What to do now?

What to do now?

in Ranger

Posted by: Cosmer.4126


Well… now that the patch have been release, I was wondering if there are any viable ranger build for pve, dungeons and occasionally wvw. My current build is 20/30/15/0/5 and been using traps and short bow to stack condition dmg. I been holding out spending my AC and COF tokens till after the patch incase there were major changes to the class resulting in diff gameplay. Should I buy the exotics with power/prec/crit or power/prec/cond or something else?

I know many people will recommend playing a diff character but this Ranger is my only 1 and retraining another doesn’t sound appealing to me.

Sigh. Guess the real question is whether I should stick with this ranger or make another character.

Thanks for the help.

What to do now?

in Ranger

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


Well, as it is, I was in the same boat. I kept telling myself as I was leveling my ranger that things would only get better. Then they nerf the shortbow. Then they reassure us a fix is coming. It doesn’t. Then they reassure us another fix is coming, it doesn’t again. I don’t want to be the debby downer here but I want to save you the disappointment I went through – Quit while you’re ahead, make a warrior or guardian or thief.. or well, anything, just make anything else.

I know retraining isn’t appealing, but you are gonna save yourself alot of stress later on, and be a much more productive member of the team on another class in dungeons.

If there’s one thing we have learnt today it’s that A-net cannot be taken up on their promises, there are more changes coming, but who’s to say they will be any better than what we just saw today?

They have no intentions, I might add, to fix the attack speed nerf of the shortbow, so if you’re a fan of that you may as well toss it out the window… depressing I know, I invested 30G into a corrupted shortbow for my ranger which is now a joke.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

(edited by swiftpaw.6397)

What to do now?

in Ranger

Posted by: Mardermann.7468


roll a warrior.. or if you are into pvp a thief or mesmer….

What to do now?

in Ranger

Posted by: bob.3269


Well you got three choices really .Stick with the ranger or reroll and the final choice go play something else.
Seems a certain person was not telling the truth about this class.Anyway got my first infraction which iam not bothered about since i manage to stop two of my friends from purchasing this game.Told them to come read the forums and they decided to stay with kung fu panda’s.

What to do now?

in Ranger

Posted by: Xylith.4873


What to do now? Play a different class, that’s what I’m doing. I’m not wasting any more time on a class that’s clearly not being looked after. Seriously, after the official post we got, we are then given this patch. It’s actually a bit of an insult to be honest.

Oh yea we’ll fix rangers, yea big changes coming. BOOM underwater buff. What was that? You had other problems? But look at the underwater buff!

Seriously it’s a massive joke.

What to do now?

in Ranger

Posted by: Cosmer.4126


On a side note… can the dungeon tokens be spend on other characters? If can I might re train another character and spend the tokens on exotics for him.

Means I will be behind everyone, won’t get to explore the new dungeons and areas now that I have to retrain……

What to do now?

in Ranger

Posted by: Casey.9687


i already got The Lover for my ranger, going for the legendary so i can’t really turn back now =\

What to do now?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ursan.7846


Don’t be too depressed. Rangers can be useful at dungeons, IMO.

I carry QZ and the 15 beastmastery trait for 2 sources of quickness, and the res spirit Elite. I am a rezzing beast. I can use my elite to res multiple people/people in dangerous situatoins, or I can pop quickness (a 4-s quickness on 40-s cd and a 2-s quickness on 15-s cd) and get them up on their feet very fast. In dungeons, being able to rez players is so important (i.e. when facing alpha, because if you can’t rez fast enough you are gonna eat his aoe).

Also for when there’s mobs that needs to be skipped, but have annoying immobility/cripple abilities, I always send my pet out first and then telling my party to proceed. It’s not always necessary, but it cuts down on risk of one of our party members getting snared.

I also carry LR. Between the shortbow 3 and LR, I have many dodges for me to use, and I use it to kite some of the unkillable mobs for a good long time. (ie CoF path 2 boss, or mob right before boss room)

And you do very solid single-target dps with the shortbow. It’s nothing spectacular, but since it’s ranged you don’t have to worry about positioning as much as melee classes and don’t have to worry about all that anti-melee stuff in dungeons (and there are many)

What to do now?

in Ranger

Posted by: bri.2359


I was thinking about creating a warrior alt just for leveling 2 new crafting professions, but now seriously considering doing this as a new main …

I can re-cycle my weapons over to the warrior, but what to do with all my exotic medium armour??

Lvl 80’s: Ranger; Guardian; Mesmer; Necromancer; Thief
Gandara Megaserver

What to do now?

in Ranger

Posted by: Torrentula.7410


I’m asking the same question as well. 53 lvls wasted. Gems wasted. Played 5 professions just now barely that is. Just enough to unlock all their ranged abilities. Short story is nothing is replacing my ranger. Elementalist to much work with 4 elements. Warrior bow doesn’t have that fluid feel like us rangers do. Thief is odd as well with grenades and poison believe.guardians suck at ranged. Mesmer seems to be broken in pvp and badly nerfed from what I read. Then I said hmm maybe an engineer. Their auto attack for god scales is still borked somehow.

Look at other professions and they have bugs that went unfixed. We got the shortest straw but seems everyone for the most part got jack. Its like these devs are milkem’ for an easy paycheck. Granted only 2 ppl so much you can humanly do. But seriously seems like very little effort was actually put in accross the board. That’s enough raging since I don’t have their job and see what they had to work with. We all know crap rolls downhill with bosses having a whip to our back expecting miracles for pennies. They need more staff that’s for sure.

So what now? Yeah let me know when you find out will ya? Even if they let me reroll a class with my gems back I’m at a loss. I just want this class fixed.

Faster Longbow fair rate
Fix projectiles missing target
Fix pet running Behind mob who’s closing in on us.
Spirits need health
Pets need a oid aoe
Damage increase for Bows (mainly LB) even if means lowering slightly pet damage
Rework ultilites.

How hard is it to understand bows should be our best weapon. Not a sword and torch. My auto attack shouldn’t be as powerful as spamming skills.

Anyways. I’m ready to quit entirely.

What to do now?

in Ranger

Posted by: Casey.9687


i already got The Lover for my ranger, going for the legendary so i can’t really turn back now =\

i also completed the map and everything….gah dangit anet -.- way to piss people off

What to do now?

in Ranger

Posted by: Aba.6419


Roll Ele and you see how nerfed class is really looks like.

What to do now?

in Ranger

Posted by: Reichbane.6297


Pet built. Trust me. 0/30/10/0/30