Why condition ranger is a subpar roamer.
I’ll address some of these points:
Low Mobility
Yep, sad but true. There are some tricks to this such as leveraging your pet, muddy terrain (your build didn’t take that though), etc. … but things like Warriors, Thieves, Eles, etc. are simply far too mobile compared to most of us “mere mortals”. This issue is far from unique to condition ranger.
I’m not sure how you included Mesmer in the extreme mobility department unless you think portal, phase retreat, and blink count … and that’s an investment in itself that still pales in comparison to Warrior, Thief, etc.
Can’t stomp safely
We actually also have access to stability via Signet of the Wild which gives us 8s of Stability.
Since you had a torch as an off-hand, you can also drop a bonfire on a down opponent.
The biggest challenge in 1vX is really when you down the glassy character but the tanky partner just face-tanks you while he finishes rezzing his partner. That can be infuriating … but, again, this is not unique to condition ranger.
No interrupts
This is one of the arguments made by other condition rangers for taking Shortbow as one of your weapon sets. It is also why you see multiple canine pets instead of one canine and one feline.
A lack of interrupts is also not unique to Condition Ranger … though we are doing better than many as far as the plethora of options available to us.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
(edited by Sebrent.3625)
Hmm, I don’t know so I’ll let the more experienced rangers address. As a solo roamer though, or even in duo or full party of 5 / havoc, I do see some of the issues you noted. But I found ways to mitigate it because it also happens with my Guardian I’m probably more of a condi build I guess since I run trap runes. Main weapons are usually axe/torch and short bow. I’ll sometimes swap to long bow if I’m with other people.
Trap runes seem to do ok with speed but I’ll start to see issues if i’m running two vs. three traps. I don’t want to swap weapons to get that speed burst so trap runes have to do it. There are other ways such as moa features or food, but I have found more often than not trap runes do it for me. If I see an issue then I’ll bust out my remaining speed boosts to get me through.
Finish move. I have found tricks such as LB 3, tossing a trap, or even hiding behind my pet will let me finish the downed player. So timing with action will let me finish. Otherwise I let my pet finish or do it from range.
This is, of course, coming from a WvW perspective. PvE it is all zerker and I don’t really care much since it is all pew pew and what not. If I am running my power / zerk build in WvW it is yet another story. If I can’t finish the player I run away
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
Rangers lack when it comes to gap closers. We have it pretty decent when it comes to keeping the distance from a foe, but closing in on them is another story.
Mobility for condition builds suffer even more because of what ppl normally use when it comes to runes and utilities.
I guess you could ditch the krait runes, ofc with a major loss to condition damage, and go for traveler runes or pack runes, just to get that mobility up.
I absolutely can’t stand running around without some form of speed increase. If nothing else I’ll take Signet of the Hunt.
Roaming condi rangers playing your traits disterbution can either use nature’s voice over sotf or traveler over krait rune , if u dont want SOTH.
SOTW for stomp and aoe condi spam instad of revive interupt.
I do agree that trapper rune builds outshine classic condi builds for roamers atm.
LB+trapper is scary good in hybrid builds – new roaming meta.
Guys you all have to forget about ranger.
It’ s totally broken and It has too many limits compared to other classes.
My suggestion : Do not play ranger…Ranger class has no future.
A retired ranger with 3000+h spent on ranger ( and i regret when i choosed ranger )
Guys you all have to forget about ranger.
It’ s totally broken and It has too many limits compared to other classes.My suggestion : Do not play ranger…Ranger class has no future.
RegardsA retired ranger with 3000+h spent on ranger ( and i regret when i choosed ranger )
Really? You wouldn’t know it by all the ranger is easy mode, no skill, and rapid fire is over powered threads we see daily…
But honestly, the ranger isn’t broke, busted, or anything else. It is actually in a good state. In fact, I’d say it is probably on par with the Guardian in regards to overall balance across all meta’s of play. Sure, you don’t see them in the tournaments but that is a issue of that format of play. Not design or balance. Tournaments form comps that will win or counter comps that will win. It is the same in other games so not unique to gw2.
Roaming on a conditional ranger is pretty good in my opinion but I am also coming from a Guardian. I find I can live longer on the ranger and actually reset the fight if I need to. If I know I can’t win, then usually I can make them waste their time by chasing me across the map.
With my build I’m sitting pretty comfy with 2900 or so armor, over 1400 condition damage, reasonable crit and crit damage, while having mobility of trapper runes. Mix in sigil of incapacitation, some food, and I’m doing well. But that is just my opinion.
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
When I play condi I either run shout regen with krait, or I swap to my set of armor with traveler runes and run SotF. On the SotF build I use the raven blind for safe stomp, on my shout build I pop SotW.
Between lightning reflexes and the sword leaps I have very little trouble escaping groups, but chasing someone down can be a pain in the kitten . Usually I just spam laugh them instead and hope I kitten them off enough to come back.
I do find power is a little better for 1vX fights and it’s faster for flipping camps.
One thing you might want to consider is running a trapper build. Gives you decent chase potential, great escape, easy safe stomp, and good mobility. I personally went hybrid with mine but you can easily go full condi http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fNAQNAV8YjEq0ya7KmrQ1aABhYVQ76wW2JZbH8rmD-T1CEABMqCxIaG4e/BQ0BMlSMZUfBgjAwDHEAqUGAlSDvUCGAABggRLFgYjtA-w.
If you are willing to grind some mind numbingly boring pve to get sinister equipment you can squeeze out some better stats.
I’ve run trapper in the past but found it too hit or miss and i missed having stunbreaks and condition removal. I might try a hybrid power build with traps and see how that goes.
it’s unfortunate because i really like condition dmg but outside of honorable 1v1s in which the other person doesn’t just run away it is pretty bad.
shouts are bad and trying to slot signet of the wild into a condition build results in too much lost condition removal or direct dmg survivability for me. I’d rather have condi removal i can control from survival of the fittest than empathic bond’s random triggering and transfers to my pet…
This is one awfully biased thread!
So you look at your build and say : Condition ranger is subpar raomer. Yes, with your build you are subpar roamer.
Mobility : Sure, you take nothing that give you mobility… not that rangers lack tools for that though (signet/sword/greatsword/warhorn/bird)
Can’t stomp : Again, you choose an option without stab or stealth but this lies in your build. Actually trap with trapper runeset allow you almost perma stealth. Although it’s been there for ages but, if you place yourself behind your pet, almost every thing that your foes can do to hinder you just hit your pet and not you.
No interrupt : Really? I wouldn’t class ranger in a bad spot for interrupt at all.
See, this is what a ranger do with a condi build that do almost everything that you can’t with yours.
I just want to ask…
… Who said that we are forced to play conditions for WvW?
No one even says that banner warrior is the way to go because he is played that way in PvE… Conditions is the same for Ranger, but from sPvP perspective.
Longbow ranger, however, excels at roaming.
Why would you sacrifice that for a mere condition build?
I would know why… But if it satisfies you, I have no idea why did you create this thread in the 1st place.
Why would you sacrifice that for a mere condition build?
I’m not the OP but if I had to guess maybe the comfort level? Again, not speaking for others but one reason I have a condition / trap set-up is because I personally find zerk/power more challenging to play solo. Yes, I can flip camps super easy. But depending on what server(s) we are facing in our WvW match-ups I have to run a safer build otherwise P.E.T.A. calls me. Seriously. Some of these guys have people guarding camps and towers, more stealth comps that make me take my frustration out on the poor ambient creatures Enter conditions, traps, well, I do 10x better and don’t worry about those classes or being out numbered and everyone is happy
I would know why… But if it satisfies you, I have no idea why did you create this thread in the 1st place.
It is better than rapid fire is over powered or the class is broke But honestly maybe they are just looking for tips/tricks, etc.
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
It is better than rapid fire is over powered or the class is broke
But honestly maybe they are just looking for tips/tricks, etc.
I doubt it that this is the case with that kind of attitude of his.
It resembles a letter of complaint.
About something that… Is not even that bad, actually. Subpar, maybe, but we all know that everything will be subpar to Eles and Guardians concerning WvW.
It is better than rapid fire is over powered or the class is broke
But honestly maybe they are just looking for tips/tricks, etc.
I doubt it that this is the case with that kind of attitude of his.
It resembles a letter of complaint.About something that… Is not even that bad, actually. Subpar, maybe, but we all know that everything will be subpar to Eles and Guardians concerning WvW.
Nobody is saying conditions is required. The point of this is to show the imbalance between classes. If nobody says anything there’s no reason for Anet to change anything.
Because I like playing ranger, I want to see it brought up to snuff and it is unfortunate that condition ranger is in the poor state it is right now.
I would like to see it given some buffs so it doesn’t need to rely on power based weapons (i had to lol when the one guy said use GS/warhorn on a condi ranger) for mobility and i would like it to be given an effective way to stomp that once again doesn’t require heavy investment into power based skills.
Actually, with on-crit bleed, Warhorn #4 can be quite effective … especially if you get Fury (see: Warhorn #5) first.
Warhorn also benefits not just you but your pet.
Ranger has the additional advantage that if the condition build and the player playing it are good at keeping their target crippled/chilled/immobilized, then you can have a pet that is doing amazing direct damage … allowing you to better threaten classes with large amounts of cleanse much better than most other condition builds could.
You are right that if no one speaks up, some things might get missed by ArenaNet.
However, if people are overly vocal about non-existent issues, then the real issues can get drowned out by that noise … so it doesn’t pay to be overly vocal about non-existent issues.
Could Condition Ranger be more mobile? Yes, but so could several other classes (Necro, Guardian, Mesmer). Heck, there are Elementalist, Warrior, and Thief builds that aren’t uber mobile. There are also those Rangers that run Greatsword / Sword+X and have Lightning Reflexes … THAT is quite mobile.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
It is better than rapid fire is over powered or the class is broke
But honestly maybe they are just looking for tips/tricks, etc.
I doubt it that this is the case with that kind of attitude of his.
It resembles a letter of complaint.About something that… Is not even that bad, actually. Subpar, maybe, but we all know that everything will be subpar to Eles and Guardians concerning WvW.
Nobody is saying conditions is required. The point of this is to show the imbalance between classes. If nobody says anything there’s no reason for Anet to change anything.
Because I like playing ranger, I want to see it brought up to snuff and it is unfortunate that condition ranger is in the poor state it is right now.
I would like to see it given some buffs so it doesn’t need to rely on power based weapons (i had to lol when the one guy said use GS/warhorn on a condi ranger) for mobility and i would like it to be given an effective way to stomp that once again doesn’t require heavy investment into power based skills.
Then why is condi ranger one of the best condi bombers in sPvP environment, so far?
… I dare to wonder.
Moreover, I’m still amazed that people keep bringing Power Rangers into sPvP where they lack lots of potential. You can’t really expect every single build to be “best” at all parts of the game. That’s not how games (nor anything in this world) work.
Condition rangers are still viable in in WvW. Ever heard of full regen Ranger? That nasty heavy condi build that has permanent AoE swiftness and heals up through everything?
Yep, that’s one example of how Ranger is “not viable”.
Sometimes, you just have to adapt. Asking others and especially the developers to do it for you is pretty short-sighted. Because in my opinion, the possibilities they gave you – which includes playing anything you want and being able to play it competitively – is unique to this game since I haven’t seen such a game ever. And I’ve played a lot.
(edited by Tragic Positive.9356)
It is better than rapid fire is over powered or the class is broke
But honestly maybe they are just looking for tips/tricks, etc.
I doubt it that this is the case with that kind of attitude of his.
It resembles a letter of complaint.About something that… Is not even that bad, actually. Subpar, maybe, but we all know that everything will be subpar to Eles and Guardians concerning WvW.
Maybe, I don’t know. Personally, I like condition based rangers and I find I do better. But that is just me.
You want to talk about classes running condition builds and being subpar, roll a Guardian and come back to this thread and talk That is a class I would agree whereas condition builds are horrible. No matter how many people try otherwise or say it is great, it isn’t.
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
So I’ve been roaming a lot on my condition ranger and while it is certainly fun, it is an extremely poor roamer and i’m finding myself failing because of the limitations of the class rather than the limits of my skill.
bold statement, no matter how broken the ranger is. not doubting your skills, but kitten bro where’s the humility.
Nature’s Voice and guard is better for roaming, permanent or nearly permanent swiftness along with your tankiness is enough to escape and survive multiple enemies assuming you don’t get chain rooted but that would kill any rangerbuild against multiple opponents if you are alone, combined with signet of the wild and renewal you’ll have stability on demand for stomping with full dire or dire mixed with settler/apothecary you can just eat the damage while stomping assuming you are high on health, wolf fear also works if there are more than one aside from the downed or just condi bomb ontop of him while fighting the second/third it depends on who they are if you should fight or run but condition regeneration ranger can be quite amazing to roam with once you get used to it.
I’d also add that RaO is absolutely amazing with this build the stability really makes it shine against multiple opponents and with might your condition damage goes through the roof with a well timed drake F2, it’s simply much much better than entangled in my opinion especially now since the update when it can’t so easily be dispelled RaO always useful for you both offensively and defensively while entangled is sometimes very good and also sometimes completely useless there are too many blinks, stealths and other ways to get out of it in a split second a warrior with dogged march and food will just walk out or sneeze on the vine to make it shrivel like a raisin not to mention a single tiny blind will ruin the entire thing before it starts.
(edited by Manekk.6981)
So I’ve been roaming a lot on my condition ranger and while it is certainly fun, it is an extremely poor roamer and i’m finding myself failing because of the limitations of the class rather than the limits of my skill.
bold statement, no matter how broken the ranger is. not doubting your skills, but kitten bro where’s the humility.
It has nothing to do with skill it has to do with not having the tools to do anything else. I’m frustrated that when I get into a 1v2 i won’t win because i can’t safely stomp or interrupt revives. I can down one of them 3 times but it doesn’t matter because finishing them is extremely hard. if i was a thief i could stealth stomp/revive them or teleport stomp them and there’s nothing anyone could do.
I could also win more fights in the enemy didn’t just run away all the time. When a condition ranger goes into a fight they pretty much always go into that fight until the death. other classes say “oops i’m losing” and run away. Where is the fun in fighting a warrior that gets to 5% health, runs away and regens and then comes back 2 more times? My class doesn’t have swiftness unless it runs a bird or a power weapon. that makes no sense at all!
I’d also add that RaO is absolutely amazing with this build the stability really makes it shine against multiple opponents and with might your condition damage goes through the roof with a well timed drake F2, it’s simply much much better than entangled in my opinion especially now since the update when it can’t so easily be dispelled RaO always useful for you both offensively and defensively while entangled is sometimes very good and also sometimes completely useless there are too many blinks, stealths and other ways to get out of it in a split second a warrior with dogged march and food will just walk out or sneeze on the vine to make it shrivel like a raisin not to mention a single tiny blind will ruin the entire thing before it starts.
the point of entangle when running survival of the fittest is that it is a 48s CD, cleanses 2 conditions, gives fury, gives an immobilize, and does about 7k worth of bleeds. RAO is a great skill but that 120s CD is a joke and imo offers nothing compared to a traited entangle. Running entangle lets me avoid using the horrow that is empathic bond.
The immobilize part of entangle is the least important feature of the skill to me. You’re right that every class can get out of it almost instantly but I don’t care if they walk out of it 2s later. All i need it to do is land it so i get the bleeds on them and have time to drop a bonfire. After do that i can just sit and wait for them to keel over.
It has nothing to do with skill it has to do with not having the tools to do anything else. I’m frustrated that when I get into a 1v2 i won’t win because i can’t safely stomp or interrupt revives. I can down one of them 3 times but it doesn’t matter because finishing them is extremely hard. if i was a thief i could stealth stomp/revive them or teleport stomp them and there’s nothing anyone could do.
But you can safely stomp … we’ve given several suggestions on how … and there are plenty of videos of condition rangers winning 1vX. Since it is possible with the class, that suggests that it is a limitation of your own skill, not a limitation of the class, since you and those in the videos are playing the same class
I could also win more fights in the enemy didn’t just run away all the time. When a condition ranger goes into a fight they pretty much always go into that fight until the death. other classes say “oops i’m losing” and run away. Where is the fun in fighting a warrior that gets to 5% health, runs away and regens and then comes back 2 more times? My class doesn’t have swiftness unless it runs a bird or a power weapon. that makes no sense at all!
If your problem is “the most mobile classes in the game can escape from me if running their Nike builds” … I’m sorry but tough. Everyone deals with this. Especially those of us without some “Nike” build … though Greatsword + Sword is pretty darn mobile.
Those same classes that have these “Nike” builds … those are particular builds for the most part. Not all of their builds have that mobility.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
1). Run traveler’s runes. You want to disengage? Sword 2 -> lightning reflexes -> sword 2
2). Put signet of the wild on your bar, I carry it for stomps and it works great.
3). Run two canines and keep wolf as your swap. You don’t need jungle spider because you already have plenty of poison.
I’d also add that RaO is absolutely amazing with this build the stability really makes it shine against multiple opponents and with might your condition damage goes through the roof with a well timed drake F2, it’s simply much much better than entangled in my opinion especially now since the update when it can’t so easily be dispelled RaO always useful for you both offensively and defensively while entangled is sometimes very good and also sometimes completely useless there are too many blinks, stealths and other ways to get out of it in a split second a warrior with dogged march and food will just walk out or sneeze on the vine to make it shrivel like a raisin not to mention a single tiny blind will ruin the entire thing before it starts.
the point of entangle when running survival of the fittest is that it is a 48s CD, cleanses 2 conditions, gives fury, gives an immobilize, and does about 7k worth of bleeds. RAO is a great skill but that 120s CD is a joke and imo offers nothing compared to a traited entangle. Running entangle lets me avoid using the horrow that is empathic bond.
The immobilize part of entangle is the least important feature of the skill to me. You’re right that every class can get out of it almost instantly but I don’t care if they walk out of it 2s later. All i need it to do is land it so i get the bleeds on them and have time to drop a bonfire. After do that i can just sit and wait for them to keel over.
I know this and I think I explained when, where and why RaO was better in a tried and tested condi roaming build that works extremely well but perhaps you somehow missed that.
I do understand where your frustration comes from though because with the build you use wich is probably the most common condi build used in spvp wich I often play myself or the celestial version Jcbro made with shortbow and while it is fun as hell and you can skirmish away for days it’s really really hard getting a stomp off, fears, knockbacksstuns you name it there always something to ruin your day with xD
(edited by Manekk.6981)
I have to disagree with the OP on most of the points, some of these problems maybe related to your way of playing condition ranger not necessarily playing condition ranger in general, i find that i have most of the tools i need to roam effectively.
1 lack of mobility,
This is the main reason I often run A/T – S/D for roaming (in pvp I almost always use A/D S/T). The mobility on the S/D set is quite high. Also for swiftness I run 0/2/6/6/0 and use either pets prowess when runing full bunker or sharpen edges when running Rabid or Sinister. You can get pretty good up time of swiftness from the minor trait
2 stomping
SotW, wolf fear, bonfire, poison, duel dog pet swapping are ways to get a stomp off. It just depends on the class that you are trying to stomp and the other classes around.
3 interrupts
Short bow, duel dogs, wolf fear, and in the case of stopping rezers, poison and bonfire even sic’em for stomping a shadow refuge rez, though fear, aoe immob and bonfire is normally enough.
You cant have everything on the one build and you need to comprises with what is most impotent to the way you want to play at the time.
Also why do people assume they should be able to win 1/x’s consistently, if i can win 1v1’s reasonably consistently how could someone expect to be able to 1vx me and a buddy or two?
If you can win a 1vx it generally means that your opponents are ether not very good, in bad builds/gear or are up levels. but more likely a combination of all 3
(edited by Eggyokeo.9705)
If you can win a 1vx it generally means that your opponents are ether not very good, in bad builds/gear or are up levels. but more likely a combination of all 3
This. It’s common sense that if you win a 1vX then the X are worse than you. Two or more functional human beings should not lose to a lone person. If they do, they are either bad or the build is broke.
Anyway, I am in the same boat with condition ranger. Gap closing and chasedown are the worst…I would just switch to GS, however its too telegraphed in a lot of circumstances. Warhorn and dagger also seem subpar to torch, so we are really stuck with LR and some 1H sword tricks to get close.
I think I may try traveler runes myself. Out of all the sets its the only one to let you have a utility slot back from that abomination that is SoH.
I think Ranger is very much the par for condition roaming, its just other classes are above par.
If you can win a 1vx it generally means that your opponents are ether not very good, in bad builds/gear or are up levels. but more likely a combination of all 3
This. It’s common sense that if you win a 1vX then the X are worse than you. Two or more functional human beings should not lose to a lone person. If they do, they are either bad or the build is broke.
Both of these comments are a bit generalized, don’t you think? I mean I can sort of see what you are getting at but if we are all being honest, there are just better players. Don’t you agree?
I mean hell, I just engaged a thief the other night in EBG whom I sort of got the feeling was new. So I see your point. For some reason I partied up with him because he kept shadowing me but wouldn’t engage. When I did, he was smart enough to get away just before I finished him – but that 6th sense was there. Anyway, we meet up again later and he lured me to some other players and I was killed. I partied up to make a wise kitten comment about needing friends when we started to chat.
My port is this. His main is a ranger with a lot of time played and he just wanted to test a thief out. I went about my business, we chatted a bit more here and there when later on I was finished by a ranger….2 seconds later he whispers me saying “this is my ranger…” I consider myself average on the Ranger. He did a number on my with double melee weapons. Then proceeded to engage others regardless of numbers.
What I’m saying is that there are people in GW2 who are just better. Nothing is wrong with that. Sort of like before they engage the fight they have an escape route planned or a way to disengage or reset. Then start the fight…I don’t know because I’m not at that level. I just found the statements that when you win uneven fights you automatically assume they are bad mean spirited – but just my opinion
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
I can’t quite tell from the thread if you’ve tried (or you’re open to different) other kinds of condi builds, but I would encourage you to try a trapper build with the trapper runes.
I switched from playing mesmer to this, and it’s just amazing how fun it is for me
In 1500 hours roaming with my mesmer, I probably won 5 fights that were 1v2. With this build, I’ve won probably 30 of 1 v 2’s and a couple 1 v 3’s in about 300 hours of playing (granted some of these are against bad opponents, but some are silver, gold, and platinum ranks).
Yes, it can be tricky to get stomps, but I actually find that I prefer to down the first opponent and then pour AoE damage on the body. Many times, the second opponent comes in to help and ends up downed as well.
I don’t think skill has all that much to do with it in this game. I see myself as a decent enough player, but I am not winning a 1 v 2 unless the people are worse than I am or I have some kind of advantage like a tower to hide in and out of.
I mean, there are only so many evades, stunbreaks, and clears. If you have two competent people they are going to just overload you.
You can see from my game play that I make tons of mistakes. But here are a couple of outnumbered fights that I uploaded to YouTube to share with a friend.
You can definitely argue that the opponents die because of all their mistakes, and I lose plenty of outnumbered fights (and even some 1v1 fights). But it’s definitely possible to win outnumbered fights with a trapper build.
If you can win a 1vx it generally means that your opponents are ether not very good, in bad builds/gear or are up levels. but more likely a combination of all 3
This. It’s common sense that if you win a 1vX then the X are worse than you. Two or more functional human beings should not lose to a lone person. If they do, they are either bad or the build is broke.
Both of these comments are a bit generalized, don’t you think? I mean I can sort of see what you are getting at but if we are all being honest, there are just better players. Don’t you agree?
I mean hell, I just engaged a thief the other night in EBG whom I sort of got the feeling was new. So I see your point. For some reason I partied up with him because he kept shadowing me but wouldn’t engage. When I did, he was smart enough to get away just before I finished him – but that 6th sense was there. Anyway, we meet up again later and he lured me to some other players and I was killed. I partied up to make a wise kitten comment about needing friends when we started to chat.
My port is this. His main is a ranger with a lot of time played and he just wanted to test a thief out. I went about my business, we chatted a bit more here and there when later on I was finished by a ranger….2 seconds later he whispers me saying “this is my ranger…”
I consider myself average on the Ranger. He did a number on my with double melee weapons. Then proceeded to engage others regardless of numbers.
What I’m saying is that there are people in GW2 who are just better. Nothing is wrong with that. Sort of like before they engage the fight they have an escape route planned or a way to disengage or reset. Then start the fight…I don’t know because I’m not at that level. I just found the statements that when you win uneven fights you automatically assume they are bad mean spirited – but just my opinion
I think he simply mean that even if you are a very very good player chances are quite high you will still lose to 2 other players if they are atleast above average and know how to play their own class reasonably well unless there is a very hard counter in the builds you have and if they are 3 they really have to be terrible and poorly geared to all get killed by 1 player again unless there is some extreme hard counter or plain crazy luck… or if you are in the water lol.
In general terms, I think the reasoning that most of the time a person should lose a 1v2 is correct. But some builds have a better chance of winning these fights than other builds (and some builds have a better chance of escaping an outnumbered situation).
I think trapper builds have a better chance of winning because you have so much AoE damage. It’s possible to do a lot of damage to multiple targets, and that’s what gives it better odds at 1v2’s than some builds.
The only build that can 1vX is condi thief and if players are good you will lose anyways unless you fight 3 cleansless players who are on low mobility specs… I have done crazy things were I win 1v10+ but its mostly because of luck and LoS and I have done this on engi which had no stab or invis. Just bomb the down they will learn that no good deed goes unpunished
Such a long opening post.
You dindn’t include mobility (movement speed) in your build so you’re obviously slow + you’re stucked in an entire beginner set of sats. It’s not he class, it’s simply you. I am perma swiftness in both my condi and power build.
If you had some precision you wouldn’t need sharpening stone and you could take nature’s voice + guard, if you had some healing power you could out heal the conditions instead of using active cleans (you have the only hot in the game) and fury is probably useless in your build. There is a lot of thing you could do like the others mentionned, really, a lot more options than a power build without loosing your damage.
If you can win a 1vx it generally means that your opponents are ether not very good, in bad builds/gear or are up levels. but more likely a combination of all 3
I don’t think skill has all that much to do with it in this game. I see myself as a decent enough player, but I am not winning a 1 v 2 unless the people are worse than I am or I have some kind of advantage like a tower to hide in and out of.
I mean, there are only so many evades, stunbreaks, and clears. If you have two competent people they are going to just overload you.
I think he simply mean that even if you are a very very good player chances are quite high you will still lose to 2 other players if they are atleast above average and know how to play their own class reasonably well unless there is a very hard counter in the builds you have and if they are 3 they really have to be terrible and poorly geared to all get killed by 1 player again unless there is some extreme hard counter or plain crazy luck… or if you are in the water lol.
You can win a 1 vs 2 versus good players quiet easliy, ranger have the tools to do this, espacially an evade one. You can win for a lots of reasons : they are not in a group so they lack synergy, they are not on ts, they lack cc, they are too careful, not enough offensive, one is too slow, one is conditions and you can deal with this, the other is power and you can deal with this etc.
The fact is that you’ll know the very few seconds you engage if you can do it, it means that in one way or another, you can focus one guy without to pay attention that much to the other. It doesn’t mean you’re better, it doesn’t mean they are bad.
Tchuu Tchuu Im A Train [TCHU] – Gandara
(edited by borya.2964)
@thread: regarding 1vX – I do see both sides. But I always find myself coming back to those of you who play this or any other class and make it look so freaking easy
Anyway, I sure in the heck didn’t mean to stir that argument in this thread, so my apologies. We have enough ranger bashing and hate from other threads we might as well keep this one focused to the solo roaming and conditions Which by the way I still prefer over power. When I am on power/zerk build WvW events and camps are super quick but with traps/conditions I feel I have more control I guess at the end of the day.
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)