(edited by Sasajoe.1509)
When are rangers going to be fixed?
As expected, & rangers no we are not in a good state in WvW.. we r crap & as far as wvw roaming goes thieves kitten u & hard, no matter what build u have a good thief will wear you down or simply run away, you cant kill him simple as that.
(But if you wish you could delude yourself you’re in a good state when a thief laughs at your corpse in wvw next time)
Also the community doesn’t need “in denial of the truth players” & the truth is the class needs an overhauling a GRAND one.
Was simply asking if there is going to be one soon & i guess there probably isn’t goint be any.
Also do u know why gw2 is losing players every day ? You might have a hint – it’s because of poor balance.
Just go on www.twitch.tv & you are definitely NOT going to see gw2 anywhere near the top streams because apparently majority of the people have abandoned the game already.
It’s simply no fun anymore & it’s heading down from the start with every passing “patch”.
(edited by Sasajoe.1509)
Well Ottolette, I agree with you on your points but why shouldn’t we be able to win a match 1v1 vs a thief, i mean whole meaning of the word “balance” is everyone to have fair chance, at least that’s what i thought when beginning to play gw2 (from release).
Everyone should be able to counter everyone (ofc i know that’s difficult to be accomplished).
But there are some quite obvious flaws in ranger’s class as a whole – pet being almost worthless & further reducing the player’s damage, as well as most traits & skills – which developers refuse to fix from the beginning & the worst is they keep nerfing the class.
(I cannot think of the reason to do so when you see 80% of the rangers have either rerolled to another class or quit the game straight of [as 2 of my friends already])
Not to add more salt to the wound but when i see this video of a thief 1v5 winning
ofc there are people that are going to say: his opponents aren’t organised bla bla well i don’t see the need to be organised for 5 man to kill 1 guy – it’s not a huge PvE raid boss or something.
I get jealous why shouldn’t ranger be able to do such feats (or any other class for example)
If you place a ranger in the same situation everyone knows what the answer is going to be.
No other class can face 5 opponents AT THE SAME TIME and win (excluding mesmer probably) and that saddens me even more, it’s so obvious balance issue that it hurts when watching((((((((((((((((((((((.
(edited by Sasajoe.1509)
Ranger are indeed in a good place right now. Yes our pet could be a bit better. My pets are my key to killing thieves.
Rangers that don’t effectively use their pets have major issue. I rarely have issue with my pet not using their skills.
So if you cant use your pet effectively you are righting with 30% less damge. If you don’t have the skill to make up the difference that melee is superior then you are fighting at a greater disadvantage.
We do have issue in WVW both that is due to two things. One not have extensive access to abused mechinisms like stealth, retailiation and fear. While we do have access we cant abuse them like other classes. Zerging the best thing but it is the easiest. WvW is just a mob and as such really Individuals have no duty but to keep themselves alive a try to collect bags.
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
Actually, that end of the year report ANET did showed that rangers are the second most populous class in the game.
That aside, I’ll agree that something is broken, and that something is stealth. Even when I use (abuse) it on my ranger, I still feel stealth is ridiculously OP. That’s probably the main issue of most of the problems you have with thieves.
But try to work around that. Power rangers can stunlock a thief if they’re packing two wolves, and a trap ranger can just melt them for example.
I tried it all, I admit trapper is best BUT when he sees hes getting low just stealths & runs & that’s it …
I’ve been through the forums for quite a while & I’ve seen some very interesting ideas like: adding a passive stealth detection to pets (at least to some pets) in 1500 radius & when the pet is killed the ranger looses this ability to see through stealth.
This way he could have a chance vs thieves & can also be countered by getting his pet killed.
Or engineers to have a turret that detects stealth & such things.
(edited by Sasajoe.1509)
Not to add more salt to the wound but when i see this video of a thief 1v5 winning
ofc there are people that are going to say: his opponents aren’t organised bla bla well i don’t see the need to be organised for 5 man to kill 1 guy – it’s not a huge PvE raid boss or something.
I get jealous why shouldn’t ranger be able to do such feats (or any other class for example)
If you place a ranger in the same situation everyone knows what the answer is going to be.
No other class can face 5 opponents AT THE SAME TIME and win (excluding mesmer probably) and that saddens me even more, it’s so obvious balance issue that it hurts when watching((((((((((((((((((((((.
even more quality gameplay and meta mechanics right here folks!
sigh, there is so much wrong with professions and combat that goes ignore.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
I wouldn’t hold my breath for “fixes.” It’s been over a year and a half and we still have problems like Fortifying Bond that haven’t been addressed.
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
Man you are totally right … that’s kittening pathetic, it’s as if the devs themselves have abandoned this game already.
I have come the conclusion " GW2 developers are butchering their own child and feed it’s flesh to their other children" that’s how i feel when i see the “gw2’s family” attitude towards ranger.
(edited by Sasajoe.1509)
Rangers would be in a good place if the pet mechanic worked, but it doesn’t so it isn’t. Pets can’t hit anything that moves and are too slow to react to get into combat.
I would: give pets a combat closer, make them run faster, increase the leash and stop them popping out automatically when you take damage after you stow them.
I’m sorry, I can’t stop laughing because you asked for MMOs with balanced PvP get you’re considering going back to WoW lol.
That being said, ranger isn’t NEARLY as bad off as people say. It is, our utility skills (as in just about all of them) and a majority of our traits need some work sure, but we are still competitive with the absolute kitten we have ….
EDIT: to everyone saying “we haven’t had balance within a year blah blah blah don’t expect anything blah blah blah” seriously, do you guys think? If we haven’t had a big sweeping balance change that means we would be MORE likely to have one, ESPECIALLY since the next balance patch won’t be found down until like March, who knows what goodies will be waiting for us then?
Then again if it turns out to be another Aquaman patch I’ll lead the ranger community to burn down Anets HQ, just sayin, if anyone’s interested PM me lol.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
(edited by Durzlla.6295)
Thieves are capable of getting out of combat with any class, not just Rangers. I roam with a power build in WvW and most Thieves are a joke. You just have to remember that the victory is yours when they throw up that white flag; I know it’s not how people want to win but in this case it’s all you’ve got. A smart Thief that doesn’t want to die isn’t going to. That’s all there is to it.
Rangers are also capable of handling multiple enemies at once, but obviously we aren’t going to do it as well as some classes. Hell, no more than an hour ago I won a 4v1 (They had two uplevels, to be fair,) and a 3v1 (No uplevels here.) Yeah, probably not the best players but you aren’t going to win a Xv1 against anybody that’s actually at your skill level.
This class really isn’t as bad as people make it out to be, the players playing it are just bad. I target Rangers first in WvW because half the time they don’t even bother moving during combat. I literally fought another Ranger who did not move other than when I hit him with Point Blank Shot. That’s just sorry.
Yeah, pets need a lot of work. Nobody can disagree with that. In the mean time, use spiders. They’re our best pet.
Not sure why you’d expect to be able to 1v1 thieves when most classes can’t atm, but that’s how balance works. You can’t expect to be good at everything.
The clue was when he mentioned WoW. In WoW, the hunter was the the counter-rogue, mainly due to Flare, traps, and anti-stealth talents. With those tools you could prevent a rogue escaping. I miss those days too. Any seasoned WoW PvP hunter is going to find the ranger very disappointing if they expect it to be a continuation in another world. It isn’t.
In GW2, I find thieves easiest to counter as Engineer.
You can never win with a LB against a half decent thief in wvw hes just gonna melt you,
also gw2 is soooooo far from balanced pvp that my dead grand ma can even see it, no self respecting pvp oriented game has a perma stealth IN COMBAT & the video i posted previously shows why.
I know how to keep my pet alive and use it/them effectively but that is still a major problem because no other profession has to devote the time and effort on their class mechanic during a fight, often just keeping it alive.
Until that mechanic is fixed, Rangers have a legitimate complaint regardless of any and all claims of LTP!
I agree there is too much complaining on the forums but this is a valid issue and no matter how many players want things to “look” right, I just cant see the issue going away till it is fixed.
If you truly believe that pets are fine, don’t worry. If they fix it and we become overpowered, I’m pretty sure they know how to nerf us back.
I’m inclined to agree with Durzlla here. We have roles we can play. Can others do those roles better? Probably. Is it a noticeable improvement? I think the answer is subjective. Bottom line, know your class in and out. Know that Rapid fire only puts out 1.3k + 38% scaling. Also know that 1H Sword not only provides DPS, but lock down as well, for you and your opponent. Finally, don’t forget your pet. Yeah they don’t listen half the time, but they’re there and are damage/utility is factored into them.
I’m inclined to agree with Durzlla here. We have roles we can play. Can others do those roles better? Probably. Is it a noticeable improvement? I think the answer is subjective. Bottom line, know your class in and out. Know that Rapid fire only puts out 1.3k + 38% scaling. Also know that 1H Sword not only provides DPS, but lock down as well, for you and your opponent. Finally, don’t forget your pet. Yeah they don’t listen half the time, but they’re there and are damage/utility is factored into them.
Don’t be offended please but while i know my class in and out a thief that that barely knows his wtf stomps me & that’s because of the broken stealth in this game.
He is so much more rewarded playing thief while i get punished for playing ranger sorry but i don’t call this balance.
Rangers are the best class in the game when using both condition and direct damage together. They are currently inferior to necros if using only conditions and inferior to almost all other classes if using only direct damage. They also have the second highest max range dps behind grenadier engis.
Survivability wise the support ranger is one of the hardest to kill behind only the full bunker engineer. Healing wise the support ranger is one of the best behind only the symbol Guardian. Tanking wise the support ranger is second only to the Guardian.
Rangers fail at applying cc (don’t worry, elementalists are even worse at this).
Attempting to use a class in an area where it is not suited will result in it being inferior to a similar build for another class which is better suited in that area. If you want to do something the Ranger is bad at, use another class if you want to be good at it, or use the Ranger and accept that it will be suboptimal. If a class can be the best at every role when traited/skilled properly, then it will be overpowered. If all classes can be equally good when traited/skilled properly that would be the optimal result, but given how different the class mechanics are, this is impossible to actually achieve.
As far as my calcs are concerned, rangers are only optimal in 3 areas:
1. PvE – Primary conditioner with heavy direct damage as well. Outdamages any other condition class in the game, but there can be only one of these per party. If you see another full conditioner, one must leave.
2. WvW – Max range max direct damage builds. Stick your bearbows here for zerg fire support. Your role is to destroy all cannons, burning oil, arrow carts, lousy defenders, and to down as many low-hp people as possible when the zerg is running. You will be glass. Don’t even attempt to roam in this, you will die.
3. High level fractals/WvW – Max survivability/healing support build. Your role is to keep everyone else, the rams, etc alive. Your damage will suck, you’re not there for damage.
The spirit ranger build and conditioner PvE build are both viable in PvP. The other two are not.
[Shinigami, NEC, WvW Condinuke] [Rekka, ELE, Fracs] [Tora, PS WAR] [Kageoni, THI] [Hayako, ENG]
(edited by Hayashi.3416)
Top tier in PvE dungeons
Are you kidding. Rangers are frequently kicked from dung pugs without a notice. Ppl even do not bother to ask about your stuff just kick you for being a ranger. Some lfm messages explicitly mention “no rangers”.
Like the op, I enjoy to play my ranger but im mostly on my war or guard… just because these are universaly effective AND accepted.
I even tried to do an experimental ranger only run in CoE. We hopelessly wiped (and gave up) on first subject Alpha in P3 we tried as first, and the trash at the beginning took ages to do. Note that I did a gear check and the ppl were wearing exotics with ascended, save for one fresh 80 who was partly in rares, and all knew the dungeon from runs on wars and guards.
But a war only run is not considered a problem…
I’m inclined to agree with Durzlla here. We have roles we can play. Can others do those roles better? Probably. Is it a noticeable improvement? I think the answer is subjective. Bottom line, know your class in and out. Know that Rapid fire only puts out 1.3k + 38% scaling. Also know that 1H Sword not only provides DPS, but lock down as well, for you and your opponent. Finally, don’t forget your pet. Yeah they don’t listen half the time, but they’re there and are damage/utility is factored into them.
Don’t be offended please but while i know my class in and out a thief that that barely knows his wtf stomps me & that’s because of the broken stealth in this game.
He is so much more rewarded playing thief while i get punished for playing ranger sorry but i don’t call this balance.
Just wondering, are these thief occurrences in WvW from stealth? If that’s the case, I don’t think there’s much that can be done with out neutering the Thief class. Like you said, it’s mostly a problem with stealth and class design less so of a Ranger problem. As others have said, the real Ranger unique problem is the (mostly)non-functional Class mechanic we’re forced to lug around.
Actually, that end of the year report ANET did showed that rangers are the second most populous class in the game.
Yeah… because every newbie rolls a ranger first. And I have no problem to admit that I did, either.
Mind linking or sharing the profession demographics data? I’m curious as to whether they align to the “meta” or not.
I even tried to do an experimental ranger only run in CoE. We hopelessly wiped (and gave up) on first subject Alpha in P3 we tried as first, and the trash at the beginning took ages to do. Note that I did a gear check and the ppl were wearing exotics with ascended, save for one fresh 80 who was partly in rares, and all knew the dungeon from runs on wars and guards.
But a war only run is not considered a problem…
It’s doable, but you need one full support ranger as the tank, 3 max direct dps users who know how to dodge Alpha’s AoEs while using swords and one full conditioner. If you have 5 longbow max rangers the party will wipe without exception.
Duh i another example was when in wvw the other day the commander was making a profession check
- 1st he called all guardinas
- 2nd he called all warriors
- 3rd he called all elementalists
- 4th he called all necros
- 5th – mesmers – thieves
& after that he asked did i forget anyone – probably no….
jesus kittening christ I’m in T1 server & commanders aren’t even considering rangers for a valid profession, i leave the conclusions to you.
(ofc i expect some biased ppl to get to the wrong conclusions again, naturally deluded that we are “ok”.
It is as if you are handicapped in a wheelchair – there is the doctor who can make you walk again but you keep insisting "I’m totaly fine doctor, just gonna race your porsche with my wheelchair).
People need to start asking themselves other questions. Sure you may be doing well in sPvP, PvE, or even WvW. The question is are you providing anything meaningful to the group? Are you doing better than any other class out there? Are you even on the same page as other classes out there?
If your answer to any of those questions is no, the class isn’t doing well. Now we can all sit here and disagree on just how much work is left to get this class on the same page as other classes all day long, but if you are ever sitting there saying ‘well the class is alright, and only needs X’ that means the class isn’t ok and coming into threads like this pretending the class is perfect and is on the same page as Thieves, Warriors, and Guardians AT ANYTHING is a disservice to the player community.
Rangers are the best class in the game when using both condition and direct damage together. SNIP
Interesting claim. Can you please post some builds.
People need to start asking themselves other questions. Sure you may be doing well in sPvP, PvE, or even WvW. The question is are you providing anything meaningful to the group? Are you doing better than any other class out there? Are you even on the same page as other classes out there?
If your answer to any of those questions is no, the class isn’t doing well. Now we can all sit here and disagree on just how much work is left to get this class on the same page as other classes all day long, but if you are ever sitting there saying ‘well the class is alright, and only needs X’ that means the class isn’t ok and coming into threads like this pretending the class is perfect and is on the same page as Thieves, Warriors, and Guardians AT ANYTHING is a disservice to the player community.
I couldn’t have put it better myself!
It’s doable, but…
I believe it is doable even with the 5 lb builds BUT it would take ages and tons of effort. And concerning tank builds, I believe you can’t really tank in this game, since you have no aggro building skills. Correct me if Im wrong.
Again, can you please illustrate on some build links. This is not flaming, Im really interested and want to learn new things. Lets talk more specific.
Duh i another example was when in wvw the other day the commander was making a profession check
- 1st he called all guardinas
- 2nd he called all warriors
- 3rd he called all elementalists
- 4th he called all necros
- 5th – mesmers – thieves
& after that he asked did i forget anyone – probably no….
For pug dung runs, the table looks very silimar. Everyone interested go check lfm messages on dungeon finder. It is almost exclusively:
3 zerker wars, 1 guard, 1 ele/mesmer.
In general heavies are king, clothes are decent, and leather is crap.
Thieves are only really good in WvW and hotjoin PvP. Meanwhile Ranger and Engie are mostly meh.
Ranger totally rock in WvW. Yes, even outnumbered can take on 3+ at the same time and win…..
If all WvW was underwater.
Seriously though saying Ranger is good in organized WvW groups is a laugh. Sure they are ok in roaming, and small groups, but do not add anything another class cannot do better.
Tell me what top tier WvW guild runs Ranger as a necessary part of their team. Tell me what guild looks at their composition and says “Dang, we need more Rangers!”.
Point being, you are delusional if you think Rangers are in a good place in WvW. They are not. Are they playable? Sure. Then again so is player with any class that is using 0 trait skills, or a player running around naked.
Other classes don’t need a nurf (i.e. thief), and Ranger does not need a buff. This class needs an overhaul, a direction, and a total revamp of the pet mechanic.
Maybe problem is that the gw2 ranger is somehow out of the typical mmo ranger/hunter/archer archetype and the other classes not too much.
The dps classes I have seen so far were mostly close to this model:
A melee dps with high armor.
A melee glasscannon with stealth and spike close-to-oneshot/cond/cc ability.
A ranged glasscannon aoe/nuker.
A ranged glasscannon kiter and evader (pets, traps) – here go the ranger expectations and as far as I have seen, fails.
I love this kind of thread on the forums, just love it
If you actually did your research you’d realize that that rangers are in a good place at the moment. Top tier in PvE dungeons and sPvP tournaments and also good roamers in WvW.
So rangers are top tier dungeon runners?
I want to see how you run dungeons because what i’ve experienced so far, rangers are mostly the worst dungeonrunners.
Every class has a reason to be chosen in a dungeonrun but I see no point where a ranger is better than other classes.
Build and Video or it didn’t happen.
EU Elona Reach – Void Sentinels
PS: I’ve been looking for 45mins for experienced zerkers for Sorrows Embrace as a ranger.
Guess how many joined…
So if everyone think that the ranger is underpowered, the must be a reason for this.
EU Elona Reach – Void Sentinels
PS: I’ve been looking for 45mins for experienced zerkers for Sorrows Embrace as a ranger.
Guess how many joined…
So if everyone think that the ranger is underpowered, the must be a reason for this.
another one
(edited by Burnfall.9573)
Rangers are top tier in dungeons, eiths just they need to run one specific build and do it fairly well, which 95% of people dont do, thus giving rangers a bad name in top tier dungeons thus making people reject rangers out of hand because its not for the risk.
That and also there are plenty people who dont realise rangers can and are good in dungeons if played right so they continue with the previous wisdom of “no rangers”.
All that is community problems though, not really balance problems.
Gunnar’s Hold
Rangers are top tier in dungeons, eiths just they need to run one specific build and do it fairly well, which 95% of people dont do, thus giving rangers a bad name in top tier dungeons thus making people reject rangers out of hand because its not for the risk.
That and also there are plenty people who dont realise rangers can and are good in dungeons if played right so they continue with the previous wisdom of “no rangers”.
All that is community problems though, not really balance problems.
Take a look and point to me, where you see rangers in this awesome zerg party…
(so many damage, so many defenses, so many health pool, so many stability, so many aoe ‘s… so many everything; I’m sure we and our pet can handle that)
you are telling me when damage dealer master classes like warrior, guardian and thief says rangers are in bad shape and that their damage are worthless, especially their garbagge pet, are “making things up”, “don’t know what their saying” or “being delusion” or best, are lying?
Is that what i am hearing when i see LFG all zerk-no rangers…. groups?
If this is the case, i might as well let them know so they can cut us some slack and get back to reality and to start accepting us as a worthy survivable potential damage dealer class.
(edited by Burnfall.9573)
What do Rangers do better than any other class? They use environmental weapons better. Icebow, fiery axe flaming great sword dps is great on a Ranger.
In dungeon what players want is easy not skill. Mesmer are a crap class the only thing the offer is timewarp and stealth. Thieves Blind and stealth. They are great for skipping content in a real fight spend a lot of time dead. As far as Group no wanting or wanting a certain class it just shows their lack of ablility. You never need a certain class for any dungeon run if you know how to do it right. Exploiting and glitch has become the norm of dungeon which is sad. Some People who claim to be fractal experts don’t even know how to do some runs without exploiting (like the Dregde Fractal)
Ranger who have problems killing thieves are probably Condi Ranger. While some of you swear by condition a lot of thieve clear condition on stealth and ranger condition have long recharges. Even as slow as the Long bow is it offers Rapid fire which is 10k damage and can track a stealth thief barrage is great of when he sf.
Not every build or weapon set can overcome every class. Axe main had is a good power weapon yes it has condition but has up 1.5k crit x 3 how can you complain about this weapon.
As Far as WvW I have never see a group of necro fear and enemy zerg off a cliff (hills would be a good place) or a group of ele supply Gs and ice bows on defense. Rangers have great LB range. The Commanders don’t organize real tactics. They don’t utitlize the strength of any class as a unit. Yes he man call for a portal or a water field buy that in using only one person or two. I don’t see a group of mesmers acting as a decoy zerg. ( Ok they cant lot of illusion are tartget based).
The point beginning Ranger and Other classes could have more of an identity and a role outside of the zerg beside a blob with a couple gimmicks here and there. Its not the class it the current tactics being used. (I Play on Blackgate)
Rangers learn to use your stow button (yes it would be better if you could key bind it). Having your pet attack from you side make it easier to keep an eye on your pet. It also makes it easier for you to learn the timing of your pet. Those of you who complain pets never work; this will improve how you and your pet work together.
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
You have some points but id say unless pet AI is being remade (or even the whole ranger class) the situation will stay the same – namely utterly crappy useless class that nobody wants in party / zerg .
I’m inclined to agree with Durzlla here. We have roles we can play. Can others do those roles better? Probably. Is it a noticeable improvement? I think the answer is subjective. Bottom line, know your class in and out. Know that Rapid fire only puts out 1.3k + 38% scaling. Also know that 1H Sword not only provides DPS, but lock down as well, for you and your opponent. Finally, don’t forget your pet. Yeah they don’t listen half the time, but they’re there and are damage/utility is factored into them.
Don’t be offended please but while i know my class in and out a thief that that barely knows his wtf stomps me & that’s because of the broken stealth in this game.
He is so much more rewarded playing thief while i get punished for playing ranger sorry but i don’t call this balance.
You mind posting what spec you’re running.
Cause I honestly don’t have much trouble with most thieves, every now and again one will catch me off guard, but its usually from me screwing around more then anything.
Xsorus – Ranger PvP movies Creator of the BM Bunker
Not to add more salt to the wound but when i see this video of a thief 1v5 winning
ofc there are people that are going to say: his opponents aren’t organised bla bla well i don’t see the need to be organised for 5 man to kill 1 guy – it’s not a huge PvE raid boss or something.
I get jealous why shouldn’t ranger be able to do such feats (or any other class for example)
If you place a ranger in the same situation everyone knows what the answer is going to be.
No other class can face 5 opponents AT THE SAME TIME and win (excluding mesmer probably) and that saddens me even more, it’s so obvious balance issue that it hurts when watching((((((((((((((((((((((.
wow, what an absolute joke. What’s even worse is the thief player is so matter of fact describing his fights. Just another boring day at the office.
/golf clap Anet
Not to add more salt to the wound but when i see this video of a thief 1v5 winning
ofc there are people that are going to say: his opponents aren’t organised bla bla well i don’t see the need to be organised for 5 man to kill 1 guy – it’s not a huge PvE raid boss or something.
I get jealous why shouldn’t ranger be able to do such feats (or any other class for example)
If you place a ranger in the same situation everyone knows what the answer is going to be.
No other class can face 5 opponents AT THE SAME TIME and win (excluding mesmer probably) and that saddens me even more, it’s so obvious balance issue that it hurts when watching((((((((((((((((((((((.
wow, what an absolute joke. What’s even worse is the thief player is so matter of fact describing his fights. Just another boring day at the office.
/golf clap Anet
He isn’t talking while playing He overlays the narrative after filming. It’s funny when you get to his ranger comments too.
I understand the comments are overlays. All I know is if I had a video like that while playing my Ranger I would sound like someone after they won 50 million in a lottery.
One thing i had mentioned before is how i a ranger is so Ashame by majority of rangers in our forums who choose to remain in denial that our class is fine.
No wonder why our class remain at its state.
Well accept it!
One thing i cherish and admire lot about the OP thief class is how the majority believes “to the death” that their class aren’t OP; resulting their class to remain OP proof for ever.
As the saying goes, " Majority Rules "
My Prediction- the ranger class will continue to be Nerfed until we the majority UNITE.
So continue enjoy the “good position” our class is in, continue enjoy us being “kicked to the curve” by the Balance classes wherever we go; including Dungeons and Zerg Parties.
Also, Don’t Even Suggest Anything to Arena.net concerning our class status because, well, our class “is fine”.
What a SHAME
(This alone is enough for me to “jump ship” to The United Resistance Thief Class)
During the meantime, let us The Majority pretend this Never happened
Let us The Majority also pretend This Was Never Said, "Yes, we care about the forums. We also care about all the classes equally "
“ United you will be more than a match for your enemies. But if you quarrel and separate, your weakness will put you at the mercy of those who attack you ”
“ Where there is power, there is resistance ”
(edited by Burnfall.9573)
It’s doable, but…
I believe it is doable even with the 5 lb builds BUT it would take ages and tons of effort. And concerning tank builds, I believe you can’t really tank in this game, since you have no aggro building skills. Correct me if Im wrong.
Again, can you please illustrate on some build links. This is not flaming, Im really interested and want to learn new things. Lets talk more specific.
You know, the build is in my signature…
And the ‘List your build’ threads has the damage breakdown.
I simply don’t understand why thieves get everything for free – very good damage, very high mobility & TONS of stealth – so basically everything a pvp player needs & ranger get nothing ?
This balancing drives me insane, in a balanced game everyone should have equal chances.
& dont tell me thieves suck in zergs cuz rangers suck in zergs too.
The cost for defense for most classes is at the expense of offense. If A ranger goes pure zerker he can do nice damage, but, when he gets hit, he gets hit hard. Damage mitigation is nil.
Thief? Can build full zerker or almost full zerker. Stealth allows him to pretty much give him 100% damage taken mitigation.
How many times have you been in WvW on any class that you have built for full defense. A Thief comes by and gives you a few shots. Realizes that you have high toughness/HPs so disengages by stealthing and looks for a softer target. He doesn’t have to pay for being glass like other classes do.
Zerg zerk LB rangers have the same utility as zerg zerk rifle engis. LB zerk rangers, however, are completely useless in a roaming context as >90% hp and >900 range are impossible to maintain in that context.
Thieves are almost useless in dungeons as their AoE is basically no damage, they’re glass as hell, mobs AoE a lot which hits them in stealth. Single target damage doesn’t save it from oblivion in a dungeon, and everything worth blinding in a dungeon also happens to be Defiant. Aside from utility proccing on Shadow Refuge they do nothing that another role (usually the warrior, because of how similar the two are) cannot do better.
Thieves are also useless in zergs.
They are overpowered to a ridiculous extent in WvW roaming, and to a lesser extent in sPvP. The main problem in all of this is how badly the thieves suck without stealth, and how overpowered stealth is – it shoehorns the class into an extremely narrow role, where it is broken in that role giving the impression they’re broken everywhere. Play one without stealth, you’ll see what I mean.
On an overall standpoint if players were of equal skill thieves should be kicked from dungeon parties before rangers. The main problem here is that most rangers are so bad that the weakness of the class is no longer the deciding factor for the kick. And of course that most of the kickers’ understanding of the game is so bad that it wouldn’t matter anyway.
Max dps isn’t even always the berserker gear set. The max dps build for elementalists is Celestial. The max dps build for thieves, warriors and probably engineers is berserker. The max dps build for rangers is rampager and carrion. The max dps build for necros is dire. The max dps build for mesmers is assassin.
Damage multipliers, number of conditions you can proc and number of stacks per condition (particularly bleed), traits that increase damage under certain conditions – these change the max damage roles of every single class drastically. The moment you see ‘berserkers only’ you can ignore that dungeon party because its members basically have no idea how the calculations even work. It is of no use to stack 3400 power if your multiplier is 0.6. And it is of no use to stack 1800 condition damage if you can only stack 3 conditions, of which your bleed can’t go beyond a 5th stack.
I see guardians with high stacked boon duration running symbol builds oblivious that their boon durations are being rounded down because symbols generally proc 1-2 seconds per activation. I see people running high condition duration builds on already-perm burn builds. I see people putting 800-1000 condition damage to have it hopelessly overwritten to zero damage by people with over 1500. I see people trying to create critical damage% builds using celestial without using any of the other celestial stats at all… and being hopelessly underpowered relative to berserker. I see assassin users with 100% critrate, wasting it in parties where fury can be provided without much difficulty. I see berserker warriors taking elementalists’ lightning hammers because they have no idea how the elementalist builds even function. I see people using the Fiery Greatsword without turning off Autotarget. And I see people trying on this forum to use a very low multiplier weapon whose range requirement puts them out of the might buffer’s effective range.
It’s depressing to theorycrafters to see people in the meta stumbling all over the place, then blaming other dungeon members for the uselessness of their builds, and seeing people insist on using very good classes in their weakest possible ways just because most people from other classes play in that particular way.
[Shinigami, NEC, WvW Condinuke] [Rekka, ELE, Fracs] [Tora, PS WAR] [Kageoni, THI] [Hayako, ENG]
(edited by Hayashi.3416)