Which PvE build with my favourite weapons.

Which PvE build with my favourite weapons.

in Ranger

Posted by: nxk.1932


Hello guys,
I need some advices from you for my PvE build on my lovely ranger :).

I using now clasic bersekers build on PvE (fractals, dungeons, living and sometimes WvW but on WvW I will want PVT build in future) with power/prec. and crit. I have 3 ascended trinkets and 3 normal with berserkers stats. I have 30/25/0/15/0 in my traits (It is good in combination with toughnes signet or i will do retrait this 15 points to wildnes survival and instead +healing and share bonuses with pet + 50% endurance and faster coldown on offhand skills for warhorn/axe) and I DONT KNOW what weapons I will use.

Now I deciding between LB/sword+warhorn and LB/sword+axe(dagger???). But I love DPS from sword and awayding. I love LB with range bonuses and piercing bonus from traits. I love 5 skill on offhand axe in some situations and I love buffs from warhorn… Please advise me which combination :/. I wanted use PVT build from WvW (30/20/20/0/0 with PVT rings and vitality instead crit on armor) but I heard that this build is on ranger in PvE bad.

+ Please which food for this sort of builds? I using food with 70 vitality and healing and food which take me some healing from criticals (66%) or +100power and 10% crit dmg

Thank you very much for any advices and I apologize for my bad english.

Which PvE build with my favourite weapons.

in Ranger

Posted by: Himei.5379


Axe offhand in PvE is great. Path of Scars is our #1 Burst but suffers in WvW since 2nd hit wont hit over 50% of the time because players dodge/move versus a stationary AI. Whirling Defense isnt great in WvW also since you still take damage, so in a zerg, the damage you take will down you and you can only hope that the damage it did along with its retaliation damage downs and kills someone allowing you to rally.

Your build is typical meta but honestly, in WvW, no one will be afraid of you if you use PVT. If you are going for PVT gear, even glass cannons will shrug you off since your damage is a wet noodle. The longbow is a terrible weapon in WvW if you dont have a decent amount of crit chance and Crit damage. In small skirmishes like 5v5, you will be ignored 70% of time or be the first one focused. No matter the toughness, if you get focused, you WILL die since you have LB traits. I think its important to have Signet of the Beastmaster trait in Grandmaster if you go 30 Marksmanship for Signet of Stone Active and WS VI Trait for 20% CD on Lightning Reflexes/QZ avoid Burst and stun.

I prefer Cavalier trinkets. Doing simple build calc on IntoTheMist, full Zerk gear with Scholar Runes + 1 Ruby with Cavalier Trinkets Earrings and Rings + Zerk Amulet and Backpack + Zerk Longbow with Sigil of Accuracy along with your 30/25/15 traits :

Health 15082
Armor 2698 (with Signet of Stone) 2518 without Signet
Attack 3404 Power 2324
Critical Hit 44% Critical Damage 103%
Condition Duration 30%

No food/oils/stones were used. This will allow you to use the power of your longbow from max range and do good damage and enough armor to survive that burst of a thief’s Backstab and lets you go melee also.

This build can also go into PvE without having to swap traits and gear.

As for food, do whatever is best for situation. If in a huge zerg, -condition duration is best or vit, in small fights, +power/crit, etc.

*Oops I read your traits wrong (Its 30/25/0/15, not 30/25/15/0).
Health 16582
Armor 2368 without and 2548 with Signet

Nothing else is different.

(edited by Himei.5379)

Which PvE build with my favourite weapons.

in Ranger

Posted by: nxk.1932


Thanks for yours opinions and thank you very much for tip with Beastmaster trait because health treshold 50% in pet is very often. But I dont know if is better 15 points in wildnes survival (I think that this trait bonus to coldown -20% is good and more dodge.. but without regenerate and share bonus with pet) or in nature magic. And in melee… I dieng often. Iam trying to use dodge with sword with combinate axe/warhorn. I still dont know what is better in offhand .. axe or this warhorn…

Which PvE build with my favourite weapons.

in Ranger

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198



1. Love it for RAO. You use the hunter’s call and get your pet to 25 might stacks very very quickly with 15 in nature.
2. Blast finisher is important if using healing spring (more blasting equals more heals).
3. Hunter’s Call will give your pet 2 might stacks and fury. Not bad increase to damage.
4. long cooldowns.

1. Best burst skill but doesn’t increase damage of all skills like horn can.
2. Pull can be great as an interrupt in PvE. In WvW it depends on the situation and likelihood the opponent is locked down and not dodging YOUR attack. Tends to be great damage when one of my group mates is also targeting the enemy.
3. Whirling ability is also good for healing and combos.

1. The key ability I find is its long range cripple and poison.
2. You don’t have other sources of poison with LB and Sword.
3. The evade is nice but you seem to have enough defense and need more damage.
4. Speedy cooldowns.

Which PvE build with my favourite weapons.

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Skill 3 on the sword poisons.