Why We Love Our Rangers! :D

Why We Love Our Rangers! :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Momo.6972


I love my Ranger. Beserker/Scholar Ranger
My Ranger Can DPS down any distanced target with my longbow quite quickly.
^due to this following zergs you can lend a Giant hand to allies as well as small hitman groups that you can create.
I can jump Super long distances with my Great sword though not as far a a warrior it is still a nice escape.
I Enjoy the Easy<—-SUPERIOR leveling ability compared to other classes at all levels.
Low dieing rates high farming rates with pets such as polar bear and short bow combo…
^boring grind as usual but a 5 year old could do it
High Ability to Farm and Grab points in PvE due to the targeting of your pet/moves that make them attack pet.
The Ability to run through PvE with complete ease making farming items easy.
Dungeons are hard but maybe they are suggesting Spirit builds in dungeons to increase all dmg of all Heros in party. Might run 30 vitil/30 power/ 10 percision build for spirits in dungeons and use beserker scholar still.
I see lots of chances in which we are capable of damage outside of SPvP.
In SPvP i think we have to hold our breathe because i think we have a strong power presence in a more so ZERGING team where as a team that splits up and moves solo become weaker because we cannot sustain long enough to grant ourselves the kills which may be our fault.
But as I said I LOVE MY Ranger!
I use 30 power 30 prec 10 vitil pure beserker armor and build aka slots and then a awesome scholar set to DPS down any target that gets into my range.
I know I am not super pro so I cannot set the standard for what needs changes! anyways and unless you are we really cannot say much! soo GET DOWN AND GRROOOOVY WITH YOUR AMAZING RANGER! have you said I love you to your ranger today! i have! If your interested in hanging out in WvW with other rangers to running SPvP i am down! we can do a 5 man ranger team if u want We can try the Zerging send me a Add and i will happily help you in any way i can! <3 love out to all!
Momo Jojo On bLack Gate Server! GAME ON!

Why We Love Our Rangers! :D

in Ranger

Posted by: rubmywontons.3972


Running a VERY similar build to you, and I absolutely love my ranger!

’cept the pet AI which is kitten as heck.

Why We Love Our Rangers! :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Momo.6972


Thanks! I would love to see your build!
Mine doesn’t use shouts or signets except i use signet of speed in WvW and somtimes PvE to get around faster for faster map completion!

Why We Love Our Rangers! :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Zox.5964


A side note, your not Momo from “The Fairy Tail Guild” in game are you?

Why We Love Our Rangers! :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Momo.6972


No I am Momo Jojo from Phantasmal Chaos

Why We Love Our Rangers! :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Volundarhus.7815


I’m still new to the game, though I like switching weapons constantly, jumping in and out of the fight with a Greatsword and Longbow.

Longbow *Bam! get the kitten outta here (swap)
Greatsword *CawCaw! Get the kitten back!

I have yet to try out the pvp, but the PvE has been a lot of fun. I just want to explore the Map right now, so I figure I might as well tame all the Beasts while doing so.

As a new player this game hasn’t felt like an MMO at all, which is fantastic, no down time after fights, jumping puzzles & having to tame a bunch of pets from different regions also takes that feel away. Going to go look for a plant dog tonight or a shark or something.
Very glad I don’t have to stable, or only have one permanent pet option at a time.

Why do I love my Ranger? Very versatile gameplay, and ease of use while drunk.

Dragonbrand – Dumaresq
Loch Ness Monster (nnnf)

Why We Love Our Rangers! :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Jay.3284


I wonder what the average level would be in this thread…

Dungeon Master 8/8 | Fractal 50
80Rng – 80Wa – 80Thief – 80Grd – 80Ele – 80Engi – 80Necro

Why We Love Our Rangers! :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Volundarhus.7815


Yeah, heavens forbid new players actually enjoy this profession?

Dragonbrand – Dumaresq
Loch Ness Monster (nnnf)

Why We Love Our Rangers! :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Deleven.7508


- i like my moa, named lawn moa
– we are likely to get pets with each expansion, like how we just got the reef drake
– we will always ( or at least for a long time) be the underdogs, which makes winning as a ranger much more fun and rewarding (if you win) and gives a great excuse when you lose.
– great at soloing in pve
– i’m an asura ranger, so all of my animations are amazing
– traps

my ranger is lvl 80, but i haven’t worked much on my armour set

Why We Love Our Rangers! :D

in Ranger

Posted by: YumCHA.8706


I don’t love my ranger. However I have fun using it.

If only and only then can they fix this profession to what it trully deserves, shall I start a relationship with my Ranger.

Rangetastic, 80 Ranger | Archers United [ARC]
Sea of Sorrows

Why We Love Our Rangers! :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Nimmi.1650


Not just new players! Even in its current not-so-great shape, this is still my favorite class since the betas. : ) I have a 80 warrior and near 80 thief, but they don’t surpass the joy I have from playing my ranger. ^^ I still hope Anet fixes us one day though, it’d be great to love the ranger more. I do miss the days when we did a fair amount of damage. xD

My ranger is fully geared in exotics at 80. :D

(edited by Nimmi.1650)

Why We Love Our Rangers! :D

in Ranger

Posted by: CENSOR.6081


Not just new players! Even in its current not-so-great shape, this is still my favorite class. : ) I have an 80 warrior and near 80 thief, but they don’t surpass the joy I have from playing my ranger. ^^ I still hope Anet fixes us one day though, it’d be great to love my ranger more. xD

My ranger is fully geared minus any ascended gear at 80.


Why We Love Our Rangers! :D

in Ranger

Posted by: skittlebob.4850


I use Beastmaster build with two birds, black and white. With the bird’s swooping attack plus 30 in BM, aong with natural healing and signet of the wild…. my little birdies rain destruction down on literally all mobs.

Now if they can give the pets some sort of compensation for AI…maybe the ability to dodge…BM wil be AWESOME

Why We Love Our Rangers! :D

in Ranger

Posted by: Nimmi.1650


@CENSOR - I didn’t say we were great, I just said I like my Ranger. I know very well how bad this class can be in PVP and in comparison to other classes.