What is the funniest pet name you have used or seen?
I personally like my drake name as its a pun to a terrible movie and the name of an epic nightfall GW1 quest that ofc involves Koss – Drake on a Plain.
None of mine are exceptionally original (as they’re all references to various formes of media) but:
Snowy Owl = Bubo
Cave Spider = Charlotte
Rainbow Jellyfish = Flan
Armoured Fish = George
I’ve gotten a couple compliments on Charlotte . . . mostly from other rangers running around with their own ‘Charlotte’
Raven’s Talon [RT]
Henge of Denravi
My sylvari ranger is Twiggy Sporedust.
Spider pet: Spider from Mars
Fernhound: Diamond Dog
I should name a pet “Easy gank nearby if you can find my master.”
K9 : Sir talk a lot
Snow wolf : Alyshoya
Wolf : Hayabusa
Jungle Spider : Marrybell
Forest Spider : Tinkerbell
Red Jellyfish : Vanila
Shark : Softcream
Bear : Handsomborn
Black bear : Free hug
I named my Pink moa: Floyd
And my Raven: Edgar
Not very funny but I get a little chuckle out of it anyway.
Seen the following in my travels:
Shark named “Guppy”
Murellow named “Marshmellow”
use East and West for Eagle and Owl – gotta love those bleads…
Black and White for Jaguar and Wolf
use Bear Behind for – sure you will figure it out – and Caleb for me Stalker (name after me Dog)
Pig: Sir Oinks A Lot
Fernhound: Wilson
Raven: Screeeeeeeaaaaaaaach
River drake: Sparky
Salamander drake: Chili
Ice Drake: Chilly
Marsh Drake: Stinky
Reef Drake: Bubbles
Jelly Fish: Jiggles
Hyena: Wilson Squared
Devourer: Clickity the Clackity
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
My pets are:
Wolf: Balto
Raven: Thats so
Armorfish: Blastoise
Shark: Bruce
I name my pets whatever the first ridiculous and overly fancy name i can think of, or at least something that no pet would ever be named. Examples: Edwin my Jaguar, Bartholomew the Warthog , Reginald my trusty fern hound. i change them around all the time so i forget most of the one’s i’ve had.
When I saw the ranger with the pet “Mr. Bojangles” in Heart of the Mists, I just couldn’t get over, my cat’s name, “Mr. Bojanky”
I did a lot of thinking on my pet names but then I realised only the ones that are currently “active” will keep their name. Nevertheless I wanted to share my ideas with you.
Raven: April Ryan
White Raven: Rowena (Ravenclaw)
Alpine Wolf: Tinkle Bell
Hyena: Bon Jo Flea
Lynx: Sir Lynx A Lot
Black Moa: Ritchie Blackmoa
White Moa: Faith No Moa
Carrion Devourer: Carrion Screaming/Behind
Rainbow Jellyfish: Judy Garland
Wolf: Rush Limbark
Marsh Drake: Drake Edgewater
the names i’ve seen and liked so far
jaguar- Black Power or Kanye west
drakehound- Big Sean
Hyena- lil wayne
I named my eagle Murica and my Raven Poe.
My spider – I’m In Your Ear
Jellyfish – Probe
Shark – Jaws Jr
Raven – Juvenile Fern Hound
Haha, “Token Black Bear”, nice one Naxarro. My grey wolf is called Liam Neeson and my Arcdotus is named “Snr Coqueonface”. I guess the name filter isn’t perfect.
revenant – Hoogles Von Boogles
Mesmer – hoogelz
Fern Wolf: Red X I I I, Obstructed
Brown Bear: Little Bear, Scrufflebutt
The Dragonfly Effect [Phi]
I’ve seen a female Norn ranger with a cat named “Touch My.”
Móraoise – Sylvari Necromancer; Haromír – Sylvari Warrior. Tarnished Coast
I named my Jungle Cat Rex, my Hyena is Harley Q., and my Slamoth is I call that 1 Bitey
My Armorfish: Mister Grumpy
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
I named my Fern Hound, Futinari.
Ehhh my bear’s name is Timothy Treadwell. Kind of messed up but it reminds me to never get too close to bears in real life.
For the holiday season.
White Moa is now Juvenile Jingle Moa
Black Moa is now Avatar of Grenth
Colin Johanson on how arenanet measures success
Snow Owl: My Jokes Are a Hoot
Polar Bear: Crazed Coke Fiend
Jellyfish: Raspberry
Shark: WTB Lasers
Aîsta & Çriselli 80 engies, Zeira Blackstar 80 Grd Meloryn 80 Ran, Vexri Crisellista 80 War
Server: Kaineng
My Drakehound is named “Doggie Style”
Raven – Raging Pecker
Murmellow – Britney Spears
Pig- Chauvinistic
Brown Bear – Cushion
I named my Brown bear Sir Tanksalot.
My Bear is Brutus, Hyena is Shenzi, Ice Wolf is Curtis ( I don’t know why ), Armored Fish is Nemo…
Mine usually aren’t funny, name them after someone I know or something I like
Drake is called “Selma Hylek”;
Raven is called “Feather Locklear”;
(edited by ShadyNZL.9018)
Jungle Stalker named Mittens and a Hyena named Cuddles.
Even more amusing when their master’s an Ash Legion Charr.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
My feline companion is usually called ‘Juvenile Delinquent’. Exactly the max amount of characters allowed.
I named my warthog Pumba. I get PM’s from people laughing all the time. Besides the Lion King reference I don’t know why it’s so funny to some people.
My white Wolf is named Ying and my Jaguar is named Yang.
Polar Bear is named Murphy.
Drake Hound is named Jughead (after a pit pull I used to have, RIP buddy)
Those are the only ones I really use and there is no sense in me naming them all when they default back to their original names.
Pink Moa: Pink Invader
murlow: Ren Hoek (From Ren and Stimpy Show)
Ranger, Wosh Ehrenreich
Master of Pets named:
Jaguar, You Kitten Me
Lynx, Stop Kitten Me
Bear, Bear With Me
Shark, Amazing Super Tuna
Named my pig xwife and my ugly shaved cat thing tyrant banks
My Hall of Monument Black Widow Spider is named “Fluffy”.
I’ve got a bear called Bam Bam, a drake called Smaug, a moa called Umfufu & a spider called Drutt XD
Murellow=Animal Cruelty
Fern Hound=Caesar
Raven=A scared crow
Shark=Chompy Jr
All my cats are named Leopold.
I have 2 Spiders named “Sir Reginald” and “Princess Fluffybutt” . . .yep.
name your pets after people you know.
Eagle = Peckerhead
Snow Leopard = Sir Pounce A lot
Carrion Devour = Tickles
I like to call my sylvan hound Salad Fingers.
Tyler Joe
I don’t know if any of these have already been listed I only read page 1.
I name any Moa pet I have out – Lawn Moa
and any Bear I have out – Bearly Legal/Bearly Eighteen
Names I use, sometimes I rotate same pets with different names…
Panther: Guenhwyvar (not all that clever), Black Dynamite
Brown Bear: Yogi Pooh Bear
Polar Bear: Natures Bouncer
Warthog/Boar: Bebop
Eagle: American Dream
Pig: Some Pig
Fern Hound: Fern Gully
Spiders: Eight Legged Freak, Charlotte
Owl: Hedwig
Moa: Samoa the Moa
Armor Fish: Deadly Sushi
Shark: DaDumDadum
[SAnD] of Maguuma
Alpine Wolf: Fluffy
Polar Bear: Fluffy
Snow Leopard: Fluffy
River Drake: Fluffy
Shark: Fluffy
…I think you get the idea. =3
brown bear is called Cheese Bearger and everything else is Dave
This thread is 250 replies long, so I don’t know if either of these have been done already, buuuut
I felt proud of naming my snow leopard “Juvenile Court”.
And a lovely friend of mine has a pink moa named “Lon Moa”.