(edited by Tontonino.9736)
What kind of Druid will YOU be? VOTE!
Wrong forum m8.
Thanks for leaving Guardian druid out. #BunkersMatterToo
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Thanks for leaving Guardian druid out. #BunkersMatterToo
sry m8 edited
5. Ambient creature
6 – GW2 druid
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
feral druid if had a choice, i loved the tanky aoe bear form in WoW
7 – The I’m-Gonna-See-What’s-In-Their-Kit-First-Before-Making-Any-Decisions-Druid
Boomkin, since they’re always great.
7 – The I’m-Gonna-See-What’s-In-Their-Kit-First-Before-Making-Any-Decisions-Druid
Wow you read my mind. I like this build the best ^
In this game, Feral Druid would obliterate the other choices IMO.
A bear bow druid
I’m going to be a tree if the druid falls flat…
The day Blizzard changed Feral druids to Feral and Guardian was the day I stopped playing WoW.
Taking the only hybrid spec out of the hybrid class. Ludicrous.
What kind of Druid are you going to be?
4-GuardianWill update regularly!
Edit: Added Guardian druid
I like healing others in WvW and PvP. Even in Meta Events…
I imagine the Druid will be Healy. Probably similar to a water ele because they’re a bit lacking on heals.
I want to be that kind of druid where it’s still pretty early in the leveling process, and you haven’t done much with druid. You’re level 7 and all you have is wrath and cat form, but you’re still not quite sure what to do, and even though you happened to have a few cloth intellect heirlooms you still hit 5x as hard as cat form. But, because you don’t want to feel like you’re wasting your heirlooms you pull every fight with 2-3 wraths, then go into cat form to finish them off, even if it is noticeably slower than just running around as a cat…
I want to be that kind of druid… :}
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
snake-staff druid
This topic just makes me sad that we wont get a Shape shifter
…wind druid?
Stormbluff Isle ( http://www.stormbluffisle.com )
HK-47, you meatbags!
Beastmaster Druid!
The kind that can shoot people with lightning, and summon flesh golems.
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons
Guise ur supposed 2 choose from 1-4 ok?
did they already give away the new spec?
My answer is yes, because picking just one is for posers
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Probably the disappointed kind of druid.
The kind of druid that collects Wind Rider eyes in exchange of weapons.
Is this some kind of reference? If so, what to?
I’m hoping there’s an option for being a poison or terrain druid myself. But I’m happy to settle for a good old fashioned Wild Shape caster Druid build. Popping in and out the ground as a mole calling lightning and curing wounds never gets old.
“There, it’s dead and it’s never coming back!” – Famous last words
Is this some kind of reference? If so, what to?
I’m hoping there’s an option for being a poison or terrain druid myself. But I’m happy to settle for a good old fashioned Wild Shape caster Druid build. Popping in and out the ground as a mole calling lightning and curing wounds never gets old.
I always preferred becoming a flee and jumping on and off of my animal companion/other nearby people myself!
Wild Shape is too much fun.
Also the reference is to WoW
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna