (stab, poison & evade)

1. Slash+Kick+Pounce
2. Serpent’s Strike (evasion + poison) / Crane’s Strike (block ‘stance’ for 1/2 sec (which is cast time for) damage, if no block then also bleed.) / Crab’s Strike (gain protection, apply vulnerability)
3. Hornet Sting+Monarch’s leap (hit and evade backwards, jump back in)

4. Scorche Armour (apply torment & vulnerability), Blow Smoke (blind foes in cone, apply confusion), Blow Flame (damage foes in cone).
5. Throw Torch/Bonfire (throw torch to foe and set area on fire, burn foes in it)

Long Bow
1. Long range shot (more damage longer range)
2. Hunters Shot (stealth, pet swiftness) / Guards shot (Protection, pet Fury) / Archers Shot (Aegis & Stability, pet Regeneration).
3. Rapid Fire (fire X arrows consecutively)
4. Point Black Shot (push back) / Weighed Down Arrow (Knock Down + Daze) / Roped Arrow (Pull foe)
5. Barrage (AoE field of arrows)

Short Bow
1. Crossfire (fire arrow, bleed side/back)
2. Poison Volley (5 poison arrows) / Toxic Volley (5 confusing arrows) / Venomous Volley (5 vulnerable arrows).
3. Quick Shot (evade, gain swiftness)
4. Crippling Shot (cripple, pet bleeding) / Knee Shot (torment, pet vulnerability) / Debilitating shot (weakness, pet ‘micro’ fear)
5. Concussion Shot (daze, stun side/back)

Great Sword
1. Slash+Slice+Power Stab.
2. Bear ‘Maul’ (force of bear) / Devourer ‘Lash’ (force of devourer) / Minotaur ‘Charge’ (force of the Minotaur)
3. Swoop (Run + Leap, damage all)
4. Counter attack + Crippling Throw (block, on block cone push + throw to cripple 1) / Counter blow + Blinding Kick stab your sword in the ground and kick it (block, on block knockdown + cone blind) / Counter Bash + Chilling swipe (block, on block Daze + cone chill)
5. Hilt Bash (Damage and Roll back, Stun if behind and roll back, + pet +50% dam on next)

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