What class should I reroll?

What class should I reroll?

in Ranger

Posted by: Aurum.8793


So after this latest… “upgrade” to the Ranger class, I have decided to switch. But I don’t really know what I should switch to. Anyone have any suggestions? What are you guys switching to?

What class should I reroll?

in Ranger

Posted by: BroScientist.9875


warrior, they received a long bow buff with last patch.

What class should I reroll?

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


warrior, they received a long bow buff with last patch.

I agree. Warriors also get rifles, which are awesome.

I do like the versatility of the engineer though…and they also get rifles.


Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

What class should I reroll?

in Ranger

Posted by: Supreme.4051


Doesn’t really matter since any other class will be better.
For pvp you may wanna roll warrior/thief for burst builds, or mesmer/guardian/ele for bunker builds.
Seems like they went from holy trinity to holy duality

What class should I reroll?

in Ranger

Posted by: Eleazyair.5716


At this time I would recommend rerolling as the current state of the ranger is unplayable. Longbow warrior is quite good or even shortbow thief.

What class should I reroll?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jubei.5923


I rolled a warrior specialising in the rifle, it’s everything I wanted in my main ranger. Sad but true.

No animals were harmed during the typing of this post.

What class should I reroll?

in Ranger

Posted by: Blude.6812


Ranger lvl 80 (in storage until ranger is fixed.)
I had a 2nd toon that was a lvl 20 warrior—have usually been a warrior in other games—but this one I just couldn’t like—maybe I was building it wrong.
So I made a Norn Guardian —-loving it, survive a lot longer than my warrior and hands out more damage. LvL 24 now and growing!!

What class should I reroll?

in Ranger

Posted by: crebosh.3548


if u just feel like killing time eles r fun…on a side note…had a member of my guild tell me to l2p when i said rangers are a horrid class -_-…apparently we can easily dish out 20k dmg or more in 16 seconds and our power builds r mad strong the ranger community just doesn’t know how to manage pets…idk if you all feel the same but idiots like this are the reason we will never be fixed…too many fan boys telling us the game is balanced and we “just don’t understand how gw2 works”…I take it back…keep ur ranger and organize a ranger army in wvw for all servers and laugh when we get mowed to prove a point.

What class should I reroll?

in Ranger

Posted by: bluesnacks.2301


if u just feel like killing time eles r fun…on a side note…had a member of my guild tell me to l2p when i said rangers are a horrid class -_-…apparently we can easily dish out 20k dmg or more in 16 seconds and our power builds r mad strong the ranger community just doesn’t know how to manage pets…idk if you all feel the same but idiots like this are the reason we will never be fixed…too many fan boys telling us the game is balanced and we “just don’t understand how gw2 works”…I take it back…keep ur ranger and organize a ranger army in wvw for all servers and laugh when we get mowed to prove a point.

Pretty sure a ranger army would mow over everything with Barrage spam. Just a useless side note.

Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue.

What class should I reroll?

in Ranger

Posted by: YumCHA.8706


Barrage doesn’t provide enough threat to a group of enemies. Even if you had 5 groups of 5 rangers, there’s no way of pinning them down in that AoE of arrows. Unless some other zerg has them occupied into a different battle, then the rangers have their chance to shine.

The cripple debuff is laughable. Any halfwit can dodge their way out of the AoE or just simple walk out of it.

Rangetastic, 80 Ranger | Archers United [ARC]
Sea of Sorrows

What class should I reroll?

in Ranger

Posted by: Glektor.2934


Well, I rather like Barrage and its cripple debuff, it works as an amazing control ability, people tend to scatter or fall back when you start raining arrows down.

But, like YumCHA said, even if you had 5 groups of 5 rangers, it would be a joke, simply because the damage is so pathetic on it

What class should I reroll?

in Ranger

Posted by: Division.9618


Despite what people say, warriors aren’t that op. They’re balanced, so if you like balanced go play one of those.