When is Entangle going to start scaling off Con. Dam.?

When is Entangle going to start scaling off Con. Dam.?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tulki.1458


This elite skill still doesn’t actually benefit from condition damage at all. It always inflicts base bleeding damage, making it pretty worthless for rangers that build condition damage…

When is Entangle going to start scaling off Con. Dam.?

in Ranger

Posted by: Indoles.1467


Does it matter? Any decent player won’t let you entangle them for more than 2 seconds. I guess for PvE it can help, but it doesn’t even work in dungeons, so…

Not saying I disagree with your point, it should scale (assuming it doesn’t, never tested that myself).

When is Entangle going to start scaling off Con. Dam.?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tulki.1458


Lol. Of course it matters. 20 stacks of bleeding over the duration and not a single one is scaling with condition damage? That’s a pretty huge deal, on the order of thousands of damage.

When is Entangle going to start scaling off Con. Dam.?

in Ranger

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


It doesn’t scale with Cond Damage, and not all classes have a reliable way to get out of it, especially when ranged attacks can be bugged out and make it unable to damage the vines. Also, in WvW in a medium zerg of 20-30, people tab target a lot, and many times they tab target the roots and start spamming all their skills, leaving the defenders with more than enough time to finish them off.

Say hi to the group of 30 IoJ invaders against 7-8 from SBI that were counter-trebbing Overlook from the Anzalias hill :P

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

When is Entangle going to start scaling off Con. Dam.?

in Ranger

Posted by: Electro.4173


It can start using condition damage when it gets unbugged and stops screwing ranged attackers.

When is Entangle going to start scaling off Con. Dam.?

in Ranger

Posted by: Leviatana.8107


I think the reason is that it’s meant as a aoe cc for a few seconds and if that added a bleed that increased on condition damage that could be overpowered in some eyes. Towards me this rather feels like a balancing thing rather then a bug that is involved in the elite skill. The reason it doesn’t cc longer then a few seconds in PvP is probably in someway a diminishing return.

When is Entangle going to start scaling off Con. Dam.?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tulki.1458


I think the reason is that it’s meant as a aoe cc for a few seconds and if that added a bleed that increased on condition damage that could be overpowered in some eyes. Towards me this rather feels like a balancing thing rather then a bug that is involved in the elite skill. The reason it doesn’t cc longer then a few seconds in PvP is probably in someway a diminishing return.

It’s not intended. The tooltip scales with condition damage. The real effect does not.

When is Entangle going to start scaling off Con. Dam.?

in Ranger

Posted by: Leviatana.8107


I think the reason is that it’s meant as a aoe cc for a few seconds and if that added a bleed that increased on condition damage that could be overpowered in some eyes. Towards me this rather feels like a balancing thing rather then a bug that is involved in the elite skill. The reason it doesn’t cc longer then a few seconds in PvP is probably in someway a diminishing return.

It’s not intended. The tooltip scales with condition damage. The real effect does not.

Guess that’s why the damage felt static to me and never really looked at it again. I mostly use it as a temporary crowd control rather then it’s effect the low bleed ticks which never really made a difference in my eyes though I didn’t understand why the 20 bleeds weren’t put on directly since that’s what I assume when I read the effects of the skill and that would make sense to me for a elite skill.

When is Entangle going to start scaling off Con. Dam.?

in Ranger

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


I haven’t even bought this skill, because it seemed pretty laughable to have a single-target root as an elite skill. Does it hit multiple targets? Also, does it hit MOVING targets? Our regular root skill doesn’t stick if the mob is moving…which makes it pretty useless.

Based on this thread, it sounds kind of like the only thing that makes it remotely useful is some bugs with the game that people are exploiting. I’ll probably never buy it.

When is Entangle going to start scaling off Con. Dam.?

in Ranger

Posted by: Leviatana.8107


I haven’t even bought this skill, because it seemed pretty laughable to have a single-target root as an elite skill. Does it hit multiple targets? Also, does it hit MOVING targets? Our regular root skill doesn’t stick if the mob is moving…which makes it pretty useless.

Based on this thread, it sounds kind of like the only thing that makes it remotely useful is some bugs with the game that people are exploiting. I’ll probably never buy it.

It’s an aoe root with aoe bleed that puts those vines along them like the sylvari single target root. Yes, it hits targets that move and targets that stands still but it does put you on the spot while casting it.

(edited by Leviatana.8107)

When is Entangle going to start scaling off Con. Dam.?

in Ranger

Posted by: khadorian.6417


“I’m assuming this question is geared towards a PVE standpoint because the fact that anyone can shadowstep, mist, and stealth out of it/use certain evasion skills to get free will forever make this a joke in pvp. Most rangers would take RaO/SoN anyday.”

I think you are joke at pvp if u cant understand the power of this skill.

1*Making them burn their cc break on this is well worth it.
2* their cc break may not be up., not everyone is a thief, not everyone play with cc break since they are tough enough to last vs normal cc.

3* The fact u need to kill the root or be stuck makes it better than dare i say any other cc skill FOR WvW,

Even the moa bird cant stand up to this in power, since you can run,dodge and get away while u are transformed.

Now fix the damage on it..

<a href="http://tinyurl.com/bmj3ann">My WvW Necro power build</a>

When is Entangle going to start scaling off Con. Dam.?

in Ranger

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


Leviatana, Uh no, you can move while you cast it.. /: It’s a five-target AoE root and roots anything and everything within that limit.

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

When is Entangle going to start scaling off Con. Dam.?

in Ranger

Posted by: Leviatana.8107


@Samfisher.7942 The second “but” was meant to be “put”. Thanks for clearing it up though didn’t realize i made a typo xD

The skill is useful for control but I find it a hard trade-off in PvP I like the use Rampage as One as well due to the 20 second stability it adds. Not being on my butt for 20 seconds can be just as devastating in a battle as a well placed Entangle.

Entangle to me is more useful in a group fight rather then solo battles while the Rampage as One comes into play when I solo a bit more.

When is Entangle going to start scaling off Con. Dam.?

in Ranger

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


@Samfisher.7942 The second “but” was meant to be “put”. Thanks for clearing it up though didn’t realize i made a typo xD

The skill is useful for control but I find it a hard trade-off in PvP I like the use Rampage as One as well due to the 20 second stability it adds. Not being on my butt for 20 seconds can be just as devastating in a battle as a well placed Entangle.

Entangle to me is more useful in a group fight rather then solo battles while the Rampage as One comes into play when I solo a bit more.

I use Signet of the Wild with the passive trait for stability. Signet of Stone + Signet of the Wild + Entangle = pwnage

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

When is Entangle going to start scaling off Con. Dam.?

in Ranger

Posted by: nldixon.8514


It’s also bugged and will frequently root people for the full duration who don’t have an immobilize break. This is because the roots will be “behind” the player and you can’t turn while immobilized, meaning they’re unable to be attacked except by AoE.

When is Entangle going to start scaling off Con. Dam.?

in Ranger

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


Any build can work in WvW / 8v8 because nothing there is skill-oriented.

Unless you’re roaming in a small group

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

When is Entangle going to start scaling off Con. Dam.?

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


“I’m assuming this question is geared towards a PVE standpoint because the fact that anyone can shadowstep, mist, and stealth out of it/use certain evasion skills to get free will forever make this a joke in pvp. Most rangers would take RaO/SoN anyday.”

I think you are joke at pvp if u cant understand the power of this skill.

1*Making them burn their cc break on this is well worth it.
2* their cc break may not be up., not everyone is a thief, not everyone play with cc break since they are tough enough to last vs normal cc.

3* The fact u need to kill the root or be stuck makes it better than dare i say any other cc skill FOR WvW,

Even the moa bird cant stand up to this in power, since you can run,dodge and get away while u are transformed.

Now fix the damage on it..

My mistake, I forgot to change “PVP” to “5v5 sPvP”

Any build can work in WvW / 8v8 because nothing there is skill-oriented.

Um… your post doesn’t really do anything about what he said except the 3rd point… Entangle is VERY powerful in group fights in tPvP, i personally use SoN due to my build (support) but my friend runs entangle (and i did for a while as well) and it turned the course of fights quite often, plus since it’s an immobilize and immobilizes are stupid and you can’t turn during them you can just stand behind the poor kitten and just beat on them and they can’t do anything to stop you until they break free…

PS: I learned yesterday that if someone CC breaks out of the roots and some other poor kitten walks into them as they pulse the immob that poor kitten gets stuck in the roots until they’re destroyed or they use a CC break to get out.

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