Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
Fun little video I did of me trying to get Axe/Axe Glass Cannon to work..
As you can see, It did not work so well for me rofl.
Using axes for GC ranger is like wanting to burst people down with a shortbow thief. Axes simply aren’t the best tools for burst dps.
Using a ranger for bursting people down is like fighting vets naked.
Yea, I could record a video of me running around with the Zerg with Longbow/Shortbow..I can get a crap ton of kills doing that (the damage is actually fairly decent) the video in my opinion though would be incredibly boring to watch.
This video was more for my entertainment of trying to get Axe/Axe GC to work, It failed horribly, Axe/Axe might work with Knights gear better…However from what I can tell, on GC, the damage wasn’t even there on that setup..
Path of Scars hits hard, but its got to hit first….and a lot of times it simply doesn’t.
Using axes for GC ranger is like wanting to burst people down with a shortbow thief. Axes simply aren’t the best tools for burst dps.
Bad comparison as Thief Short bow can bust down very well. Granted not as OP as D/D BS but if use SB well it is effective at close range.
Granted not as OP as D/D BS
The point.
Why use it for a particular task when you have better tools for it?
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