Where is Justice, Liberty, for Ranger class?
WvW: Excellent roamers (both zerker and bunker/BM), and well.. in zergs everyone has a spot… Even in zergs AoE can be great with piercing arrows.
So keep on cryin’
roaming you are right, but not for zerker..rly no one fears a bersi zerker
and for zerg, sorry you call this aoe? Oo
proof no one want rangers, we neec change. lol
the pet, the bow, the signet..i even dont want you in my group
Sums up the whole thread and “issue”
Anyway im not the best but no one have a problem with me been in a group and always say compliments or whatever.
Then why do you join the bads that know only to cry on forum?
The class is awesome when played correctly. End of story. Sure there might be some things that need some work, but that goes for all classes.So much of this…. Personally I think the AI, overall, is kitten, it needs a total rework I don’t care how hard that makes PvE content it can use a difficulty increase if you ask me…
Other than that and our boring kitten utilities though I can’t think of much else we really -need-, shouts need a rework, and signet of the beast master should be made baseline (oh look, like everyone else…) but we are VERY competitive in PvP (I should know that’s where I spend most my time…)
We’re only competitive in pvp with a Spirit build. Although we could still be easily replaced by an engi.
So no, we’re not so competitive.Lets see…
PvE side: Rangers can be very helpfull in everything if they know how to play even top lvl fracts.PvP: Spirit rangers are awesome for tpvp, and normal spvp.
WvW: Excellent roamers (both zerker and bunker/BM), and well.. in zergs everyone has a spot… Even in zergs AoE can be great with piercing arrows.
So keep on cryin’
I encourage you to post this in the thief, warrior, guardian, mesmers forums and return here with confirmation that " we rangers are in the right spot" with them.
Also don’t forget to tell them how “Excellent” we are and how “Helpful” we are, even when we are 3 shotted dead by thieves.
During the meantime, we rangers will continue to fight for our survival and for our acceptance…. the best we can.
“ Denial does not solve the problem. Denial does not make the problem go away. Denial does not give us peace of mind, which is what we are really seeking when we engage in it. Denial is a liar. It compounds the problem, because it keeps us from seeing a solution, and taking action to resolve it ”.
Every good player who knows how to play his classes and has a basic game knowledge knows that every class can be good at anything when played/traited the right way depending what you doing (PvE/WvW/sPvP/tPvP)
Yes 95% of the rangers are terrible, because the class is not for brain dead people like warrior/guard.
Proof? : You can stay here all day and cry about how thieves three shot you, or you can swap some armour/traits and kill the thief.
proof no one want rangers, we neec change. lol
the pet, the bow, the signet..i even dont want you in my group
Sums up the whole thread and “issue”
Anyway im not the best but no one have a problem with me been in a group and always say compliments or whatever.
Then why do you join the bads that know only to cry on forum?
The class is awesome when played correctly. End of story. Sure there might be some things that need some work, but that goes for all classes.So much of this…. Personally I think the AI, overall, is kitten, it needs a total rework I don’t care how hard that makes PvE content it can use a difficulty increase if you ask me…
Other than that and our boring kitten utilities though I can’t think of much else we really -need-, shouts need a rework, and signet of the beast master should be made baseline (oh look, like everyone else…) but we are VERY competitive in PvP (I should know that’s where I spend most my time…)
We’re only competitive in pvp with a Spirit build. Although we could still be easily replaced by an engi.
So no, we’re not so competitive.Lets see…
PvE side: Rangers can be very helpfull in everything if they know how to play even top lvl fracts.PvP: Spirit rangers are awesome for tpvp, and normal spvp.
WvW: Excellent roamers (both zerker and bunker/BM), and well.. in zergs everyone has a spot… Even in zergs AoE can be great with piercing arrows.
So keep on cryin’
I encourage you to post this in the thief, warrior, guardian, mesmers forums and return here with confirmation that " we rangers are in the right spot" with them.
Also don’t forget to tell them how “Excellent” we are and how “Helpful” we are, even when we are 3 shotted dead by thieves.
During the meantime, we rangers will continue to fight for our survival and for our acceptance…. the best we can.
“ Denial does not solve the problem. Denial does not make the problem go away. Denial does not give us peace of mind, which is what we are really seeking when we engage in it. Denial is a liar. It compounds the problem, because it keeps us from seeing a solution, and taking action to resolve it ”.
Every good player who knows how to play his classes and has a basic game knowledge knows that every class can be good at anything when played/traited the right way depending what you doing (PvE/WvW/sPvP/tPvP)
Yes 95% of the rangers are terrible, because the class is not for brain dead people like warrior/guard.
Proof? : You can stay here all day and cry about how thieves three shot you, or you can swap some armour/traits and kill the thief.
Yea, all the problems of this class are a figment of our imagination. The ENTIRE WvW community is wrong. It’s all a player skill problem! ::rollseyes::
WvW: Excellent roamers (both zerker and bunker/BM), and well.. in zergs everyone has a spot… Even in zergs AoE can be great with piercing arrows.
So keep on cryin’
roaming you are right, but not for zerker..rly no one fears a bersi zerker
and for zerg, sorry you call this aoe? Oo
I roam as a zerker ranger and I have no problem killing a good 90% of the players I encounter. From this 90%, a good 40% dies either in 5 seconds or while trying to escape the fight. The rest 10% usually giving me a good fight with the winner remaining with 1-3k health.
As for the zerg, well I hate zergs in any game so I don’t even bother following one. But as I said no matter how bad you are you do have a spot in them. The system does not require you to be in a group/raid to get rewards like in many games. So what people are gonna do about it? Tell you to stop following them? Like seriously who cares if he’s good or bad in zergs especially in a game-system like this one…