What class to swap to-Now that ranger Sucks
Ranger probably.
I swapped to a Guardian/Engineer, I play both. I used to love Ranger, but literally everything about it is so lackluster now. The pets are broken. All the weapons suck, the Utility skills that are supposed to work in conjunction with our weapons and pets are now useless because our weapons and pets suck. I want to play Ranger, but I want to enjoy the game as well. I don’t want to force myself to play Ranger, and lose all sense of fun that I once has with the class. After playing a Ranger to 21 and thinking that I did normal damage, it astonishes me how fast other classes can take mobs down.
Trust me give up on the ranger, the class is gutted.
I stopped playign altogether but if i was to continue i would re-roll a warrior, ironically even their ranged is better, what a joke.
Went for warrior and thief,
Warrior. Rifle + 2handsword
Thief . Sword/pistol. Pistol/pistol
Not playing as much as 1 mth ago. 2-3 hrs daily
Will come back to ranger when Anet finally decided to show some love for this forgotten child.
~We Are Deadly When Required~
The problem is, I think ANet thinks it’s FIXING stuff. But if you’ve upset every Ranger-player out there, then it should be pretty apparent that you’re not ANet. Tales of Tyria brought this up last week. ANet addresses the bugs that get the most attention first, and because Ranger is a rather small population, and gets smaller with every subsequent update, they don’t pay as much attention too it.
Sure, Anet can totally ignore ranger bugs if they shelve the ranger’s issues long enough.
They need not fix anything, the "ranger class " will just be a myth.
But regardless, if they finally fix up the bugs ,many of us will appear again as rangers .
~We Are Deadly When Required~
The issue Im having here is that, I play a ranger, Longbow/double Axes. The damage is great, its a ton of fun, Rangers are good in PvP with the right setup (I kill Thiefs and Mesmers 1on1 like its nothing, issues are only with Guardians for me). Works well in WvWvW, so whats the deal?
To be honest with all of you, I just think that you are full okitten*, Literally, just whining about being a strong class when it actuality you just are poor at playing the game, its sad…
WOW REALLY! Post a video of how you took down a thief and Mesmer 1 on 1 with lb / axes.
Will be a great eye opener for those you call whiners .
Thanks in advance.
~We Are Deadly When Required~
Lol I can assure you ranger longbow is possibly the worst weapon we have. I play a thief, I can also assure you that if you smoked a thief or mesmer, they sucked. Feel free to show me Im wrong tho, pm me Ingame and we can meet and duel. Ranger is crap atm. Many traits broken atm or useless, many weapons do crappy damage, pets die way to fast in pve and pvp, pets are also bugged including their f2 skills. Just alot of love is needed for rangers.
Im not pushing anet since they are probably swampped but if ranger isnt fixed in this upcoming patch even a little I might just go play something else till it is. Ranger is the only class Im interested in and if its not playable for me Ill find enjoyment elsewhere, since I know anet will eventually get to it I just need to pass time for a short while.
The issue Im having here is that, I play a ranger, Longbow/double Axes. The damage is great, its a ton of fun, Rangers are good in PvP with the right setup (I kill Thiefs and Mesmers 1on1 like its nothing, issues are only with Guardians for me). Works well in WvWvW, so whats the deal?
To be honest with all of you, I just think that you are full okitten*, Literally, just whining about being a strong class when it actuality you just are poor at playing the game, its sad…
not to sound elitist, but casual pvp’ers cant really see much wrong with the ranger. but any semi-serious pvp’er understands the prof is literally rotten from the inside. in spvp/tpvp, conditions is the only viable build that can potentially melt faces, but it’s a one-trick pony and, well, boring for a lot of us.
No you dont sound like an elitist nerva, just a player who knows his stuff, and I wholeheartedly agree. I get alot of people flaming me for saying rangers suck but they are like rank 4 in pvp. Its frustrating because I love the class but cant stomach playing it.
Just roll Warrior for PvE, it’s Izzy’s pet class and it’ll never be nerfed.
Or Thief for PvP because lol heartseeker.
WTF are you talking about? Ranger sucks? I’ve played Thief first, then Mesmer , but I’ve rolled a Ranger 3 days ago, and that’s what I’ve been looking for. I love this insane ammount of damage from my crit/bleed build at PvP, and I love to take 5+ mobs at the same time at PvE (I wasn’t able to do it with my mesm or thief) so don’t tell me how bad Ranger is. And yes, i use SB most of the time with Axe/WH.
My advice – ranger is not for all of you. If you don’t like it of don’t know how to use it, roll another class Peace
“I played this for 3 days, clearly I’m an expert and you’re all wrong!”
You didn’t play ranger during the betas. You didn’t play it before the unnecessary shortbow nerf.
Don’t act like you know what you’re talking about.
OK, people…the shortbow nerf is horrible and all, but the ranger is still a viable class. After the update I felt undercut and cheated, but I still kept playing my ranger. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s still a powerful class if you know how to play it. Skilled players adapt to changes, they don’t quit because of a little change.
Januarry – I play Ele sometimes because I hate my existence
[oPP] – Over Powered People
“You didn’t play ranger during the betas. You didn’t play it before the unnecessary shortbow nerf.
Don’t act like you know what you’re talking about.”
No, I didn’t play ranger during betas and before this… nerf.
What I’m trying to say is that even when a new player can utilize this class properly so he can own others in PvP and do great in PvE, it means that there’s certainly nothing wrong with Ranger, and he can still be very good if well played.
What’s your frame of reference? 3 days and a few PvP matches?
You can’t say anything about the profession in that short time frame.
Your claim that you’re “utilizing it properly” is unfounded. It’s like a newly graduated biologist saying that his views on astrophysics are well-founded and all those people who spent their life studying the universe are wrong.
I never used SB am i doing something wrong ?
I got a 80 Neco and you can still get a pet that can fight besides you( Flesh golem ). All of the Neco weapons sets work well if you trait them right. The only down side is as a caster of Staff -Wells which one of the strongest sets in the game you can drop 4 marks and 3 wells in under 4sec. as your pet tanks . You for the most part wont move most of the game unless your running for your life but with DS that will happen very little.
I love the ranger mobility I never stop moving when in a fight unless I’m dead . I found that I have to use trap for that extra punch plus its just fun to set things on fire. I just wish had a second weapon set use besides SB right now i’m using ax/touch but its lacks far behind SB in fun factor.
Right now I have two low level characters (along w/ my 80 ranger). I rolled a theif and warrior. I can’t really decide which one I’ll make my main, but I’m leaning towards theif as my gf is a warrior.
I love the rifle/GS combo. It’s exactly what the ranger should have been, with a bit more evading but less health/toughness.
I’m probably going to roll with a theif because I love the stealth mechanic. I can’t decide what’s the best weapon sets to roll with because they are all amazing but I love P/P, shortbow, and D/P so far.
If they fix some weapons for the ranger, or the pet AI, then maybe I’ll go back…. maaaaaybe.
Been ranger since I started this game but after all the buttlove Anet gave the class recently nerfing our best pvp/ pve wep and their total lack of communication with us about what was going on , I finally gave it up, since then started playing my thief again who i still find boring, but started a Rifle Warrior and using GS as off-weapon, and couldn’t agree more with the above poster in saying this is what I feel the ranger should have been. Do far more damage as a 16 Rifle Warrior then my 47 Ranger ever could… only thing i dislike about the warrior is their skills dont favor the way i play the class, and their self heal is really lackluster. Theres NO WAY a warrior should come close to dealing as much damage as a Ranger from ranged. This is a complete joke.
Since the nerf and leaving the Ranger however I’ve found myself playing the game itself a lot less, used to want to play every night for at least a 2-4 hours, now I log in a few days a week, sometimes log in and just log right out. Not at all as interested as I had been when I was happily playing my ranger 2 weeks ago. Completely changed my plans about buying any expansions or giving ANet any more of my money after seeing the way they run things and treat their players. off to borderlands 2,not really into the fps games but it’s kinda cool and really dont feel like loggin in today.. good luck all
(edited by Grundar.2894)
WTF are you talking about? Ranger sucks? I’ve played Thief first, then Mesmer , but I’ve rolled a Ranger 3 days ago, and that’s what I’ve been looking for. I love this insane ammount of damage from my crit/bleed build at PvP, and I love to take 5+ mobs at the same time at PvE (I wasn’t able to do it with my mesm or thief) so don’t tell me how bad Ranger is. And yes, i use SB most of the time with Axe/WH.
My advice – ranger is not for all of you. If you don’t like it of don’t know how to use it, roll another class
I don’t think you understand. All of us are people who have PREVIOUSLY played Ranger and LOVED IT. It’s not that it’s “not for all of us” it’s more that “ANet screwed us all over”
I played Ranger when it was top of the world in beta and still playing it now that it “sucks.”
If people want to roll something different to have fun, cool but I’m just going to go back to my roots from other MMO’s and start making “outside the box” builds for WvW combat and small group raids.
Still loving ranger. Not going anywhere.
Myrmidons of Kryta (MOK)
Blackgate Server
Started using other weapons and stopped speccing pure glass cannon.
Still loving ranger.
If you could only do well with a SB and Axe/Horn then frankly you lack skill and imagination. Something Guild Wars has always rewarded.
if you still love the ranger, great. i do as well. unfortunately, there is only one viable spec for tpvp, which is conditions. the bottom two trees? yeah, theyre next to useless.
Go engi or basically anything else other than elementalist. Ranger is gutted.
The Ranger is completely ruined. I used to be great with nearly every weapon combo. Sword/Dagger, Axe/Torch, Greatsword, Longbow, Shortbow, etc. Now I literally cannot do anything with it. If you don’t think the Ranger is ruined, than go play a little game I like to call “Find an equal amount of complaint threads as there are in the Ranger forum on any Profession forum except Ranger”
I have a level 80 warrior… And lmao at the person who said warrior’s ranged is better than rangers. But in all seriousness, rangers are just fine (well they could use a little buff for the other weapons besides sb imo). If you go to the other class threads, they all whine about how their class sucks and other classes are better. Ranger’s my second main (I’ve played elem,warrior,mesmerand engi also). There’s a reason why I play my ranger more than the other classes… Because they’re just kitten at 1v1 dps.
I have a level 80 warrior… And lmao at the person who said warrior’s ranged is better than rangers. But in all seriousness, rangers are just fine (well they could use a little buff for the other weapons besides sb imo). If you go to the other class threads, they all whine about how their class sucks and other classes are better. Ranger’s my second main (I’ve played elem,warrior,mesmerand engi also). There’s a reason why I play my ranger more than the other classes… Because they’re just kitten at 1v1 dps.
I want the drugs you’re smoking!
Just by looking at your previous messages, I can tell that you have a serious hatred for those who actually like the ranger class. Grow up.
If you look at my previous posts, you will see me and many others laughing at those who claim the ranger is doing quite well when there’s hundreds and hundreds of posts stating that it’s not. I started a war and I can say that it’s skills are superior in every way to the ranger. You can come on here saying the opposite of what hundreds of other people are saying, it doesn’t make it true.
As for hatred and such, I’m a ranger posting on a ranger post about ranger issues. You came here posting that the ranger is doing pretty well when hundreds disagree. Do you think your post would be well received or praised? Let’s face it. You came here because you were looking for negative attention and I fed you.
If you look at my previous posts, you will see me and many others laughing at those who claim the ranger is doing quite well when there’s hundreds and hundreds of posts stating that it’s not. I started a war and I can say that it’s skills are superior in every way to the ranger. You can come on here saying the opposite of what hundreds of other people are saying, it doesn’t make it true.
As for hatred and such, I’m a ranger posting on a ranger post about ranger issues. You came here posting that the ranger is doing pretty well when hundreds disagree. Do you think your post would be well received or praised? Let’s face it. You came here because you were looking for negative attention and I fed you.
I’ll agree that there are quite a bit of posts about how rangers are lacking, but that’s what happens when they nerf a class. It seems to be a norm for people to complain when they have their favorite class get nerfed and not buffed. I was in no way looking for negative attention… Just watch… every time a patch comes out, and warrior players see that they still didn’t fix a bug that should make warrior’s swapping cooldown only 5 seconds, all of a sudden, hundreds of new threads pop up in the warrior section about how ArenaNet aren’t supportive of the warrior class. And for your information, I’m a Warrior AND Ranger posting in the Ranger section. Just because we have opposing opinions, doesn’t make you right. Stop being so ignorant…maybe you should try the other classes, too. Then you’ll see that rangers are actually not that bad. They’re actually pretty solid.
PS: I DID suggest that they should slightly buff the other weapons excluding shortbow for rangers. So we do agree on some thing (I hope). I should have made it a littler clearer, though.. My replies are directed towards shortbow rangers.. I believe shortbows are still a VERY solid weapon. It almost feels OP when it comes to dps.
P.PS: I just now read that you started a warrior..(Thought you meant started a war..)
You started a warrior, I maxed a warrior. I can tell you right now, their skills are not superior to rangers.. Sure they’re a pretty solid class, too. But they’re not great at anything…only decent at everything. Except a GS Warrior…They melt mobs with one skill called hundred blade..But try to use hundred blade in pvp, people will be dodging you left and right. Rangers have dps and mobility, which, with the right amount of skills, are very deadly in pvp and pve…. Except for dungeons I would presume. (Never tried a dungeon yet with my ranger, but I know just having good 1v1 dps won’t really cut it)
(edited by Geunyoung.2973)
If you could only do well with a SB and Axe/Horn then frankly you lack skill and imagination. Something Guild Wars has always rewarded.
Lol, sorry, had to laugh at this one. IWAY, Blood spikes, Chain Lightning Spikes, Paragon Spikes, Hexways, Spiritway, SF spikes, Ranger Spikes, etc…
All major GW1 pvp builds. All rinse and repeat of the same builds. Not one thought of innovation and imagination was rewarded.
Side Note: Swapped to warrior instead of my ranger. Can’t be asked to spec into pet skills that I don’t want in the first place. Make pets optional?