What's Wrong With Being A Healer?
Healers create a dilemma in any game in which the roles exists:
In order to make them a viable option you have to make them mandatory (because if you don’t need them, then it is ALWAYS better to replace them with more DPS). If you make them mandatory, then all the other specs will become unwanted (kind of like how it is right now since other classes do everything a ranger does but better).
With the addition of Druid one of two things will happen:
1. Every ranger will be forced to play as a Druid.
2. No ranger will be able to play a Druid.In short, healing as a role breaks the game and should never, ever be used.
People often state this argument but fail to acknowledge this problem already exists now. Instead of “LF healer” tags, it’s “LF DPS”. You may argue that all classes can fill that role though, but again the most common message is: “LF Ele’s, War’s and Guardians”. You may see “LF Thief/ Stealth” sometimes too.
Rangers and necros particularly are already pushed into the background when it come to optimal runs. Can ranger’s, necros etc do these runs? Yes, but given an option, most parties would prefer class X was brought.
The issue that needs to be addressed is not making healer’s mandatory. It’s making it so at least 2-3 other classes can fill the role. Even if druid does it “best”, if the content CANNOT be completed without a druid, that is bad game design.
Lot harder to find a decent ranger than it is to find a decent warrior, guard, or ele… That’s part of the reason why you see those LFGs.
That’s true but there’s a reason. It’s because for 3 years it’s been like this. Most people who still play the game inevitably go with the tide and level 1, 2 or all of these char’s. If Druid healer became meta, after 6-12 months, pretty much every druid you pick will know how to do their role because it will have become well defined.
Right now, most Ranger’s who play high level content do so with friends because quite rightly imo, they don’t need the abuse from certain elitists. As such, they don’t need to do everything 100% meta.
If ranger’s had been meta for the past 12 months or more, you would have seen a lot more PUG ranger’s who not only knew what to do but executed it much better.
Many people have pointed this point out before but I will reserve any judgement on druid/ state of ranger until I see what raids are really like because AN have a history of underestimating the player base. My only point above was the fact, in terms of pure healthiness for the game as a whole, making one profession head and shoulders better than another at a mandatory role isn’t good game design.
The real question is could ranger fill a dedicated healer role now. Rangers can already have prema regen for the group and if runes of the trooper worked a good amount of aoe condi clear.
Most of what a healing ranger would bring a Druid could have as well ,but how much of a difference would there be?
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
Many people here have said that being a healer is good, and you give reasons. But what not a single one of you have answered is the lack of credit you get in big events. That credit gets silver or gold achievement for that event and it effects how much loot you get. You don’t get credit for healing, and we have no indication that that is going to change. Why don’t you guys try to justify being a healer given that situation? Who the heck will continue being a healer when they don’t get anything out of it?
also I haven’t seen a single blueaish light on presentation – only yellowish/whiteish…
You must not have seen the presentation then.
actually I did – in oposition to some people already speaking in the thread – nothing even remotely close to guardian blueish – unlesh you call that whiteish beam blueish…..
Healers create a dilemma in any game in which the roles exists:
In order to make them a viable option you have to make them mandatory (because if you don’t need them, then it is ALWAYS better to replace them with more DPS).
I call bullkitten on that one dear, sir
you are mistaking word viable with mandatory you don’t have to make something MANDATORY to make it USEFULL as long as you can look outside of “optimal to extremes” box
they can be totally viable option without being mandatory even in current base game content – as long as you are nto the one of tehse jerks for whom the fastest meta run is the only run….
Many people here have said that being a healer is good, and you give reasons. But what not a single one of you have answered is the lack of credit you get in big events. That credit gets silver or gold achievement for that event and it effects how much loot you get. You don’t get credit for healing, and we have no indication that that is going to change. Why don’t you guys try to justify being a healer given that situation? Who the heck will continue being a healer when they don’t get anything out of it?
dunno how other but as for me I was not mentioning it because I’ve already broke it out for someone here on forums and as I don’t like to repeat myself on course of further discussion I assumed it to be already explained – bbut then again especially for you:
ranger specialised to druid still have plenty of damaging possibilities being able to give him a credit on any event – how much of such credit may be issue but participation credit for sure
especially considering how much of these options the druid spec have within itself… now add to it two other traitlines
(and also there was a guy here who shouted only 4 times that in build speculation thread was alredy 2 or 3 offensively specced druid builds….)
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
If you are going to be a good healer, you will need to wear armor and weapons that support that, then your dps/condi will be mediocre. If you want to dps/condi, you will need to wear armor and weapons for that, and then your healing will be mediocre. You could mix the armor and weapon types, but then you will be somewhat mediocre in both.
It doesn’t look particularly promising to me, still we need to see how it actually plays out in game before getting overly upset about this. It may turn out a lot better than it would seem to. I definitely intend to at least try it out and make it work for me. It would be silly not to try.
You mean your dps might be lower if you bring some support? SURPRISE AND TERROR.
Bryzy is just a troll at this point, claiming to speak for every ranger and kittenting up every discussion that isnt’ blind praise for the druid. The best thing to do is ignore him and he will eventually go back to WoW while GW2 fans are left with the mess that they will have to turn PvE into to make Druid a viable spec.
Bryzy has been on ignore by 99% of the competent ppl in ranger forums that try to have meaningful discussion.
He’s a confirmed troll.
Yeah, okay, because you and Levetty are 99% of the people in the Range forums that try to have a meaningful discussion. Instead of sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting as loudly as you can to ignore people who disagree with what you post, might I suggest noise cancelling earphones? That way it frees up your hands to type more BS.