What kind of end game sigils are you using ?

What kind of end game sigils are you using ?

in Ranger

Posted by: BronxBrew.8743


I’m a condition spec Ranger. I have both sb & lb along with axe and wh. Would be interested to see what you guys use in them .

What kind of end game sigils are you using ?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ritsukioku.5642


Sigil of Rage.

Along with Quickening Zephyr and the quickness on pet swap trait, I feel very spasmic and bursty.

What kind of end game sigils are you using ?

in Ranger

Posted by: fishergrip.4082


If you are stacking condition damage and crit chance, you should consider superior sigil of earth.

Maid Of The Coast

What kind of end game sigils are you using ?

in Ranger

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


sigil of earth/rune of the undead.

What kind of end game sigils are you using ?

in Ranger

Posted by: Valderius Rex.4108

Valderius Rex.4108

Earth on my short bow, geomancy on my sword, corruption on my dagger. Considering changing that corruption sigil to something more reliable. Vamp seems like a good one to help me stay alive in melee range. Might just go for another earth for better bleeds though.

What kind of end game sigils are you using ?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ultravalefor.5038


Superior Energy all the way. Saved my life so many times.

Phaynel – recently voted the hottest Ranger in GW2 by everyone
married to Railspike the Red Alpha Golem
[PiNK] Toast Forever.

What kind of end game sigils are you using ?

in Ranger

Posted by: monepipi.5160


sigil of earth/rune of the undead.

This. If you’re running pure condition, TA and HOTW equipment gives condition dmg/precision/toughness. High crit chance with sigil of earth gives good bleed stacking. Rune of Undead on your armour gives even more condition damage and survivability and adds 5% of your toughness into condition damage. You might also want to try swapping out the WH for torch or dagger, to stack even more conditions, since that will be your main source of damage.

Currently I run double sigil of corruption (for fast stacks) and a sigil of speed, but once I get 100% geared up I’ll be switching to double earth/corruption

(edited by monepipi.5160)

What kind of end game sigils are you using ?

in Ranger

Posted by: Eko.2079


Superior Energy all the way. Saved my life so many times.

Same here. Double Superior energy (one on each weapon) at the begening i was have rage sigil.. I have done that for arah, but anyway this sigil is very helpful for kitting, in any survival condition.

I have done thats mainly because of the lack of good skill with rangers compared to other class, to survive,but it’s an other subject .

What kind of end game sigils are you using ?

in Ranger

Posted by: Guilhermezz.2601


This topic is helping me a lot, since looks like I’ve been doing it wrong haha… What trait builds do you guys recommends for cond dmg?

What kind of end game sigils are you using ?

in Ranger

Posted by: monepipi.5160



I run this for PVE, 10/30/20/0/10. Get the improved traps (throwable, 2x area, 2x duration). The 10 points in BM is so that the pet is more durable and not useless. Theres a trait in power that turns on your Keen Edge when you drop below 75%, and theres a trait in precision that gives you a chance to bleed everytime you crit .

For PVP I would suggest 10/30/25/0/5.

What kind of end game sigils are you using ?

in Ranger

Posted by: MeTx.6712


I have sigil of battle on my SB and axe and Hydromancy on my warhorn

Ranger: My Main Man Ray

What kind of end game sigils are you using ?

in Ranger

Posted by: Eko.2079


I noticed that if you put for exemple : Sigil of Superior energy on you SB, and your Axe, if you use a sigil on your warhorn, like HP drain (seem to be a problemwith sigil with special effect on activation, don’t know exactly), sigil of superior energy will not work “at all” for both weapon :x.

What kind of end game sigils are you using ?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sdric.8526


S.o.Earth -> Shortbox conditionbuild.

Crit+Damage -> Axe Warhorn, physical damage.
I have been mathcrafting a bit lately, a Thief with pistols can get a higher dps using 5% damage + S.o.Air combination.
Haven’t been mathcrafting if this combination works on my Ranger though.
I’m still hoping for Anet to undo the Shortbow attackspeednerf.

sPvPers against gear-grind.
Ascended Gear-progression disables WvW for us.
Stop it now!

(edited by Sdric.8526)

What kind of end game sigils are you using ?

in Ranger

Posted by: Kasama.8941


Some important things to keep in mind (from wiki):

  • Sigils that hold a charge per kill cannot be stacked (i.e. +5 power per kill and +5 condition damage per kill), one or the other shows up. This applies even if you swap weapons. For example, if you had two different “On kill stacking stat bonuses” sigils on two different weapons, only the sigil of the weapon you make a kill with first will take effect. If you swap weapons and make a kill, the sigil from the second weapon will not take effect.
  • Charging and non charging sigils can be stacked.
  • In sPvP, sigils that hold charges gain 5 charges per kill, requiring only 5 player kills to reach a full 25 charges.
  • Sigils that trigger on critical hits can trigger on any critical hits; the critical does not need to be scored with the associated weapon’s skills. For example, a character with an off hand weapon imbued with a Sigil of Rage can still gain quickness with a critical hit with their first three skills.
  • Sigils that have a chance to trigger on critical hits stack their chance percentages multiplicatively, not additively. For example, two major Sigils of Fire, which each have a 20% chance to trigger on critical hit, will have a 36% chance to trigger, not 40%.
  • Sigils that trigger on critical hits will not trigger on critical hits caused by mesmer illusions. It is unknown if this is true with other summons.
  • A single cooldown is shared by all sigils active effects cannot occur for the duration (i.e. a Sigil of Rage will prevent the activated effect of another Sigil of
    Battle/Strength/Air/Geomancy for 45 seconds but will not affect the passive effect of a Sigil of Smoldering/Force for the cooldown).
  • The weapon in the mainhand triggers active effects before the offhand.
  • Sigils that trigger on weapon swap are not activated by dropping a bundle, such as rocks, or weapon kits, but only from switching between your standard weapon slots. Thus, engineers cannot benefit from these sigils. Elementalists do not have alternate weapon slots, but these sigils will trigger on switching elemental attunements.

Personally I really like Sigil of Ice. Adding chill on your opponent means that your pet has a higher chance of hitting, and that your opponent does less damage per second. So it can be use both as offense and defense. Sigil of Rage is also really great for longbow and greatsword damage, but the 45 seconds cooldown means that it’s going to prevent other sigil effects from being really useful, as they share cooldowns. Sigil of Intelligence should also not be underestimated if you have traits in Skirmishing.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

(edited by Kasama.8941)