Why do we have Thunderclap?

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: Serkadios.2591


Really, it just feels off. More like a skill Elementalist should have, or a placeholder from beta. So when I get downed my Ranger suddenly realizes that he had elemental powers all along and starts zapping people with lightning? Or is the the 2 skill just you pleading for mercy until Dwayna takes pity on you for rolling this UP class and blasts your target with lightning to make you shut up?

Any ideas on what it could be replaced with? In the distant time when Ranger isn’t plagued by so many bugs and useless skills that they actually have time for something like this.

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: Fomby.4295


I don’t like the downed skills in general. The only skill you should have is to slowly revive yourself.

Maguuma [PYRO]
Kal Snow – Norn Guardian

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: Serkadios.2591


I don’t like the downed skills in general. The only skill you should have is to slowly revive yourself.

That would kind of remove the entire point of the downed state, though.

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: slingblade.1437


Yeah, I thought the same thing. I guess it could be argued it’s kind of in keeping with the Ranger theme since its weather related, but maybe an animation of some animal similar to a couple of the Ranger GS animations would be more fitting. In other words, you summon the spirit of an animal to deliver the hit.

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: WeWantWaffles.2873


Well, rangers are a force of nature. Not quite a druid, but definitely wielding power over nature. Maybe Melandru’s like “omg one of my boys/girls is in trouble”! Well, until you play a different race, but humans are the best >.>

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: Electro.4173


Agreed, Thunderclap makes very little sense. Suddenly lightning out of nowhere, when the heck did I learn to control lighting and why can I only do it when I’ve had my face smashed in? Why not make it a trap or something.

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: Agadar.4931


Of everything that is wrong and broken about rangers, the thing you’re going to whine about is a downed ability?

Come on, now. Get your priorities straight.

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Well, we do throw dirt that causes bleeding. That must be some really sharp dirt. Am I laying in a pile of broken glass? Is that why I am bleeding to death on the ground?

And ya, thunderclap makes no sense lore wise, but it’s the only thing that will save your kitten in pvp/wvw when you have to wait several seconds to see if lick wounds will even work at all.

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(edited by Substance E.4852)

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: agnostAnts.7065


Could be nice if Thunderclap was replaced with Dust Trap. Feels like it’d be more useful in staving off death.

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: Soja.5918


It’s an interrupt. A very useless interrupt, but it has saved me like… once.

The downed skills compared to, I dunno, Mesmer/Thief/Ele are absolute garbage. Even Necromancers have it better as their 1-skill allows them to siphon health and survive well against all but the most overpowering or outnumbering forces.

Rangers are just screwed though.

Why the Hell does Throw Dirt cause bleed? WHY?

Why the Hell do we even have Thunderclap? It makes no sense from a mechanical or lore perspective.

Lick Wounds is too tardy to be useful and it seems like it’s been powered down at some point as well.

The Crystal Desert beckons us. Ascension awaits us.

Keirlann Aurion – Ranger – Chieftain of the Ace Guard [AceG]

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Well, we do throw dirt that causes bleeding. That must be some really sharp dirt. Am I laying in a pile of broken glass? Is that why I am bleeding to death on the ground?

And ya, thunderclap makes no sense lore wise, but it’s the only thing that will save your kitten in pvp/wvw when you have to wait several seconds to see if lick wounds will even work at all.

-_-’ it makes perfect sense lore wise, contrary to popular belief, ranger in the GW universe are quite magical and use the elements in several of their skills…

Muddy Terrain, Quickening Zephyr, Lightning Reflexes (you explode with a blast of lightning as you shoot back, yup NO control over lightning there rolls eyes) winters bite, flame and frost trap, frost, storm, sun, and stone spirits.

So yeah we have access to quite a bit of magical skills, the whole ranger thing is being totally in tune with nature an using that attunement to enhance the martial skills they have, Thunder Clap makes perfect sense when you know how guildwars rangers work an aren’t just going off of what a generic ranger does.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: racta.4250


Rangers downed skills are actually pretty great if you think about it:

We have an aoe interrupt, very useful.
Pet healing you doubles your res time if it works, also we are the only class that can rez themselves WHILE doing damage when downed. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a downed 1v1 fight and won because my pet was healing me while I did damage to the other downed guy.

And the best ability: Our pets still work. You can swap pets, you can use F2, they still use their abilities. I use a wolf in wvwvw and combined with thunderclap I have kept 3 people from finishing me for over 5 seconds. I once had a guy down me, my wolf knocked him down for a lucky interrupt, then I thunderclapped, then wolf howl, swap pets to drakhound who knocked them down again to interrupt. The guy must have been screaming at his comp, it was hilarious.

EDIT: @Soja, if you use #3 when the pet is alive, he is usually going to be in combat and thus rez you for less. If the pet is dead, he rezzes out of combat and will rez you in the out of combat rate. Thats probably why you are seeing the difference in rez times.

[Bush] – Dragonbrand

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: AlexRD.7914


Its still a bad skill when compared to the other classes.
Guardians get the most op one, an area knockback.
Eles can just get out of harms way and annoy the team going to the water
Warriors can come back to life and kill you ( actually that is the most op one )
We… get an interrupt! Yay for us!

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: Kasama.8941


The Ranger also has Lightning Reflexes, Storm Spirit (activated skill), and Man O’ War (spear skill) that deals lightning damage. So Thunderclap is not misplaced, it’s just an uncommon skill effect for the Ranger.

Also, the Ranger has the best PvE downed skills. Period. I’ve lost count on how many times I’ve survived downed encounters against two or three mobs, all thanks to my pet and the interrupt from Thunderclap.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

(edited by Kasama.8941)

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Its still a bad skill when compared to the other classes.
Guardians get the most op one, an area knockback.
Eles can just get out of harms way and annoy the team going to the water
Warriors can come back to life and kill you ( actually that is the most op one )
We… get an interrupt! Yay for us!

Um… Warriors vengeance is in the same place as our Lick Wounds, the difference between the two is ours is over time but hen rezzed we stay up, the warriors is an instant, but temporary, Rez.

As for the warriors #2 skill (aka the buying time skill) they knock 1 person down, just one, no more so yeah, ours is awful!! How dare we be able to interrupt EVERYONE standing around us!! It’s so stupid and bad!!

I find it funny how you said warriors were the OP downed state instead of thieves… And it’s ironic that a ranger is screaming our downed state is UP, you know, not like our class mechanic we can pour points into to the point that its equivalent to a player in damage can still be used while we are downed and can be traited to have quickness while we are downed…. Oh wait….

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: AlexRD.7914


Its still a bad skill when compared to the other classes.
Guardians get the most op one, an area knockback.
Eles can just get out of harms way and annoy the team going to the water
Warriors can come back to life and kill you ( actually that is the most op one )
We… get an interrupt! Yay for us!

Um… Warriors vengeance is in the same place as our Lick Wounds, the difference between the two is ours is over time but hen rezzed we stay up, the warriors is an instant, but temporary, Rez.

As for the warriors #2 skill (aka the buying time skill) they knock 1 person down, just one, no more so yeah, ours is awful!! How dare we be able to interrupt EVERYONE standing around us!! It’s so stupid and bad!!

I find it funny how you said warriors were the OP downed state instead of thieves… And it’s ironic that a ranger is screaming our downed state is UP, you know, not like our class mechanic we can pour points into to the point that its equivalent to a player in damage can still be used while we are downed and can be traited to have quickness while we are downed…. Oh wait….

Yea, vengeance is exactly like lick wounds… except its instant. Meaning, if someone downs you in a 1v1, all you have to do is interrupt his first finisher, then you have a second go at him ( while hes probably at 10% health ).

I guess you were right. Its identical to the rangers one.

Besides, i’m not complaining about the downed state of rangers. Number 1, 3 and 4 works well. My only complaint is about thunderclap.
Also number 3 should heal the pet when the pet isn’t dead. I died so many times because my pet had like 10% health and when i called him he died.

After you said that, i didn’t understand anything else.

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Its still a bad skill when compared to the other classes.
Guardians get the most op one, an area knockback.
Eles can just get out of harms way and annoy the team going to the water
Warriors can come back to life and kill you ( actually that is the most op one )
We… get an interrupt! Yay for us!

Um… Warriors vengeance is in the same place as our Lick Wounds, the difference between the two is ours is over time but hen rezzed we stay up, the warriors is an instant, but temporary, Rez.

As for the warriors #2 skill (aka the buying time skill) they knock 1 person down, just one, no more so yeah, ours is awful!! How dare we be able to interrupt EVERYONE standing around us!! It’s so stupid and bad!!

I find it funny how you said warriors were the OP downed state instead of thieves… And it’s ironic that a ranger is screaming our downed state is UP, you know, not like our class mechanic we can pour points into to the point that its equivalent to a player in damage can still be used while we are downed and can be traited to have quickness while we are downed…. Oh wait….

Yea, vengeance is exactly like lick wounds… except its instant. Meaning, if someone downs you in a 1v1, all you have to do is interrupt his first finisher, then you have a second go at him ( while hes probably at 10% health ).

I guess you were right. Its identical to the rangers one.

Besides, i’m not complaining about the downed state of rangers. Number 1, 3 and 4 works well. My only complaint is about thunderclap.
Also number 3 should heal the pet when the pet isn’t dead. I died so many times because my pet had like 10% health and when i called him he died.

After you said that, i didn’t understand anything else.

I agree that lick wounds should just full heal the pet, and the vengeance for warriors is meh at best, if they’re defending/attacking a capture point is when it’s a problem, other then that you just make em pop it and then leave all they’ll die all the same without even a chance to Rez.

As for the second part of my original post, you can buff your pet up to the point they’re more powerful then a player stat wise, and you have FULL CONTROL of your pet while downed, you can swap them, call them to you, throw them into people, use their F2 etc while downed, in addition you can trait them to gain quickness while you’re downed which makes them absolutely WRECK people when you get downed, numerous times I’ve been in a 1v2, would get downed and my pet would take someone from full to dead (not downed, DEAD) before I even had to use thunder clap, it’s ridiculously OP which is why they kitten that trait with the nerf bat, it’s still REALLY strong though.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: agnostAnts.7065


Rangers downed skills are actually pretty great if you think about it:

We have an aoe interrupt, very useful.

I dunno, I have to disagree with that. In PvE mobs are going to gang up and DPS you down , shrugging off the one second daze that it applies. And in WvW or sPvP, unless you have an ally nearby that’s actively defending and reviving you, that one second daze is just a minor speed bump for opponents who are looking to Finish you off. It doesn’t last long enough for you to activate Lick Wounds (nor is Lick Wounds really powerful enough to save you from that kind of situation, either), and once the daze wears off, the enemy is right where they were before: standing directly over you ready to plant a flag in your lung.

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: Soul.5947


i rly think thunderclap is one of the best skills we have and i am not talking about downed skills only.

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: cozzybob.9175


Thunderclap is not the only thunder/lightning skill related to rangers, and it doesn’t come out of the blue. In the GW lore, rangers are magical and fully attuned to nature, summoning spirits and manipulating the earth, ect, to aid them. So it makes perfect sense to have it, even if it doesn’t have the most obvious origin. As for the ability itself, it’s saved me many a time. Between the stun aoe and having full control of my pet, I’ve been able to beat back mobs/players and res myself, or hold out long enough for allies to reach me. Considering the above comments, I’m not the only one, either.

IMO, rangers have some of the best down skills of any profession… but also the most complicated. The fact that rangers have full control of their pets while downed (especially dangerous if they’re full beastmastery) pretty much tosses the UP argument of their down skills out of the water. It’s the only prof where you can res and attack at the same time, and give yourself quickness as well, not to mention other advantages depending on the pet, their abilities, and what traits you’re giving them.

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: Luriyu.6873


idk about you guys but if you can micro-manage two dogs, you can gain access to 3-4 interrupts…

if you stack that with bleeds it’s extremely powerful if the player is really glassy. once the other player is downed you start using lick wounds and watch as your bleeds just drain him faster and faster.

…1v1 a ranger downed vs. anything but a warrior downed is extremely one sided (should everything work properly)

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: NaturalPortman.9562


I’ve always felt that ranger downed fights with another class was a free downed fight win. Once you get the pet heal off CD you basically won the fight.

(im a girl btw)

Why do we have Thunderclap?

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I’ve always felt that ranger downed fights with another class was a free downed fight win. Once you get the pet heal off CD you basically won the fight.

This, the only downed prof i lose against (assuming my heal actually works!) is a warrior, and that’s because they can use “Finish Them!” they should make it so while warriors are under the effects of “Vengeance” they can’t use “Finish Them!” you know… like how we can’t use it while using Signet of the Wilds active.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna