What should be fixed- Skills, pets, etc. (Warning. Wall of text)

What should be fixed- Skills, pets, etc. (Warning. Wall of text)

in Ranger

Posted by: TeHjAcKaL.2975


Im not good at mountains of text, so ill keep it as cleaned up as possible.
(I realized its a wall of text after i hit preview.. and WOAHHHHHHH. ok carry on, no i didnt proof read)

I read forum posts, alot of forum posts i read feedback, i track the devs responses, community responses, i play the class ranger. So this is not my complaint, its a suggestion, to Anet, to the devs, who read the ranger forum and dont reply to anything useful, or anything that bears fruit. So with that said, here are things that need to be looked at, changed, whatever you dev’s call it that you do to actually get it you know… fixed?

1- Spirits! They offer well thought out buffs, and great actives, but when you actually use them for.. Stuff, like PvE or PVP or whatever, dungeons? etc. You find the utility skill has better choices, not because the buffs are wack. Because the Spirits offer 20% chance on their buffs, they have No hp, they die almost instantaniously after being called out to the front lines, Random monster aggro, that pet is dead in one hit, Aoe? dead in 1 hit, boss battle? stationary pet obviously dead, pvp? probably gonna get shot/stabbed/aoe’d so its dead, sure you can use the active, but u know, the range of the active is so small, smarties(not the candy) would run around it.
-Survivability needs fixing
-Range – the pets range is laughable, there is the trait to let it follow you around, but what use does it have for the team? group? ally? it will offer nothing if you have to run away from the mobs to actually keep its usefulness alive.
-Proc – Warrior OP – nuff said, Not really theres more to say, Banners 100% proc, good buffs, last longer, NEVER DIE (lets go warrior! never die!) but seriously though, which buff you want? ranger 20% buff? that probably lasts you 5 seconds in battle cuz itll die sometime soon, or warrior op flag? oh wait Spirits have actives! that u gotta lure whatever the thing is ur fighting into!
Change those 3 for spirits, some good proc, if not give it good range, and survivability, oh my god just survivability offers some more build options, should spirits even die? their spirits, flag can get broken in half! sticks and stones man.

2.Weapons choices
-Most builds combine warhorn with you know, a bow of sorts, and a sword, or maybe dual weild swords?
Lets be real, why do i gotta use a sword if im a ranger? i wanna shoot bows, lay down traps, use the enviroment, You know, be a ranger. Long bow, laughable at killing mobs, pretty decent damage, not OMG damage, but u know… its there. so lets get to it
-Long bow-not enough damage for how slow all of its skills are, I wouldnt know which has better DPS longbow or shortbow since i dont calculate it, over the duration of a few seconds maybe longbow, over the duration of a long battle, pvp, dungeons etc. shortbow.
*lacks damage, lacks speed
Sadly it used to be that was the case and yes im gonna say it, all of you are expecting it! dont tell me ur not after reading the word “Shortbow” its the animation glitch we all didnt have but told we did! that Didnt make the Shortbow… completely useless, but u know, now its like a good drop in dps. when i go around shooting things and notice their hp bar not dropping fast enough, and the thing is actually chopping my arm off, after ive wasted all my skills and endurance i realize that… MAN wtf happened to my bow? i thought i was a master at shooting these things. Im not, i mean were not.
Rangers shine the best when they shoot things from afar, but now its like, rangers cant really shine, Barely keepin our heads above the water soon to be drowning, once someone throws A net at us, were done for.
*damage not compensated for the reduction in attack speed

What should be fixed- Skills, pets, etc. (Warning. Wall of text)

in Ranger

Posted by: TeHjAcKaL.2975


-Warhorn – best thing ever, rangers do or die. what i dont get is why cant it work with a bow? its a horn, i put it on my waste tie it there or something when shooting around, and put the arrow away when i need the hand to blow the horn. Not that this is a #1 priority, just a suggestion.
*work with bows.
-Swords – Dont get me started, after reading build after build after build, complaint after complaint, reasoning after reasoning ive come to realize…
Im a warrior, in sheeps clothing. I do the best, when i have 2 swords in my hand, im stronger than i ever was with a bow, im OP. Guardians LOL come at me bro i dont need a bow to win. cuz im a freaking warrior in disguise.
-Rangers shine best with a bo…sword in hands, and a pet to tank.
What im trying to say is. Why are rangers stronger when they use swords? i thought bows were supposed to be the choice of weapon, if i wanna go warrior and have better buffs/procs/signets/hp and use swords, i woulda chose that, i like bows though.(and no this doesnt mean nerf hunter swords, it means buff bows someway or another)
*balance weapons, take 1 stat away from a weapon, give it something in return. u know.. thats how u balance things o.o i could be wrong.
balancing… hmmm get a scale, get 8 rocks, same weights or close. put 4 on each side, now when you take away 1 rock. one side becomes superior to the other because you forgot to replace the rock. pretty much.. same concept…

3. Pets. their broken.
BAM. POW. PEW PEW PEW. KABLOOWIE, ok wait a second guys i broke my pet, stand still so it can hit you once… ok lets continue! BAM. POW….
Really? pets are like 1/2 of the rangers dps, and they cant hit moving targets unless their slowed/stunned? and their abilities.. actually take time to cast? and not even casted smartly either? Some1 get a GW2 pet pic, put a troll face on it and post it here, cuz u know, they be trollin. pets have great skills, good survibality and do half the dps of hunters, i love that:> i dont like that most of the time their useless, they tend to die alot…. correction, every big fight they tend to die alot. i mean if im gonna fight a boss, and half my dps is on the front line. I WANT IT TO LIVE:< so yeah.. case in point
*Fix pets so they can attack moving targets. f2 skills autocast or something? let them survive fights or give me my full dps on my ranger. or like 4/5 dps comes from ranger 1/5 pet?

When all is said and done. And the devs, dont respond to this, but choose to go give warriors or theives or guardians a response just know.. were at the bottom of the barrel, but if they do respond Whoopie!

A response i wish a dev. hopefully dev could give us is. “There are going to be changes, for the better, not stating what and we are testing this stuff out, but please be patient, because, we really love you guys for enjoying this class, and we by no means mean to discriminate” they wont give us details, and when the patch notes come they wont give us reasoning, but at least we got a response:D
So suggestions. fix those, you’ll see like 100% more build diversity

Not that i hate the game, i love its content, how it plays, everything, i love the class design, but the balances/nerfs arent really being balanced/properly adjusted/tested, but the fights are fun, the worlds are cool, etc.
Please have some constructive feedback:>! so we dont get this thread shutdown:< (I also read the constructive feedback dev post. so i tried to follow along those guidelines. +1 for good read!

What should be fixed- Skills, pets, etc. (Warning. Wall of text)

in Ranger

Posted by: Speno.1874


Sword is a great weapon esp putting on distance on other players. The problem is the auto attack roots us in place.

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