What builds are you testing first?

What builds are you testing first?

in Ranger

Posted by: Gildos.8460


With only a few days left until HoT I’m curious about what builds you are all going to be testing first for druid.

As a purely sPvP player I’m going to be trying this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAW8YjMqQ5K2tCurAVLWYEM4m6Vtr2Mu2AZAmCwlLAUyK6C-TZhHABPVGw2LAwL7PAwBBIgnAAA maybe swapping out a trap for something else, such as glyph of alignment for example. It’s pure theory crafting as I was moving to uni during BWE3 but, seems to have the same 1v1 and point holder/contester as trap ranger, but makes up for the trap rangers current somewhat difficulty in teamfights (not saying it’s useless in them), with the support options.

Let me have ’em :P

What builds are you testing first?

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351
