What about Hide in Plain Sight?
IKR, I can’t believe it, hopefully it gets a look in, merged with Shared Anguish. I mean, take a look at Mirror of Anguish or Tempest Defense, Hard to Catch, Retaliatory Subconscious, Protection Injection, Reaper’s Protection or Last Stand. Every class gets a +ve effect as well as a negation of the control effect except Ranger. HiPS and SA NEED to be merged.
There’s 2 “while reviving” traits for ranger, while all other professions got their various revive traits rolled into one. This might open up a spot for hide in plain sight. Other options include just adding it to the falling trait or (and this one is most logical), roll it into Shared Anguish.
So after the AMA livestream, I’m not seeing Hide in Plain Sight for rangers. Are they getting rid of it?
It was recently buffed to allow players to move after being stealthed. I’ve started using it in tPvP and WvW and I have to say it’s pretty great for skirmishing.
It begs the question, what was the point of that great QoL buff a month ago if it’s just going to be scrapped? It went from unusable to good fun… I hardly knew thee!
I’ll be a sad panda if it’s going the way of the dodo bird. Please say it’ll be merged with something?
I’d really like to see them merge Hide in Plain Sight with Soften the Fall, at least that way the fall damage trait will be useful outside of reducing fall damage.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
I was expecting a merge with Shared Anguish, especially when I saw that SA is getting moved from adept to mater.
Hoping for a merge in the future. I’ve been using it myself recently.
I was expecting a merge with Shared Anguish, especially when I saw that SA is getting moved from adept to mater.
Hoping for a merge in the future. I’ve been using it myself recently.
I can’t see it being merged with SA, that’d make the trait a lot stronger than it already is. You’ve gotta keep in mind that MOST professions (I think all but ranger actually) don’t actually break the CC they’re hit with, where rangers have their pet throw itself in the way instead. It’s already really strong and making it so that you also stealth when hit would make it even stronger.
EDIT: Thief and Warrior also break the CC with their trait, Warriors has the same CD as ours, and thieves has 1/3rd the CD but i’d argue is much less useful.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
(edited by Durzlla.6295)
…Thief and Warrior also break the CC with their trait, Warriors has the same CD as ours, and thieves has 1/3rd the CD but i’d argue is much less useful.
War is getting 6s of vigor as well as breaking the stun, granting 5 stability for 8s and swiftness for 8s, plus increasing the duration of their stances, which actually makes the aforementioned boons last 10s.
Thief gets a total fill of their endurance as well as the break stun too.
…Thief and Warrior also break the CC with their trait, Warriors has the same CD as ours, and thieves has 1/3rd the CD but i’d argue is much less useful.
War is getting 6s of vigor as well as breaking the stun, granting 5 stability for 8s and swiftness for 8s, plus increasing the duration of their stances, which actually makes the aforementioned boons last 10s.
Thief gets a total fill of their endurance as well as the break stun too.
I was talking about the traits as they are in the game now, i couldn’t pull up the new version on my phone.
Personally I think they should just merge shared anguish with Empathetic Bond as a GM in Wilderness Survival and call it Shared Anguish and just make it the one stop shop for pet abuse traits. Because let’s face it, with the new trait system EB is weak compared to the other 2 trait options, 2 condis cleanse on demand every troll unguents and survival skill while reducing the CD of survival skills and giving fury will make EB not even a choice to consider. Not to mention Shared Anguish on its own is sub par compared to the other choices. If you could get both EB and shared anguish for one trait point though in the GM slot that’ll make it a hell of a lot more appealing. Bonus points if they also merge stability training into it (pets gain stab when CCed).
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
I was expecting a merge with Shared Anguish, especially when I saw that SA is getting moved from adept to mater.
Hoping for a merge in the future. I’ve been using it myself recently.
I can’t see it being merged with SA, that’d make the trait a lot stronger than it already is. You’ve gotta keep in mind that MOST professions (I think all but ranger actually) don’t actually break the CC they’re hit with, where rangers have their pet throw itself in the way instead. It’s already really strong and making it so that you also stealth when hit would make it even stronger.
EDIT: Thief and Warrior also break the CC with their trait, Warriors has the same CD as ours, and thieves has 1/3rd the CD but i’d argue is much less useful.
It would be strong, but when I saw how they kept merging traits. it wouldn’t have surprised me if they would have done the same thing with SA and HiPS. Comparing it to what other traits look like now doesn’t make much sense anyways, as several other traits of the same nature have changed aswell.
Regardless, I would like to see Hide in Plan Sigh be implemented some way or another.
Yup. I’d like to see it HiPS merged with Shared Anguish, too. Both are nice traits that could serve even better together.
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
There’s 2 “while reviving” traits for ranger, while all other professions got their various revive traits rolled into one. This might open up a spot for hide in plain sight. Other options include just adding it to the falling trait or (and this one is most logical), roll it into Shared Anguish.
I have a feeling that ranger may be stuck with the 2 revive based traits as they seem to have a tough time designing anything for the base ranger.
We can only hope you are right Shiren, however the general tone of the section on ranger doesn’t garner any trust, that and the general ranger community is not exactly favorable to many of the Developers. Aquaman patch not least of the bad blood reason.
I like the idea of merging the two pet abuse traits and moving HiPS(fun with acronyms) into its slot better than merging two “on stun” traits into one.
Here is why:
Having a trait, which manages two separate internal cooldowns is just weird. It’s also hard to word the trait corretcly. The first stun gets directed to the pet, the second one makes you invisible, unless the first one is ready again… It’s just an ugly trait.
Merge the pet abuse into a single trait and move HiPS into its spot. I like the idea, though I never was a big fan of HiPS.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.
(edited by naphack.9346)
I never was a big fan of HiPS.
Was anyone a big fan of HiPS before they changed it a couple of weeks ago?
have a feeling that ranger may be stuck with the 2 revive based traits as they seem to have a tough time designing anything for the base ranger.
We’re also the only class with a second redundant revive skill, Search and Rescue.
I’d really like to see them merge Hide in Plain Sight with Soften the Fall, at least that way the fall damage trait will be useful outside of reducing fall damage.
This is a horrible idea. Stealth needs to proc when we’re in trouble or when we need to be offensive, not when we’re taking fall damage. All on-fall-damage traits need to be gutted, they are so silly. Except for the warrior one.
I think hide in plain sight needs to work with trapper builds somehow, like the trapper runes.
I’d really like to see them merge Hide in Plain Sight with Soften the Fall, at least that way the fall damage trait will be useful outside of reducing fall damage.
This is a horrible idea. Stealth needs to proc when we’re in trouble or when we need to be offensive, not when we’re taking fall damage.
I don’t think that was what Durzlla meant, but rather that the two traits works as they do now, but combined into one.
I’d really like to see them merge Hide in Plain Sight with Soften the Fall, at least that way the fall damage trait will be useful outside of reducing fall damage.
This is a horrible idea. Stealth needs to proc when we’re in trouble or when we need to be offensive, not when we’re taking fall damage.
I don’t think that was what Durzlla meant, but rather that the two traits works as they do now, but combined into one.
I see. Well regardless, I feel a certain type of ranger… perhaps the trapper… could benefit from a second semi-on-demand stealth. Like camouflage after placing s trap and standing still or something. We shouldn’t rely on just one weapon.
I’d really like to see them merge Hide in Plain Sight with Soften the Fall, at least that way the fall damage trait will be useful outside of reducing fall damage.
This is a horrible idea. Stealth needs to proc when we’re in trouble or when we need to be offensive, not when we’re taking fall damage.
I don’t think that was what Durzlla meant, but rather that the two traits works as they do now, but combined into one.
I see. Well regardless, I feel a certain type of ranger… perhaps the trapper… could benefit from a second semi-on-demand stealth. Like camouflage after placing s trap and standing still or something. We shouldn’t rely on just one weapon.
That would be useless.
Even the trapper runes let you move around. The only reason HiPS found some new life is because of the change. But without that buff, it was a very useless skill.
It was a great change, much needed. As in it can actually be used now. It’s still very niche and not exactly a game changer, but it’s fun to play with.
I mean if they really want to kill off HiPS I wouldn’t lose that much sleep over it.
There are several better options even now and the new traits look promising, but you know… why would you give me a new toy to play with only to take it away so soon?
Panda would become sad. I hope they merge the current HiPS with something. Maybe druids will be stealthy?
I also support of merging Shared Anguish with Hide in Plain Sight, as the current SA is just too weak compare to other classes as a master trait.
Make it like SA having 60 ICD while HIPS stays at 30 ICD as it used to, but put into one trait.
I was expecting a merge with Shared Anguish, especially when I saw that SA is getting moved from adept to mater.
Hoping for a merge in the future. I’ve been using it myself recently.
I can’t see it being merged with SA, that’d make the trait a lot stronger than it already is. You’ve gotta keep in mind that MOST professions (I think all but ranger actually) don’t actually break the CC they’re hit with, where rangers have their pet throw itself in the way instead. It’s already really strong and making it so that you also stealth when hit would make it even stronger.
EDIT: Thief and Warrior also break the CC with their trait, Warriors has the same CD as ours, and thieves has 1/3rd the CD but i’d argue is much less useful.
LMAO, go check the “other profession’s” auto-negate CC option. They usually have a secondary effect in conjunction to it, and also without the need of sacrificing your mechenic (pet). Go check Warrior’s new “last stance” trait then we can talk again. Ignorent is bliss.
I’m currently taking both SA and HIPS in one line from WS, but now they foolishly made SA into a master trait, SA and HIPS MUST merge together to compensate the change.
(edited by Toxsa.2701)
LMAO, go check the “other profession’s” auto-negate CC option. They usually have a secondary effect in conjunction to it, and also without the need of sacrificing your mechenic (pet). Go check Warrior’s new “last stance” trait then we can talk again. Ignorent is bliss.
Unfortunately that ‘take it to the pet’ design direction was set fairly early on. If they maybe a stability train style addition to another trait or a when disabled the pet (or pet and ranger) enlarge/enrage (that happens maybe half the time not a 50% change but maybe have the icd line up for a 50% window of happening.).